The objective of this study is to explore physician’s perception toward clinical pharmacy services and role of clinical pharmacists in governmental hospitals at Al-Qassim region. An observational cross-sectional survey was conducted. Results: 150 males and 39 females participated giving 75.5% (189 of 250) response rate. Physicians perceptions were found to be high (equal or more than 90% of frequency) in some clinical pharmacy services such as patients’ education and counselling, monitoring of patients’ responses to drug therapy including toxicity/side effects and provision of drug information to healthcare professionals. The physicians showed low perception (less than 76%) in the taking of patients’ medication history on admission, by clinical pharmacists. Conclusion: Physicians’ perception toward clinical pharmacy services and the role of clinical pharmacists was not found to be completely favourable. The reason of this mixed responses and to the accommodating feelings of clinical pharmacy services in clinical setting appear to relate to the state of infrastructure and environments of hospitals. The infrastructure and environments of hospitals need to be updated for an improved accommodation clinical pharmacy services.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Type 2 DM is rapidly rising as a global health care problem that threatens to reach pandemic levels by 2030. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a disease with no cure and chronic disease that results in major morbidity and mortality. The main objective of this study is to evaluate postprandial plasma glucose level and to determine factors affect on postprandial plasma glucose level among type 2 diabetes outpatients attending endocrinology clinics at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Teaching Hospital.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The study design was observational prospective longitudinal follow-up study, the study was conducted with sample of 1077 type 2 diabetes mellitus outpatient recruited via attended the diabetes clinics at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) in Kelantan. Post prandial plasma glucose (PPG) parameter to measure the glycaemic control. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the independent variables that affect the PPG control.
RESULTS: About 426 (39.6%) of the patients did not achieve the optimal postprandial plasma glucose level (<10mmol/l). In this study, the possible factors that affect postprandial plasma glucose levels (PPG) were found to be gender (OR=0.77) and the duration of diabetes (OR=1.12).
CONCLUSION: It has been found that gender and the duration of diabetes are the factors affecting PPG. New strategy to improve the current status of control of diabetes is needed. The study recommends that health-care providers should pay more attention to type 2 DM male patients and patients who had diabetic for long time.
Study site: Endocrine clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM)