Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 124 in total

  1. Abd. Fatah Wahab, Jamaludin Md. Ali, Ahmad Abd. Majid, Abu Osman Md. Tap
    Pembinaan model geometri berbantukan komputer (CAGD) dengan titik data yang mempunyai ketakpastian adalah sukar dan mencabar. Dalam kertas ini, pembinaan model splin-B kabur sebagai perwakilan matematik bagi lengkung dengan data ketakpastian menggunakan titik kawalan kabur dan titik kawalan penyahkaburan dibincangkan. Lengkung splin-B kabur atau splin-B penyahkaburan kubik untuk masalah data ketakpastian akan diperihalkan dengan menggunakan kaedah penghampiran splin-B kubik yang ditakrif menerusi titik kawalan kabur dan titik kawalan penyahkaburan. Bagi menyelesaikan masalah mengenai titik data ketakpastian pula, kaedah pengkaburan dan penyahkaburan titik data berkomponen kabur (penyahkaburan) beserta modelnya diperkenalkan. Bagi menguji tahap keberkesanan model, beberapa contoh lengkung simulasi data tersebut juga dibincangkan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  2. Ahmad A, Shuhaimi Othman M, Lim E, Abd. Aziz Z
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:587-596.
    Satu analisis penentuan parameter kualiti air yang penting untuk penilaian ekosistem cetek telah dilakukan menggunakan kaedah multivariat. Sebanyak 14 parameter kualiti air yang melibatkan komponen biologi, fizik dan kimia telah dikumpulkan setiap bulan selama satu tahun. Data dianalisis menggunakan ujian faktor yang melibatkan tiga proses iaitu mengenal pasti korelasi antara faktor, mengekstrak faktor dan seterusnya melihat kesan gabungan faktor-faktor tersebut. Proses pertama melibatkan pengelompokkan parameter yang berkorelasi kuat ke dalam faktor tersendiri dan mengeluarkan parameter yang mempunyai lebih daripada satu faktor. Analisis pengelasan agglomeratif hierarki (HACA) dan analisis diskriminan (DA) juga dilakukan untuk memperlihatkan kelompokan dan pengaruh faktor terhadap kualiti air tasik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kualiti air Tasik Chini dipengaruhi oleh lebih daripada satu faktor. Hasil kajian menunjukkan komponen biologi dan kimia (nutrien) mempunyai pengaruh kuat dalam penentuan kualiti air tasik. Parameter berasaskan biologi iaitu BOD5, COD, klorofil a dan kimia (nitrat dan ortofosfat) adalah parameter yang
    penting di Tasik Chini. Ketiga-tiga analisis yang dijalankan menunjukkan kepentingan penentuan komponen biologi dan kimia bagi menentukan kualiti air Tasik Chini.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  3. Aimy Mastura, Z. Y., Othmaliza, O., Khairunisa, A. A., Norshamsiah, M. D.
    Medicine & Health, 2017;12(2):341-347.
    Plasmasitoma ekstramedulari adalah komplikasi myeloma berbilang yang sangat
    jarang berlaku. Kami melaporkan kes seorang wanita berumur 56 tahun yang
    menghidap myeloma berbilang yang telah mengalami bengkak pada mata kiri. Ia
    menyebabkan bola mata beliau tersembul, luka pada kornea dan juga kemerosotan
    penglihatan. Biopsi tisu menunjukkan perebakan plasma sel neoplastik yang positif
    kepada CD138 dan rantai ringan Kappa yang menepati ciri-ciri plasmasitoma.
    Setelah melalui rawatan radio-kemoterapi, pembengkakan mata susut dengan
    ketara sekali namun kemerosotan penglihatan beliau tidak berubah.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  4. Akbar John B, Kamaruzzaman B, Jalal K, Zaleha K
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:855-861.
    The first time report on the feeding ecology and food preference of mangrove horseshoe crab Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda (Latreille 1802) at their nesting grounds along the Pahang coast is given. Monthly sampling was carried out between March 2010 and February 2011 covering both monsoonal (March to October) and non-monsoonal (November to February) seasons. Major macrobenthic gut contents (bivalves, gastropods, crustaceans, polychaetes and miscellaneous food items including plant materials) were identified using microscopic examination. An electivity index (E1) was calculated for the frequent food items observed in the gut region of C. rotundicauda during monsoon and non-monsoon seasons. The EI was negative for crustaceans and positive for all the other food items including bivalves, gastropods, polychaetes and miscellaneous food items (which include insects, amphipods, Isopods, larval and juvenile stages of fishes, foraminifera and other Annelid worms). It is interesting to note that C. rotundicauda prefered less number of bivalves than polychaetes during non monsoon seasons but it was the reverse during monsoonal period. Male crabs intensely preyed on gastropods and female prefers polychaete worms during the peak mating/nesting season (June - August 2010). Seasonal variations in food composition showed that mollusks formed the main item especially gastropods. Unidentified organic matters in the gut content analysis of C. rotundicauda showed high preference towards plant materials. Gastro Somatic Index (GaSI) analysis showed that the feeding intensity of male crabs was higher during non-monsoon period while it was higher during monsoonal period in female crabs. In conclusion, the feeding ecology of mangrove horseshoe crabs were more similar to its closer and distant conspecifics. However, it was postulated that the higher preference of polychaete worms by the female C. rotundicauda during the peak mating season indicated its role in regulating the nesting behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  5. Amirul-aiman A, Noraini T, Nurul-aini C
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:1679-1685.
    Acanthaceae merupakan famili tumbuhan angiosperma di bawah order Lamiales yang terdiri daripada sekurang-kurangnya 4000 spesies sama ada spesies tropika atau subtropika. Spesies daripada famili ini ditemui di pelbagai habitat dan mempunyai pelbagai morfologi serta corak taburan geografi. Walau bagaimanapun, maklumat mengenai ciri anatomi bagi Acanthaceae masih dangkal sehingga ke hari ini. Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengenal pasti jenis trikom yang hadir pada permukaan epidermis adaksial dan abaksial sepal dan juga petal bunga bagi beberapa spesies terpilih daripada Acanthaceae di Semenanjung Malaysia. Kajian ini melibatkan pengumpulan sampel di lapangan, penyediaan spesimen baucer, teknik kajian epidermis petal, cerapan di bawah mikroskop cahaya dan juga cerapan di bawah mikroskop imbasan elektron. Tiga puluh jenis trikom dicerap dalam kajian ini dan daripada jumlah tersebut, 23 jenis trikom dicerap hadir pada permukaan epidermis petal manakala 17 jenis trikom dicerap hadir pada permukaan epidermis sepal. Jenis trikom yang direkodkan ialah trikom ringkas unisel dan ringkas multisel, trikom kelenjar kapitat dan kelenjar peltat serta juga trikom berlengan. Keputusan kajian ini menunjukkan kehadiran dan jenis trikom pada permukaan sepal dan petal mempunyai nilai taksonomi yang berguna untuk tujuan pembezaan dan pengecaman spesies. Maklumat ciri morfologi trikom yang diperoleh daripada kajian ini merupakan maklumat baharu ciri anatomi bunga bagi Acanthaceae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  6. Ayob MTM, Mohd HMK, Abdul Rahman I, Mohamed F, Hidzir NM, Radiman S
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1265-1273.
    Kami melaporkan hasil kajian terhadap nanokomposit Ag-ZnO dengan nisbah berat yang berbeza bagi Ag:ZnO (0:10,
    7:10 & 25:10) yang telah disediakan melalui kaedah sonokimia. Kajian fotomangkin terhadap nanokomposit Ag-ZnO
    menunjukkan peningkatan kecekapan fotomangkin terhadap foto-penguraian larutan akues metilena biru berbanding
    nanobahan ZnO tulen di bawah penyinaran cahaya nampak. Sampel Ag-ZnO pada nisbah 7:10 menunjukkan aktiviti
    fotomangkin terbaik dan mencapai kadar penguraian sehingga 94% bagi tempoh masa penguraian selama 80 min,
    diikuti 86% bagi sampel ZnO tulen dengan menggunakan kaedah yang sama. Morfologi, struktur bahan, sifat optik dan
    kehabluran bagi nanokomposit Ag-ZnO juga dibincangkan menerusi data yang diperoleh melalui mikroskop elektron
    transmisi, spektroskopi ultralembayung-cahaya nampak dan difraktometer analisis sinar-X. Hasil kajian menunjukkan
    bahawa dengan penambahan zarah Ag kepada ZnO telah meningkatkan kadar serapan cahaya bagi ZnO di kawasan
    cahaya nampak dan meningkatkan kadar pemisahan cas foto-aruhan bagi menghasilkan rawatan air tercemar pewarna
    yang lebih baik.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  7. Azhar Ahmad, Jamaludin Md Ali
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:989-997.
    Kertas ini membincangkan satu keluarga lengkung peralihan satahan licin yang dibina menggunakan dua lingkaran kuartik Bezier. Lingkaran kuartik yang diperkenalkan ini mempunyai enam darjah kebebasan yang memberi kelebihan untuk mempelbagaikan rupa bentuk lingkaran di dalam selangnya. Kelicinan adalah dirujuk melalui ciri-ciri keselanjaran geometri G2 dan kelengkungan monoton yang dimiliki oleh sesuatu lengkung peralihan. Oleh sebab lengkungan ini tidak memiliki sebarang juring, gelung dan titik lengkok balas, di samping tanpa perubahan kelengkungan yang mendadak maka ia amat sesuai untuk aplikasi tertentu dalam Reka Bentuk Berbantukan Komputer (RBK) bagi memenuhi keperluan estatis serta kepentingan fungsinya seperti reka bentuk produk industri, trajektori robot tidak holonomi dan juga reka bentuk mendatar landasan kereta api serta lebuh raya. Sebagai suatu perwakilan polinomial, lingkaran kuartik Bezier ini mampu digabungjalinkan ke dalam sistem RBK yang kebanyakannya berasaskan perwakilan NURBS (nonuniform rational B-splines).
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  8. Azimah Abd Rahman
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1229-1239.
    Kedatangan spesies burung hijrah ke Hutan Paya Laut Matang, Perak merupakan suatu fenomena unik dan amat berpotensi untuk dikomersialkan. Namun begitu sejak sepuluh tahun kebelakangan ini kedatangan spesies burung hijrah ke kawasan ini mencatatkan penurunan yang membimbangkan. Pembangunan di sekitar kawasan Hutan Paya Laut Matang dikenal pasti menjadi faktor utama penurunan ini. Selain itu, pengurusan dan pemantauan terhadap spesies burung hijrah yang tidak bersistematik juga menyumbang kepada permasalahan ini. Kaedah pengurusan dan pemantauan burung hijrah secara konvensional masih diamalkan oleh Jabatan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara (PERHILITAN) dalam merekod data dan maklumat yang diperoleh. Oleh itu kajian ini dilakukan dengan memperkenalkan pendekatan teknologi Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) dan Penderiaan Jauh sebagai aplikasi utama yang dapat membantu dalam memperbaiki pengurusan dan pemantauan burung hijrah. Aplikasi GIS digunakan dalam memetakan data parameter kajian yang diperoleh menggunakan perisian yang bersesuaian iaitu ArcGIS 10.1 dan Penderiaan Jauh digunakan untuk memodelkan parameter kajian menggunakan aplikasi dalam perisian ERDAS Imagine 8.5. Sebanyak enam parameter kajian digunakan dalam kajian ini iaitu suhu, taburan hujan, makanan, ketinggian, gunatanah dan liputan tanah. Pemodelan setiap parameter kajian ini membolehkan kesan setiap parameter kajian terhadap taburan burung hijrah dalam suatu kawasan ditunjukkan dalam bentuk pemetaan. Hasil pemodelan ini juga membolehkan parameter yang terpenting dan paling mempengaruhi taburan burung hijrah bagi kawasan Hutan Paya Laut Matang dikenal pasti. Maklumat ini membolehkan DWNP lebih memahami keperluan burung hijrah dalam pemilihan habitat mereka. Selain itu, hasil pemodelan ini membantu DWNP dalam mengatur strategi pelaksanaan program pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan di kawasan sekitar Hutan Paya Laut Matang bagi memastikan kedatangan spesies burung hijrah secara berterusan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  9. Aziz NA, Daly E, Allen S, Rowson B, Greig C, Forman D, et al.
    Parasit Vectors, 2016;9:56.
    PMID: 26830203 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-016-1338-3
    Angiostrongylus vasorum is a highly pathogenic metastrongylid nematode affecting dogs, which uses gastropod molluscs as intermediate hosts. The geographical distribution of the parasite appears to be heterogeneous or patchy and understanding of the factors underlying this heterogeneity is limited. In this study, we compared the species of gastropod present and the prevalence of A. vasorum along a rural-urban gradient in two cities in the south-west United Kingdom.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  10. Azmi NF, Ghaffar MA, Daud HHM, Cob ZC
    J Invertebr Pathol, 2018 02;152:17-24.
    PMID: 29360442 DOI: 10.1016/j.jip.2018.01.005
    The tropical conch, Laevistrombus canarium (Linnaeus, 1758) and Canarium urceus (Linneaus, 1758) are ecologically and economically important shellfish species in Malaysia and neighboring region. Their populations, however are currently declining and this histopathological study investigates the aspect of parasitism and diseases that may affect their well-being. Conch samples were randomly collected from their natural habitat and histological sections (4-5 µm) of various organs and tissues were examined under light microscope. This was followed by ultrastructure analysis on infected tissues using transmission electron microscope (TEM). Based on the histological analysis, large numbers of gamonts, sporocysts and trophozoites of Apicomplexa-like parasites were observed in the vacuolated cells and pyramidal crypt cells of the digestive tubules, and in the digestive ducts. Furthermore, coccidian and oocysts-like Pseudoklossia sp. stages were also observed in the cells of the kidney. Apart from that, spores with cyst-like structure were observed in the digestive gland and kidney. Although the parasites were present in most of the organs analyzed, there was no obvious symptom, inflammatory response or mortality incurred on both species, which implies the possibility of a non-virulent relationship like commensalisms or mutualism. However, more investigations, including molecular studies, are needed to confirm the parasite identification and dynamics, and to further evaluate the nature of relationship between Apicomplexa parasites and their host.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda/parasitology*; Gastropoda/ultrastructure
  11. Badrul Munir Md-Zain, Ng MY, Idris Abd. Ghani
    Kajian kelakuan harian diurnal telah dijalankan ke atas beberapa ekor cimpanzi (Pan troglodytes) di Zoo Negara. Objektif kajian ialah untuk mencerap peruntukan aktiviti harian cimpanzi di dalam kurungan dan mengkaji kesan pengkayaan terhadap kelakuannya. Kaedah persampelan yang digunakan ialah persampelan fokus dengan pengrekodan berterusan. Pemerhatian dijalankan selama 32 hari dari pukul 9.00 pagi hingga 5.00 petang dengan satu jam berehat. Fasa tanpa pengkayaan berlangsung selama 16 hari (80 jam 45 min). Fasa pengkayaan juga dilakukan selama 16 hari (86 jam 15 min). Hasil aktiviti harian menunjukkan cimpanzi banyak berehat (45.2%) dan memerhati persekitaran (16.81%) diikuti dengan aktiviti pergerakan (11.33%), makan (8.38%), berdandan (5.27%), mencari makanan (4.81%), tidur (3.40%), agresif (0.38%), kelakuan lain-lain yang tak tertakrif dalam skop kajian ini seperti kelakuan stereotipik (0.28%) dan kelakuan seksual (0.14%). Fasa pengkayaan memberi hanya perbezaan yang bererti kepada kelakuan mencari makanan (p<0.001), membina sarang (p<0.05) dan kelakuan memerhati persekitaran (p<0.05).
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  12. Cathrine Binti Masingan, Sabariah Bte Sharif
    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka kefahaman Pengetahuan Pedagogi Kandungan (PPK) guru bukan pengkhususan mata pelajaran Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (RBT) di Sekolah Menengah. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif single case yang melibatkan dua orang guru bukan pengkhususan mata pelajaran RBT dipilih sebagai peserta kajian. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kaedah temu bual, pemerhatian dan juga analisis dokumen. Proses analisis data melibatkan tiga peringkat koding dalam Grounded Theory iaitu open coding, axial coding dan selective coding. Hasil kajian mendapati kedua peserta belum memahami dan menguasai sepenuhnya hala tuju, matlamat dan fokus KSSM RBT. Selain itu, mereka juga masih menghadapi masalah dalam menguasai isi kandungan mata pelajaran tersebut dengan baik. Dari aspek pengetahuan pedagogi, walaupun peserta kajian sedar tentang pendekatan-pendekatan PdPc yang dicadangkan dalam DSKP KSSM mata pelajaran RBT, namun mereka kurang menggunakan pendekatan tersebut dan masih cenderung menggunakan pendekatan pengajaran tradisional yang lebih berpusatkan kepada guru dan menggunakan kaedah syarahan semasa proses PdPc.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  13. Chee SY
    Genet. Mol. Res., 2015;14(2):5677-84.
    PMID: 26125766 DOI: 10.4238/2015.May.25.20
    The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene has been universally and successfully utilized as a barcoding gene, mainly because it can be amplified easily, applied across a wide range of taxa, and results can be obtained cheaply and quickly. However, in rare cases, the gene can fail to distinguish between species, particularly when exposed to highly sensitive methods of data analysis, such as the Bayesian method, or when taxa have undergone introgressive hybridization, over-splitting, or incomplete lineage sorting. Such cases require the use of alternative markers, and nuclear DNA markers are commonly used. In this study, a dendrogram produced by Bayesian analysis of an mtDNA COI dataset was compared with that of a nuclear DNA ATPS-α dataset, in order to evaluate the efficiency of COI in barcoding Malaysian nerites (Neritidae). In the COI dendrogram, most of the species were in individual clusters, except for two species: Nerita chamaeleon and N. histrio. These two species were placed in the same subcluster, whereas in the ATPS-α dendrogram they were in their own subclusters. Analysis of the ATPS-α gene also placed the two genera of nerites (Nerita and Neritina) in separate clusters, whereas COI gene analysis placed both genera in the same cluster. Therefore, in the case of the Neritidae, the ATPS-α gene is a better barcoding gene than the COI gene.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda/classification; Gastropoda/genetics*
  14. Chee, Su Yin, Sim, Yee Kwang
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2016;27(11):39-44.
    Land reclamation in Penang began two decades ago and is still rampant with
    large reclamation projects planned to be executed in the near future. The present study
    provides the first information on effects of land reclamation in Penang towards the coastal
    macroinvertebrates. This study assessed the abundance, diversity, and evenness of
    coastal invertebrates assumed to be the foremost affected when land is reclaimed. Three
    kinds of areas were focused on: reclaimed, unclaimed (adjacent to reclaimed), and
    undisturbed. A total of 53 species of macroinvertebrates from 10 classes (Gastropoda,
    Bivalvia, Polychaeta, Malacostraca, Maxillopoda, Echinoidea, Polyplacophora,
    Branchiopoda, Scaphopoda, and Holothuroidea) were sampled. Reclaimed areas were
    moderately rich in species averaging 11 species compared to 7 species in adjacent and
    14 in undisturbed areas. Species richness was the highest in Teluk Aling (an undisturbed
    area) with 22 species, and was the lowest in Gurney Drive (an adjacent area) with 2
    species. The average species diversity and evenness on reclaimed land was the lowest
    with values of 1.9974 and 0.5787, respectively. The diversity was higher by 5.07% in
    adjacent areas and by 22.92% in undisturbed areas compared to reclaimed areas.
    Species evenness was 29.75% higher in unreclaimed areas and 17.87% higher in
    undisturbed areas compared to reclaimed areas. Land reclamation reduces species
    diversity and evenness, and to a lesser extent, species richness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  15. Chiu YW, Gan YC, Kuo PH, Hsu KC, Tan MS, Ju YM, et al.
    Biochem Genet, 2018 Oct 26.
    PMID: 30367289 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-018-9892-3
    According to geological history, Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo formed at different times and were once connected during Quaternary glaciations. To determine how this history has influenced phylogeography, our study examined the population genetic structure of the tropical freshwater gastropod Melanoides tuberculata across Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo using the sequences from mitochondrial DNA 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I genes (1168 bp). In total, 104 specimens were collected from seventeen populations. All mtDNA haplotypes were identified as belonging to two highly divergent lineages, and these lineages were almost allopatric in their distributions. Our study found that the freshwater fauna in Malaysia might be divided into four regions: northeast Peninsular Malaysia, northwest Peninsular Malaysia, south Peninsular Malaysia, and Borneo. The phylogeography of M. tuberculata in Malaysia was shaped by the landforms of Peninsular Malaysia and by the paleo-river systems in the Sunda continental shelf. In addition, our study found that these two lineages in Malaysia have invaded the globe. These results suggest that Malaysia is located in important shipping lanes throughout the world, and the populations of M. tuberculate might be widely distributed throughout the world by shipping.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  16. Chong EL, Ishak Ahmad, Ibrahim Abdullah, Dahlan Mohd
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1123-1127.
    Serbuk sekam padi (SP) merupakan serabut semula jadi yang boleh bertindak sebagai pengisi penguat dalam adunan getah asli termoplastik (TPNR) NR/HDPE selepas permukaan serbuk dimodifikasikan sewajarnya. Rawatan serbuk SP merangkumi pra-rawatan dengan 5% larutan natrium hidroksida (NaOH), rendaman dalam larutan getah asli cecair (LNR) dan dedahan SP tersalut LNR kepada sinaran electron (EB). Komposit TPNR/SP disediakan secara pengadunan leburan dalam pengadun dalaman pada keadaan yang telah ditentupastikan terlebih dahulu. Morfologi komposit yang dianalisis menggunakan mikroskop elektron imbasan (SEM), menunjukkan taburan zarah pengisi SP termodifikasi adalah homogen dan kewujudan interaksi matriks-zarah. Komposit terisi SP terubahsuai LNR-EB menunjukan perubahan sifat mekanik yang ketara. Nilai maksimum tegasan dan kekuatan impak adalah masing masing 6.7 MPa dan 13.2 kJ/cm2 pada dedahan 20 kGy dos EB, manakala modulus regangan adalah 79 MPa pada dos 30 kGy. Ini menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan interaksi berkesan antara-muka SP dan TPNR bagi SP terwat LNR pada dos 20-30kGy EB. Peningkatan dos EB pada SP tersalut LNR menyebabkan degradasi salutan NR dan meningkatakan interaksi antara zarah SP. Pengaglomerasian zarah SP akan berlaku dan menyebabkan serakan zarah dalam komposit menjadi tidak homogen.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  17. Clements R, Liew TS, Vermeulen JJ, Schilthuizen M
    Biol Lett, 2008 Apr 23;4(2):179-82.
    PMID: 18182365 DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2007.0602
    The manner in which a gastropod shell coils has long intrigued laypersons and scientists alike. In evolutionary biology, gastropod shells are among the best-studied palaeontological and neontological objects. A gastropod shell generally exhibits logarithmic spiral growth, right-handedness and coils tightly around a single axis. Atypical shell-coiling patterns (e.g. sinistroid growth, uncoiled whorls and multiple coiling axes), however, continue to be uncovered in nature. Here, we report another coiling strategy that is not only puzzling from an evolutionary perspective, but also hitherto unknown among shelled gastropods. The terrestrial gastropod Opisthostoma vermiculum sp. nov. generates a shell with: (i) four discernable coiling axes, (ii) body whorls that thrice detach and twice reattach to preceding whorls without any reference support, and (iii) detached whorls that coil around three secondary axes in addition to their primary teleoconch axis. As the coiling strategies of individuals were found to be generally consistent throughout, this species appears to possess an unorthodox but rigorously defined set of developmental instructions. Although the evolutionary origins of O. vermiculum and its shell's functional significance can be elucidated only once fossil intermediates and live individuals are found, its bewildering morphology suggests that we still lack an understanding of relationships between form and function in certain taxonomic groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda/anatomy & histology*; Gastropoda/classification*
  18. Cob ZC, Arshad A, Bujang JS, Abd Ghaffar M
    Environ Monit Assess, 2011 Jul;178(1-4):393-400.
    PMID: 20824325 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-010-1698-7
    Strombus canarium Linnaeus, 1758 is an important gastropod species within the study area and was traditionally collected for food by the locals. The objective of the present study is to assess the incidence of imposex and its severity in this species. Adult conchs were sampled during their main reproductive period, from October 2005 to January 2006, at Sungai Pulai estuary, Johor Straits, Malaysia. A total of 32.81% of adult females showed imposex characteristics, with varying degrees of severity though. The relative penis size (RPS) index ranged from 1.74 to 33.29 (mean = 13.40 ± 2.27, n = 21), while the relative penis length (RPL) index ranged from 6.28 to 55.19 (mean = 25.83 ± 3.33, n = 21). The use of vas deferens sequence (VDS) index was however cannot be applied as the presence of egg groove obscured any vas deferens development in affected females. Sequence of imposex (male penis) development in female conch, from merely a small stump to an advance male penis homologous was therefore carefully analyzed and described, and an alternative imposex classification scheme was proposed. S. canarium can be a good indicator for monitoring of organotin pollution within the study area. However, more studies are needed in order to further develop and test its validity and application, such as its correlation with levels of pollutant within the tissues and the environment, as well as its application on other Strombus species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda/drug effects*; Gastropoda/physiology
  19. Dayrat B, Goulding TC, Apte D, Aslam S, Bourke A, Comendador J, et al.
    Zookeys, 2020;972:1-224.
    PMID: 33071542 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.972.52853
    The genus Peronia Fleming, 1822 includes all the onchidiid slugs with dorsal gills. Its taxonomy is revised for the first time based on a large collection of fresh material from the entire Indo-West Pacific, from South Africa to Hawaii. Nine species are supported by mitochondrial (COI and 16S) and nuclear (ITS2 and 28S) sequences as well as comparative anatomy. All types available were examined and the nomenclatural status of each existing name in the genus is addressed. Of 31 Peronia species-group names available, 27 are regarded as invalid (twenty-one synonyms, sixteen of which are new, five nomina dubia, and one homonym), and four as valid: Peronia peronii (Cuvier, 1804), Peronia verruculata (Cuvier, 1830), Peronia platei (Hoffmann, 1928), and Peronia madagascariensis (Labbé, 1934a). Five new species names are created: P. griffithsi Dayrat & Goulding, sp. nov., P. okinawensis Dayrat & Goulding, sp. nov., P. setoensis Dayrat & Goulding, sp. nov., P. sydneyensis Dayrat & Goulding, sp. nov., and P. willani Dayrat & Goulding, sp. nov.Peronia species are cryptic externally but can be distinguished using internal characters, with the exception of P. platei and P. setoensis. The anatomy of most species is described in detail here for the first time. All the secondary literature is commented on and historical specimens from museum collections were also examined to better establish species distributions. The genus Peronia includes two species that are widespread across the Indo-West Pacific (P. verruculata and P. peronii) as well as endemic species: P. okinawensis and P. setoensis are endemic to Japan, and P. willani is endemic to Northern Territory, Australia. Many new geographical records are provided, as well as a key to the species using morphological traits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
  20. Dayrat B, Goulding TC, Khalil M, Comendador J, Xuân QN, Tan SK, et al.
    Zookeys, 2019;877:31-80.
    PMID: 31592220 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.877.36698
    As part of an ongoing effort to revise the taxonomy of air-breathing, marine, onchidiid slugs, a new genus, Laspionchis Dayrat & Goulding, gen. nov., is described from the mangroves of South-East Asia. It includes two new species, Laspionchis boucheti Dayrat & Goulding, sp. nov., and Laspionchis bourkei Dayrat & Goulding, sp. nov., both distributed from the Malacca Strait to the Philippines and Australia. This study is based on extensive field work in South-East Asia, comparative anatomy, and both mitochondrial (COI and 16S) and nuclear (ITS2 and 28S) DNA sequences. The two new species are found in the same habitat (mud surface in mangrove forests) and are externally cryptic but are distinct anatomically. Both species are also strongly supported by DNA sequences. Three cryptic, least-inclusive, reciprocally-monophyletic units within Laspionchis bourkei are regarded as subspecies: L. bourkei bourkei Dayrat & Goulding, ssp. nov., L. bourkei lateriensis Dayrat & Goulding, ssp. nov., and L. bourkei matangensis Dayrat & Goulding, ssp. nov. The present contribution shows again that species delineation is greatly enhanced by considering comparative anatomy and nuclear DNA sequences in addition to mitochondrial DNA sequences, and that thorough taxonomic revisions are the best and most efficient path to accurate biodiversity knowledge.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastropoda
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