METHOD: A total of 394 healthcare workers reported their responses on Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire, World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-BREF, and Brief Resilience Scale. Respondents were contacted through convenience sampling method and targeted population constituted Malaysian healthcare workers aged 18 years and above.
RESULTS: For occupational exhaustion, about 50.5% of participants have moderate degree, 40.6% have high degree, and 8.9% have low degree of burnout. Health workers from age 25 to 35 years have lower physical health compared to health workers aged <25 years (coefficient = -0.77, p = 0.021). Similarly, healthcare workers who were working more than 10 h every day were more likely to report poor psychological health (coefficient = -2.49, p = 0.06). Positive correlation between physical and psychological health was observed. Further, a negative correlation was found between occupational exhaustion and the quality of life.
CONCLUSION: It is important to target physical as well as psychological wellbeing of the healthcare workers. Also, it is important to understand the contribution of long working hours in declining the quality of life of the healthcare workers. Thus, allocating fixed working hours for healthcare workers would bring a much-required change.
METHODS: We conducted an anonymized online survey in June 2021 on all programme graduates. Participants were asked for sociodemographic data, both current and during training. Likert scale responses were required for questions regarding adequacy of support received for family, health and personal issues during training. A free text response question soliciting suggestions for programme improvement was included. Data are reported as median (range). Chi-square/Fisher's exact tests for categorical variables and Mann-Whitney U tests for continuous variables were used, with p<0.05 significance.
RESULTS: Of 53 eligible participants, 52 (98%) responded, 24 (46%) were female. Marital status was similar between genders at entry, but female trainees were more likely to be unmarried on exit (p = 0.001), and less likely to have children while training (p = 0.017). Of the 6 female and 18 male trainees who had children while training, women were more likely to take parental leave (p = 0.01). The majority felt advice given regarding parental leave and managing training while having children were poor. In thematic analysis of free text answers, lack of hands-on experience was the most common concern.
CONCLUSION: Factors related to marriage and parenthood significantly associate with gender amongst trainees in Malaysia despite both genders being well represented. Concerns regarding adequacy of hands-on training highlight the need for educational innovations such as simulation models.
OBJECTIVES: We examined whether the inclusion of folic acid in weekly IFA supplements conferred any benefit on hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, anemia reduction, or iron status [ferritin and soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR)], over iron alone.
METHODS: In this secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial in Malaysia, n = 311 nonpregnant women (18-45 y old) received 60 mg Fe with either 0, 0.4, or 2.8 mg folic acid once-weekly for 16 wk. Fasting blood was collected at baseline and 16 wk. A generalized linear model (normal distribution with identity link) was used to assess Hb concentration at 16 wk (primary outcome).
RESULTS: At baseline, 84% of women had low folate status (plasma folate 0.05). Baseline plasma folate concentration did not modify the effect of treatment on Hb concentration at 16 wk. Among all women, the risks of anemia [risk ratio (RR): 0.65; 95% CI: 0.45, 0.96; P = 0.03] and iron deficiency based on ferritin (RR: 0.30; 95% CI: 0.20, 0.44; P
METHODS: A cross-sectional study of hemodialysis patients from 10 hemodialysis centers was used. FibroTouch examination was performed on all patients. Fatty liver was diagnosed based on ultrasound attenuation parameter ≥248 dB/m while advanced liver fibrosis was diagnosed based on liver stiffness measurement ≥10 kPa.
RESULTS: This study included 447 hemodialysis patients (median age 59 [50-67], male 55%, Chinese 61%, Malay 20%, Indian 18%). Dialysis vintage was 49 (22-93) months. The prevalence of MAFLD was 43.4%. Independent factors associated with MAFLD were elevated waist circumference (aOR = 10.1, 95% CI = 5.3-19.4, p
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Tissues from ovarian epithelial neoplasms diagnosed between 2004 and 2012 were tested using antibodies to WT1 and PAX8. The slides were assessed to determine levels of marker expression and related to ethnicity, ovarian tumour type, grade and stage.
RESULTS: Serous tumours were the main histological type (n = 44), the remaining being endometrioid (n = 15), mucinous (n = 15) and clear cell tumours (n = 7). Late stage at diagnosis was significantly associated with serous (p
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to translate and validate the CAFU instrument into the Malay language and test the validity and reliability of the CAFU among informal stroke caregivers in Malaysia.
METHODS: A standard forward-backward translation method was employed to translate CAFU. Subsequently, 10 expert panels were included in the validation process, and thereafter reliability testing was conducted among 51 stroke caregivers. The validation of the instrument was determined by computing the content validity indices (CVIs), and we used the Cronbach's alpha method to explore the internal consistency of the overall score and subscales scores of the Malay-CAFU. Finally, the explanatory factor analysis used principal component extraction and a varimax rotation to examine construct validity.
RESULTS: All items of the Malay-CAFU had satisfactory item-level CVI (I-CVI), with values greater than 0.80, and the scale-level CVI (S-CVI) was 0.95. These results indicate that the Malay-CAFU had good relevancy. The internal consistency for the reliability test showed a Cronbach's alpha value of 0.95 for the overall score. The eigenvalues and scree plot supported a two-factor structural model of the instrument. From the explanatory factor analysis, the factor loadings ranged from 0.82 to 0.90 and 0.56 to 0.83, respectively.
CONCLUSION: The Malay-CAFU questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument to assess the dependence level of stroke survivors and the upset level of informal stroke caregivers in Malaysia.