The outcome of 100 patients undergoing instrumental delivery with vacuum extractor is compared with that of 100 women delivered with the aid of obstetric forceps. Forceps deliveries were more commonly associated with maternal birth canal trauma (including episiotomy) whilst vacuum extractor carried higher odds of the neonate developing jaundice. Apart from these, there were no significant differences between these two groups in terms of maternal morbidity, neonatal trauma and morbidity and ultimate outcome (success with the type of instrument used). We conclude that with meticulous handling of the instrument and with an appropriate decision on the indication and the type of instrument used, the maternal and neonatal outcome could be equally good with the use of either instrument.
A 3-day-old child presented with a gross swelling on the right side of the neck extending beyond the midline and inability to swallow. It was diagnosed to be cystic hygroma and decision was made to excise the swelling as an emergency operation to enable the child to swallow and thrive better. During the gaseous induction, difficulty was encountered in maintaining the airway and subsequently to intubate the patient. Intraoperatively the surgeon was not able to excise the tumour completely. Postoperatively it was decided to ventilate the child electively because of the intubation difficulties encountered and not so firm floor of the mouth because of surgical excision. The stay in the neonatal ICU was marked with infection and facial nerve palsy.
A 15-year-old Chinese girl, with abdominal cocoon, is reported. The literature (in English) concerning the condition was reviewed. Also, a possible cause is suggested and the various terms used for this condition are discussed.
Non-O1 vibrio cholerae infections are associated with sporadic cases of gastroenteritis and extraintestinal infections. Septicaemia due to non-O1 vibrio cholerae is rare and are mainly reported in adults, particularly in immunocompromised patients. We report a case of non-O1 vibrio cholerae septicaemia and gastroenteritis in an 8-year-old child. The patient presented with bloody diarrhoea, fever and severe dehydration. Non-O1 vibrio cholerae were isolated from blood and stool cultures. The clinical course was uneventful after starting appropriate rehydration and supportive therapy.
We report our experience on the use of fibreoptic bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. The case records of 1,274 patients who underwent fibreoptic bronchoscopy at the National Tuberculosis Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during a three-year period were reviewed. In 120 of them the final diagnosis was tuberculosis. Bronchoscopy confirmed the diagnosis in 37 patients (30.8%). This was achieved by bronchial aspiration for culture in 26 patients (70.3%) and bronchial biopsy for histopathology in 11 patients (29.7%). It was the exclusive method of confirmation in 16 patients (13.3%). Sputum culture was positive in 62 patients (51.7%) including 41 patients (34.2%) in whom bronchoscopy was unhelpful. Six patients had diagnosis confirmed by other means while in 36 others (30%) it was based on clinical features and supportive basic investigations. There were no complications noted. We conclude that while sputum examination remains the mainstay for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis, fibreoptic bronchoscopy serves as a safe and useful adjunct.
This is a study of the prevalence of dementia in elderly Malays living in the Eunos district of Singapore. The subjects included all Malays 65 years and more living in public housing, and they were first interviewed and screened for any cognitive deficit using the Malay version of the Elderly Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire (ECAQ). All those who scored 5 or less in the ECAQ were assessed again with a more detailed questionnaire called the Geriatric Mental State (GMS) schedule. This is the preliminary results of 149 subjects interviewed--77 men and 72 women. Data from the GMS were analysed by a computer diagnostic programme, AGECAT. There were only 6 cases of dementia and the overall prevalence of dementia in the sample was estimated as 4.0%. In the age group 65 to 74 years the rate was 2.5% and this increased to 10.3% in those 75 years and more. The prevalence of dementia in elderly Malays is higher than elderly Chinese in Singapore, but it is similar to the results of studies in New York and Liverpool. All the subjects with dementia were living with their families and they had good social resources.
The significance of high blood pressure to cardio- and cerebrovascular disease is well recognized. The associated mortality and morbidity risks call for multiple approaches to control the development of high blood pressure. Recent studies have shown that precursors of cardiovascular disorders may be apparent from a young age, and that these can persist and contribute to disease in later life. With regard to blood pressure, the phenomenon of persisting at the same rank has been referred to as tracking. This allows for the possible identification of high-risk groups, for whom early intervention can be initiated. In this paper, some of the findings of studies on blood pressure tracking are reviewed.
A 24-year-old lady with recurrent upper abdominal pain, underwent surgery for cholelithiasis based on imaging diagnosis by ultrasound scanning. At laparotomy, the gall bladder could not be found either in its normal or ectopic locations. The diagnosis of agenesis of the gall bladder was confirmed by operative cholangiography. Duplication cysts of the hepatic flexure were discovered in the position normally occupied by the gall bladder. The stony hard faeces in the cysts were probably interpreted as gallstones on ultrasound. This rare condition is discussed and the importance of intraoperative cholangiography is stressed.
A 41-year-old Malay housewife presented with recurrent chylous ascites and progressive cachexia over 17 years. A diagnosis of lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) was established by laparotomy where biopsy of the liver, peritoneum and adhesions from previous surgery showed smooth muscle proliferation in the blood vessels and lymphatics. Clinically and radiologically, there was no evidence of pulmonary involvement. She was treated with dietary fat restriction and medium-chain triglycerides. This is the first case of LAM reported in Malaysia.
A study of visual evoked potential (VEP), brainstem evoked potential (BAEP) and median nerve somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) in 26 Malaysian patients with clinically definite Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This study showed an overall high rate of abnormality, with 85% of patients for VEP, 31% for BAEP and 65% for median nerve SSEP. The rate of abnormality was particularly high for patients who were symptomatic, reaching 100% of patients for VEP, 50% of patients in BAEP, 83% of nerves for median nerve SSEP. The rate of abnormality among those who were asymptomatic was lower, varying from 32% of eyes in VEP, 27% of patients in BAEP and 31% of nerves in median nerve SSEP. Three out of 10 patients with optic spinal form of MS have abnormal BAEP. These show the usefulness of the evoked potential studies in confirming the clinical lesions as well as demonstrating subclinical involvement. The rate of abnormal evoked responses for the asymptomatic patients in this study is generally lower than that published elsewhere.
The fifth malaria parasite causing malaria- Plasmodium knowlesi (Pk), is not a novel emergent species but was an undiagnosed species before the availability of molecular methods as a tool from diagnostics and sometimes confused with morphologically similar human malaria parasite P. malariae or P. falciparum. Now it is well-distributed species in Southeast Asia, especially in Malaysia. Since 2004, cases of Pk malaria are continuously being reported in adults. Though adult age, forest-related activities and a recent visit to forested areas are well-known factors, childhood did not remain untouched by this disease. Few pieces of research and reports in the literature indicate that Infection in children is uncomplicated, but this may be attributed to the scarcity of data and research in this field. Pk malaria in pregnant females and infants are being well reported, so this indicates that the problem is not only restricted to known factors related to the disease, but we should think out of the box and take action before the disease takes the form of significant health burden on the human population as P. vivax and P. falciparum species did in the past. With the reports in literature of Pk malaria in pregnancy and early infancy, the possibility of congenital and neonatal malaria also cannot be denied. So more and more research is needed to understand Pk malaria in the pediatric population clearly. So this running review covers the problem status, demographic profile, clinical and haematological features, diagnosis, management and outcome of Pk malaria in paediatric group worldwide. This review also discusses the gaps in our present knowledge of the real problem status, prevention, control, diagnosis and management of Pk malaria, particularly in this age group.
A retrospective study of 42 children with acute rheumatic fever admitted to Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia from April 1985 to March 1989 was undertaken to assess the clinical, laboratory, echocardiographic aspects and outcome. The ages of the children ranged from 5 years 9 months to 11 years 11 months. There was no significant sex difference. 69.4% were admitted between November and April with a seasonal low between May and August. Sixteen children (38.1%) were hospitalised for recurrence of rheumatic fever. Carditis was the commonest manifestation and was seen in 28 (66.6%) children, followed by arthritis in 24 (57.1%), and chorea in 3 (7.1%). Echocardiography detected abnormalities in 24 out of 35 cases and the most common echocardiographic findings were poor coaptation of mitral valve (ten) left ventricular dilatation (ten), thickened mitral valve cusps (seven) and pericardial effusion (seven). In those children followed up, there were 2 recurrences while on secondary prophylaxis and complete recovery was seen only in 11 (26.9%).
Brain laryngeal mask (BLM) was used to assess its suitability in 50 spontaneously breathing patients by one lecturer and 4 Medical Officers. Insertion of the laryngeal mask was successful at the first attempt in 42 patients, second attempt in 7 and third attempt in one. The incidence of airway obstruction secondary to downfolding of the epiglottis, which was corrected by reinsertion, was 16%. Post-operative complications included clenching of teeth in 5 patients, vomiting in 2 and excessive salivation in 3. The incidence of sore throat was 10%.
Locally advanced or recurrent carcinoma of the breast poses difficult management problems. These fungating and discharging tumours severely impair the quality of life in these unfortunate patients. We report two cases successfully treated with omental transposition flaps and split skin grafts. The operation is described in detail and the results discussed. This technique was found to be safe, effective and rewarding.
Malignant lymphoma constitutes the third most common childhood malignancy seen at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur and can be categorised into Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Both diseases demonstrate a higher preference for Chinese males. The majority of patients presented with stage IV disease. High default rate and poor compliance to treatment were associated with poor overall cure rates but encouraging results have been obtained in those who adhered to therapy. There is an obvious need to educate the public on the improved outlook 'or childhood malignancies and 'or earlier referral to help reduce the higher mortality and morbidity associated with advanced disease.
A study was carried out to determine ventilatory capacity (Forced Expiratory Volume or FEV1 and Forced Vital Capacity or FVC) in apparently normal Malay office workers in Malaysia. The subjects, 78 males and 113 females, were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire to exclude those with symptoms or past history of cardiopulmonary disease. Measurements of age, height, weight, FEV, and FVC were made on each subject; the FEV, and FVC were measured using Vitalograph spirometers. The mean FEV, and FVC for males were 3.35 litres and 3.76 Iitres, respectively. For females, the mean FEV, and FVC were 3.46 and 2.72 Iitres, respectively. Height was positively correlated with FEV, and FVC (p
Language studies were done on four multilingual dextral Chinese patients who developed dysphasia from various causes. The left hemisphere appeared to be dominant for all the languages in the four patients. All the languages and dialects were universally involved during the development of dysphasia. In one patient,
there was evidence of delayed restitution in the patient's mother tongue (Hokkien) comparing with Mandarin and English which were the languages used in the hospital and for reading.
This is a report of 9 cases of Pilomatrixoma (Calcifying Epithelioma) recorded in 188 benign tumours of the skin and adnexa in Sarawak during 1976 and 1977, with an incidence of 4.7 per cent. Out of the seven Chinese patients four were females. One more female was a Kayan and the race of another female patient was not recorded. Except one, all were below the age of 20 years; the youngest being only 6 months old. In one lesion ossification was also detected.
This is an analysis of ovarian neoplasms encountered in Sarawak during the period January 1976-December 1977. There were 149 benign and 36 primary malignant tumours with an incidence of 44.3 per cent and 23.6 per cent respectively, in neoplasms 01 the Reproductive System. Amongst the benign ovarian tumours Dermoid Cyst
(Cystic Teratoma) was quite frequent (29.5 per cent). In malignant neoplasms Cystadenocarcinomas constituted 66.7 per cent of the total. A case each of Granulosa cell earcinoma, Adenoacanthoma and Endodermal sinus tumours, 4 of Dysgerminoma and 6 of metastatic ovarian tumours were also recorded.
Over a 21-month period, 108 of 45,770 neonates born in the Maternity Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, developed necrotising enterocolitis (NEC). The incidence of NEC was 2.4 per 1000 livebirths or 2.7 per 100 special care nursery (SCN) admissions in this Hospital. There was no significant difference in the incidence between the sexes or among the different races. NEC was most common (9.4%) in the very low birthweight (VLBW: neonates weighing less than 1500 grams) and the preterms of less than 34 week gestation (8.4%). 54.6% of the patients developed the condition during the first week of life. NEC occurred throughout the year in our nursery with clustering of cases intermittently. The case fatality ratio of the condition was 28.7%. NEC accounted for 5.7% of our Hospital's neonatal (less than 28 days of life) and postneonatal (greater than or equal to 28 days of life) deaths. There was no significant difference in the rates of occurrence of placental praevia, prolonged rupture of amniotic membranes, maternal pregnancy-induced hypertension, birth asphyxia, apnoea, respiratory distress, patent ductus arteriosus and exchange blood transfusion in neonates with NEC and those in the control group. Our findings on Malaysian neonates were comparable with those reported in the literature on neonates in developed countries.