Displaying publications 7061 - 7080 of 25172 in total

  1. Sinniah B, Subramaniam K
    J Helminthol, 1991 Jun;65(2):141-7.
    PMID: 1880388
    Fifty children aged 6 to 13 years and infected with Ascaris lumbricoides were selected for the study. The number of eggs laid daily by a female Ascaris increased with increase in its length, weight and diameter. Female worms became mature and started laying eggs when they reached a length of 118 mm. Adult female worms measuring 3.7 mm or more in diameter were found to be mature. The minimum weight of a worm producing eggs was 1.1 g. On average the number of eggs produced by the female decreased with increase in the worm load.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  2. Mak JW, Lam PL, Rain AN, Suresh K
    J Helminthol, 1987 Dec;61(4):311-4.
    PMID: 3437112
    Four Presbytis cristata were treated with oral ivermectin at the same time as the subcutaneous inoculation of 100 infective larvae monthly for three months. Two animals given 0.2 mg/kg monthly and two others given 0.3 mg/kg monthly as well as three control animals became patent for microfilaraemia. However, only 1% of the infective dose was recovered as adult worms from animals in the higher drug dosage group compared to 8.2% and 6.2% in the lower dosage and control groups respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  3. Dissanaike AS, Mak JW
    J Helminthol, 1980 Jun;54(2):117-22.
    PMID: 6997363
    Adult worms of the rural strain of Wuchereria bancrofti in Peninsular Malaysia obtained from a successful experimental transmission in an immunosuppressed Macaca fascicularis are described for the first time. Although the worms, especially females, were slightly smaller, they were similar in morphology to those of the periodic and non-periodic W. bancrofti previously described.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  4. Singh M, Yap EH, Ho BC, Kang KL, Lim PC
    J Helminthol, 1976 Jun;50(2):103-10.
    PMID: 965704
    The development of Breinlia booliati is described in its natural host, Rattus sabanus and in an inbred strain of laboratory albino rat. The growth of the parasite is similar in both the rat hosts. The third moult occurs between six-eight days and the final moult between 24-28 days. Larvae were recovered initially from the skin and carcass. After five weeks, developing stages were seen only in the thoracic and abdominal cavities, the site of development of the adult worms. Worms became sexually mature by 11-12 weeks and there was considerable growth in length of the female worms after this stage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  5. Dissanike AS, Fernando MA
    J Helminthol, 1974 Sep;48(3):199-203.
    PMID: 4430828
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  6. Fischthal JH, Kuntz RE
    J Helminthol, 1973;47(3):311-27.
    PMID: 4751392
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  7. Faisal UA, Jamil A, Jaafar H, Aqma WS, Arumugam M
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Mar;79(2):157-164.
    PMID: 38553920
    INTRODUCTION: Acne is a common skin disease with a high psychosocial burden, affecting mostly adolescents and youth worldwide. Management of acne is often challenged by cutaneous side effects that leads to therapeutic intolerance, poor compliance and impaired efficacy.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a single-centre, evaluatorblinded, split-face, randomised study investigating the effects of thermal spring water (TSW) in improving efficacy and tolerability of standard acne therapy. Total of 31 participants with mild-to-moderate acne were recruited and subjected to TSW spray to one side of the face 4 times daily for 6 weeks in addition to standard therapy. The other side received standard therapy only.

    RESULTS: Six (19.4%) males and 25 (80.6%) female with mean age 25.1±6.13 participated, 15 (48.4%) had mild acne while 16 (51.6%) had moderate acne. Seven (22.6%) were on oral antibiotics, 25 (80.6%) used adapalene, 6 (19.4%) tretinoin and 21 (67.7%) benzoyl peroxide. Skin hydration improved and better on spring water treated side with mean difference12.41±30.31, p = 0.04 at the forehead, 39.52±65.14, p < 0.01 at the cheek and 42.172±71.71, p < 0.01 at the jaw at week 6. Participants also report significant reduction in dryness at the treated side at week 6, mean difference 0.93±0.10, p < 0.001. TEWL, sebum and pH were comparable on both sides with no significant differences. Tolerability towards standard therapy improved as early week 2 with reduction of stinging following application of topical therapy (mean difference 0.62±1.43, p = 0.03), increase in skin feeling good (-1.79±1.70, p < 0.001) and skin suppleness (0.62±1.43, p < 0.001). These improvements were significantly maintained till week 6. Cardiff acne disability index significantly improved at week 6 (p<0.001) despite no significant changes in Comprehensive Acne Severity Scale score before and after treatment.

    CONCLUSION: TSW may have a role as an adjunct to standard acne therapy by improving hydration, acne disability index and tolerability towards standard topical treatment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  8. Tye SK, Razali NS, Ahmad Shauqi SA, Azeman NA, Basran NF, Liew JHJ, et al.
    Cardiol Young, 2024 Apr;34(4):900-905.
    PMID: 37965721 DOI: 10.1017/S1047951123003773
    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to describe the perception of Malaysian patients with pulmonary hypertension towards palliative care and their receptivity towards palliative care.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional, single-centre study conducted via questionnaire. Patients aged 18 years old and above, who were diagnosed with non-curable pulmonary hypertension were recruited and given the assessment tool - perceptions of palliative care instrument electronically. The severity of pulmonary hypertension was measured using WHO class, N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide and the 6-minute walking test distance.

    RESULTS: A total of 84 patients [mean age: 35 ±11 years, female: 83.3%, median N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide: 491 pg/ml (interquartile range: 155,1317.8), median 6-minute walking test distance: 420m (interquartile range: 368.5, 480m)] completed the questionnaires. Patients with a higher WHO functional class and negative feelings (r = 0.333, p = 0.004), and cognitive reaction to palliative care: hopeless (r = 0.340, p = 0.003), supported (r = 0.258, p = 0.028), disrupted (r = 0.262, p = 0.025), and perception of burden (r = 0.239, p = 0.041) are more receptive to palliative care. WHO class, N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide, and 6-minute walking test distance were not associated with higher readiness for palliative care. In logistic regression analyses, patients with positive feelings (β = 2.240, p = < 0.05), and practical needs (β = 1.346, p = < 0.05), were more receptive to palliative care.

    CONCLUSIONS: Disease severity did not directly influence patients' readiness for palliative care. Patients with a positive outlook were more receptive to palliative care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  9. Palmer S, Albergante L, Blackburn CC, Newman TJ
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2018 02 20;115(8):1883-1888.
    PMID: 29432166 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1714478115
    For many cancer types, incidence rises rapidly with age as an apparent power law, supporting the idea that cancer is caused by a gradual accumulation of genetic mutations. Similarly, the incidence of many infectious diseases strongly increases with age. Here, combining data from immunology and epidemiology, we show that many of these dramatic age-related increases in incidence can be modeled based on immune system decline, rather than mutation accumulation. In humans, the thymus atrophies from infancy, resulting in an exponential decline in T cell production with a half-life of ∼16 years, which we use as the basis for a minimal mathematical model of disease incidence. Our model outperforms the power law model with the same number of fitting parameters in describing cancer incidence data across a wide spectrum of different cancers, and provides excellent fits to infectious disease data. This framework provides mechanistic insight into cancer emergence, suggesting that age-related decline in T cell output is a major risk factor.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  10. Cooper H, Nadzri FZM, Vyas S, Juhari R, Ismail N, Arshat Z, et al.
    JMIR Res Protoc, 2024 Apr 26;13:e55491.
    PMID: 38669679 DOI: 10.2196/55491
    BACKGROUND: The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 4, and particularly target 4.2, which seeks to ensure that, by 2030, all children have access to quality early childhood development, care, and preprimary education so that they are ready for primary education, is far from being achieved. The COVID-19 pandemic compromised progress by disrupting education, reducing access to well-being resources, and increasing family violence. Evidence from low- and middle-income countries suggests that in-person parenting interventions are effective at improving child learning and preventing family violence. However, scaling up these programs is challenging because of resource constraints. Integrating digital and human-delivered intervention components is a potential solution to these challenges. There is a need to understand the feasibility and effectiveness of such interventions in low-resource settings.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of a digital parenting program (called Naungan Kasih in Bahasa Melayu [Protection through Love]) delivered in Malaysia, with varying combinations of 2 components included to encourage engagement. The study is framed around the following objectives: (1) to determine the recruitment, retention, and engagement rates in each intervention condition; (2) to document implementation fidelity; (3) to explore program acceptability among key stakeholders; (4) to estimate intervention costs; and (5) to provide indications of the effectiveness of the 2 components.

    METHODS: This 10-week factorial cluster randomized trial compares ParentText, a chatbot that delivers parenting and family violence prevention content to caregivers of preschool-aged children in combination with 2 engagement components: (1) a WhatsApp support group and (2) either 1 or 2 in-person sessions. The trial aims to recruit 160 primary and 160 secondary caregivers of children aged 4-6 years from 8 schools split equally across 2 locations: Kuala Lumpur and Negeri Sembilan. The primary outcomes concern the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention and its components, including recruitment, retention, and engagement. The effectiveness outcomes include caregiver parenting practices, mental health and relationship quality, and child development. The evaluation involves mixed methods: quantitative caregiver surveys, digitally tracked engagement data of caregivers' use of the digital intervention components, direct assessments of children, and focus group discussions with caregivers and key stakeholders.

    RESULTS: Overall, 208 parents were recruited at baseline December 2023: 151 (72.6%) primary caregivers and 57 (27.4%) secondary caregivers. In January 2024, of these 208 parents, 168 (80.8%) enrolled in the program, which was completed in February. Postintervention data collection was completed in March 2024. Findings will be reported in the second half of 2024.

    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first factorial cluster randomized trial to assess the feasibility of a hybrid human-digital playful parenting program in Southeast Asia. The results will inform a large-scale optimization trial to establish the most effective, cost-effective, and scalable version of the intervention.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: OSF Registries; https://osf.io/f32ky.


    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  11. Philippe FL, Carbonneau N, Fortin A, Guilbault V, Bouizegarene N, Antunes JM, et al.
    Appetite, 2024 Jul 01;198:107364.
    PMID: 38642722 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2024.107364
    The cognitive mechanisms through which specific life events affect the development and maintenance of eating disorders (ED) have received limited attention in the scientific literature. The present research aims to address this gap by adopting a memory perspective to explore the type of life events associated with eating psychopathology and how these events are encoded and reconstructed as memories. Two studies (n = 208 and n = 193) were conducted to investigate the relationship between specific memories and eating disorder psychopathology. Study 1 focused on parent-related memories, while Study 2 examined childhood/adolescence memories. Results from both studies revealed that need thwarting and shame in memories were associated with eating disorder symptoms, but only when individuals drew symbolic connections between these memories and food or eating behavior. Moreover, need thwarting and shame in such memories were associated with other eating and body image outcomes, including uncontrolled eating and body esteem. These results also held after controlling for a host of known predictors of eating disorder psychopathology, such as BMI, perfectionism, or thin ideal internalization. Overall, the present findings suggest that the reprocessing of memories symbolically and idiosyncratically linked to food and eating behavior might be a fruitful clinical intervention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  12. Lall P, Lim SH, Khairuddin N, Kamarulzaman A
    J Int AIDS Soc, 2015;18(2 Suppl 1):19393.
    PMID: 25724503 DOI: 19393
    INTRODUCTION: The 50% increase in HIV-related deaths in youth and adolescents (aged 10-24) from 2005 to 2012 highlights the need to improve HIV treatment and care in this population, including treatment adherence and retention. Youth and adolescents from key populations or young key populations (YKP) in particular are highly stigmatized and may face additional barrier(s) in adhering to HIV treatment and services. We reviewed the current knowledge on treatment adherence and retention in HIV care among YKP to identify gaps in the literature and suggest future directions to improve HIV care for YKP.

    METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive literature search for YKP and their adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and retention in HIV care on PsycInfo (Ovid), PubMed and Google Scholar using combinations of the keywords HIV/AIDS, ART, adolescents, young adults, adherence (or compliance), retention, men who have sex with men, transgender, injection drug users, people who inject drugs and prisoners. We included empirical studies on key populations defined by WHO; included the terms youth and adolescents and/or aged between 10 and 24; examined adherence to or retention in HIV care; and published in English-language journals. All articles were coded using NVivo.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The systematic search yielded 10 articles on YKP and 16 articles on behaviourally infected youth and adolescents from 1999 to 2014. We found no studies reporting on youth and adolescents identified as sex workers, transgender people and prisoners. From existing literature, adherence to ART was reported to be influenced by age, access to healthcare, the burden of multiple vulnerabilities, policy involving risk behaviours and mental health. A combination of two or more of these factors negatively impacted adherence to ART among YKP. Collectively, these studies demonstrated that future programmes need to be tailored specifically to YKP to ensure adherence.

    CONCLUSIONS: There is an urgent need for more systematic research in YKP. Current limited evidence suggests that healthcare delivery should be tailored to the unique needs of YKP. Thus, research on YKP could be used to inform future interventions to improve access to treatment and management of co-morbidities related to HIV, to ease the transition from paediatric to adult care and to increase uptake of secondary prevention methods.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  13. Lyn PC, Fernandez E
    Med J Aust, 1987 Mar 16;146(6):335-6.
    PMID: 2950306
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  14. Stewart-Williams S, Leong CXR, Seto SA, Thomas AG, Wong XL
    Int J Psychol, 2024 Jun;59(3):495-504.
    PMID: 38168745 DOI: 10.1002/ijop.13101
    Past research suggests that reactions to research on sex differences are often less positive when the findings put men in a better light than women, especially when the lead researcher is a man. The factors underlying this effect, however, are not yet fully understood. The present study aimed to provide the first experimental test of the hypothesis that the key variable is perceived harm to women. Participants (214 men and 219 women) evaluated a bogus popular-science article reporting fictional research finding either a female- or a male-favouring sex difference in intelligence, attributed to either a female or a male lead researcher. To examine the effects of perceived harm, the introduction to the task highlighted either the potential benefits or potential drawbacks of sex-differences research in general. Consistent with past research, participants reacted less positively to the male-favouring difference, especially for male-led research. Consistent with the harm hypothesis, the effect was stronger after highlighting the potential drawbacks of sex-differences research than after highlighting the potential benefits. Our findings suggest that perceptions of harm to women underpin the aversion to male-favouring findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  15. Choo SJ, Chang CT, Chan HK, Abu Hassan MR, Hamdan MH, Cheong AT, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2024 May 14;24(1):1311.
    PMID: 38745185 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-18739-9
    INTRODUCTION: Although COVID-19 has entered the endemic phase, individuals infected with COVID-19 are required to adhere to home quarantine measures. By exploring the public's knowledge and attitude towards recommended home quarantine measures, their readiness in containing potential COVID-19 outbreak can be determined. This study aimed to assess the public knowledge and attitude towards home quarantine instructions and their association with history of COVID-19 infections.

    METHODS: This was a web-based cross-sectional study conducted among the public in Malaysia between August to October 2022. All Malaysian adults over 18 years of age were included. Knowledge on home quarantine instructions and COVID-19 warning signs were measured using "True," "False," or "I'm not sure", while attitude towards home quarantine instructions was measured using a five-point Likert Scale. The questionnaire was initially constructed in English and then translated into the national language, Bahasa Malaysia. Face and content validation were performed. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was found to be satisfactory.

    RESULTS: 1,036 respondents were analyzed, comprised mostly of females (743, 71.6%) with a history of COVID-19 (673, 64.9%). In the knowledge domain, more than 80% of the respondents answered 9 out of 11 home quarantine instructions statements correctly. 457 (44.1%) were unaware or unsure about the minimum distance of the infected individual's bed from the rest of the occupants in a shared bedroom. The respondents reported relatively weaker knowledge in identifying uncommon warning signs of COVID-19 deterioration, including anuria (162, 44.5%), ingestion problems (191, 52.5%), and immobility (195, 53.6%). In the attitude domain, more than 90% of respondents answered correctly in 8 out of 9 questions. Respondents with a previous history of COVID-19 infections had better knowledge than COVID-19 infection-naïve individuals towards both home quarantine instructions and COVID-19 warning signs.

    CONCLUSION: Most respondents had good knowledge and attitude towards home quarantine instructions, with those previously infected with COVID-19 showing greater awareness of uncommon warning signs. However, there was a notable lack of awareness regarding physical distancing within shared rooms, appropriate disinfectant use and mobility limitation within the household. This study highlights the knowledge gaps to be improved in future educational campaigns.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  16. Zhao H, Zhou Y, Che CC, Chong MC, Zheng Y, Hou Y, et al.
    JMIR Res Protoc, 2024 Apr 29;13:e55102.
    PMID: 38684089 DOI: 10.2196/55102
    BACKGROUND: Patients with gastric cancer experience different degrees of fear of cancer recurrence. The fear of cancer recurrence can cause and worsen many physical and psychological problems. We considered the "intimacy and relationship processes in couples' psychosocial adaptation" model.

    OBJECTIVE: The study aims to examine the effectiveness of a marital self-disclosure intervention for improving the level of fear of cancer recurrence and the dyadic coping ability among gastric cancer survivors and their spouses.

    METHODS: This is a quasiexperimental study with a nonequivalent (pretest-posttest) control group design. The study will be conducted at 2 tertiary hospitals in Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, China. A total of 42 patients with gastric cancer undergoing chemotherapy and their spouses will be recruited from each hospital. Participants from Jingjiang People's Hospital will be assigned to an experimental group, while participants from Taizhou People's Hospital will be assigned to a control group. The participants in the experimental group will be involved in 4 phases of the marital self-disclosure (different topics, face-to-face) intervention. Patients will be evaluated at baseline after a diagnosis of gastric cancer and reassessed 2 to 4 months after baseline. The primary outcome is the score of the Fear of Progression Questionnaire-Short Form (FoP-Q-SF) for patients. The secondary outcomes are the scores of the FoP-Q-SF for partners and the Dyadic Coping Inventory.

    RESULTS: Research activities began in October 2022. Participant enrollment and data collection began in February 2023 and are expected to be completed in 12 months. The primary results of this study are anticipated to be announced in June 2024.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study aims to assess a marital self-disclosure intervention for improving the fear of cancer recurrence in Chinese patients with gastric cancer and their spouses. The study is likely to yield desirable positive outcomes as marital self-disclosure is formulated based on evidence and inputs obtained through stakeholder interviews and expert consultation. The study process will be carried out by nurses who have received psychological training, and the quality of the intervention will be strictly controlled.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05606549; https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05606549.


    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  17. Nurlatifah A, Herdis H, Khotijah L, Arifiantini I, ShikhMaidin M, Astuti DA, et al.
    Trop Anim Health Prod, 2024 Jun 29;56(6):190.
    PMID: 38949740 DOI: 10.1007/s11250-024-04060-5
    This study aimed to evaluate and analyze the effects of a flushing diet containing Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from Lemuru (Sardinella sp) fish oil on the reproductive performance parameters of Garut ewes. Forty (n = 40) primiparous Garut ewes aged 12-14 months with an average body weight of 28.92 ± 4.94 kg were assigned into four experimental treatment groups. The experimental diets contained roughage: concentrate (30:70%) designated as control concentrate (CNT), flushing concentrate with 6% palm oil (PO), flushing concentrate with 3% palm oil mixed with 3% lemuru oil as DHA and EPA sources (PFO), and flushing concentrate with the addition of 6% lemuru oil (FO). Treatment animals were fed two weeks before and after conception and parturition (8 weeks of total flushing treatment). The addition of fish oil at either 3% (PFO) or 6% (FO) resulted in significantly higher reproductive performance of ewes by increasing the litter size, as reflected by the birth of multiple kids (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  18. Cowan AJ, Pont MJ, Sather BD, Turtle CJ, Till BG, Libby EN, et al.
    Lancet Oncol, 2023 Jul;24(7):811-822.
    PMID: 37414012 DOI: 10.1016/S1470-2045(23)00246-2
    BACKGROUND: γ-Secretase inhibitors (GSIs) increase B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) density on malignant plasma cells and enhance antitumour activity of BCMA chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells in preclinical models. We aimed to evaluate the safety and identify the recommended phase 2 dose of BCMA CAR T cells in combination with crenigacestat (LY3039478) for individuals with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma.

    METHODS: We conducted a phase 1, first-in-human trial combining crenigacestat with BCMA CAR T-cells at a single cancer centre in Seattle, WA, USA. We included individuals aged 21 years or older with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma, previous autologous stem-cell transplant or persistent disease after more than four cycles of induction therapy, and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 0-2, regardless of previous BCMA-targeted therapy. To assess the effect of the GSI on BCMA surface density on bone marrow plasma cells, participants received GSI during a pretreatment run-in, consisting of three doses administered 48 h apart. BCMA CAR T cells were infused at doses of 50 × 106 CAR T cells, 150 × 106 CAR T cells, 300 × 106 CAR T cells, and 450 × 106 CAR T cells (total cell dose), in combination with the 25 mg crenigacestat dosed three times a week for up to nine doses. The primary endpoints were the safety and recommended phase 2 dose of BCMA CAR T cells in combination with crenigacestat, an oral GSI. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03502577, and has met accrual goals.

    FINDINGS: 19 participants were enrolled between June 1, 2018, and March 1, 2021, and one participant did not proceed with BCMA CAR T-cell infusion. 18 participants (eight [44%] men and ten [56%] women) with multiple myeloma received treatment between July 11, 2018, and April 14, 2021, with a median follow up of 36 months (95% CI 26 to not reached). The most common non-haematological adverse events of grade 3 or higher were hypophosphataemia in 14 (78%) participants, fatigue in 11 (61%), hypocalcaemia in nine (50%), and hypertension in seven (39%). Two deaths reported outside of the 28-day adverse event collection window were related to treatment. Participants were treated at doses up to 450 × 106 CAR+ cells, and the recommended phase 2 dose was not reached.

    INTERPRETATIONS: Combining a GSI with BCMA CAR T cells appears to be well tolerated, and crenigacestat increases target antigen density. Deep responses were observed among heavily pretreated participants with multiple myeloma who had previously received BCMA-targeted therapy and those who were naive to previous BCMA-targeted therapy. Further study of GSIs given with BCMA-targeted therapeutics is warranted in clinical trials.

    FUNDING: Juno Therapeutics-a Bristol Myers Squibb company and the National Institutes of Health.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  19. Islam T, Musthaffa S, Hoong SM, Filza J, Jamaris S, Cheng ML, et al.
    Support Care Cancer, 2021 May;29(5):2631-2638.
    PMID: 32968861 DOI: 10.1007/s00520-020-05776-4
    PURPOSE: Wider breast cancer (BC) treatment options, short consultation time with physicians, lack of knowledge, and poor coping skills at the time of diagnosis may affect patients' decisions causing treatment delays and non-adherence. To address this gap, a breast care nurse video orientation program was started. Our aim was to evaluate the video on patients' knowledge, satisfaction, and treatment adherence.

    METHODS: The video was developed using the BC delay explanatory model. A self-administered pre- and post-survey on 241 newly diagnosed BC patients in University Malaya Medical Center was performed. The Wilcoxon matched paired signed rank test was used to evaluate patients' pre and post perceived knowledge using a Likert scale 0 to 4 (0 = "no knowledge," 4 = "a great degree of knowledge"). Treatment adherence among participants were measured after 1-year follow-up.

    RESULTS: Eighty percent of the patients reported that the video met or exceeded their expectations. In total 80.5% reported that the video was very effective and effective in improving their perspective on BC treatments. There was improvement in perceived knowledge for treatment options (mean scores; M = 0.93 versus M = 2.97) (p < 0.001) and also for perceived knowledge on types of operation, information on chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, healthy diet, physical activity after treatments, and care of the arm after operation(p < 0.001). In total 89.4%, 79.3%, and 85.9% adhered to surgical, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy recommended treatment, respectively.

    CONCLUSION: The video improved patients' perceived knowledge and satisfaction. The program improved access not only to new BC patients but also the public and found sustainable using the YouTube platform.

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
  20. Soo SY, Lee SM, Tew IM, Mohd Dom TN, Yahya NA
    J Prosthet Dent, 2024 Jul;132(1):145-153.
    PMID: 37468369 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2023.06.003
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: A discrepancy between dentists' assessments and patients' expectations during prosthodontic treatment is inevitable. Incorporating dental patients' concerns about their prosthodontic treatment needs is essential during treatment planning, yet studies assessing these needs in adult dental patients are lacking.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a novel instrument, termed the questionnaire on perceived prosthodontic treatment needs (PPTN), that assesses perceived prosthodontic treatment needs in adults.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: The PPTN was developed following a literature review, consultation with healthcare workers, and patient interviews. It included 15 questions and a self-rated need for prosthodontic treatment, categorized on a Likert scale. A cross-sectional descriptive study was completed on 193 dental patients seeking or receiving prosthodontic treatment.

    RESULTS: Three perceived prosthodontic treatment need factors were identified (psychosocial impact, esthetic concern, and function) by using exploratory factor analysis. A higher PPTN score indicated greater perceived prosthodontic treatment needs. The identified factors represent 67.8% of the variance with eigenvalues of >1. The PPTN had a high degree of internal consistency and reliability, as the final questionnaire received a Cronbach alpha of 0.75 and an intraclass coefficient of 0.75 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.68 to 0.80 (F(192, 576)=3.94, P

    Matched MeSH terms: Female
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