Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 182 in total

  1. Dympna James Jemson, Sabariah Sharif, Soon Singh A/L Bikar nSingh
    Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk melihat penerimaan terhadap penggunaan mobile learning di kalangan pelajar tingkatan 6 dalam mata pelajaran geografi. Kaedah kuantitatif digunakan dalam kajian ini yang melibatkan sebuah pusat tingkatan 6 yang terletak di daerah Kota Kinabalu, Sabah seramai 137 orang pelajar. Semua pelajar yang mengambil mata pelajaran geografi telah diambil sebagai sampel kajian. Borang soal selidik digunakan sebagai instrumen dalam kajian ini yang telah diubahsuai dan dirujuk daripada Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) untuk menentukan tahap penerimaan terhadap penggunaan mobile learning di kalangan pelajar tingkatan 6 dalam mata pelajaran Geografi. Hasil daripada analisis statistik menunjukkan bahawa tahap penerimaan pelajar terhadap mobile learning berada di tahap yang tinggi.
  2. Siti Nur Ain Mustafa, Mohamad Saifudin Mohamad Saleh, Azman Azwan Azmawati
    Bencana tsunami ini sememangnya memberikan kesan terhadap kesejahteraan ekonomi dan sosial negara. Di antara negara-negara Asia Tenggara, Indonesia dikenal pasti sebagai salah sebuah negara yang sering menghadapi bencana tsunami. Malaysia yang kedudukannya berhampiran dengan Indonesia turut menerima kesan daripada bencana tsunami yang terjadi di negara berkenaan. Kejadian bencana tsunami yang sememangnya serius ini telah mendapat pelaporan yang meluas oleh media tempatan dan antarabangsa. Bencana tsunami yang lazimnya berlaku secara tiba-tiba dan sukar untuk dijangka ini telah menyebabkan pelaporannya berbeza dengan isu-isu lain seperti jenayah, hiburan dan sebagainya. Malah, kajian-kajian lalu turut mendapati bahawa media menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dalam melaporkan berita bencana seperti tsunami yang jelas memerlukan persediaan yang rapi bagi menghasilkan penulisan yang berkualiti dan beretika. Sungguhpun kejadian tsunami adalah serius, kajian-kajian lalu terhadap pelaporan media khususnya dalam aspek cabaran wartawan dalam melaporkan isu ini adalah amat terhad. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan dengan matlamat untuk memenuhi kelompongan kajian lepas dan seterusnya menyumbang kepada korpus penyelidikan bidang Komunikasi Bencana di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Penyelidikan ini memberikan tumpuan terhadap cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi oleh para wartawan kedua-dua negara dalam melaporkan berita tsunami. Temu bual secara mendalam telah dilakukan bersama lapan orang wartawan dari The Star Online, Malaysia dan The Jakarta Post, Indonesia. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa bilangan wartawan pakar isu terhad, pengetahuan terhad wartawan tentang bencana tsunami, kurang persediaan oleh bilik berita, pemotretan visual ketika bencana dan penentuan landskap berita oleh editor adalah cabaran-cabaran utama yang dihadapi oleh wartawan-wartawan di Malaysia dan Indonesia dalam melaporkan isu tsunami.
  3. Parthiban S.Gopal, Muhammad AlNaufal Abdul Rahman, Nor Malina Malek, Paramjit Singh Jamir Singh, Law, Chee Hong
    Kemiskinan merupakan satu fenomena yang dialami oleh seseorang individu tanpa kerelaan dan kehendak mereka. Kemiskinan boleh dikategorikan kepada dua jenis iaitu material dan bukan material. Miskin material terdiri daripada miskin pendapatan dan bukan pendapatan iaitu pendidikan, akses kepada kesihatan, pekerjaan dan kemudahan awam. Manakala miskin bukan material ialah berkait berkenaan ciri-ciri sahsiah seperti emosi, psikologi dan rohani. Kesemua keadaan yang berlaku ini menyebabkan seseorang yang miskin mengalami kesukaran untuk keluar dari situasi kemiskinan sekiranya tiada tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pihak bertanggungjawab. Pengukuran kemiskinan adalah langkah awal dalam mengenal pasti golongan miskin. Terdapat dua jenis iaitu pengukuran kemiskinan undimensi yang melihat kemiskinan dari sudut pendapatan sahaja dan pengukuran kemiskinan multidimensi yang melihat pada aspek holistik serta kemanusiaan. Terdapat banyak kelemahan pada pengukuran unidimensi kerana ia hanya mengukur kemiskinan dari perspektif pendapatan sahaja. Hal ini sudah tentulah tidak komprehensif dalam pengenalpastian golongan yang miskin. Oleh itu pengukuran kemiskinan multidimensi akan diterokai bagi memahami dengan lebih lanjut seperti perbezaannya dengan pengukuran unidimensi dan mengapakah Indeks Kemiskinan Multidimensi (IKM) adalah pengukur kemiskinan yang paling sesuai lagi berkesan. Kajian ini menggunakan data sekunder sebagai metodologi kajian. Hasil kajian ini dijangka bukan sahaja boleh mengetahui berapa ramai yang miskin dan peratusannya, malahan kita juga boleh mengetahui dimensi penyumbang utama kepada masalah kemiskinan. Melalui pengukuran ini, sesuatu program atau pemberian insentif dapat disalurkan dengan tepat kepada kumpulan sasaran.
  4. Zulhazmi Zahari, Muhd Khaizer Omar
    Perubahan teknologi yang drastik disebabkan oleh perkembangan Revolusi Perindustrian 4.0 secara tidak langsung memberi impak kepada pembangunan negara dan trend pekerjaan. Keadaan ini telah menimbulkan kebimbangan dalam kalangan graduan pendidikan terutamanya dalam aliran Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (PLTV) untuk memenuhi keperluan perindustrian. Secara amnya, para graduan menerima kritikan kerana prestasi yang kurang memberangsangkan ketika memasuki alam pekerjaan. Keadaan ini mendatangkan masalah yang serius dalam perbincangan meja bulat terutama isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan kelayakan siswazah, kemahiran pekerjaan, dan kurangnya penyertaan dalam industri. Walau bagaimanapun, aliran PLTV telah diberikan perhatian yang serius apabila pembudayaan politik dan tindakan proaktif kerajaan yang berusaha meningkatkan jumlah pekerja mahir dalam negara. Artikel ini merungkaikan kebolehsuaian kerjaya sebagai faktor utama dalam menyelaraskan kesediaan tenaga kerja dengan landskap pekerjaan graduan. Perbincangan ini membawa kepada pemahaman perkembangan dimensi kebolehsuaian kerjaya dalam kalangan pelajar kolej vokasional di Malaysia. Hubungan antara pemboleh ubah yang dinyatakan merangkumi penerimaan sokongan sosial dan kebolehsuaian kerjaya turut dikaji. Penyelidikan ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan melengkapkan set set soal selidik dan diedarkan kepada 226 orang pelajar diploma tahun akhir dalam enam program pengajian yang didaftarkan dengan menggunakan teknik persampelan bertujuan. Statistik deskriptif dan inferens telah digunakan menggunakan SPSS Versi 23 untuk memperoleh hubungan berdasarkan persoalan kajian. Pemahaman terhadap hala tuju masa hadapan dapat membantu graduan memahami hubungan yang mungkin wujud antara kebolehsuaian kerjaya dengan pemboleh ubah yang disebutkan bagi mencadangkan penambahbaikan untuk menggalakkan pelaksanaan kurikulum PLTV dalam memberi jaminan kebaikan kepada graduan negara bermula daripada peringkat akar umbi.
  5. Mohd Safix Lamsah, Rosniza Aznie Che Rose, Rogis Baker
    Latihan di tempat kerja merupakan faktor kritikal dalam meningkatkan kekuatan sumber manusia khususnya membentuk prestasi kerja yang optimis. Pengurusan latihan yang baik dan kreatif akan mempengaruhi kuantiti penyertaan dan tahap kepuasan daripada peserta. Walau bagaimanapun, pengurusan latihan secara atas talian di kebanyakan organisasi secara umumnya masih berada pada tahap yang rendah mendepani situasi sukar pandemik COVID-19. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian yang dijalankan ini adalah berkenaan pengurusan latihan secara atas talian di Kementerian Pertahanan, Malaysia dalam konteks penerimaan peserta latihan. Terdapat tiga objektif dalam kajian ini iaitu mengenalpasti profil peserta latihan, menganalisis tahap kepuasan peserta terhadap latihan secara atas talian dan mencadangkan langkah penambahbaikan terhadap pengurusan latihan secara atas talian di sektor awam. Kaedah kajian yang digunakan adalah pemerhatian, temu bual tidak rasmi dan borang soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada 210 orang responden. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan menggunakan formula Taro Yamanae. Data kajian dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif frekuensi, CrossTabulation, Chi-Square dan analisis kolerasi menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, didapati bahawa penyertaan peserta latihan secara atas talian disebabkan oleh faktor platform atas talian yang mudah untuk diakses, modul latihan secara atas talian yang interaktif, rakaman video latihan yang boleh dijadikan rujukan dan suasana latihan yang fleksibel di mana nilai min yang diperolehi adalah tinggi. Secara keseluruhan, tahap kepuasan responden terhadap pengurusan latihan secara atas talian adalah pada tahap sederhana. Oleh yang demikian, setiap latihan secara atas talian perlu diuruskan dengan dengan efisyen dari segenap aspek agar impaknya menjamin kepuasan dan keperluan pekerja.
  6. Muhammad Raqib Mohd Sofian, Azman Azwan Azmawati
    Malaysia has previously experienced various incidents and issues involving race and religion and it has caused problems in terms of relations between races and religions. Issues involving religion and race often involve Islam, which is also the official religion of Malaysia. Islam is often a sensitive subject because it is often used as a tool to maintain the hegemony and status quo by the government in the context of Malaysia. In 2013, a non-governmental organization known as " COMANGO" submitted several demands involving human rights in Malaysia to the United Nations (UN) at the Universal Periodic Assessment (UPR). COMANGO was said to have made several demands that challenged the position of Islam and Malays in Malaysia and also promoting free sex. This issue has received widespread coverage in the Malaysian press; especially the mainstream press and it is seen as an issue that can benefit the government to strengthen their power by playing this issue to the general public. Therefore, this article aims to examine the messages delivered by the mainstream press on this issue, specifically Utusan Malaysia and The Star. The findings of the study show that the two newspapers provide almost the same coverage with little differences. Utusan Malaysia is seen as strongly opposing to COMANGO demands and elevates the UMNO party as a party that really fight for Islam while The Star, although seen as giving COMANGO more opportunities to express their stance, is seen to be cautious in their reporting on the issue
  7. Noraida Md Idrus, Siti Mistima Maat
    Healthy competition in the field of education makes every individual strive to improve their abilities and competencies in terms of knowledge, skills and values related to mathematics. Mathematics as an important communication tool in the pursuit of the progress of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era requires a community that is fluent and literate in mathematics. The main focus is to produce a generation of leaders who are analytical, critical and logical thinking urging the education sector to identify issues and shortcomings of self-efficacy related to mathematics from the grassroots level. The purpose of this study is to make a systematic literature review on the components of self-efficacy and its inclusion in mathematics education research. Two research questions that are emphasised are the components of self-efficacy and how self-efficacy is studied in empirical research in mathematics education. This study uses the PRISMA Model. Two search engines are used, namely the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) and Google Scholar. Out of the 152 articles identified, a total of 20 articles were accepted that met the purpose of the study. Based on the analysis conducted, there are 4 components of self-efficacy that have been identified, namely mathematical self-efficacy, technological self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy and teaching self-efficacy. The findings also show that the majority of self-efficacy studies are conducted quantitatively compared to qualitatively. The main research lines observed were the level of self-efficacy, the relationship between self-efficacy and other relevant variables, and the development of self-efficacy. Although many previous studies have been conducted in the Asian continent, the number of studies that emphasise self-efficacy in the Malaysian environment is still considered small. Therefore, the results of this study are expected to provide a deep understanding so that such studies can be implemented in the context of education in Malaysia.
  8. Romzi Ationg, Mohd. Sohaimi Esa, Mohd Azri Ibrahim, Jualang Azlan Gansau, Andreas Totu, Irma Wani Othman
    This paper presents an analysis on the resurgence of multiethnic political ideology in Sabah through the slogan of ‘Sabah for Sabahan’. It is found that after several decades of dealing with racial issues, Sabah is increasingly understanding the fact that politicizing ethnic differences will only lead to destruction. This situation was found to be an effect on the use of the slogan "Sabah for Sabahan". Therefore, the slogan should be considered as one of the important factors in the process of development or the resurgence of multi-ethnic political ideology in Sabah. In other words, this paper has shown that changes in political characteristics in a society characterized by diversity can be done through the creation and widespread use of specific political slogans that are very significant with the current needs and needs of the population in an administrative unit such as village, city and country
  9. M. Kaviza
    Kajian berbentuk korelasi ini bertujuan untuk menentukan sama ada terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan aplikasi Google Classroom dari aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap terhadap pencapaian dalam pembelajaran sejarah. Seramai 114 orang murid Tingkatan Empat yang dipilih berdasarkan teknik persampelan rawak mudah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Instrumen kajian ini merupakan soal selidik dan ujian pencapaian. Data kajian ini dianalisis secara statistik inferensi iaitu ujian Korelasi Pearson dan ujian Regresi Pelbagai melalui perisian IBM SPSS. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan linear positif yang sederhana tinggi secara signifikan antara min penggunaan aplikasi Google Classroom iaitu pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap terhadap pencapaian dalam pembelajaran sejarah. Selain itu, pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap dalam penggunaan aplikasi Google Classroom dilaporkan merupakan pembolehubah-pembolehubah peramal dan telah menyumbang sebanyak 27 peratus varians terhadap pencapaian dalam pembelajaran sejarah dalam kajian ini. Implikasi kajian ini telah memaparkan sumber maklumat kepada para guru sejarah untuk melaksanakan proses pembelajaran dan pemudahcaraan melalui penggunaan aplikasi Google Classroom dengan berkesan kerana aplikasi Google Classroom didapati mempengaruhi peningkatan pencapaian dalam pembelajaran sejarah dalam kalangan murid.
  10. Norsahida Sakira Kirman, Mohammad Mujaheed Hassan, Farah Husna Anwar, Azlina Mohd Khir, Wan Munira Wan Jaafar
    Behaviour is the way an individual translate input derived from interactions into action and reaction, either through verbal communication or through nonverbal communication. Behaviour is also influenced by an individual's emotions to respond or to react when interacting in the social context of society. However, social symptoms are getting a huge blow from the teens. The negativity in socialization are intensely prominent among teenagers. The behaviour of a school teen who violates the norm is a behaviour of a delinquent. These cases of misconduct have a negative impact on the wellbeing and peace of life in the community. In addition, there have been cases of social collapse of morals now widely circulating in the media regarding sexually explicit acts such as rape and premarital pregnancy. Several social factors can be identified to influence teens, of which most of them are still schooling. Therefore, this research aims to study the factors, relevance and differences of socialization in influencing individual behaviour. Total of 120 students, including 70 boys from Sekolah Tunas Bakti Sg. Besi and 50 girls from Asrama Bahagia Kg. Pandan. Both schools are those who are involved in juvenile cases and under control of the Department of Social Welfare (JKM). The design of the study is descriptive. Data was collected through a three-part questionnaire, which comprises of A Background Information of Students, B Five Socialization Factors, and C Aggressive Behaviour. The data collected was then analysed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) to evaluate percentages, frequency, correlation, T-test and Anova. Results found that male students were more likely to be influenced by mass media factors while female students were more likely to be influenced by peers. Ultimately, the research results reveal that the behaviour of individuals is influenced by three main factors, namely the media, peers and individual self. There were no significant differences between male and female gender for socialization factors influencing aggressive behavior. Therefore, some proposals have been formulated such as form new acts, emphasizing the importance of family as well as educational institutions such as schools.
  11. Dg Norizah Ag Kiflee@Dzulkifli, Roslee Talip, Tan, Choon Keong, Soon Singh Bikar Singh, Lee, Bih Ni, Rosy Talin, et al.
    This study was conducted to study the influence of the development of values in 21st century education on the forming of student’ personality in rural Under-Enrolled School (SKM) in Sabah. In addition, this study examines the difference in the mean score of the development of value approach in 21st century education and the forming of student’ personality in rural Under-Enrolled School (SKM) in Sabah. This study uses non-experimental design and quantitative methods. A total of 209 SKM teachers were selected to be sampled in this study. This sample was determined using a simple random sampling method. Questionnaire instruments were used to obtain information from the respondents. The primary data obtained from the respondents were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software using inferential statistics analysis involving Linear Regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that there is a significant positive and strong influence between the development of value approach in 21st century education on the forming of student’ personality in rural Under-Enrolled School (SKM) in Sabah (Beta=0.88, t=27.65). The results of this study are expected to provide useful input to various parties, especially the Ministry of Education Malaysia in an effort to improve the school's ability to produce students who are personal and able to contribute to the development of the country.
  12. Ibrahim H, Jarimal N
    This paper is based on literature review on the legal, political and social context of Malaysia regarding child welfare and social work. Children are an asset and younger generations will become the leaders of the country in future. In the Malaysian context, a variety of factors impact on how children are defined. These include the Islamic perspective, local cultural practices, approaches based on biological growth and relevant legislation. Such varying definitions can cause confusion in the application of law and could result in injustice. When talking regarding the social problems concerning children in Malaysia, there include abuse, neglect, abandonment of babies, street children, children beyond parental control, children involved with crime, underage marriage, prostitution and child trafficking.However, the shortage of professional social workers who can effectively manage abuse and child neglect cases is a serious problem.
  13. Muhd Dhamir Audi Azizul, Azlina Mohd Khir, Wan Munira Wan Jaafar
    Relapse is a common phenomenon among former addicts who has undergone a preventive and rehabilitation treatment program. Relaps is a condition of using drugs more than one times after stopping them for a certain period of time depending on one's resistance to a drug withdrawal syndrome. There are various factors that affect the former drug addicts became relaps. Hence, the focus of this study is to explain the external factors of relaps among adult male drug addicts in Cure and Care Service Centre, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. This study is a qualitative research that has been using a phenomenology approach using face-to-face interviews and further observation among eight drug addicts who are undergoing rehabilitation programs at CCSC Kuala Pilah. Sample selection was done through purposive sampling techniques and data were analyzed using thematic analysis through an inductive approach that focused on coding to obtain some key themes. The result of the study indicates the external factors such as family, peer and environmental factors play a great role in influencing of relapse. In conclusion, these identified factors illustrate the external influences that cause drug addicts to relapse. Therefore, the researcher proposes a post-rehabilitation module or program done by the responsible agencies after the addicts completed the rehabilitation program as guidance for them to the right direction for efficient recovery.
  14. Patonah Zakaria, Amna Md. Noor, Azlina Mohd Khir
    The main purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between self-concept, family
    relationship quality and externalizing behavior problem (aggressive behavior and delinquency
    behavior) among adolescents in Selangor. Besides that, this study also to determine the level of selfconcept,
    family relationship quality and externalizing behavior among secondary school students as
    well as to compare the differences between these three variables according to sex. A total of 400
    students (nmale =53%, nfemale=47%) from secondary schools were selected in this study. The multi-stage
    cluster sampling technique was used during sample selection. Data were obtained from selfadministered
    questionnaire that are consist of Individual Protective Factors Index Questionnaire
    (1992), Family Relationship Characteristics (1997), Aggression Scale (2001) and Problem Behavior
    Frequency Scale (1977). The findings revealed that majority of students have moderate level of selfconcept,
    family relationship quality as well as externalizing behavior. In terms of sex differences, the
    results showed that family belief, family structure and externalizing behavior have significant
    differences according to sex (t= -4.393 to 7.588, p
  15. Aswadi Mohamad, Zaitul Azma Zainon Hamzah
    This article focuses in structure of language within the village society in Manik Urai Kelantan during
    the flood situation. The research was specifically to identify the structure of Speech Act use by the rural
    community to give information about flood. Besides, this research observes the application of
    linguistics methodology during flood situation using Speech Act Theory which is the categorization of
    Speech Act by Searle (1969). This theory was choose for the ability to detail linguistic's differences
    based on the structure of Speech Act categories such as representatives, directives, commissives,
    expresives and declaratives. For the purpose of the research, a video about flood situation was choose
    and transcribe to observe the the structure of speech act within the village society in the flood situation.
    The result of the research shows all Speech Act have their structure. The beneficial of this research is as
    a guideline and reference for the readers and language researchers especially those who were active
    participant of volunteer field.
  16. Ricky Yakub Ganang, Wong, Jane Kon Ling, Ganesan, Kavitha
    Buayehor crocodile plays a very important role in the life of the Lundayeh society. Their belief in buayeh,which is a ferocious river reptile, has been with them since their existence for hundreds of years. During the headhunting period the animal symbolised an enemy that was defeated. On the other hand the crocodile also symbolises strength, heroism, fame andwealth. For instance, among the Lundayeh people, strength is when a person succeeds in chopping and bringing an enemy’s head after a war or headhunting expedition and is highly regarded as a hero and a grand celebration is held to welcome him. The whole community would participate in building a crocodile image made of earth where they would perform the fekuab,a heroic song which was led by a woman, followed by the warrior’s relatives and followers. The warrior and the hero of the day would then boast and recite a self-proclamation about his fame by cutting the effigy with a sword felefetwith all his might. In the case of wealth, only a man who succeeded in farming was able to build a huge Ulung Buayehor crocodile mound in the heath forest. In this paper therefore I will examine the manifestation of the quality of life for the Lundayeh people as elements of strength, heroism, fame and wealth which are represented in the oral literature through the image of buayeh.
  17. Mohamad Izzuan Mohd Ishar, Mohd Khata Jabor
    Entrepreneurship showed an increase in the popularity of business education, engineering education,
    universities and educational institutions. All students who engage in entrepreneurial education has the
    potential to develop their entrepreneurial skills and knowledge. However, the majority of
    entrepreneurial education program focused on the exploitation of existing opportunities and assume
    that these opportunities have been identified. Research on entrepreneurship also shows that efficiency
    is often ignored or receive little attention while teaching entrepreneurship. This article was developed
    to assist in improving the understanding of the concept of learning which supports entrepreneurship
    and the development of entrepreneurial competence.
  18. Moga Dass T, Sabri MF
    The main purpose of this study is to understand the financial status of urban poor community in Kuala Lumpur and factors affecting their personal well-being. The sampling size of this research is 1,064 respondents chosen by using systematic sampling method. The data was obtained by using selfadministered questionnaires and the data being analysed by descriptive analysis meanwhile and multi regression analysis. The results shows that the urban poor community in Kuala Lumpur are having a moderate level of financial literacy possess a less effective financial behaviour, experiencing a high financial strain and adapting a moderate level of personal well-being. Besides that, the results also indicates that the financial literacy has no influence on personal well-being of the urban poor community, meanwhile financial behaviour has a positive influence and financial strain has a negative influence on the personal well-being of the urban poor community. The findings of the study suggest the government and non-government organisation such as Economic Planning Unit ((EPU), Kuala Lumpur City Hall (KLCH or DBKL), Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM), Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (CCDM or AKPK), Federation of Consumer Association (FOMCA) to make an inclusive effort and approach to improve the personal well-being of the urban poor. By understanding more about the financial status of the urban poor community, it is hoped to help them to become financial prudence and in the long-run could lead them into a good decision making while facing conflicts in financial issues and maintain a good quality of life. It is important to ensure the urban poor consumers have better financial management skills which lead them to make the right decision in order to enhance their personal well-being.
  19. Azahar Che Latiff, Mohd Dahlan A. Malek, Wan Anor Wan Sulaiman, Puteri Hayati Megat Ahmed
    The purpose of this study is to identify the effectiveness of integrative therapy treatment towards
    depression and aggression among prison inmates. Integrative therapy in this study refers to treatment
    module which are consisted of four integrated theories in a counselling process. It involved the
    combined therapy of Person Client Centred (PCC), Rational Emotions Behaviour Therapy (REBT)
    and Choice Theory Reality Therapy (CTRT) as technical treatment. Meanwhile, Stimulus Organism
    Response (SOR) act as educational principle or training. Integrative therapy is conducted on the
    respondents for six session of group counselling. This study is a quasi-experiment involving 160 depressed prison inmates (80 treatment; 80 control) and 140 aggressive inmates (70 treatment; 70
    control) from five prison institutions as the respondent for this study using purposive sampling.
    Inmates are identified as respondents using high cutting point of depression using Beck Depression
    Inventory (BDI) and high aggression using Aggressive Questionnaires (AQ). For the data analysis, nonparametric
    test such as Mann-Whitney Test and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test were used based on the
    normality test using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk test. Result from the Mann-Whitney Test
    shows that the treatment group had higher declining rate as compared to the controlled group for
    depression and aggression. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test also shows the same result as the treatment
    group indicates a decline in rate from the pre and post of the treatment compared to the controlled
    group. The results of this study are hope to act as the medium for using integrative model which is
    rarely use in studies in this country especially in the field of treatment for prison inmates. It is also
    expected that it can be applied in different setting which offer treatment service such as hospitals,
    social work institution, police institute, schools, higher learning institutions and others.
  20. Mohamad Noor Firdaus Sahul Hameed
    At present, social protection system is a requirement for those involved in all sectors of employment
    such as pensions to Government employees and Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to private sector
    workers. The primary basis of the system is to provide protection to address poverty, financial
    assistance and future guarantees. However, no structured social protection system was introduced to
    the informal sectors workers in Malaysia such as farmers and others. The purpose of this study is to
    examine the level of knowledge and acceptance of social protection systems among farmers in the
    Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA). This study involved 573 respondents covering 4
    regions within the MADA area. In conclusion, this study will examine the level of knowledge and
    acceptance of farmers on social protection systems in their communities.
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