Workplace accident is a big challenges for a safety professional. Workplace accidents may lead from minor to serious
effects to both employees and employers alike. Accident is an unexpected and undesirable event, especially those
resulting in damage, harm or unforeseen incidents. This paper also discussed all available accident theories that are
commonly used in workplace as fundamental to mitigating accident. Throughout this paper, the author justified that a
new or updated accident theory is needed in Malaysia. The author stated that current accident theories are based on
different environments and are different in terms physical of the employee who involved in the accident. This author
also stated that technology changes is also another factor which can be supporting the new or updated accident
theory needed in Malaysia.
Drivers’ posture is one of the factors that can contribute to driving discomfort. Subjective evaluation is needed in determining the driving discomfort problem. The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability of different driving postures that may lead to drivers’ discomfort. A total of thirty-four healthy Malaysian drivers were involved in this study. Respondents were required to sit on the driver’s seat with the required adjustments of three different postures and fill-in the given subjective evaluation form. The same procedure was repeated for each respondent after three days for purpose of conducting test retest evaluation. The reliability statistical analysis result shows the study was reliable and valid with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient equal to 0.827. The comparison means that ANOVA analysis also shows significance difference between these three groups of postures for all measured parameters. In conclusion, the result from this study shows the subjective evaluation conducted is reliable and can be used for drivers’ posture discomfort study.
The furnishings provided by the Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) are not suitable with the diverse student’s body
shapes. This could leads to lack of comfort in usage of the furnishings as well as affecting the effectiveness of the
delivery of the lectures. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to evaluate the student’s comfort level in the
current seat of the Lecture Theatre (LT) and to gather student’s anthropometry data. Two hundred and twenty one
students were involved in this study from one of the IHL in Selangor. A few similar design of LT were chosen for this
study. The Standard Nordic Questionnaire was used to identify the comfort level of students. Eleven body parts
measurements of all participated students were collected by using measurement apparatus such as callipers and
ruler. Based on the findings, it showed that the current seat in LT is uncomfortable to be used, in line with the
results from surveys and mismatch of the seat and student measurement data.
Development of ergonomic sofa design is a design process that has the basic framework specification and type of
material that is applied on the sofa design. This is due to human consumption that is closely related to ergonomic
design of this specification which will affect human physical. To achieve this goal, a survey involving 30 respondents
of sofa makers was conducted to get feedback regarding the sofa design specifications. Survey questions emphasize
on the basic specifications and material dimensions of sofa materials used. The results of data analysis show that the
size of basic dimensions and materials is essential in designing an ergonomic sofa. The survey is very important to
find out the basic specifications in the development of ergonomic design through perception of sofa maker.
Waste and by-products form palm oil trees are versatile and can be used as biomass fuel, but the processes of producing electricity by using low pressure boilers are causing air pollution. The objective of this study is to determine the association between PM10 and PM2.5 exposure with respiratory symptoms and lung function among children living near to palm oil mill. A cross- Sectional comparative study was carried out among school children at Dengkil and Kerling. Questionnaires adopted from ATS-DLD-78-C were distributed to the respondents’ parents. PM10 and PM2.5 was measured. Lung function of the respondents was evaluated by using Chest Graph Spirometer; results were compared with standards of lung function, by ATS (1991). There was a significant difference for Mean±SD PM10 and PM2.5 in studied and comparative area, (p
This An Ergonomic hazard often exists in any industry. However, majority of the employees are not aware of practicing good body posture until the MSDs symptoms become permanent and chronic. The main objective of this study is to determine the manual handling problems among workers at an electronic component manufacturing company. The scope of this study focused on the study entire body disorders among workers on electronic manufacturing company using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). A cross sectional study involving observation of the workplace, the work task and the working environment, photographs and videos taken during the observation. Later, a survey questionnaire was given to the respondents to obtain their socio-demography information, work activity and health problems. Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) was conducted on all respondents to determined REBA scores in different work positions. The study was conducted at an electronic component manufacturing company located in Klang Valley, Selangor. A total of 124 workers were surveyed and REBA assessment was performed on 20 workers at Company X production area. It includes 5 categories of position at Company X, such as:loading steel bar into casing; pushing the steel bar, turning movement while adjusting the steel bar, adjusting steel bar into the loading area, unloading steel bar from casing into the machine. The study found that turning section has the highest MSDs problems regarding manual handling because majority of the respondents in the turning department felt the pain while performing their work. This is due to their job demand, which they need to handle with tools weighing from 200 to 400 kg. The REBA scores showed that17 out of 20 respondents performing turning operations, moving and pushing the steel bar recorded the highest score of 11 or more which are categorize in the very high risk group. The position of pushing and turning steel bar while moving the steel bar has higher risk that contributed to the ergonomics risk factor, which in-turn can contribute to Muscular Skeletal Disorders (MSDs). More detailed investigation and remedial measures should be taken immediately, especially for the workers performing the manual handlings activities.
The purpose of this study is to compare the road conditions (straight road, winding road and hill road) with the hand grip pressure force and muscle fatigue for male and female drivers. Ten subjects were participated in this study. The force measurement and electromyography (EMG) responses were taken and evaluated by using the tactile grip and pressure measurement (Grip System) and Electromyography (EMG) device. The result indicated that the winding road produced more muscle fatigue and high hand grip pressure force compared than downhill road, hill up road, and straight road for both male and female subjects. The result compared the muscle fatigue and hand grip pressure force between the first 15 minutes and last 15 minutes of driving activity. The muscle fatigue increasingly high for the last 15 minutes compared to first 15 minutes. However, the hand grip pressure forces become high during the winding road for first 15 minutes of driving session. The muscle fatigue become high as the hand grip pressure force value is high. Furthermore, the male drivers exert higher hand grip pressure force and higher muscle fatigue compared to female drivers. This study can be used as a guideline for the future studies, primarily in solving the driving fatigue problem among the Malaysian’s drivers. The method of this study could also be used for early detection of driver fatigue issues. Indirectly, the findings could reduce the number of car accidents in Malaysia.
Safety helmet become vital personal protective equipment especially in the plantation in preventing the head from injury. This study evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice on safety helmet usage among harvesters, the association between knowledge, attitude and practice of safety helmet usage with head injury; and the significant differences of the safety helmet practices before and after the intervention. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 109 harvesters in two oil palm plantation located in Selangor, Malaysia. A set of questionnaire was used to collect the socio demographic background data, knowledge, attitude and practice on the usage of safety helmet. An intervention program through tool box talk on proper usage of safety helmet also was given followed by an observation to look for the differences before and after the tool box promotion on the use of safety helmet. Result from the descriptive analysis showed high score for knowledge, fair score for the attitude and practice among harvesters. There is no association between knowledge (X2=2.733; p>0.05), attitude (X2=2.546; p>0.05) and practice (X2=2.473; p>0.05) with the head injury. The result also gave no significant differences (p>0.05) of the practices before and after the intervention. However, the trends showed decrease in number of practices after the intervention. This study reveals that the knowledge, attitude and practice are not a prominent indicator for head injury among harvesters.
This study was conducted to evaluate the discomfort level of students from the Polytechnic Kuching Sarawak while they were sitting on chairs. Polytechnic Kuching students (n=500) completed a set of questionnaires utilizing a survey form which showed the body chart discomfort using Borg’s CR-10 Scale. The students was asked to identify body areas experiencing discomfort and to rate this discomfort using score rating groups (0 to 5) where score 0-1.99 = No discomfort (1), score2.00-3.99 =Discomfort (2) and score 4.00-5.00 = Very uncomfortable (3).The evaluation of seating discomfort levels showed acceptable levels for the students and possible outstanding problems. Students were asked to rank over an order 10 statements about comfort and choose three responses which gave the most consistent equal interval scale. The results showed that the main response of discomfort indicated the students felt cramped, stiff, numb, sore and tender muscle, unbearable pain, barely comfortable and uncomfortable. This project was identified to evaluate the comfort level for classrooms chairs of polytechnic students. Overall, there was a significant discomfort level for the students whilst sitting on chairs and a possible solution put forward is to design a new type of classroom chair made of natural fibre reinforced composite.
The objective of study is to determine traffic noise level and non-auditory effect among shop lot workers at Kajang Selangor. This cross sectional study was carried to study traffic noise exposure with annoyance and work performance level among shop lot workers in Jalan Mendaling, JalanTukang and Jalan Sulaiman at Kajang town, Selangor. This study involves 120 shop lot workers that exposed to the traffic noise during their working hours where they are randomly selected. Noise exposure was estimated using the Sound Level Meter for environmental noise. The traffic volume was recorded using video recorder and calculated using tally counter. One set questionnaire consist standard questionnaire was used to assess the annoyance level and work performance level among the respondents. Respondents were predominantly by male which are 94 and female, 26 respondents. The mean age of the respondent were ranged between 41 to 60 years old. Only 12.5% of respondent are ranged 21 until 30 years old. In total of 120 respondent, 54.2% of them are Chinese while Malay and India only 30% and 15.8% respectively. The result showed that the traffic noise level at study areas are exceeded the permissible sound limit of commercial and business area during daylight which is 70 dB(A). Regarding work performance, 94 respondents are having low work performance level and 82% of respondent high annoyance level during the exposure of traffic noise from four different sources which are noise from the traffic, speeding vehicle, high traffic volume and exhaust system. There is a significant relationship between traffic noise level with work performance level (p=0.001) and annoyance level (p=0.026). The average traffic noise (Laeq) level at Jalan Mendaling, Jalan Tukang and Jalan Sulaiman is 71.19 dB(A) which were high and exceeds permissible sound level from road traffic, commercial and business place at day time, 70 dB(A). The exposure from the traffic noise effect the annoyance level and work performance level among the shop lot worker. In order to reduce traffic noise exposure towards the shop lot workers, some recommendation are needed to control the traffic noise such as build a noise barrier, plant trees and also enforcement of legal requirement in noise level.
Health services are considered to be of good quality if customers’ expectations and perceptions are well balanced. Determinants confirming customers’ expectations will lead to satisfaction, while factors disconfirming it will result in customers’ dissatisfaction, reduced compliance to physicians’ treatment and deterioration in overall disease management. A cross-sectional comparative study was carried out from September till October 2008 to determine population satisfaction with health services provided by the public health clinics in Selangor. A total of 3840 respondents from the urban Health Clinics (HCs) and 4768 respondents from rural HCs were selected applying multi-stage random sampling from 54 HCs in nine districts from Selangor. Self-administrated questionnaires formulated by adopting SERVQUAL method based on modified five dimensions plus four dimensions of Clinics Corporation were used . Results showed the proportion of satisfaction among the population towards services provided by the public HCs was high at 86.1%. From X2 bivariate analysis; satisfied respondents were significantly from Indian and Chinese ethnic community more than the Malays, more among the less educated, the older age category (more than 33 years old) and males’ were slightly more satisfied than females. Patients who visited HCs more than three times were more satisfied than one time visitors. Occupation, marital status and HCs urban-rural locality were not significantly associated with customers’ satisfaction level. All dimensions showed high satisfaction level especially on treatment outcome, except on health care workers (HCWs) caring and professionalism domains. Working as a team was slightly higher in the urban areas compared to rural area. Overall, the SERVQUAL score of all dimensions were higher among the urban respondents albeit not significant. Clients’ perceptions were generally higher than expectations reflecting the high satisfactions among clients at 86.1%. Much improvement needs to be put into training HCWs to be more caring and adapting a professional attitude towards clients. Clients’ satisfactions in the urban and rural HCs were almost equal and did not reflect a decrease of health services priority in the rural areas.
Increasing prevalence of chronic diseases is a major contributor for rapid rise in healthcare cost in developing countries since the last decade. It was estimated that around 54% of deaths in developing countries are due to chronic non-communicable diseases which is predicted to rise by 65% by 2030. Diabetes mellitus is among the most prevalent chronic diseases suffered by more than 180 million people worldwide. By 2030 it is estimated that around 400 million people in the world will be afflicted with diabetes. Annual deaths attributable to diabetes are probably as high as 3 million with more than 80% occur in developing countries. India, China and Indonesia are three countries in the Asian region with most number of people with diabetes. The total number of cases in these three countries is expected to increase more than double from 61 million in 2000 to 163 million in 2030. China and India will suffer cumulative GDP loss of 13.8% and 16.7% respectively, over the next ten year period. Assessing economic burden of diabetes is a challenging task for researchers because identification of direct and indirect cost of the disease is often complex since patients with diabetes also suffers from other complications and co-morbidities. In conclusion, the heavy economic burden of diabetes pose major challenges to health policy makers in developing countries to assess the current approach in managing this chronic disease. Serious efforts should be made on focusing and up-scaling activities on health promotion and prevention of diabetes so that to provide a more cost-effective solution to this condition with huge and increasing economic loss.
Analysis of count event data such as mortality cases, were often modelled using Poisson regression model. Maximum likelihood procedures were used by using SAS software to estimate the model parameters of a Poisson regression model. However, the Negative Binomial distribution has been widely suggested as the alternative to the Poisson when there is proof of overdispersion phenomenon. We modelled the mortality cases as the dependent variable using Poisson and Negative Binomial regression and compare both of the models. The procedures were done in SAS by using the function PROC GENMOD. The results showed that the mortality data in Poisson regression exhibit large ratio values between deviance to degree of freedom which indicate model misspecification or overdispersion. This large ratio was found to be reduced in Negative Binomial regression. The Normal probability plot of Pearson residual confirmed that the Negative Binomial regression is a better model than Poisson regression in modelling the mortality data. The objective of this study is to compare the goodness of fit of Poisson regression model and Negative Binomial regression model in the application of air pollution epidemiologic time series study by using SAS software.
Many studies on adolescent smoking have been conducted in Malaysia, but very limited information is available on smoking amongst lower secondary school male students (Forms 1 and 2). We present data from a baseline study in Kota Tinggi District, Johor on the psychosocial factors, stages of smoking acquisition and susceptibility to smoking initiation and their relationship to adolescent smoking. The study is the first wave of a 3-year longitudinal study which was conducted from March 2007 to May 2009, aimed to describe the prevalence of smoking among students in the lower secondary classes. A three stage stratified sampling was performed to obtain a sample. The Bogus Pipeline Method was employed to confirm smoking status. Prevalence of smoking was 35.5%. Smoking prevalence among students of schools located in the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) settlement areas (42.9%) was two-fold higher than in the rural and town schools combined (20.29%). Using the Fagerstrom scale, 90% of current smokers had lower addiction to nicotine. Smoking was associated with peer smoking [OR, 4.19 (95% CI, 2.57-6.82)], having a brother smoking [2.17 (1.31-3.61)], parental smoking [1.73 (1.17-2.80)] and locality where respondents attend school [1.94(1.11-3.39)]. The study indicates that, the prevalence of smoking was high in all areas especially FELDA settlement areas. Measures such as teaching of skills to resist social pressure to smoke, establishment of peer support groups and involvement of parents in anti-smoking programs are recommended to curb the high prevalence of smoking among lower secondary school students in Kota Tinggi.
Osteoporosis is a global health problem both in the developed and developing countries. Patient education forms an important part in the management of osteoporosis. The objective of this study was to evaluate knowledge about osteoporosis and its correlates among women aged ≥ 40 years attending an urban health centre in India and to identify their sources of information on osteoporosis. Knowledge about osteoporosis was assessed using the Osteoporosis Questionnaire (OPQ) in 243 women over 40 years of age, attending an urban health centre in the city of Mumbai located in the state of Maharashtra in western India. This exploratory cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of eight months. The OPQ analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows Version 13.0. The scores were expressed as mean ± SD (Standard Deviation). The one sample-t test was used to study the differences in the mean scores between socio-demographic variables. The mean total OPQ score was 0.91 (SD ± 5; range -9 to 10; maximum possible score 20). There was a significant difference in the total OPQ scores by the level of education and family history of osteoporosis (p
Dengue is one of the main vector-borne diseases affecting tropical countries and spreading to other countries at the global scenario without cease. The impact of climate variability on vector-borne diseases is well documented. The increasing morbidity, mortality and health costs of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) are escalating at an alarming rate. Numerous efforts have been taken by the ministry of health and local authorities to prevent and control dengue. However dengue is still one of the main public health threats in Malaysia. This study was carried out from October 2009 by a research group on climate change and vector-borne diseases. The objective of this research project is to assess the community vulnerability to climate variability effect on dengue, and to promote COMBI as the community responses in controlling dengue. This project also aims to identify the community adaptive measures for the control of dengue. Various research methodologies were applied in this research project in different localities. Site visits, review on surveillance data and mapping on Aedes population, dengue cases and climate variability, community survey on the knowledge prevalence , opinions and practices (KOP) and mosquito ecology were carried out during pre- and post intervention phases. Community vulnerability towards Aedes and dengue were mapped out applying GIS. A series of workshops, group discussions and activities such as COMBI activities to promote Aedes control were conducted involving the Ledang communities, the health district officers and UKM researchers. These activities also included interventions and documentation of community responses and their adaptive capacities towards dengue. Trends on Aedes population, dengue cases and community surveys pre and post-interventions, the processes for dengue control activities were analysed. The research findings could provide understanding on the community vulnerability to dengue against climate variability, their responses and adaptive measures. The community advocacy on combats against Aedes is a possible effective solution in dengue control. This research could provide other dimensions in public health management to address the impacts of climate change on vector-borne diseases.
Background and Objectives: Unmet need for contraception is the gap between women's reproductive intentions and their contraceptive behavior. This community based interventional study was carried out to determine the unmet needs for contraception, the reasons for this and to assess the impact of interventional measures on acceptance of contraception.
Subjects and Methods: This study was conducted in 52 villages in the state of Maharashtra, India, among 363 married women selected by cluster sampling. Data was collected using an interview guide. An intervention was done for the women who had an unmet need and an assessment of the change was done subsequently. Data was analyzed by using SPSS.
Results The prevalence of contraceptive usage was 59.2% and the prevalence of unmet need for contraception was 44% (160). The unmet need for spacing births was 53.8%, 38.7% for limiting births and 7.5% women were dissatisfied with the current contraceptive method. The reasons ranged from side effects to contraceptives to source of obtaining contraceptives. Age of the respondents, education and number of living children showed statistically significant association with unmet needs. Post intervention, the contraceptive prevalence rate increased significantly 85.7% and there was a significant reduction in the unmet needs for spacing and limiting births, equally there was a significant reduction of dissatisfaction with using contraception.
Conclusion: Improvement in the use of contraception and addressing the unmet need for contraception requires community involvement and ongoing, sustained efforts by health workers to ensure quality care to the beneficiaries.
Introduction: Anemia in pregnancy is still a public health problem in developing countries including Malaysia. Early screening of pregnant mothers who have risk factors of anemia could help identifying these potential anemic mothers and hence targeted for intervention.
Methodology: A cross sectional study IN 2008 was conducted among pregnant women who attended government health clinics in Johor Bahru district to assess the prevalence of anemia in pregnancy and factors associated with it using a structured questionnaire.
Result: Prevalence of anemia in pregnancy (Hb<11.0 g/dl) was 36.6% and majority in mild category (Hb 9-<11 g/dl). The associated factors of anemia in pregnancy were birth spacing, dietary intake with high iron content and iron pill consumption. Multivariate analyses revealed that iron pill intake was the most important factor influencing anemia in pregnancy.
Discussion and conclusion: Even though Johor Bahru is a big town with good health facilities, the prevalence of anemia in pregnancy was quite high. Results were compared with previous studies. Emphasis on compliance to iron pills is very important in prevention and treating anemia in pregnancy
Key Words: anemia in pregnancy, birth spacing and iron pill intake
Study site: Four urban and two rural klinik kesihatan, Johor, Malaysia
Whole-cell Pertussis (wcPertussis) vaccines combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids are effective in preventing clinical pertussis. The study aimed at determining the cost of managing fever and convulsions and cost of adverse events associated with wcPertussis. Parents who brought their children to health clinics and parents of children who were admitted for febrile convulsions were interviewed using structured questionnaire and the information were used to determine the cost of managing adverse events. Mean cost of managing mild fever per case was RM249, mean cost of managing high fever per case was RM1,036 and mean cost of managing convulsions was RM1,225. Total cost of managing adverse events was RM261 million for mild fever, RM66.7 million for high fever and RM1.3 million for convulsions. Costs of managing mild and high fever were less than the cost of managing convulsions. Total cost of managing mild fever was highest at RM261 million compared with RM66.7 million for high fever and RM1.3 million for convulsions. Thus, lower risk of adverse events actually contributed to higher costs of managing the adverse event.
Contact time was defined as the time spent by health personnel with a patient. The study was conducted for four months in 2007 to assess the contact time and to determine the appropriate contact time as perceived by patients attending clinics of various clinical disciplines as well as Out-Patient Departments and Emergency Departments at Ministry of Health Hospitals. This study was a cross-sectional study carried out on out-patients who came to the hospitals’ clinics for treatment. Information was gathered through self-administered questionnaires, distributed at twenty-one hospitals. The respondents were selected using stratified random sampling method. Out of 21,750 questionnaires distributed, 13,463 patients responded, a response rate of 61.9%. This study shows that the average contact time increases from small hospitals (8 minutes) to bigger hospitals (15 minutes). The contact time also varies between the clinics of various disciplines. Obstetrics and Gynecology (O&G) clinics and Pediatric clinics had the longest average contact time of 20 minutes and 15 minutes respectively. The percentage of patients who were satisfied with the contact time corresponded with the type of clinics and hospitals which had the longest contact time. Thus, it is suggested that clinics and hospitals, whenever possible try their best to follow the duration of contact time as perceived appropriate by the patients.
Study site: Out-Patient Departments and Emergency Departments at Ministry of Health Hospitals (21)