OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to determine the impact of a printed educational module on reducing the repetition rate of routine digital chest radiography among radiographers in Makkah Region tertiary hospitals.
METHODS: A quasi-experimental time series with a control group will be conducted in Makkah Region tertiary hospitals for 8 months starting in the second quarter of 2017. Four hospitals out of 5 in the region will be selected; 2 of them will be selected as the control group and the other 2 as the intervention group. Stratification and a simple random sampling technique will be used to sample 56 radiographers in each group. Pre- and postintervention assessments will be conducted to determine the radiographer knowledge, motivation, and skills and repetition rate of chest radiographs. Radiographs of the chest performed by sampled radiographers in the selected hospitals will be collected for 2 weeks before and after the intervention. A piloted questionnaire will be distributed and collected by a researcher in both groups. One-way multivariate analysis of variance and 2-way repeated multivariate analysis of variance will be used to analyze the data.
RESULTS: It is expected that the repetition rate in the intervention group will decline after implementing the intervention and the change will be statistically significant (P
Methods: In this study, the dystrophin gene from M. rosenbergii (MrDys) was first characterised followed by the characterization of dystrophin gene from a closely related shrimp species, Penaeus monodon (PmDys). Dystrophin sequences from different phyla were then used for evolutionary comparison through BLAST analysis, conserved domain analysis and phylogenetic analysis. The changes in mRNA expression levels of dystrophin and the alteration of intracellular calcium concentrations in WSSV infected muscle cells were then studied.
Results: A 1246 base pair long dystrophin sequence was identified in the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (MrDys) followed by 1082 base pair long dystrophin sequence in P. monodon (PmDys). Four conserved domains were identified from the thirteen dystrophin sequences compared which were classified into 5 different phyla. From the phylogenetic analysis, aside from PmDys, the characterised MrDys was shown to be most similar to the invertebrate phylum of Nematoda. In addition, an initial down-regulation of dystrophin gene expression followed by eventual up-regulation, together with an increase in intracellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]
were shown upon WSSV experimental infection.
Discussion: Both the functionality of the dystrophin protein and the intracellular calcium concentration were affected by WSSV infection which resulted in progressive muscle degeneration. An increased understanding of the role of dystrophin-calcium in MrDys and the interactions between these two components is necessary to prevent or reduce occurrences of muscle degeneration caused by WSSV infection, thereby reducing economic losses in the prawn farming industry from such disease.
Methods: Twelve adult sheep were randomly divided into two groups (each n = 6): a control group, where no treatment was administered, and a treatment group, where buccal and palatal corticotomy-assisted maxillary expansion was performed. CBCT scans were taken before (T1) and after (T2) treatment. Differences in all transverse dental and alveolar dimensions, alveolar width at crest level, hard palate level, horizontal bone loss, interdental cusp width and inter-root apex were assessed using Wilcoxon signed-rank and Mann-WhitneyU-tests. Kruskal-Wallis tests and pairwise comparisons were used to detect the significance of differences among the inter-premolar and inter-molar widths.
Results: CBCT data revealed significant changes in all transverse dental and alveolar dimensions. The mean interpremolar alveolar width showed an increase of 2.29 to 3.62 mm at the hard palate level, 3.89 to 4.38 mm at the alveolar crest level, and 9.17 to 10.42 mm at the buccal cusp level. Dental changes in the vertical dimension were not significant.
Conclusions: Our findings based on an adult animal model suggest that adjunctive buccal and palatal corticotomy can allow for both skeletal and dental expansion, with the amount of dental expansion exceeding that of skeletal expansion at alveolar crest and hard palate levels by two and three folds, respectively. Therefore, this treatment modality is potential to enhance the outcomes of maxillary expansion in adults.
OBJECTIVE: The aim is to evaluate the levels of knowledge, attitude, and practice among emergency HCW of the COVID-19 resuscitation protocol by the European Resuscitation Council (ERC).
METHODS: A cross-sectional study using a validated questionnaire was conducted among HCW in the emergency department of University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Malaysia from April to June 2021.
RESULTS: A total of 159 respondents were included in the analysis (89% response rate). Sixty-eight percent of respondents had adequate knowledge regarding COVID-19 resuscitation. Majority of the respondents had knowledge on airborne-precaution personal protective equipment (PPE) (99%) and infection control measures (98%). Nearly 73% were pessimistic about the COVID-19 prognosis. Seventy-three percent of respondents thought an arrested COVID-19 patient may benefit from cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and 94% were willing to administer CPR provided airborne-precaution PPE was available. Ninety percent of respondents reported adherence to resuscitation guidelines. There were significant differences in the mean knowledge scores between designation, education levels, and COVID-19 training. Overall, the respondents' level of practice was insufficient (27%), with a mean score of 53.7%(SD = 14.7). There was a lack of practicein the resuscitation oftheintubatedand patients who were beingprone. There was insufficient practice about ventilation technique, use ofsupraglotticdevices, and intubation barriers. There was a positive correlation between adequate knowledge and good practice.
CONCLUSION: Emergency HCW have adequate knowledge, but poor compliance to the ERC COVID-19 guidelines. Emergency HCW were willing and confident to resuscitate COVID-19 patients, despite fears of nosocomial infection and expectation of poor patients' prognosis. Ongoing education and trainingprogramsare recommended to improve their knowledge, cultivate a positive attitude, andachievegood compliance with COVID-19 resuscitation guidelines.
METHODS: The urine samples were photographed in a customized photo box, under five simulated lighting conditions, using five smartphones. These images were analyzed using Adobe Photoshop to obtain urine Red, Green and Blue (RGB) values with and without colour correction. A commercially available colour calibration card was used for colour correction. Using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), inter-phone and intra-phone agreements of urine RGB values were analyzed.
RESULTS: Without colour correction, the various smartphones produced the highest agreement for Blue and Green values under the 'daylight' lighting condition. With colour correction, ICC values showed 'exceptional' inter-phone and intra-phone agreement for the Blue and Green values (ICC > 0.9). Red values showed 'poor' (ICC < 0.5) agreement with and without colour correction in all lighting conditions. Out of the five phones compared in this study, Phone 4 produced the lowest intra-phone agreement.
CONCLUSIONS: Colour calibration using photo colour cards improved the reliability of smartphone-based urine colorimetry, making this a promising point-of-care hydration assessment tool using the ubiquitous smartphone.
Methods and Results: The study population was the postmortem cases of Asian population ranging from 16 to 75 years old in which blood and/or urine samples sent for alcohol and/or drug of abuse (DoA) analysis in year 2016 at our centre. Out of 434 cases, 54 from each group of positive and negative alcohol and/or DoA. Postmortem findings of lungs and postmortem CT scan urinary bladder volume (UBV) were recorded. Statistical significant correlation was obtained between urinary bladder distension on postmortem CT scan and cases with positive alcohol detection. However, the sensitivity was relatively low at 51.7%, whereas the specificity was 75% at the cut-off point. Low sensitivity and specificity at around 52.7% were obtained for pulmonary edema related to alcohol/DoA. This showed that UBV alone or pulmonary edema alone was not really a good indicator for alcohol or DoA intoxication. However, combination of both indicators provided higher sensitivity (73.3%) although specificity was lowered to 53.8%.
Conclusion: The findings of postmortem CT scan bladder distension and pulmonary edema could possibly identify intoxication cases but not conclusive.