Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 127 in total

  1. Yusuf, A.N., Abdul Hamid, K., Mohamad, M., Abd hamid, A.I.
    Medicine & Health, 2008;3(2):300-317.
    In this study, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is used to investigate func-tional specialisation in human auditory cortices during listening. A silent fMRI paradigm was used to reduce the scanner sound artefacts on functional images. The subject was instructed to pay attention to the white noise stimulus binaurally given at an inten-sity level of 70 dB higher than the hearing level for normal people. Functional speciali-sation was studied using the Matlab-based Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM5) software by means of fixed effects (FFX), random effects (RFX) and conjunction analyses. Individual analyses on all subjects indicated asymmetrical bilateral activation of the left and right hemispheres in Brodmann areas (BA) 22, 41 and 42, involving the primary and secondary auditory cortices. The percentage of signal change is larger in the BA22, 41 and 42 on the right as compared to the ones on the left (p>0.05). The average number of activated voxels in all the respective Brodmann areas are higher in the right hemisphere than in the left (p>0.05). FFX results showed that the point of maximum intensity was in the right BA41 whereby 599±1 activated voxels were ob-served in the right temporal lobe as compared to 485±1 in the left temporal lobe. The RFX results were consistent with that of FFX. The analysis of conjunction which fol-lowed, showed that the right BA41 and left BA22 as the common activated areas in all subjects. The results confirmed the specialisation of the right auditory cortices in pro-cessing non verbal stimuli.
  2. Othman, E. A., Mohamad, M., Abdul Manan, H., Yusoff, A. N.
    This study investigated the effects of stochastic facilitation in healthy subjects with normal and low auditory working memory capacity (AWMC). Forty healthy volunteers were recruited in this study. They performed a backward recall task (BRT) in quiet and under four white noise intensity levels: 45, 50, 55, and 60 dB. Brain activations during the task were measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The behavioral performance in both groups increased significantly in 50 and 55 dB white noise. The normal AWMC group (mean score = 48.70) demonstrated higher activation in the superior temporal gyrus and prefrontal cortex than the low AWMC group (mean score = 30.85). However, comparisons in the brain activation between groups for all noise levels were not statistically different. The results support previous findings that stochastic facilitation enhances cognitive performance in healthy individuals. The results also proposed that brain activity among healthy subjects is more or less similar, at least in the context of auditory working memory. These findings indicated that there were no differential effects of stochastic facilitation in healthy subjects with different AWMC.
  3. Qais Alefan, Haniki Nik Mohamad, M., Awaisu, A., Tariq A. Razak, Jamalludin A. Rahman
    Institutions of higher learning are working hard to provide effective, high quality educational programs. Meanwhile, potential students are also looking at “quality” as a metric to help make their decisions about which college to join. Mechanisms to evaluate the quality of higher education offered in universities are already available. This study aimed to determine students’ attitudes and opinions regarding the pharmacy curriculum at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). A survey instrument was administered to all final year bachelor of pharmacy (BPharm) students. Forty students (93%) completed and returned the survey. The majority of students (75%) expressed their satisfaction regarding the curriculum in general. Most students (74%) were also satisfied with the courses offered by the department of pharmacy practice. However, students were not satisfied with certain issues such as overlapping of some pharmacy practice courses, and the inclusion of the Malaysian language course in the BPharm curriculum.
  4. Mohamad, M., Yusoff, A.N., Mukari, S.Z.M., Abdullah, A., Abd Hamid, A.I.
    This study was carried out to investigate the effects of noisy background on brain activation during a working memory task. Fourteen healthy male subjects underwent silent functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) scans while listening to words presented verbally against quiet (WIS) and noisy (WIN) backgrounds. The stimuli were binaurally presented to the subjects at 70 dB sound pressure level (SPL) in both conditions. Group results indicated significant (p < 0.001) bilateral widespread of brain activations in the primary auditory cortex, superior temporal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, supramarginal gyrus and inferior parietal lobes during WIS. Additional significant activation was observed in the middle cingulate cortex and anterior cingulate cortex during WIN, suggesting the involvement of cingulate cortex in working memory processing against a noisy background. The mean percentage of signal change in all regions was higher during WIN as compared to WIS. Right hemispheric predominance was observed for both conditions in primary auditory cortex and middle frontal gyrus and this could be attributed to the increased difficulty of the tasks. The results obtained from this study demonstrated that background noise increased task demand and difficulty. Task demand was found to play an important role in determining the activation magnitude in the brain areas during working memory task.
  5. Yusoff, A.N., Mohamad, M., Hamid, K.A., Hamid, A.I.A., Manan, H.A., Hashim, M.H.
    ASM Science Journal, 2010;4(2):158-172.
    In this multiple-subject study, intrinsic couplings between the primary motor (M1) and supplementary motor areas (SMA) were investigated. Unilateral (UNIright and UNIleft) self-paced tapping of hand fingers were performed to activate M1 and SMA. The intrinsic couplings were analysed using statistical parametric mapping, dynamic causal modeling (DCM) and Bayesian model analysis. Brain activation observed for UNIright and UNIleft showed contralateral and ipsilateral involvement of M1 and SMA. Ten full connectivity models were constructed with right and left M1 and SMA as processing centres. DCM indicated that all subjects prefer M1 as the intrinsic input for UNIright and UNIleft as indicated by a large group Bayes factor (GBF). Positive evidence ratio (PER) that showed strong evidence of Model 3 and Model 6 against other models in at least 12 out of 16 subjects, supported GBF results. The GBF and PER results were later found to be consistent with that of BMS for group studies with high expected posterior probability and exceedance probability. It was concluded that during unilateral finger tapping, the contralateral M1 would act as the input centre which in turn triggered the propagation of signals to SMA in the same hemisphere and to M1 and SMA in the opposite hemisphere.
  6. Mohammad Firdaus, A., Mohamad, M., Ruzy Haryati, H., Kalthom Husain, Seri Rahayu, K.
    Driving activity has become more important as this medium being practical, it is also cheaper and faster in
    connecting human from one to another place. However, in some occurrence, it can cause accidents as they become
    fatigued while driving. Driver fatigue is one of the top contributors to the road accidents and can be dangerous as
    other road safety issues such as drink driving. Worst is, there are no laws regulating driver fatigue. Therefore, the
    main purpose of this study is to develop the regression model of apsychophysical factor for drivers’ fatigue which can
    predict the relationship between the process input parameters and output responses. The study was participated by
    ten subjects. The heart rate was taken and recorded using heart rate monitor. Design Expert 8.0.6 software was used
    for the regression analysis. The modeling validation runs werewithin the 90% prediction intervals of the developed
    model and the residual errors were less than 10%. The R
    value is 0.9400 whichmeans that the linear regression line
    passed exactly through all points. The significant parameters that influenced the heart rate were also identified.The
    parameters are time exposure, type of road, and gender.
  7. Mohamad M, Kok HS
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2019 May 25;20(5):1427-1432.
    PMID: 31127903
    Objective: This study aims to investigate the public pattern in seeking breast cancer screening information in
    Malaysia using Google Trends. Methods: The Google Trends database was evaluated for the relative Internet search
    popularity of breast cancer and screening-related search terms from 2007 to 2018. Results: Result showed downward
    trends in breast cancer search, whereas mammogram and tomosynthesis search fluctuated consistently. A significant
    increment was found during Pink October month. Breast cancer search term achieved the highest popularity in the east
    coast of Malaysia with [x2 (5, N=661) = 110.93, P<0.05], whereas mammogram attained the highest search volume in
    central Malaysia [x2 (4, N=67) = 18.90, P<0.05]. The cross-correlation for breast cancer was moderate among northern
    Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak (0.3 ≤ rs ≤ 0.7). Conclusion: Public interest trend in breast cancer screening is strongly
    correlated with the breast cancer awareness campaign, Pink October. Breast cancer screening should be promoted in
    the rural areas in Malaysia.
  8. Rajendren, S. K., Krishnan, K., Ganesh, T. N., Roslan, N. S., Hashim, N. A., Mohamad, M. A.
    Jurnal Veterinar Malaysia, 2019;31(2):19-22.
    A 5-year-old Mongrel was brought presented with the complaint of having serosanguineous discharge from penis for a month since adoption. Physical examination revealed cauliflower-like mass at the bulbus glandis. Presence of numerous anisokaryotic and anisocytotic round to oval histiocytes with multivacuolated cytoplasm from cytology, an evidence of canine transmissibale venereal tumour (CTVT). The mass was successfully surgically resected using electrocautery and was in remission for 12 months (since January 2019).
  9. Rasuli R, Mohamad M, Yaacob SS
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Dec;78(7):883-889.
    PMID: 38159922
    INTRODUCTION: Despite substantial progress in reducing hepatitis B prevalence in the general population, the indigenous population in Malaysia continues to face a significant burden of infection, with high seroprevalence rates. It is hypothesised that transmission patterns differ between the indigenous and non-indigenous populations. This study aimed to compare key risk factors for hepatitis B transmission in indigenous and non-indigenous cases.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a comparative crosssectional study using secondary data from the eNotifikasi system and hepatitis B case investigation forms between 2018 and 2022 from four district health offices in Pahang, Malaysia. Demographic data, hepatitis B vaccination status and risk factors were assessed. Data analysis employed were independent chi-squared tests, t-tests and binary logistic regression.

    RESULTS: The study included 285 cases (141 indigenous and 145 non-indigenous). Among the indigenous cases, 72.3% were unvaccinated and 59.6% reported a history of infected mother, followed by percutaneous exposure, multiple sexual partners, and sharing syringe. The odds for those with a history of an infected mother being indigenous group is 2.5 times (95% CI: 1.4-4.4) compared to those with a history of an infected mother being non-indigenous group.

    CONCLUSION: Significant difference exists in hepatitis B risk factors between indigenous and non-indigenous populations. The main risk factor for indigenous community is history of infected mother. Thus, the necessity of incorporating hepatitis B screening into the current practice of antenatal HIV screening, specifically targeting the indigenous community, should be given consideration.

  10. Mohamad M, Selamat MI, Ismail Z
    J Environ Public Health, 2014;2014:459173.
    PMID: 25309602 DOI: 10.1155/2014/459173
    In order to reduce the risk of dengue outbreak recurrence in a dengue outbreak prone area, the members of the community need to sustain certain behavior to prevent mosquito from breeding. Our study aims to identify the factors associated with larval control practices in this particular community. A cross-sectional study involves 322 respondents living in a dengue outbreak prone area who were interviewed using a pretested questionnaire. The level of knowledge about Aedes mosquitoes, dengue transmission, its symptoms, and personal preventive measures ranges from fair to good. The level of attitude towards preventive measures was high. However, reported level of personal larval control practices was low (33.2%). Our multiple logistic regression analysis showed that only those with a good level of attitude towards personal preventive measure and frequent attendance to health campaigns were significantly associated with the good larval control practices. We conclude that, in a dengue outbreak prone area, having a good attitude towards preventive measures and frequent participation in health campaigns are important factors to sustain practices on larval control.
  11. Jumaat BH, Dahalan A, Mohamad M
    Am J Ophthalmol, 2003 Feb;135(2):254-6.
    PMID: 12566045
    PURPOSE: To report a case of choroidal osteoma presenting with massive subretinal hemorrhage not associated with choroidal neovascularisation (CNV).

    DESIGN: Case report.

    METHODS: An 18-year-old man presented with sudden loss of vision in the right eye following competitive swimming. He was found to have a massive subretinal hemorrhage involving the macula.

    RESULTS: Following resolution of the hemorrhage, the patient was found to have an underlying choroidal osteoma. There was no evidence of choroidal neovascularisation clinically and angiographically. He regained his normal vision.

    CONCLUSIONS: Choroidal osteoma presenting with massive subretinal hemorrhage not associated with underlying choroidal neovascularization need not result in poor visual outcome.

  12. Mohamad MA, Jarmin R, Md Pauzi SH
    Malays J Pathol, 2020 Dec;42(3):455-459.
    PMID: 33361729
    Schwannomas are mesenchymal tumors that are characteristically benign and slow growing, which originate from any nerve with Schwann cell sheath. Gastrointestinal schwannomas are rare with distinct morphologic features as compared to schwannomas of soft tissue or central nervous system. A 77-year-old male patient was diagnosed with gastrointestinal stromal tumor based on radiological findings and clinical impression when he presented with worsening abdominal discomfort and pain. He underwent distal gastrectomy however histopathological examination of the tumour revealed schwannoma. This case report presents a rare case of a symptomatic gastric schwannoma, whose definitive diagnosis was established by histopathological and immunohistochemical findings postoperatively.
  13. Saravanan C, Alias A, Mohamad M
    J Affect Disord, 2017 10 01;220:108-116.
    PMID: 28618312 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.05.037
    BACKGROUND: Students who go to other countries for higher education face various psychological problems, particularly homesickness and depression. The objectives of this study were to: (a) identify differences between students who did and did not receive brief individual cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression to reduce homesickness; (b) identify whether brief individual CBT for depression reduces the level of homesickness in students between pre-, post- and follow-up assessment; and (c) compare the scores of students experiencing only homesickness and those experiencing both homesickness and depression.

    METHOD: The sample consisted of 520 first-year undergraduate international students. The experimental group contained students who were diagnosed with depression and homesickness and received seven sessions of brief individual CBT for depression to reduce homesickness. The control group contained students who were diagnosed with depression and homesickness and received one session of advice and suggestions. The comparison group contained students who experienced only homesickness and did not receive any interventions. The study used the comparison group to determine if an interaction effect existed between students experiencing only homesickness and students experiencing both homesickness and depression.

    RESULTS: Students who received brief individual CBT displayed a significant reduction in their homesickness and depression scores compared to the scores of students in the control group. Students who experienced only homesickness exhibited a significant reduction in the scores on homesickness in the post-assessment compared to the control group's post-assessment homesickness scores.

    LIMITATION: The results of this study cannot be generalized as data were collected from three universities in Malaysia. The follow-up assessment was conducted six months after the post-assessment, which also limits generalizability beyond six months.

    CONCLUSION: Overall, homesickness is considered a normal reaction. Brief individual CBT for depression is effective in reducing homesickness and depression among international students.

  14. Cogger VC, Mohamad M, Le Couteur DG
    Aging (Albany NY), 2017 11 15;9(11):2237-2238.
    PMID: 29140795 DOI: 10.18632/aging.101330
  15. Zakaria SNF, Abdul Aziz H, Mohamad M
    Water Environ Res, 2022 Jul 15;94(8):e10770.
    PMID: 35915388 DOI: 10.1002/wer.10770
    Landfill leachate is well known as a hazardous byproduct from dumpling sites that has a negative impact on the environment and human life. Therefore, an effective treatment is imperative to overcome this issue. This research study investigates the effectiveness of zirconium tetrachloride (ZrCl4 ) and tin tetrachloride (SnCl4 ) as a coagulant in leachate treatment. Two parameters selected as a performance indicator in this study are color and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The data obtained showed that SnCl4 performed well as a coagulant with removal percentages of color and COD, which are 97% and 77%, respectively. Furthermore, the potential of integrated treatment using ozonation (O3 ) and the coagulation-flocculation process was also investigated. Four sequences of integrated treatment setup for this study were ozonation followed by jar test (ZrCl4 as a coagulant), ozonation followed by jar test (SnCl4 as a coagulant), jar test (ZrCl4 as a coagulant) followed by the ozonation process, and jar test (SnCl4 as a coagulant) followed by the ozonation process. The experimental data showed that the combination treatment of SnCl4 as a coagulant (jar test) followed by the ozonation process had recorded the highest removal of color (97.1%) and COD (88%) compared to other sequences. Moreover, the biodegradability ratio of this sequence also improved from 0.03 to 0.28, compared with other methods. Comparatively, integrated treatment is more effective in treating stabilized landfill leachate compared to the coagulation flocculation process alone. PRACTITIONER POINTS: Stabilized landfill leachate is difficult to be treated by natural coagulants or biological process. SnCl4 performed well as a coagulant in removing COD and colour from landfill leachate compared to ZrCl4 . However, too much usage of SnCl4 potentially generate secondary pollutant. Therefore, combination with O3 as pre-treatment is investigated. Combination treatment of SnCl4 ( as coagulant) with O3 had recorded the highest removal of colour (97.1%) and COD (88%). The biodegradability ratio of this sequence also improved from 0.03 to 0.28.
  16. Wang W, Ikegaya N, Hirose C, Mohamad MF
    Data Brief, 2024 Feb;52:109856.
    PMID: 38146293 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2023.109856
    This data article provides temporally and spatially high-resolution datasets of the indoor velocity fields for cross-ventilation models of two-layered simplified buildings separated by a second floor at the middle height with an opening using wind-tunnel experiments. The datasets are based on the research article entitled "Quantifying natural cross-ventilation flow of a two-layered model used for terraced houses in tropical zones by particle image velocimetry" by Ali et al. [1]. Two cases are considered based on the positions of the inlet and outlet openings on each floor. The measurements were conducted using hot-wire anemometry (HWA) with 10,000 Hz and particle image velocimetry (PIV) with 1000 Hz for a sufficiently long period to determine reliable statistics of the mean, variances, and covariances. In addition, the article provides the instantaneous datasets of two velocity components determined by PIV for the cross-ventilation models. The datasets can be used for both computational fluid dynamics (CFD) validation and further investigation of turbulent flow nature of the multi-layer cross ventilation flow.
  17. Shahar S, Lim KP, Mohamad M
    J ASEAN Fed Endocr Soc, 2019;34(2):229-232.
    PMID: 33442162 DOI: 10.15605/jafes.034.02.17
    Eight cases of parathyroid carcinoma were identified (8 females; median age 45 years, range 28-72). Half of whom were diagnosed preoperatively. Hypercalcemic symptoms were seen in 87.5% of the patients and the main complication was nephrolithiasis. At presentation, the median calcium was 3.675 mmol/L, median phosphate of 0.68 mmol/L, median intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) was 211 pmol/L. Five patients had regional nodes metastasis and 1 had distant metastasis to the lungs. Parathyroid gland invasion to adjacent structures was seen in 62.5% of cases while another 62.5% showed capsular or vascular infiltration on histology with median tumour size of 3.2 cm. Recurrent hypercalcemia occurred in 50% of the patients with median time of recurrence of 21 months. In this case series, we found that patients with severe hypercalcemia and high iPTH also exhibited a high index suspicion of PC.
  18. Mohamad M, Ahmed R, Shaari A, Goumri-Said S
    J Mol Model, 2015 Feb;21(2):27.
    PMID: 25631921 DOI: 10.1007/s00894-015-2582-8
    Escalating demand for sustainable energy resources, because of the rapid exhaustion of conventional energy resources as well as to maintain the environmental level of carbon dioxide (CO2) to avoid its adverse effect on the climate, has led to the exploitation of photovoltaic technology manifold more than ever. In this regard organic materials have attracted great attention on account of demonstrating their potential to harvest solar energy at an affordable rate for photovoltaic technology. 2-vinyl-4,5-dicyanoimidazole (vinazene) is considered as a suitable material over the fullerenes for photovoltaic applications because of its particular chemical and physical nature. In the present study, DFT approaches are employed to provide an exposition of optoelectronic properties of vinazene molecule and molecular crystal. To gain insight into its properties, different forms of exchange correlation energy functional/potential such as LDA, GGA, BLYP, and BL3YP are used. Calculated electronic structure of vinazene molecule has been displayed via HOMO-LUMO isosurfaces, whereas electronic structure of the vinazene molecular crystal, via electronic band structure, is presented. The calculated electronic and optical properties were analyzed and compared as well. Our results endorse vinazene as a suitable material for organic photovoltaic applications.
  19. Tong CV, Hussein Z, Noor NM, Mohamad M, Ng WF
    QJM, 2015 Jan;108(1):49-50.
    PMID: 25099611 DOI: 10.1093/qjmed/hcu166
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