Displaying all 11 publications

  1. Zainudin BM, Rafia MH, Sufarlan AW
    Singapore Med J, 1993 Apr;34(2):148-9.
    PMID: 8266157
    Lignocaine spray for anaesthetising the nasal mucosa for fibreoptic bronchoscopy often causes discomfort to the patient. We compared two techniques of applying nasal topical anaesthesia using either lignocaine spray (group A: 25 patients) or gel (group B: 30 patients) to assess patients' tolerance to the procedure. Both groups received 100 mg of lignocaine in the nostril, 40-50 mg to oropharynx, 120 mg to vocal cords and 40-100 mg to trachea and bronchi. Throat anaesthesia was the most common unpleasant part experienced by both groups of patients (34.5%), followed by examination of bronchi (30.6%) and nasal anaesthesia (21.8%). Significantly more patients in group A experienced discomfort or pain during nasal anaesthesia as compared to group B (p < 0.001). Patients' tolerance to the bronchoscopy was similar in both groups and the examination was performed satisfactorily in all patients. Thus, lignocaine gel is a simple technique, effective and less irritating as compared to lignocaine spray for topical nasal anaesthesia.
  2. Viswanathan S, Rose N, Masita A, Dhaliwal JS, Puvanarajah SD, Rafia MH, et al.
    Mult Scler Int, 2013;2013:614716.
    PMID: 24455266 DOI: 10.1155/2013/614716
    Background. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an uncommon disease in multiracial Malaysia. Diagnosing patients with idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating diseases has been greatly aided by the evolution in diagnostic criterion, the identification of new biomarkers, and improved accessibility to neuroimaging in the country. Objectives. To investigate the spectrum of multiple sclerosis in Malaysia. Methods. Retrospective analysis with longitudinal follow-up of patients referred to a single tertiary medical center with neurology services in Malaysia. Results. Out of 245 patients with idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating disease, 104 patients had multiple sclerosis. Female to male ratio was 5 : 1. Mean age at onset was 28.6 ± 9.9 years. The Malays were the predominant racial group affected followed by the Chinese, Indians, and other indigenous groups. Subgroup analysis revealed more Chinese having neuromyelitis optica and its spectrum disorders rather than multiple sclerosis. Positive family history was reported in 5%. Optic neuritis and myelitis were the commonest presentations at onset of disease, and relapsing remitting course was the commonest disease pattern observed. Oligoclonal band positivity was 57.6%. At disease onset, 61.5% and 66.4% fulfilled the 2005 and 2010 McDonald's criteria for dissemination in space. Mean cord lesion length was 1.86 ± 1.65 vertebral segments in the relapsing remitting group as opposed to 6.25 ± 5.18 vertebral segments in patients with neuromyelitis optica and its spectrum disorders. Conclusion. The spectrum of multiple sclerosis in Malaysia has changed over the years. Further advancement in diagnostic criteria will no doubt continue to contribute to the evolution of this disease here.
  3. Ramli SR, Leong MC, Khaithir TM, Aziz MN, Loons LC, Rafia MH
    PMID: 23431829
    We report a case of Cryptococcus humicolus meningitis complicated by communicating hydrocephalus in an apparently immunocompetent 49-year-old psychiatric patient from a nursing home. He presented with a history of poor oral intake, weight loss, headache, vomiting, blurred vision, frequent falls and unsteady gait for the previous three months. He had a history of chronic cough, productive of whitish sputum for the previous month but no hemoptysis. Cerebrospinal fluid culture was positive for Cryptococcus humicolus. He was treated with intravenous amphotericin B and oral fluconazole and had clinical and microbiological improvement after three weeks of treatment. Unfortunately, the patient acquired nosocomial methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection and died due to overwhelming sepsis.
  4. Tai ML, Nor HM, Kadir KA, Viswanathan S, Rahmat K, Zain NR, et al.
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2016 Jan;95(1):e1997.
    PMID: 26735523 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000001997
    Paradoxical manifestation is worsening of pre-existing tuberculous lesion or appearance of new lesions in patients whose condition initially improved with antituberculous treatment. Our hypothesis was that paradoxical manifestation in non-HIV tuberculous meningitis (TBM) patients was underestimated and this could contribute to patients' prognosis. This was the first systemic study of paradoxical manifestation in HIV-negative TBM patients. Between 2009 and 2014, TBM patients were studied prospectively in 2 hospitals. Clinical features, cerebrospinal fluid, and radiological findings were monitored. Paradoxical manifestation was divided into definite (4 weeks or more) and probable (between 14 and 27 d) after commencement of antituberculous treatment. Forty-one non-HIV TBM patients were recruited. Definite paradoxical manifestation occurred in 23/41 (56%) of the patients. Time to onset of paradoxical manifestation was between 28 days and 9 months, and majority was between 28 and 50 days. Neuroimaging manifestation in the brain (22/41 patients, 54%) and clinical manifestation (22/41 patients, 54%) were most commonly seen, followed by cerebrospinal fluid manifestation (7/41 patients, 17%). Neuroimaging changes most commonly seen were worsening of leptomeningeal enhancement, new infarcts, new tuberculomas, and enlargement of tuberculoma. Initial Computed Tomography Angiography/magnetic resonance angiography brain showed vasculitis in 14 patients, with 2 (12.5%) showing paradoxical vasculitis during follow-up. Recurrence of the paradoxical manifestation was seen in 7/23 (30%) of the patients. More than half (14/23, 61%) of the patients improved, 6 (26%) patients died, and 3 (13%) patients had persistent neurological deficit. Paradoxical manifestation was very common in non-HIV TBM patients. Neuroimaging paradoxical manifestation of 2-4 weeks may not be paradoxical manifestation but could be delayed treatment response.
  5. Viswanathan S, Arip M, Mustafa N, Dhaliwal JS, Rose N, Muda S, et al.
    Mult Scler Int, 2014;2014:568254.
    PMID: 25548676 DOI: 10.1155/2014/568254
    Background. In the past the occurrence of neuromyelitis optica in Malaysia was thought to be uncommon and the frequency of anti-aquaporin-4 Ig G antibody was unknown. Objective. To evaluate the frequency of anti-aquaporin-4 Ig G antibody (Anti-AQP4 antibody) amongst patients with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) and its spectrum disorders (NMOSD) and the differences between the seropositive and seronegative groups. Methods. Retrospectively, 96 patients with NMO/high risk syndromes for NMOSD (HRS-NMOSD) were identified out of 266 patients with idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating disease from a single center hospital based registry. Anti-AQP4 seropositivity was found in 38/48 (79.2%) with NMO, 12/21 (57.1%) with brain involvement at high risk for NMOSD, 12/15 (80%) with transverse myelitis (i.e., 11/15 with relapsing transverse myelitis and one with monophasic transverse myelitis), and 3/7 (42.8%) with relapsing optic neuritis. Sixty-five out of 96 patients, that is, 67.7%, with NMO/HRS for NMOSD were seropositive. Seropositivity was significantly associated with female gender, a higher number of mean relapses, that is, 5.15 ± 4.42 versus 2.10 ± 1.68, longer length of spinal cord lesions, that is, 6.6 ± 4.9 versus 2.9 ± 2.5, vertebral bodies, higher EDSS, 4.5 ± 2.4 versus 2.4 ± 2.6, presence of paroxysmal tonic spasms, and blindness (unilateral/bilateral); P < 0.001. Longitudinally extensive cord lesions (contiguous or linear), presence of lesions in the cervical and thoracic regions, and involvement of the central gray matter or holocord regions on axial scans, were also significantly associated with seropositivity; P < 0.001. Conclusion. NMO and HRS for NMOSD are present in larger numbers than previously thought in Malaysia. More than 2/3rds are seropositive. Seropositive and seronegative NMO/NMOSD have differences that are useful in clinical practice.
  6. Sha'ari HM, Haerian BS, Baum L, Saruwatari J, Tan HJ, Rafia MH, et al.
    Pharmacogenomics, 2014 Mar;15(4):459-66.
    PMID: 24624913 DOI: 10.2217/pgs.13.239
    To examine the relevance of ABCC2 polymorphisms to drug responsiveness in epilepsy cohorts from the Asia Pacific region.
  7. Sha'ari HM, Haerian BS, Baum L, Tan HJ, Rafia MH, Kwan P, et al.
    Mol Neurobiol, 2016 07;53(5):2869-2877.
    PMID: 25876511 DOI: 10.1007/s12035-015-9150-1
    Epilepsy is a common neurological disease characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. Evidence suggested that abnormal activity of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) contributes to the pathogenesis of epilepsy. Some previous studies identified association between genetic variants of BDNF and risk of epilepsy. In this study, this association has been examined in the Hong Kong and Malaysian epilepsy cohorts. Genomic DNA of 6047 subjects (1640 patients with epilepsy and 4407 healthy individuals) was genotyped for rs6265, rs11030104, rs7103411, and rs7127507 polymorphisms by using Sequenom MassArray and Illumina HumanHap 610-Quad or 550-Duo BeadChip arrays techniques. Results showed significant association between rs6265 T, rs7103411 C, and rs7127507 T and cryptgenic epilepsy risk (p = 0.00003, p = 0.0002, and p = 0.002, respectively) or between rs6265 and rs7103411 and symptomatic epilepsy risk in Malaysian Indians (TT vs. CC, p = 0.004 and T vs. C, p = 0.0002, respectively) as well as between rs6265 T and risk of cryptogenic epilepsy in Malaysian Chinese (p = 0.005). The Trs6265-Crs7103411-Trs7127507 was significantly associated with cryptogenic epilepsy in Malaysian Indians (p = 0.00005). In conclusion, our results suggest that BDNF polymorphisms might contribute to the risk of epilepsy in Malaysian Indians and Chinese.
  8. Tai MS, Viswanathan S, Rahmat K, Nor HM, Kadir KA, Goh KJ, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2016 12 13;6:38802.
    PMID: 27958312 DOI: 10.1038/srep38802
    Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) causes significant morbidity and mortality. The primary objective was to re-examine the concept of "TB zone" and "ischaemic zone" in cerebral infarction in patients with tuberculous meningitis. The secondary objective was to evaluate cerebral infarction, vasculitis and vasospasm in tuberculous meningitis infections. Between 2009 and 2014, TBM patients were recruited. Neuroimaging was performed and findings of cerebral infarction, vasculitis and vasospasm were recorded. Infarcts were classified based on arterial supply and Hsieh's classification. Fifty-one TBM patients were recruited of whom 34 patients (67%) had cerebral infarction. Based on Hsieh's classification, 20 patients (59%) had infarcts in both "TB zone" and "ischaemic zones". 12 patients (35%) had infarcts in "ischaemic zone" and two (6%) patients had infarcts in "TB zone". In terms of vascular supply, almost all patients (35/36) had infarcts involving perforators and cortical branches. 25 patients (73%) and 14 patients (41%) had infarcts supplied by lateral lenticulostriate and medial lenticulostriate arteries respectively. 15 patients (37%) had vasculitis. Vasospasm was present in six patients (15%). 29 patients (85%) with cerebral infarction also had leptomeningeal enhancement (p = 0.002). In summary, infarcts involved mainly perforators and cortical branches, rather than "TB zone" versus "ischaemic zone".
  9. Abd Wahab F, Abdullah S, Abdullah JM, Jaafar H, Md Noor SS, Wan Mohammad WMZ, et al.
    Malays J Med Sci, 2016 Nov;23(6):25-34.
    PMID: 28090176 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2016.23.6.3
    Ranking as the most communicable disease killer worldwide, tuberculosis, has accounted with a total of 9.6 million new tuberculosis cases with 1.5 million tuberculosis-related deaths reported globally in 2014. Tuberculosis has remain as an occupational hazard for healthcare workers since 1920s and due to several tuberculosis outbreaks in healthcare settings in the early 1990s, the concern about the transmission to both patients and healthcare workers has been raised. Healthcare workers have two to three folds greater the risk of active tuberculosis than the general population. Several studies on knowledge, attitude and practices on tuberculosis among healthcare workers worldwide have revealed that majority of the participated healthcare workers had good knowledge on tuberculosis. Most of the healthcare workers from South India and South Africa also reported to have positive attitude whereas a study in Thailand reported that most of the healthcare providers have negative attitude towards tuberculosis patients. Nevertheless, majority of the healthcare workers have low level of practice on tuberculosis prevention. An improved communication between healthcare workers and the patients as well as their families is the key to better therapeutic outcomes with good knowledge, attitude and preventive practice towards tuberculosis.
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