METHODS: The theoretical model was validated by SPSS 26.0 and smartPLS4.0. To evaluate the measurement and structural models, structural equation modeling (SEM) was carried out using the partial least squares (PLS) method.
FINDINGS: (a) Teaching presence positively predicts academic buoyancy, and academic buoyancy positively predicts social presence and cognitive presence; (b) academic buoyancy mediates teaching presence and social presence, as well as teaching presence and cognitive presence; and (c) academic buoyancy acts as a chain mediator between teaching presence and cognitive presence through social presence.
DISCUSSION: The results of this study fill a gap in the multiple roles of individual positive psychological construct-academic buoyancy in blended learning communities, extend the Community of Inquiry theoretical framework, and provide empirical evidence for blended learning quality and practical improvement strategies.
METHOD: This study collected SCL-90 Scale test results from 5262 students (4012 boys and 1250 girls) through a questionnaire survey and conducted a Sport Quality Test on these students. Statistical software SPSS was applied for differential analysis and logistic regression analysis. Specifically, the differences in sport quality indicators between normal and abnormal mean total scores of psychological tests were analyzed first. Then, the binary logistic regression model was used to explore the impacts of sports quality indicator scores on students' psychological fitness.
RESULTS: There are differences in the results of physical fitness tests between students with abnormal psychology and students with normal psychology. The four indexes of students' vital capacity, speed, explosive power of lower limbs, and endurance running are effective in improving students' psychologically abnormal state, and endurance running and improving vital capacity are the most effective methods to improve students' psychologically abnormal state. In the physical tests of Chinese college students, the risk of psychological abnormalities was reduced by 9% for every one-point increase in lung capacity and 10.4% for every one-point increase in endurance running performance.
CONCLUSIONS: Chinese college students' physical fitness and mental health are related. The best methods for treating psychological disorders are lung capacity improvement and endurance running. According to the physical test results of Chinese college students, for every 1-point increase in lung capacity and endurance running, the risk of psychological abnormalities decreased by 9% and 10.4%, respectively.
OBJECTIVE: The current research on kratom and its ingredients is presented.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: An overview of the use and effects of kratom is exemplary given on the basis of reports. The instrumentalization of the drug and its consequences up to the development of addiction are discussed.
RESULTS: Consumption is accompanied by several instrumentalizeable effects so that kratom is used as a therapeutic substance in the self-management of pain, anxiety and depression as well as other substance addictions. Another benefit comes from the performance-enhancing effects on physical work and in a social context. Consumption is usually well controlled, rarely escalates and has few and mostly mild aversive side effects. The danger arises from consumption particularly when there is an escalation of the dose and from mixed consumption with other psychoactive substances. The main alkaloid mitragynine and the more potent 7‑hydroxy-mitragynine are considered mainly responsible for the effect. Both have a complex pharmacology that involves partial µ‑opioid receptor agonism.
DISCUSSION: Epidemiological, clinical and neurochemical studies have shown that kratom only has a limited addictive drug profile, which might suggest a medical use as a remedy or substitute in addiction treatment.