Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 329 in total

  1. Yang YF, Chong HH, Yang YK
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Mar;56(1):104-5.
    PMID: 11503288
  2. Yang Y, Lay YF
    Front Psychol, 2024;15:1354156.
    PMID: 38646118 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1354156
    INTRODUCTION: In the post-epidemic era, blended learning has become a social trend for the future of higher education, and scholars have endeavored to understand the factors that influence student learning in these blended communities. Communities of Inquiry is a conceptual framework that describes the components of blended learning environments, indicating teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence. However, the framework fails to adequately explore how individual learning motivational factors influence student learning. Therefore, this study extends the Community of Inquiry framework by drawing on a positive psychological construct-academic buoyancy to reveal the relationship between academic buoyancy and the three presences through empirical research.

    METHODS: The theoretical model was validated by SPSS 26.0 and smartPLS4.0. To evaluate the measurement and structural models, structural equation modeling (SEM) was carried out using the partial least squares (PLS) method.

    FINDINGS: (a) Teaching presence positively predicts academic buoyancy, and academic buoyancy positively predicts social presence and cognitive presence; (b) academic buoyancy mediates teaching presence and social presence, as well as teaching presence and cognitive presence; and (c) academic buoyancy acts as a chain mediator between teaching presence and cognitive presence through social presence.

    DISCUSSION: The results of this study fill a gap in the multiple roles of individual positive psychological construct-academic buoyancy in blended learning communities, extend the Community of Inquiry theoretical framework, and provide empirical evidence for blended learning quality and practical improvement strategies.

  3. Zhou LX, Xiao Y, Xia W, Yang YD
    Genet. Mol. Res., 2015;14(4):16247-54.
    PMID: 26662418 DOI: 10.4238/2015.December.8.15
    Genetic diversity and patterns of population structure of the 94 oil palm lines were investigated using species-specific simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. We designed primers for 63 SSR loci based on their flanking sequences and conducted amplification in 94 oil palm DNA samples. The amplification result showed that a relatively high level of genetic diversity was observed between oil palm individuals according a set of 21 polymorphic microsatellite loci. The observed heterozygosity (Ho) was 0.3683 and 0.4035, with an average of 0.3859. The Ho value was a reliable determinant of the discriminatory power of the SSR primer combinations. The principal component analysis and unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging cluster analysis showed the 94 oil palm lines were grouped into one cluster. These results demonstrated that the oil palm in Hainan Province of China and the germplasm introduced from Malaysia may be from the same source. The SSR protocol was effective and reliable for assessing the genetic diversity of oil palm. Knowledge of the genetic diversity and population structure will be crucial for establishing appropriate management stocks for this species.
  4. Song F, Yang Y, Gopinath SCB
    Biotechnol Appl Biochem, 2021 Jun;68(3):683-689.
    PMID: 32628799 DOI: 10.1002/bab.1980
    A high-performance interdigitated electrode (IDE) biosensing surface was reported here by utilizing self-assembled silica nanoparticle (SiNP). The modified surface was used to evaluate the complementation of hairpin forming region from Mitoxantrone resistance gene 7 (MXR7; liver cancer-related short gene). The conjugated SiNPs on 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane functionalization were captured with probe sequence on IDE biosensing surface. The physical and chemically modified surface was used to quantify MXR7 and an increment in the current response upon complementation was noticed. Limit of target DNA detection was calculated (1-10 fM) and this label-free detection is at the comparable level to the fluorescent-based sensing. A linear regression was calculated [y = 0.243x - 0.0773; R² = 0.9336] and the sensitivity was 1 fM on the linear range of 1 fM to 10 pM. With the strong attachment of capture DNA on IDE through SiNP, the surface clearly discriminates the specificity (complementary) versus nonspecificity (complete-, single-, and triple-mismatched sequences). This detection strategy helps to determine liver cancer progression and the similar strategy can be followed for other gene sequence complementation.
  5. Yang Y, Li G, Su Z, Yuan Y
    Front Psychol, 2021;12:651608.
    PMID: 34603116 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.651608
    Positive teacher-student interaction can exert a positive influence on student engagement and math performance. As an important part of teacher-student interaction, emotional support of a teacher plays an indispensable role in the math performance of junior middle school and elementary school students. This study aimed to explore the effects of teacher's emotional support on math performance, and examine the mediating role of academic self-efficacy and math behavioral engagement. A total of 1,294 students in grades 3-5 and 7-8 from 14 junior middle and primary schools in China took part in the web-based survey. Results showed the following: (1) academic self-efficacy mediated the relationship between teacher's emotional support and math performance of Chinese primary and middle school boys and girls; math behavioral engagement mediated the relationship between teacher's emotional support and math performance of Chinese primary and middle school boys and girls; (2) The relationship between teacher's emotional support and math performance of Chinese junior middle school boys and girls was mediated by the chain of academic self-efficacy and math behavioral engagement.
  6. Lu R, Yang Y, Liu J, Ayub A
    Heliyon, 2024 Jul 15;10(13):e33398.
    PMID: 39035500 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e33398
    The nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Turkey (BRICS-T) have yet to find a satisfactory answer to the problem of how to reduce environmental pollution in their environments significantly. Using panel data from 1990 to 2022, this study analyzes the dynamic relationship between energy financial globalization (FG), good governance (GG), renewable energy consumption (REC), urbanization (URB), economic growth (GDP), and environmental pollution. To estimate the long-run and short-run interaction among the variables, this research included the Cross-sectional- ARDL. This research shows that economic growth, energy use, urbanization, and environmental degradation correlate positively and significantly. In contrast, the BRICS-T economies have significantly reduced environmental pollution due to FG, GG and REC. These results also lend credence to the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) concept for developing nations, which has been the focus of recent attention. Additionally, the results from fixed effects-difference in differences (FE-DK) and AMG robustness tests also validate the results from the CS-ARDL estimator. Finally, the findings found that the BRICS-T countries may benefit from this study.
  7. Yang Y, Adnan HM, Alivi MA
    Heliyon, 2024 Nov 15;10(21):e39092.
    PMID: 39524767 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e39092
    TikTok has become increasingly popular among young people in China and there is growing number of young people who start to pay great attention to their health through this platform. Wuhan is a significant location for this study, since it was the initial epicenter of COVID-19. However, little is known about the extent to which university students in Wuhan, China, rely on TikTok for health-related information and how this affects their preventive health actions in the post-COVID-19 era. Therefore, it is crucial to look into the direct effects of TikTok users' search for health information and their actions to protect their health, as well as the mediating functions of e-health literacy and COVID-19 risk perception. The impact of TikTok as a social media platform on the health-related behaviors of university students was examined using the Media Dependency Theory which explains how media use can have significant effects on individuals' attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. 426 questionnaires were gathered by cluster sampling from a sample of Wuhan university students. Mplus8 was used to perform structural equation modelling, which looked at the relationships between these variables. The results showed a positive correlation between users' TikTok health information seeking and their health preventive behavior (β = 0.303, p 
  8. Cui W, Yang Y, Dai J
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Oct;30(50):109559-109570.
    PMID: 37775636 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-29907-6
    The present study empirically confabulates the authenticity of the "resource curse hypothesis" in selected emerging nations. Furthermore, we also assessed the interconnections of three essential economic indicators with financial development, i.e., human development, political stability, and gross domestic product. To effectuate these objectives, we used annual data for the time frame 1990 to 2020 and advanced panel estimation techniques for getting the empirical outcomes. The study's empirical outcomes illustrate the existence of the "resource curse hypothesis" in sample nations. In addition, human development index and gross domestic product play an essential part in the furtherance of financial development in the long-run. The human development index is upsurging the financial development. Furthermore, political stability is also exerting a favorable influence on financial development. A similar interconnection is observed in the short-time period; nonetheless, the amplitude of the short-run impacts is smaller if we have a look at the long-run impacts. The empirical analysis offers a few pertinent policy insights for policymakers to improve the situation in the selected sample. Note: Financial development positively interconnected with human development, GDP and political stability while negatively associated with natural resources, respectively.
  9. Law JX, Liau LL, Saim A, Yang Y, Idrus R
    Tissue Eng Regen Med, 2017 Dec;14(6):699-718.
    PMID: 30603521 DOI: 10.1007/s13770-017-0075-9
    Electrospinning is a simple and versatile technique to fabricate continuous fibers with diameter ranging from micrometers to a few nanometers. To date, the number of polymers that have been electrospun has exceeded 200. In recent years, electrospinning has become one of the most popular scaffold fabrication techniques to prepare nanofiber mesh for tissue engineering applications. Collagen, the most abundant extracellular matrix protein in the human body, has been electrospun to fabricate biomimetic scaffolds that imitate the architecture of native human tissues. As collagen nanofibers are mechanically weak in nature, it is commonly cross-linked or blended with synthetic polymers to improve the mechanical strength without compromising the biological activity. Electrospun collagen nanofiber mesh has high surface area to volume ratio, tunable diameter and porosity, and excellent biological activity to regulate cell function and tissue formation. Due to these advantages, collagen nanofibers have been tested for the regeneration of a myriad of tissues and organs. In this review, we gave an overview of electrospinning, encompassing the history, the instrument settings, the spinning process and the parameters that affect fiber formation, with emphasis given to collagen nanofibers' fabrication and application, especially the use of collagen nanofibers in skin tissue engineering.
  10. Yakob M, Hassan YR, Tse KL, Gu M, Yang Y
    PMID: 28092164 DOI: 10.1597/16-191
    Objective To test the reliability of the modified Huddart-Bodenham (MHB) numerical scoring system and its agreement with the GOSLON Yardstick categorization for assessing the dental arch relationships in unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) cases. Design A retrospective study. Setting Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong. Patients Forty-one nonsyndromic UCLP consecutive patients attending the Joint Cleft Lip/Palate Clinic at Faculty of Dentistry in the University of Hong Kong were selected. Interventions Study models at 8 to 10 years old (T1) and 10 to 12 years old (T2) were obtained from each patient. Main Outcome Measures Models were rated with the MHB scoring system and GOSLON Yardstick index. The intra- and interexaminer reliabilities as well as correlation of both scoring systems were evaluated. Furthermore, to investigate the outcome measurements consistency, the MHB scoring system and GOSLON Yardstick were independently used to compare the dental arch relationships from T1 to T2, with the samples split into intervention and nonintervention groups. Results The MHB scoring system presented good intra- and interexaminer agreement, which were comparable to those of the GOSLON Yardstick. The correlation between the MHB scoring system and GOSLON Yardstick scores was good. Both scoring systems showed similar results when assessing the change in the dental arch relationships from T1 to T2. Conclusions The MHB scoring system can be used as an alternative method to the commonly used GOSLON Yardstick for assessing dental deformities in UCLP patients. Both scoring systems showed similar results in assessing the improvement in dental arch relationships.
  11. Luo J, Wang X, Yang Y, Lan T, Ashraf MA, Mao Q
    West Indian Med J, 2015 12;64(5):540-542.
    PMID: 27399315 DOI: 10.7727/wimj.2016.059
    We report a case of a patient with AIDS and a brain abscess caused by aspergillus, who underwent neurosurgical excision of the lesion and received subsequent therapy with voriconazole. The patient suffered from intracranial hypertension and visual disorders.
  12. Wang Z, Lechner AM, Yang Y, Baumgartl T, Wu J
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 May 15;717:137214.
    PMID: 32062237 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137214
    Open-cut coal mining can seriously disturb and reshape natural landscapes which results in a range of impacts on local ecosystems and the services they provide. To address the negative impacts of disturbance, progressive rehabilitation is commonly advocated. However, there is little research focusing on how these impacts affect ecosystem services within mine sites and changes over time. The aim of this study was to assess the cumulative impacts of mining disturbance and rehabilitation on ecosystem services through mapping and quantifying changes at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Four ecosystem services including carbon sequestration, air quality regulation, soil conservation and water yield were assessed in 1989, 1997, 2005 and 2013. Disturbance and rehabilitation was mapped using LandTrendr algorithm with Landsat. We mapped spatial patterns and pixel values for each ecosystem service with corresponding model and the landscape changes were analyzed with landscape metrics. In addition, we assessed synergies and trade-offs using Spearman's correlation coefficient for different landscape classes and scales. The results showed that carbon sequestration, air quality regulation and water yield services were both positively and negatively affected by vegetation cover changes due to mined land disturbance and rehabilitation, while soil conservation service were mainly influenced by topographic changes. There were strong interactions between carbon sequestration, air quality regulation and water yield, which were steady among different spatial scales and landscape types. Soil conservation correlations were weak and changed substantially due to differences of spatial scales and landscape types. Although there are limitations associated with data accessibility, this study provides a new research method for mapping impacts of mining on ecosystem services, which offer spatially explicit information for decision-makers and environmental regulators to carry out feasible policies, balancing mining development with ecosystem services provision.
  13. Song Y, Yan J, Yu Z, Li T, Yang Y
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Mar;30(13):36439-36449.
    PMID: 36547845 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-24851-3
    Opportunities for funding Tourism SMEs are emerging globally due to the expansion of tourism sector. However, it is still being determined how these financial arrangements will be controlled at more significant sizes equitably. In the contemporary period, E7 economy is deficient in producing the financial resources to ensure the availability of funds for the acquisition of funds for tourism-based SMEs. However, this research tested the empirical position of cost of debt in E-7 economies during COVID-19 crises. Study findings have shown significant outcomes between the constructs. The variation of conditions, structural uncertainty, transection systems, and variation in support by the financial institution for tourism-based SMEs are the main reasons that lessen borrowing and lending system of funds, from banks to SMEs. However, theorists must revisit the transaction system of debt financing for SMEs. Policymakers are suggested to develop viable and SME system-friendly policies to finance through debt capital from the banks in the time of structural imposed crises, like COVID-19.
  14. Ma S, Yang Y, Soh KG, Tan H
    BMC Public Health, 2024 Mar 06;24(1):727.
    PMID: 38448880 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-18097-6
    BACKGROUND: The physical and mental health of college students is often mentioned, but there is limited research on a direct relationship between the mental health status of college students and their physical fitness level. This study mainly proves the relationship between Chinese college students' mental health and physical fitness indicators.

    METHOD: This study collected SCL-90 Scale test results from 5262 students (4012 boys and 1250 girls) through a questionnaire survey and conducted a Sport Quality Test on these students. Statistical software SPSS was applied for differential analysis and logistic regression analysis. Specifically, the differences in sport quality indicators between normal and abnormal mean total scores of psychological tests were analyzed first. Then, the binary logistic regression model was used to explore the impacts of sports quality indicator scores on students' psychological fitness.

    RESULTS: There are differences in the results of physical fitness tests between students with abnormal psychology and students with normal psychology. The four indexes of students' vital capacity, speed, explosive power of lower limbs, and endurance running are effective in improving students' psychologically abnormal state, and endurance running and improving vital capacity are the most effective methods to improve students' psychologically abnormal state. In the physical tests of Chinese college students, the risk of psychological abnormalities was reduced by 9% for every one-point increase in lung capacity and 10.4% for every one-point increase in endurance running performance.

    CONCLUSIONS: Chinese college students' physical fitness and mental health are related. The best methods for treating psychological disorders are lung capacity improvement and endurance running. According to the physical test results of Chinese college students, for every 1-point increase in lung capacity and endurance running, the risk of psychological abnormalities decreased by 9% and 10.4%, respectively.

  15. Mu Y, Tong J, Wang Y, Yang Y, Wu X
    Front Immunol, 2023;14:1213161.
    PMID: 37457710 DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1213161
    Adoptive transfer of natural killer (NK) cells represents a viable treatment method for patients with advanced malignancies. Our team previously developed a simple, safe, and cost-effective method for obtaining high yields of pure and functional NK cells from cord blood (CB) without the need for cell sorting, feeder cells, or multiple cytokines. We present the case of a 52-year-old female patient diagnosed with poorly differentiated stage IVB (T3N2M1) endometrial cancer, who exhibited leukemoid reaction and pretreatment thrombocytosis as paraneoplastic syndromes. The patient received two courses of CB-derived NK (CB-NK) cell immunotherapy between March and September 2022, due to her extremely low NK cell activity. Two available CB units matched at 8/10 HLA with KIR-mismatch were chosen, and we were able to produce NK cells with high yield (>1.0×1010 NK cells), purity (>90%), and function (>80%) from CB without cell sorting, feeder cells, or multiple cytokines. These cells were then adoptively transferred to the patient. No adverse effects or graft-versus-host disease were observed after infusion of CB-NK cells. Our clinical experience supports the efficacy of CB-NK cell treatment in increasing NK cell activity, depleting tumor activity, improving quality of life, and reducing the size of abdominal and pelvic masses with the disappearance of multiple lymph node metastases through the regulation of systemic antitumor immunity. Remarkably, the white blood cell and platelet counts decreased to normal levels after CB-NK cell immunotherapy. This clinical work suggests that CB-NK cell immunotherapy holds promise as a therapeutic approach for endometrial cancer.
  16. Liu H, Ding Z, Fan Y, Luo Y, Yang Y
    Polymers (Basel), 2023 Sep 26;15(19).
    PMID: 37835940 DOI: 10.3390/polym15193892
    The bonding properties of BFRP composites have been demonstrated in previous studies, satisfying the strength and durability criteria. In this paper, a further in-depth study is carried out to bond Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) to Aluminum Alloy 5052 using two bonding agents, Aralite® 2012 and Aralite® 2015, respectively. The salt sprays under 80 °C, 3.5% NaCl environment; 80 °C, 5% NaCl environment; and pure water environment are also considered for comparison. Experimental results show that joints created with Araldite® 2012 adhesives show higher average breaking strength (10.66 MPa at 720 h) and better ductility in a 5% NaCl environment. While the Araldite® 2015 adhesive joint exhibits a combination of tear failure and interface failure, along with thin-layer cohesion failure. In the SEM images of the two adhesive joints' failure, fiber pullout due to tension and damage at the interface between fiber and resin is apparent. To validate the experimental outcomes, water absorption testing, DSC, TGA-DTG, and FTIR experiments were conducted on dog-bone-shaped adhesive specimens to elucidate the results.
  17. Müller CP, Yang Y, Singh D, Lenz B, Müller E
    Nervenarzt, 2024 Sep;95(9):824-829.
    PMID: 39085520 DOI: 10.1007/s00115-024-01721-6
    BACKGROUND: Kratom/ketum is a psychoactive herbal preparation that has been used for a long time as a remedy and performance-enhancing substance in Southeast Asia. The advancement of globalization is making kratom increasingly more available in the western world, where it is becoming increasingly more used.

    OBJECTIVE: The current research on kratom and its ingredients is presented.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: An overview of the use and effects of kratom is exemplary given on the basis of reports. The instrumentalization of the drug and its consequences up to the development of addiction are discussed.

    RESULTS: Consumption is accompanied by several instrumentalizeable effects so that kratom is used as a therapeutic substance in the self-management of pain, anxiety and depression as well as other substance addictions. Another benefit comes from the performance-enhancing effects on physical work and in a social context. Consumption is usually well controlled, rarely escalates and has few and mostly mild aversive side effects. The danger arises from consumption particularly when there is an escalation of the dose and from mixed consumption with other psychoactive substances. The main alkaloid mitragynine and the more potent 7‑hydroxy-mitragynine are considered mainly responsible for the effect. Both have a complex pharmacology that involves partial µ‑opioid receptor agonism.

    DISCUSSION: Epidemiological, clinical and neurochemical studies have shown that kratom only has a limited addictive drug profile, which might suggest a medical use as a remedy or substitute in addiction treatment.

  18. Yang Y, Idris NB, Liu C, Wu H, Yu D
    PeerJ Comput Sci, 2024;10:e2356.
    PMID: 39678290 DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.2356
    The harm caused by deepfake face images is increasing. To proactively defend against this threat, this paper innovatively proposes a destructive active defense algorithm for deepfake face images (DADFI). This algorithm adds slight perturbations to the original face images to generate adversarial samples. These perturbations are imperceptible to the human eye but cause significant distortions in the outputs of mainstream deepfake models. Firstly, the algorithm generates adversarial samples that maintain high visual fidelity and authenticity. Secondly, in a black-box scenario, the adversarial samples are used to attack deepfake models to enhance their offensive capabilities. Finally, destructive attack experiments were conducted on the mainstream face datasets CASIA-FaceV5 and CelebA. The results demonstrate that the proposed DADFI algorithm not only improves the generation speed of adversarial samples but also increases the success rate of active defense. This achievement can effectively reduce the harm caused by deepfake face images.
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