Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 343 in total

  1. Nahar, M.K., Hashim, U., Zakaria, Z.
    This work was investigated the protein solubility properties of meat from chicken in different
    body part. The effects of fresh and freezing condition were studied on the protein solubility as
    a functional property of slaughter and non slaughtering chicken meat. Solubility of proteins
    was significantly reduced for slaughtering fresh meat and in contrast, non slaughtering fresh
    meat shows the higher protein solubility. On the other hand, frozen storage meat showed the
    difference amount of protein solubility between slaughtering and non slaughtering condition
    meat. Freezing condition also showed that the different solubility of different body part meat.
    The protein solubility of some parts was significantly increased and some were decreased
    between the slaughtering and non slaughtering condition.
  2. Rahman Jamal, Sharifah, N.A., Zulfiqar, A., Zakaria, Z.
    We report a rare case of undifferentiated (embryonal) sarcoma of the liver in a six-year-old girl who at presentation, had fever, right hypochondrium pain and hepatomegaly. The diagnosis was clinched by fine needle aspiration cytology and was subsequently reconfirmed by histopathological examination of the resected tumour. Pre-operative chemotherapy was given because primary resection was deemed not possible. The patient underwent a successful extensive hepatectomy followed by continuation chemotherapy
  3. Sadiq, M.A., Zakaria, Z., Saharee, A.A., Abba, Y., Hassan, L.
    Jurnal Veterinar Malaysia, 2016;28(1):20-26.
    An adult female Elephant Trunk Snake (Acrochordus javanicus) was reported to have been weak and inappetent for five days. The following morning the snake found dead, while in the process of shedding its skin. On post mortem examination, there were multiple circumscribed caseous nodules of various sizes distributed all over the liver, along the respiratory tract and on the lungs. Bacteriological analysis of the lungs and liver swab samples yielded Burkholderia pseudomallei, which was confirmed by PCR amplification of specific 16S rRNA. The condition was diagnosed as melioidosis and the organism was genotypically characterized as sequence type 51, a genotype that has been previously characterized in humans in Malaysia. Antibiotic susceptibility by both Disc diffusion or Kirby Bauer and E-test minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) showed that the organism exhibited susceptibility to meropenem, imipenem, ceftazidime, cotrimoxazole and co-amoxyclav; the antibiotics recommended in the treatment of melioidosis.
  4. Ishak R, Zakaria Z
    PMID: 9561621
    Hemophilia B is an X-linked recessive disorder of the hemostasis involving a defective clotting factor IX. Amplification of the regions containing restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) can be achieved by the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This paper describes the analysis of 2 RFLPs involving the Dde1 and Taq1 restriction sites within the factor IX gene in a family with hemophilia B. Digestion of the PCR products with Taq1 revealed a 163bp fragment in all the family members. This finding suggests the absence of restriction site for Taq1 enzyme. However, the Dde1 digest results in bands 369bp and 319bp segregated amongst the family members. The pattern of inheritance of the 369bp fragment in this family suggested that both the patient's mother and aunt are not carriers and that the patient's factor IX gene could have undergone a de novo mutation producing a defective factor IX gene responsible for the hemophilia B. This is supported by the fact that no family history of hemophilia B is indicated in the other male members within the family.
  5. Zakaria, Z., Fazalul Rahiman, M.H., Abdul Rahim, R., Megat Ali, M.S.A., Baharuddin, M.Y., Jahidin, A.H.
    Ultrasound technology progressed through the 1960’s from simple A-mode and B-mode scans to today’s M-mode and Doppler two dimensional (2-D) and even three dimensional (3-D) systems. Modern ultrasound imaging has its roots in sonar technology after it was first described by Lord John Rayleigh over 100 years ago on the interaction of acoustic waves with media. Tomography technique was developed as a diagnostic tool in the medical area since the early of 1970’s. This research initially focused on how to retrieve a cross sectional images from living or non-living things. After a decade, the application of tomography systems span into the industrial area. However, the long exposure time of medical radiation-based method cannot tolerate the dynamic changes in industrial process two phase liquid/gas flow system.. An alternative system such as a process tomography system, can give information on the nature of the flow regime characteristic. The overall aim of this paper is to investigate the use of a small scale ultrasonic tomography method based on ultrasonic transmission mode tomography for online monitoring of liquid/gas flow in pipe/vessel system through ultrasonic transceivers application. This non-invasive technique applied sixteen transceivers as the sensing elements to cover the pipe/vessel cross section. The paper also details the transceivers selection criteria, hardware setup, the electronic measurement circuit and also the image reconstruction algorithm applied. The system was found capable of visualizing the internal characteristics and provides the concentration profile for the corresponding liquid and gas phases.
  6. Bahaman, A.R., Kattan, G, Khairani- Bejo, S., Mutalib, A.R., Zakaria, Z.
    Jurnal Veterinar Malaysia, 2017;29(2):1-4.
    Leptospirosis is re-emerging in Malaysia and many other tropical countries. Its infection of human and animal’s worldwide. The study was carried out to identify predominate Leptospira serovars within rat populations in Kuala Lumpur (KL) by microscopic agglutination test (MAT). As well to investigate the frequency of infection by polymerase chain reaction assays (PCR). The isolated cultures that obtained from culturing kidney tissue of 112 trapped rats from four sites in KL, were identified by MAT using panel of 16 standard hyper immune anti-sera. Besides, identification of Leptospira strains by PCR amplification with G1/G2 and ompL1 Borgpetersenii genes. Results from typing by MAT revealed that 8/57 (7.1%) of cultured isolates reacted against; hyper-immune antisera of serogroup Javanica and 13/57 (22.8%) against serogroup Bataviae. Whereas, the rest of isolates recorded across reactivity 1/20 against serogroups; Icterohaemorrhagiae 2/57, Canicola 1/57, Australis 2/57. From PCR-G1/G2; 50/112 (50.9%) cultures were positive included (40/57 cultures positive to isolation and 10/55 cultures negative to isolation). While, from PCR-ompL1 Borgpetersenii gene; 21/112 (18.7%) cultures positive included (17/57 cultures positive to isolation and 4/55 cultures were negative to isolation). It is obvious from this study that serogroups Javanica and Bataviae were the predominant among rat populations in KL. Also it revealed the high frequency of pathogenic strains among rat populations and their potential risk of humans and animals contracting infection.
  7. Tan, J. A. M. A., George, E., Lim, E. J., Zakaria, Z., Hassan, R., Wee, Y. C., et al.
    Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the UBI MAGIWELTM ζ-GLOBIN ELISA Kit for the presumptive diagnosis of αo-thalassaemia. The ELISA results obtained were confirmed by molecular characterisation of αo-thalassaemia using a Duplex-PCR. Methods: Routine peripheral blood counts and red cell indices were determined in 94 blood samples sent for Hb analysis. Hb subtypes were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Hb electrophoresis conducted on agarose gel at pH 8.5. Zeta-globin chain levels were determined using the UBI MAGIWELTM ζ-GLOBIN ELISA Kit. Molecular analysis was performed using a duplex-PCR which simultaneously amplifies
    a normal 136 bp sequence between the ψα−α2-globin genes and a 730 bp Southeast Asian deletion-specific sequence (–SEA) between the ψα2−θ1-globin genes. Results: Using the ELISA assay kit, 20 blood samples were presumptively identified as α-thalassaemia carriers from elevated ζ-globin chains (OD>0.3) while the remaining 74 blood samples showed OD
  8. Zakaria Z, Badhan RKS
    Eur J Pharm Sci, 2018 Jul 01;119:90-101.
    PMID: 29635009 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2018.04.012
    Lumefantrine is a widely used antimalarial in children in sub-Saharan Africa and is predominantly metabolised by CYP3A4. The concomitant use of lumefantrine with the antiretroviral efavirenz, which is metabolised by CYP2B6 and is an inducer of CYP3A4, increases the risk of lumefantrine failure and can result in an increased recrudescence rate in HIV-infected children. This is further confounded by CYP2B6 being highly polymorphic resulting in a 2-3 fold higher efavirenz plasma concentration in polymorphic subjects, which enhances the potential for an efavirenz-lumefantrine drug-drug interaction (DDI). This study developed a population-based PBPK model capable of predicting the impact of efavirenz-mediated DDIs on lumefantrine pharmacokinetics in African paediatric population groups, which also considered the polymorphic nature of CYP2B6. The validated model demonstrated a significant difference in lumefantrine target day 7 concentrations (Cd7) in the presence and absence of efavirenz and confirmed the capability of efavirenz to initiate this DDI. This was more apparent in the *6/*6 compared to *1/*1 population group and resulted in a significantly lower (P 
  9. Mdzin R, Ko C, Abdul Latif Z, Zakaria Z
    Singapore Med J, 2008 Nov;49(11):e336-9.
    PMID: 19037546
    Interstitial deletions of the long arm of chromosome 4 are rare. The deletions may occur at the proximal or the distal portions of the chromosome and different breakpoints may be involved. We report an interstitial deletion of 4q: 46XY der 4 (q28;q35) in a six-year-old boy with dysmorphic features associated with moderate mental retardation. Parental chromosomal analysis showed a balanced paternal translocation.
  10. Ali F, Safawi EB, Zakaria Z, Basiron N
    Clin Ter, 2013;164(5):413-5.
    PMID: 24217827 DOI: 10.7417/CT.2013.1605
    Entero-cutaneous fistula resulting from a locally invasive large bowel carcinoma is a difficult surgical challenge. En-bloc resection of the involved organs and the entero-cutaneous fistula tract with a healthy tissue margin will result in a composite abdominal wall defect that requires closure. Reconstructive surgical options include primary closure, components separation and the use of local, regional or free flaps with or without prosthetic mesh. We report a case of an abdominal enterocutaneous fistula secondary to a locally invasive sigmoid carcinoma, which was reconstructed with a pedicled antero-lateral thigh perforator (ALT) flap. To our knowledge, this is the first case of a malignant entero-cutaneous fistula, which was reconstructed with an ALT flap.
  11. Badrin O, Kushairi S, Zakaria Z, Sachithanandan A
    BMJ Case Rep, 2013;2013.
    PMID: 23632185 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2013-009112
    Heparin resistance (HR) is an increasingly common occurrence due to a greater awareness of the benefits of antithrombosis prophylaxis in hospitalised patients with low molecular weight and unfractionated heparin. Furthermore as more high-risk patients with prior heparin exposure undergo cardiac surgery we can expect to encounter more such cases. Adequate anticoagulation is essential for the safe conduct of any operation requiring cardiopulmonary bypass and is usually achieved with systemic heparinisation. We report a case of successful anticoagulation with the intraoperative administration of fresh frozen plasma in a high-risk coronary patient with HR and highlight the perils of unwitting overheparinisation in such cases. This case highlights the importance of clinical awareness of this phenomenon and the available alternative anticoagulants.
  12. Shariat M, Samsudin MW, Zakaria Z
    Molecules, 2012 Sep 28;17(10):11607-15.
    PMID: 23023686
    A new and efficient method has been designed to prepare 2,2'-arylene-substituted bis(4H-3,1-benzoxazin-4-one) derivatives by using the mixture of cyanuric chloride and N,N-dimethylformamide in a microwave-assisted reaction. The method used and presented here has good rate enhancement and excellent yields.
  13. Zakaria ZA, Aruleswaran N, Kaur S, Ahmad WA
    Water Sci Technol, 2007;56(8):117-23.
    PMID: 17978439
    Cr(VI) biosorption and bioreduction ability of locally isolated Cr-resistant bacteria was investigated using the shake-flask technique. A mixture of S. epidermidis and B. cereus showed the highest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) level at 750 mg/L Cr(VI) followed by S. aureus and Bacillus sp. of 250 mg/L, and A. haemolyticus of 70 mg/L. From the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, the treatment of cells with heat-acid resulted in the highest amount of Cr(VI) adsorped (78.25 mg/g dry wt. for S. epidermidis) compared to heat-acetone (67.93 mg/g dry wt. Bacillus sp.), heat only (36.05 mg/g dry wt. S. epidermidis) or untreated cells (45.40 mg/g dry wt. S. epidermidis and B. cereus). FTIR analysis showed the involvement of amine groups in Cr(VI) adsorption. In the bioreduction study, A. haemolyticus was able to completely reduce Cr(VI) up to 50 mg/L.
  14. Kardia E, Yusoff NM, Zakaria Z, Yahaya B
    J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv, 2014 Feb;27(1):30-4.
    PMID: 23409833 DOI: 10.1089/jamp.2012.1020
    Cell-based therapy has great potential to treat patients with lung diseases. The administration of cells into an injured lung is one method of repairing and replacing lost lung tissue. However, different types of delivery have been studied and compared, and none of the techniques resulted in engraftment of a high number of cells into the targeted organ. In this in vitro study, a novel method of cell delivery was introduced to investigate the possibility of delivering aerosolized skin-derived fibroblasts.
  15. Zulfiqar MA, Zaleha AM, Zakaria Z, Amin T
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Dec;54(4):478-81.
    PMID: 11072465
    We report our experience with intralesional injection of bleomycin in the treatment of neck lymphangioma. From May 1995 to April 1998, 11 patients aged between 6 to 22 months were treated with intralesional bleomycin injection. Ultrasonography and computed tomography were used to assess and select the cases suitable for sclerotherapy. Patients with lesions encasing the internal jugular vein and the carotid artery were chosen. With the patient under sedation and using ultrasound guidance, the cysts were aspirated and bleomycin was injected at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg body weight. The number of procedures varied from 1 to 4 over a period of 8 months to 1 year. Patients were initially followed-up 3 monthly, then 6 monthly and subsequently yearly. In 4 patients, the neck mass was no longer visible (excellent response). In 5 patients, the neck mass had reduced to a size (more than 50% reduction) that was cosmetically acceptable (good response). There were 2 failures (poor response). There were no complications. Our results suggest that intralesional injection of bleomycin can be effectively used to treat selected cases of neck lymphangiomas.
  16. Zakaria Z, Kamarudin SK, Timmiati SN
    Nanoscale Res Lett, 2019 Jan 18;14(1):28.
    PMID: 30659414 DOI: 10.1186/s11671-018-2836-3
    Passive alkaline-direct ethanol fuel cells (alkaline-DEFCs) appear to be suitable for producing sustainable energy for portable devices. However, ethanol crossover is a major challenge for passive alkaline-DEFC systems. This study investigated the performance of a crosslinked quaternized poly (vinyl alcohol)/graphene oxide (QPVA/GO) composite membrane to reduce ethanol permeability, leading in enhancement of passive alkaline-DEFC performance. The chemical and physical structure, morphology, ethanol uptake and permeability, ion exchange capacity, water uptake, and ionic conductivity of the composite membranes were characterized and measured to evaluate their applicability in fuel cells. The transport properties of the membrane were affected by GO loading, with an optimal loading of 15 wt.% and doped with 1 M of KOH showing the lowest ethanol permeability (1.49 × 10-7 cm2 s-1 and 3.65 × 10-7 cm2 s-1 at 30 °C and 60 °C, respectively) and the highest ionic conductivity (1.74 × 10-2 S cm-1 and 6.24 × 10-2 S cm-1 at 30 °C and 60 °C, respectively). In the passive alkaline-DEFCs, the maximum power density was 9.1 mW cm-2, which is higher than commercial Nafion 117/KOH (7.68 mW cm-2) at 30 °C with a 2 M ethanol + 2 M KOH solution. For the 60 °C, the maximum power density of composite membrane achieved was 11.4 mW cm-2.
  17. Mamidi MK, Das AK, Zakaria Z, Bhonde R
    Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 2016 Aug;24(8):1307-16.
    PMID: 26973328 DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2016.03.003
    Treatment for articular cartilage damage is quite challenging as it shows limited repair and regeneration following injury. Non-operative and classical surgical techniques are inefficient in restoring normal anatomy and function of cartilage in osteoarthritis (OA). Thus, investigating new and effective strategies for OA are necessary to establish feasible therapeutic solutions. The emergence of the new discipline of regenerative medicine, having cell-based therapy as its primary focus, may enable us to achieve repair and restore the damaged articular cartilage. This review describes progress and development of employing mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC)-based therapy as a promising alternative for OA treatment. The objective of this review is to first, discuss how in vitro MSC chondrogenic differentiation mimics in vivo embryonic cartilage development, secondly, to describe various chondrogenic differentiation strategies followed by pre-clinical and clinical studies demonstrating their feasibility and efficacy. However, several challenges need to be tackled before this research can be translated to the clinics. In particular, better understanding of the post-transplanted cell behaviour and learning to enhance their potency in the disease microenvironment is essential. Final objective is to underscore the importance of isolation, storage, cell shipment, route of administration, optimum dosage and control batch to batch variations to realise the full potential of MSCs in OA clinical trials.
  18. Akhtar A, Hair-Bejo M, Hussein EA, Zakaria Z
    Vet Med Int, 2021;2021:8818308.
    PMID: 34055283 DOI: 10.1155/2021/8818308
    This study was conducted to inactivate Salmonella enteriditis phage types (SE pt) and to determine the safety and efficacy of inactivated SE pt in chickens. SE pt 1, 3A, 6A, 7, and 35 were inactivated and inoculated (0.20 mL) in 124 chickens divided into 6 groups (CV1, CV3A, CV6A, CV7, CV35, and CV0 as a control). Sampling was conducted on day 14 after inoculation (pi). Eight chickens from each group were separated on day 14 pi for oral challenge with 0.20 mL/chicken (1010 cfu/mL) SE pt 6A and designated CV1C, CV3AC, CV6AC, CV7C, CV35C, and CV0C as control chickens. On days 7 and 14 postchallenge (pc), 4 chickens from every group were sacrificed for sampling. There was no significant difference in the body weight between different groups. In challenged groups, there was no significant association between different tissues and isolation of Salmonella on days 7 and 14 pc. There was significance (p 
  19. Zakaria Z, Sapiai NA, Ghani ARI
    Acta Neurochir (Wien), 2021 08;163(8):2359-2362.
    PMID: 34101024 DOI: 10.1007/s00701-021-04860-w
    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), also known as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a highly transmissible virus and has become pandemic. Part of the prevention of disease spread by the Malaysian government is by getting COVID-19 vaccine. Using the mRNA technology, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is one of the vaccines been approved by the Drug Control Authority in Malaysia. Herein, we report an immediate complication of cerebral VST after the first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
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