Displaying all 6 publications

  1. Jamil K, Zacharin M, Foster B, Donald G, Hassall T, Siafarikas A, et al.
    BMJ Paediatr Open, 2017;1(1):e000084.
    PMID: 29637122 DOI: 10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000084
    Introduction: Perthes disease (PD) is an idiopathic disorder presenting with avascular necrosis to the femoral head, which frequently results in flattening. Long-term function is directly related to the subsequent femoral head sphericity. Current treatment includes mechanical modalities and surgical procedures, which are therapeutic but are not uniformly able to prevent collapse. The use of the nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate zoledronic acid (ZA) to inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption is aimed at preserving femoral head strength, reducing collapse and thus maintaining shape. The proposed multicentre, prospective, randomised controlled trial intends to evaluate the efficacy of ZA treatment in PD.

    Methods and analysis: An open-label randomised control trial recruiting 100 children (50 each treatment arm) 5 to 16 years old with unilateral PD. Subjects are randomly assigned to either (a) ZA and standard care or (b) Standard care. The primary outcome measure is deformity index (DI), a radiographic parameter of femoral head roundness assessed at 24 months, following 12 months of ZA treatment (3-monthly doses of ZA 0.025 mg/kg at baseline, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months) plus 12 months observation (group A) or 24 months of observation (group B). Secondary outcome measures are femoral head subluxation, Faces Pain scale, Harris hip score and quality of life. Assessments are made at baseline, 3 monthly during the first year of follow-up and then 6 monthly, until the 24th month.

    Ethics and dissemination: The study commenced following the written approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee. Safety considerations regarding the effects of ZA are monitored which include the subject's symptomatology, mineral status, bone mass and turnover activity, and metaphyseal modelling. Data handling plan requires that all documents, clinical information, biological samples and investigation results will be held in strict confidence by study investigators to preserve its safety and confidentiality.

    Trial registration number: Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials ACTRN12610000407099, pre-results.

  2. Abdul Hamid H, Szatkowski L, Budge H, Cheah FC, Ojha S
    BMJ Paediatr Open, 2021;5(1):e001153.
    PMID: 34514178 DOI: 10.1136/bmjpo-2021-001153
    Objective: To explore differences in nutritional practices and growth outcomes among preterm infants in neonatal units in Malaysia and the UK.

    Design: Prospective exploratory study of infants born at <34 weeks gestational age (GA).

    Setting: Two neonatal units, one in Malaysia and one in the UK (May 2019 to March 2020).

    Methods: Data collected from birth until discharge and compared between units.

    Results: From 100 infants included, median GA (IQR) was 31 (30-33) and mean±SD birth weight was 1549±444 g. There were more small-for-gestational age infants in Malaysian unit: 12/50 (24%) vs UK: 3/50 (6%), p=0.012 and more morbidities. More Malaysian infants received breast milk (Malaysia: 49 (98%) vs UK: 38 (76%), p=0.001), fortified breast milk (Malaysia: 43 (86%) vs UK: 13 (26%), p<0.001) and exclusive breast milk at discharge (Malaysia: 26 (52%) vs UK: 16 (32%), p=0.043). There was higher parenteral nutrition use among Malaysian infants (40/50 (80%)) vs UK (19/50 (38%)) (p<0.001) with higher protein intake (mean±SD Malaysia: 3.0±0.5 vs UK: 2.7±0.6 g/kg/d, p=0.004) in weeks 1-4 and smaller cumulative protein deficits (mean±SD Malaysia: 11.4±6.1 vs UK: 15.4±8.0 g/kg, p=0.006). There were no significant differences in short-term growth between units and more than half of the infants in both units had ≥1.28 changes in weight-for-age Z-score at discharge (p=0.841).

    Conclusions: An exploratory comparison of practices showed differences in patient characteristics and nutritional practices which impacted growth. Future studies with larger sample sizes and detailed analysis of maternal characteristics and infants' outcomes are needed for improving care of preterm infants in all settings.

  3. Henry Basil J, Premakumar CM, Mhd Ali A, Mohd Tahir NA, Seman Z, Mohamed Shah N
    BMJ Paediatr Open, 2023 Feb;7(1).
    PMID: 36754439 DOI: 10.1136/bmjpo-2022-001765
    INTRODUCTION: Medication administration errors (MAEs) are the most common type of medication error. Furthermore, they are more common among neonates as compared with adults. MAEs can result in severe patient harm, subsequently causing a significant economic burden to the healthcare system. Targeting and prioritising neonates at high risk of MAEs is crucial in reducing MAEs. To the best of our knowledge, there is no predictive risk score available for the identification of neonates at risk of MAEs. Therefore, this study aims to develop and validate a risk prediction model to identify neonates at risk of MAEs.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This is a prospective direct observational study that will be conducted in five neonatal intensive care units. A minimum sample size of 820 drug preparations and administrations will be observed. Data including patient characteristics, drug preparation-related and administration-related information and other procedures will be recorded. After each round of observation, the observers will compare his/her observations with the prescriber's medication order, hospital policies and manufacturer's recommendations to determine whether MAE has occurred. To ensure reliability, the error identification will be independently performed by two clinical pharmacists after the completion of data collection for all study sites. Any disagreements will be discussed with the research team for consensus. To reduce overfitting and improve the quality of risk predictions, we have prespecified a priori the analytical plan, that is, prespecifying the candidate predictor variables, handling missing data and validation of the developed model. The model's performance will also be assessed. Finally, various modes of presentation formats such as a simplified scoring tool or web-based electronic risk calculators will be considered.

  4. Ducey J, Lansdale N, Gorst S, Bray L, Teunissen N, Cullis P, et al.
    BMJ Paediatr Open, 2024 Feb 05;8(1).
    PMID: 38316469 DOI: 10.1136/bmjpo-2023-002262
    INTRODUCTION: Heterogeneity in reported outcomes of infants with oesophageal atresia (OA) with or without tracheo-oesophageal fistula (TOF) prevents effective data pooling. Core outcome sets (COS) have been developed for many conditions to standardise outcome reporting, facilitate meta-analysis and improve the relevance of research for patients and families. Our aim is to develop an internationally-agreed, comprehensive COS for OA-TOF, relevant from birth through to transition and adulthood.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A long list of outcomes will be generated using (1) a systematic review of existing studies on OA-TOF and (2) qualitative research with children (patients), adults (patients) and families involving focus groups, semistructured interviews and self-reported outcome activity packs. A two-phase Delphi survey will then be completed by four key stakeholder groups: (1) patients (paediatric and adult); (2) families; (3) healthcare professionals; and (4) researchers. Phase I will include stakeholders individually rating the importance and relevance of each long-listed outcome using a 9-point Likert scale, with the option to suggest additional outcomes not already included. During phase II, stakeholders will review summarised results from phase I relative to their own initial score and then will be asked to rescore the outcome based on this information. Responses from phase II will be summarised using descriptive statistics and a predefined definition of consensus for inclusion or exclusion of outcomes. Following the Delphi process, stakeholder experts will be invited to review data at a consensus meeting and agree on a COS for OA-TOF.

    ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval was sought through the Health Research Authority via the Integrated Research Application System, registration no. 297026. However, approval was deemed not to be required, so study sponsorship and oversight were provided by Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust. The study has been prospectively registered with the COMET Initiative. The study will be published in an open access forum.

  5. Boo NY, Chee SC, Neoh SH, Ang EB, Ang EL, Choo P, et al.
    BMJ Paediatr Open, 2021;5(1):e001149.
    PMID: 34595358 DOI: 10.1136/bmjpo-2021-001149
    OBJECTIVES: To determine a 10-year trend of survival, morbidities and care practices, and predictors of in-hospital mortality in very preterm neonates (VPTN, gestation 22 to <32 weeks) in the Malaysian National Neonatal Registry.

    DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study.

    SETTING: 43 Malaysian neonatal intensive care units.

    PATIENTS: 29 010 VPTN (without major malformations) admitted between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2018.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Care practices, survival, admission hypothermia (AH, <36.5°C), late-onset sepsis (LOS), pneumothorax, necrotising enterocolitis grade 2 or 3 (NEC), severe intraventricular haemorrhage (sIVH, grade 3 or 4) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).

    RESULTS: During this 10-year period, there was increased use of antenatal steroid (ANS), lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) and early continuous positive airway pressure (eCPAP); but decreased use of surfactant therapy. Survival had increased from 72% to -83.9%. The following morbidities had decreased: LOS (from 27.9% to 7.1%), pneumothorax (from 6.0% to 2.7%), NEC (from 8.1% to 4.7%) and sIVH (from 12.2% to 7.5%). However, moderately severe AH (32.0°C-35.9°C) and BPD had increased. Multiple logistic regression analyses showed that lower birth weight, no ANS, no LSCS, admission to neonatal intensive care unit with <100 VPTN admissions/year, no surfactant therapy, no eCPAP, moderate and severe AH, LOS, pneumothorax, NEC and sIVH were significant predictors of mortality.

    CONCLUSION: Survival and major morbidities had improved modestly. Failure to use ANS, LSCS, eCPAP and surfactant therapy, and failure to prevent AH and LOS increased risk of mortality.

  6. Marwali EM, Kekalih A, Yuliarto S, Wati DK, Rayhan M, Valerie IC, et al.
    BMJ Paediatr Open, 2022 Oct;6(1).
    PMID: 36645791 DOI: 10.1136/bmjpo-2022-001657
    BACKGROUND: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric populations varied between high-income countries (HICs) versus low-income to middle-income countries (LMICs). We sought to investigate differences in paediatric clinical outcomes and identify factors contributing to disparity between countries.

    METHODS: The International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infections Consortium (ISARIC) COVID-19 database was queried to include children under 19 years of age admitted to hospital from January 2020 to April 2021 with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis. Univariate and multivariable analysis of contributing factors for mortality were assessed by country group (HICs vs LMICs) as defined by the World Bank criteria.

    RESULTS: A total of 12 860 children (3819 from 21 HICs and 9041 from 15 LMICs) participated in this study. Of these, 8961 were laboratory-confirmed and 3899 suspected COVID-19 cases. About 52% of LMICs children were black, and more than 40% were infants and adolescent. Overall in-hospital mortality rate (95% CI) was 3.3% [=(3.0% to 3.6%), higher in LMICs than HICs (4.0% (3.6% to 4.4%) and 1.7% (1.3% to 2.1%), respectively). There were significant differences between country income groups in intervention profile, with higher use of antibiotics, antivirals, corticosteroids, prone positioning, high flow nasal cannula, non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation in HICs. Out of the 439 mechanically ventilated children, mortality occurred in 106 (24.1%) subjects, which was higher in LMICs than HICs (89 (43.6%) vs 17 (7.2%) respectively). Pre-existing infectious comorbidities (tuberculosis and HIV) and some complications (bacterial pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome and myocarditis) were significantly higher in LMICs compared with HICs. On multivariable analysis, LMIC as country income group was associated with increased risk of mortality (adjusted HR 4.73 (3.16 to 7.10)).

    CONCLUSION: Mortality and morbidities were higher in LMICs than HICs, and it may be attributable to differences in patient demographics, complications and access to supportive and treatment modalities.

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