METHODS: We conducted a case-control study comparing 25 patients with biopsy-proven LACR against 25 stable controls matched for age group, primary diagnosis and time post-transplant. IPV was calculated using coefficient of variance (CV) and mean absolute deviation (MAD) using tacrolimus levels in the preceding 12 months. We also assessed the percentage time for tacrolimus levels
METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed infants with ARM who received surgery and were followed at the Sabah Women and Children's Hospital, Malaysia, from 1986 to 2010.
RESULTS: One hundred and twenty-two children with anorectal malformations were studied, after excluding 24 children with incomplete data. Three factors were significant as predictors of the presence of a urological anomaly: high ARM lesion (OR 3.12, 95%CI 1.1-8.9), the presence of genital abnormality (OR 2.95, 95%CI 1.10-7.91) and cloacal anomaly in girls (OR 8.27, 95% CI 1.91-35.6). The most common anomalies were vesicoureteric reflux, single kidney and neurogenic bladder. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) was noted in 5.7%, in children who had recurrent urinary tract infections, neurogenic bladder or complex renal tract pathology; end-stage renal failure was seen in only 0.8% of children with ARM.
CONCLUSION: Urological anomalies were seen in 23% of patients, but the overall incidence of CKD and end-stage renal disease is low. Early identification of infants with ARM at risk of renal failure may be important for renal survival.
METHODS: The source questionnaire in English was translated into Bahasa Melayu. Linguistic validation guidelines by the MAPI Research Institute were followed. The already validated Bahasa Melayu PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales was used for comparison. Sociodemographic data were collected during the interview. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 25.0.
RESULTS: Sixty-nine children aged 8 to 18 with CKD stages 4 and 5, with or without dialysis, and their caregivers were recruited. Mean age was 12.62 ± 2.77 (SD). Evaluation of the PedsQL 3.0 ESRD Module Bahasa Melayu version demonstrated good internal consistency (Cronbach alpha 0.82). There was good agreement between child self-report and parent proxy report in all domains; average intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were 0.78, 95% CI (0.71, 0.84). Scores obtained from Generic 4.0 scales correlated with the disease-specific ESRD 3.0 scale, Spearman's rho = 0.32, p = 0.007. The Kruskal-Wallis H test indicated that there were no significant differences between stages of CKD and their respective mean HRQoL score, χ2(2) = 2.88, p = 0.236.
CONCLUSIONS: The PedsQL 3.0 ESRD Module Bahasa Melayu version is a reliable and feasible tool for cross-cultural adaptation. A longer prospective study may help better illustrate the quality of life in this group of children.
METHODS: A questionnaire regarding details of the PD program and training practices was distributed to IPPN member centers, while peritonitis and ESI rates were either derived from the IPPN registry or obtained directly from the centers. Poisson univariate and multivariate regression was used to determine the training-related peritonitis and ESI risk factors.
RESULTS: Sixty-two of 137 centers responded. Information on peritonitis and ESI rates were available from fifty centers. Training was conducted by a PD nurse in 93.5% of centers, most commonly (50%) as an in-hospital program. The median total training time was 24 hours, with a formal assessment conducted in 88.7% and skills demonstration in 71% of centers. Home visits were performed by 58% of centers. Shorter (