Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 47 in total

  1. Sodhy LS
    Med J Malaya, 1971 Jun;25(4):250-2.
    PMID: 4261294
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
  2. Whitmee S, Haines A, Beyrer C, Boltz F, Capon AG, de Souza Dias BF, et al.
    Lancet, 2015 Nov 14;386(10007):1973-2028.
    PMID: 26188744 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)60901-1
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
  3. Hashim JH, Hashim Z, Hod R, Jalaludin J, Mohamed N, Karuppannan S, et al.
    Rev Environ Health, 2023 Jun 27;38(2):349-359.
    PMID: 35468665 DOI: 10.1515/reveh-2022-0030
    OBJECTIVES: Environmental risk factors contribute to 24% of the global burden of disease from all causes in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), and to 23% of all global deaths. Malaysia being an advanced developing country, there is a need to prioritise environmental health issues to enable environmental health practitioners to focus on the most significant and urgent environmental health concerns.

    CONTENT: This project was undertaken by a Thematic Working Group on Environmental Health Experts (TWG 10) under the Malaysian National Environmental Health Action Plan. Sixteen pre-selected environmental health issues were presented to a two focus group discussions among 20 environmental health and related professionals who then scored each issue on its magnitude and severity scale.

    SUMMARY: The total of these scores generated a list of priority environmental health issues for Malaysia. Children environmental health came out as the environmental health issue of the highest priority.

    OUTLOOK: We hope that this list of priority environmental health issues will be used for prioritising academic and professional manpower training, research funding allocation and planning for intervention programmes by various stakeholders.

    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
  4. Guindi MN, Flaherty GT, Byrne M
    J Travel Med, 2018 01 01;25(1).
    PMID: 29718402 DOI: 10.1093/jtm/tay021
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
  5. Tirgar A, Sajjadi SA, Aghalari Z
    Global Health, 2019 02 27;15(1):17.
    PMID: 30813953 DOI: 10.1186/s12992-019-0460-3
    BACKGROUND: Scientific cooperation is one of the effective methods to access current knowledge and technologies and also to use successful experiences of researchers in developed countries by academicians living in developing countries. This study aimed to determine the level of international contribution in compilation of scientific articles in Iranian journals published in the field of environmental health engineering.

    METHODS: This descriptive and retrospective study was conducted within a 10-year period (2008-2017), in which all articles published in five specialized Iranian journals of environmental health engineering were reviewed using a researcher-made checklist. The information collected in the checklist included: the year of publication, number of issues and articles, information about the status of authors' participation in terms of number of authors, sex, institutional affiliation, country, continents, and research centers. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as index of dispersion, measures of central tendency, and Chi-square and t tests were used to statistically analyze the data. Besides, VOSviewer software was used to visualize the data.

    RESULTS: The review of 1276 articles published in 102 issues of the five journals of environmental health engineering in Iran showed that 184 articles were written with the participation of researchers from other countries. Most articles with the participation of international authors during the last decade were published in 2014. Chi-square test indicated a significant difference in the publication of these articles within 2014-2015 than other years (P = 0.001). Among the five journals, the best participation of international researchers was observed in J Environ Health Sci Engineer (168 articles, 91.3%). Considering the number of joint articles with Iran, the top continents were Asia, Europe, and Africa each with 117, 52, and 32 articles, respectively. India, Turkey, and Malaysia had the highest level of cooperation with Iranian researchers with 53, 16, and 14 articles, respectively. 637 authors contributed in 184 articles, of whom 469 (73.6%) were male and 121 (18.9%) were female. T test was used to compare the mean number of male and female authors in the articles with or without the participation of international researchers, which showed no significant difference.

    CONCLUSION: International contribution of researchers in compilation of specialized environmental health articles was good. Given the low level of cooperation between researchers from developed European and American countries and their Iranian counterparts, it seems necessary to adopt different methods to attract more collaboration from researchers working in developed countries considering their significant role in health-related areas.

    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
  6. Aghamohammadi N, Fong CS, Idrus MHM, Ramakreshnan L, Sulaiman NM
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Aug 15;782:146611.
    PMID: 33838362 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146611
    Due to the changing climate, more frequent and prolonged heatwaves are expected to have a catastrophic consequence on urban human settlement. In tropical cities such as Kuala Lumpur (KL), the quality of the urban environment is made worse by urban heat island (UHI) phenomena due to poor urban planning practices. The prolonged exposure to urban heat is hypothesized to influence human health and well-being, especially in tropical urban areas with high population density. Therefore, a study was conducted to understand the association of urban heat stress with physical, psychosomatic and psychological (PPP) health symptoms within a tropical urban setting. Continuous urban microclimate monitoring is conducted using an automated weather station to define the level of heat stress in the study area expressed as Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET). A cross-sectional approach is used to identify heat-related health symptoms experienced by the urban population. Through exploratory factor analysis, a total of 38 PPP health symptoms are reduced into 8 heat-related health clusters which are sensory organ pain, heat-related illnesses, cardiopulmonary, pain, fatigue, anxiety, somatization, and depression-related symptoms. Heat stress was found to significantly affect psychosomatic pain (p = 0.016) as well as psychological anxiety (p = 0.022) and somatization (p = 0.041) related symptoms. Other health clusters were not significantly associated with heat stress. More studies are needed to unravel the influence of confounding factors and the long-term impact of urban heat on the health and well-being of the urban population in a tropical city.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
  7. Jörgensen HS
    Lakartidningen, 1978 May 17;75(20):2034-7.
    PMID: 661431
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
  8. DeWitt GF, Sekarajasekaran A, Wan KC
    PMID: 538509
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
    The occupational safety and health of workers are aimed to protect employees.. Safety at workplace is a crucial aspect in a company’s organization. Safety in workplace is important in guaranteeing the worker’s wellbeing. The Malaysia Government has taken the required steps by introducing the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 on 25th of February 1994. The responsibilities in enforcing Occupational Safety and Health Act is given to the Occupational Safety and Health Department (OSHD) which is under the Ministry of Human Resource.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health
  10. Shaadan, N., Deni, S.M., Jemain, A.A.
    Information on situation of air pollution is critically needed as input in four disciplines of research including risk management, risk evaluation, environmental epidemiology, as well as for status and trend analysis. Two normal practices were identified to evaluate daily air pollution situation; first, pollution magnitude has been treated as the common indicator, and second, the analysis was often conducted based on hourly average data. However, the information on the magnitude level alone to represent the pollution condition based on a rigid point data such as the average was seen as insufficient. Thus, to fill the gap, this study was conducted based on continuously measured data in the form of curves, which is also known as functional data, whereby pollution duration is emphasised. A statistical method based on curve ranking was used in the investigation. The application of the method at Klang, Petaling Jaya and Shah Alam air quality monitoring stations located in the Klang Valley, Malaysia, has shown that pollution duration decreases as the magnitude increases. Shah Alam has the longest pollution duration at low and medium magnitude levels. Meanwhile, all the three stations experienced quite a similar length of average pollution duration for the high magnitude level, that is, about 2.5 days. It was also shown that the occurrence of PM10 pollution at the area is significantly not random.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health
  11. Hitam CNC, Jalil AA
    Environ Res, 2022 03;204(Pt A):111964.
    PMID: 34461122 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111964
    As one of the potential bionanomaterials, nanocellulose has appeared as a favorable candidate for photoremediation of the environment because of its abundance in nature, inexpensive, eco-friendly, decomposable, high surface area, and outstanding mechanical properties. The current review carefully summarized the diverse type of nanocellulose, their preparation approaches, and several previous works on the use of nanocellulose for photoremediation. These include the role of nanocellulose for the increased surface active site of the hybrid photocatalysts by providing a large surface area for enhanced adsorption of photons and pollutant molecules, as a dispersing agent to increase distribution of metal/non-metal dopants photocatalysts, as well as for controlled size and morphology of the dopants photocatalysts. Furthermore, the recommendations for upcoming research provided in this review are anticipated to ignite an idea for the development of other nanocellulose-based photocatalysts. Other than delivering beneficial information on the present growth of the nanocellulose biomaterials photocatalysts, this review is expected will attract more interest to the utilization of nanocellulose photocatalyst and distribute additional knowledge in this exciting area of environmental photoremediation. This could be attained by considering that a review on nanocellulose biomaterials for environmental health photoremediation has not been described elsewhere, notwithstanding intensive research works have been dedicated to this topic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health
  12. Oliveira JA, Doll CN, Siri J, Dreyfus M, Farzaneh H, Capon A
    Cad Saude Publica, 2015 Nov;31 Suppl 1:25-38.
    PMID: 26648361 DOI: 10.1590/0102-311X00010015
    The term "co-benefits" refers to positive outcomes accruing from a policy beyond the intended outcome, often or usually in other sectors. In the urban context, policies implemented in particular sectors (such as transport, energy or waste) often generate multiple co-benefits in other areas. Such benefits may be related to the reduction of local or global environmental impacts and also extend into the area of public health. A key to identifying and realising co-benefits is the adoption of systems approaches to understand inter-sectoral linkages and, in particular, the translation of this understanding to improved sector-specific and city governance. This paper reviews a range of policies which can yield health and climate co-benefits across different urban sectors and illustrates, through a series of cases, how taking a systems approach can lead to innovations in urban governance which aid the development of healthy and sustainable cities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
  13. Sekaran AS
    Med J Malaysia, 1974 Dec;29(2):97-102.
    PMID: 4282408
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
  14. Huck-Soo L, Richardson S
    J Hum Ergol (Tokyo), 2012 Dec;41(1-2):1-16.
    PMID: 25665194 DOI: 10.11183/jhe.41.1
    The two final decades of the 20th century saw a significant increase in ergonomics activity (and resulting publications) in industrially developing countries (IDCs). However, a few ergonomics papers from Singapore, for example, were published in 1969 and 1970. This paper reviews developments in ergonomics in industrially developing countries from 1969 relying heavily on published papers although their quality varies considerably. Some criticism of these papers is offered. Most were concerned with the use of work tools, workstation operations, material handling and working environments especially in tropical climates. The similar problems encountered in a variety of countries are discussed, and the importance of low-cost solutions stressed. This study presents an overview of er gonomics research in IDCs. It concentrates on ASEAN countries whilst recognising the valuable work done in other areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health/organization & administration*
  15. Leal Filho W, Echevarria Icaza L, Emanche VO, Quasem Al-Amin A
    PMID: 29257100 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph14121600
    The impacts of climate changes on cities, which are home to over half of the world's population, are already being felt. In many cases, the intensive speed with which urban centres have been growing means that little attention has been paid to the role played by climatic factors in maintaining quality of life. Among the negative consequences of rapid city growth is the expansion of the problems posed by urban heat islands (UHIs), defined as areas in a city that are much warmer than other sites, especially in comparison with rural areas. This paper analyses the consistency of the UHI-related literature in three stages: first it outlines its characteristics and impacts in a wide variety of cities around the world, which poses pressures to public health in many different countries. Then it introduces strategies which may be employed in order to reduce its effects, and finally it analyses available tools to systematize the initial high level assessment of the phenomenon for multidisciplinary teams involved in the urban planning process. The analysis of literature on the characteristics, impacts, strategies and digital tools to assess on the UHI, reveals the wide variety of parameters, methods, tools and strategies analysed and suggested in the different studies, which does not always allow to compare or standardize the diagnosis or solutions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health/methods*
  16. Soyiri IN, Reidpath DD
    Environ Health Prev Med, 2013 Jan;18(1):1-9.
    PMID: 22949173 DOI: 10.1007/s12199-012-0294-6
    Health forecasting is a novel area of forecasting, and a valuable tool for predicting future health events or situations such as demands for health services and healthcare needs. It facilitates preventive medicine and health care intervention strategies, by pre-informing health service providers to take appropriate mitigating actions to minimize risks and manage demand. Health forecasting requires reliable data, information and appropriate analytical tools for the prediction of specific health conditions or situations. There is no single approach to health forecasting, and so various methods have often been adopted to forecast aggregate or specific health conditions. Meanwhile, there are no defined health forecasting horizons (time frames) to match the choices of health forecasting methods/approaches that are often applied. The key principles of health forecasting have not also been adequately described to guide the process. This paper provides a brief introduction and theoretical analysis of health forecasting. It describes the key issues that are important for health forecasting, including: definitions, principles of health forecasting, and the properties of health data, which influence the choices of health forecasting methods. Other matters related to the value of health forecasting, and the general challenges associated with developing and using health forecasting services are discussed. This overview is a stimulus for further discussions on standardizing health forecasting approaches and methods that will facilitate health care and health services delivery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health/methods*
  17. DeWitt GF, Sekarajasekaran A, Wan KC
    PMID: 538507
    With Malaysia independence in 1957, development in the country changed from system maintenance to development planning. Environmental and health perspectives are discussed in relation to current development as reflected in the Second Malaysia Plan 1971--1975 and the Third Malaysia Plan 1976--1980.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
  18. Puppim de Oliveira JA, Doll CN
    Environ Int, 2016 12;97:146-154.
    PMID: 27665118 DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2016.08.020
    Health has been the main driver for many urban environmental interventions, particularly in cases of significant health problems linked to poor urban environmental conditions. This paper examines empirically the links between climate change mitigation and health in urban areas, when health is the main driver for improvements. The paper aims to understand how systems of urban governance can enable or prevent the creation of health outcomes via continuous improvements in the environmental conditions in a city. The research draws on cases from two Indian cities where initiatives were undertaken in different sectors: Surat (waste) and Delhi (transportation). Using the literature on network effectiveness as an analytical framework, the paper compares the cases to identify the possible ways to strengthen the governance and policy making process in the urban system so that each intervention can intentionally realize multiple impacts for both local health and climate change mitigation in the long term as well as factors that may pose a threat to long-term progress and revert back to the previous situation after initial achievements.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health*
  19. Anuar, I., Zahedi, F., Kadir, A., Mokhtar, A.B.
    Background: Nowadays, most medical laboratories in Malaysia practice occupational safety and health based on standard operating procedure and sometimes ad-hoc characteristic limited to only internal use. The level of compliance of the national occupational safety and health management system (OSHMS) guidelines among medical laboratories in Malaysia is still largely unexplored.
    Methods: This study was carried out on 34 medical laboratories consisting of 17 public medical laboratories and 17 private medical laboratories in Klang Valley using self-administered questionnaire based on guideline of OSHMS6. This study covered 112 medical laboratories units including pathology chemistry (18), microbiology (20), virology (7), histopathology (16), cytopathology (17), hematology (19) and 15 multi discipline medical laboratories.
    Results: This study showed the level of compliance to the national OSHMS guideline among medical laboratories who are MS ISO 15189:2004 accredited & have a higher scores (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health
  20. Stephen Ambu
    The global environment is in a dynamic flux due to rapid development. As a result of this, new
    diseases are emerging and old diseases are re-emerging in many parts of the world. Therefore there is a constant need for appropriate data for formulation of effective policies to mitigate the adverse effects of environmental degradation on human health. The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 is a milestone that sets the direction for good environmental management initiatives and the success
    of this depends on good data. Malaysia currently has the Environmental Quality Act 1974 in place to
    control environment related problems. However good guidelines must be developed to keep the initiatives for good environmental management on course, for this we need good data. The Centre for Environmental and Population Health at IMU, coordinates research activities in specific thrust areas in an endeavour to produce important data that is required for developing appropriate guidelines for environmental health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Health
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