Cytokine-inducible SH2 domain-containing protein (CISH), a member of the suppressor of cytokine signaling family of negative feedback regulators, is induced by cytokines that activate STAT5 and can inhibit STAT5 signaling in vitro. However, demonstration of a definitive in vivo role for CISH during development has remained elusive. This study employed expression analysis and morpholino-mediated knockdown in zebrafish in concert with bioinformatics and biochemical approaches to investigate CISH function. Two zebrafish CISH paralogs were identified, cish.a and cish.b, with high overall conservation (43-46% identity) with their mammalian counterparts. The cish.a gene was maternally derived, with transcripts present throughout embryogenesis, and increasing at 4-5 d after fertilization, whereas cish.b expression commenced at 8 h after fertilization. Expression of cish.a was regulated by the JAK2/STAT5 pathway via conserved tetrameric STAT5 binding sites (TTCN3GAA) in its promoter. Injection of morpholinos targeting cish.a, but not cish.b or control morpholinos, resulted in enhanced embryonic erythropoiesis, myelopoiesis, and lymphopoiesis, including a 2- 3-fold increase in erythrocytic markers. This occurred concomitantly with increased activation of STAT5. This study indicates that CISH functions as a conserved in vivo target and regulator of STAT5 in the control of embryonic hematopoiesis.
Benzene is a known hematotoxic and leukemogenic agent with hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) niche being the potential target. Occupational and environmental exposure to benzene has been linked to the incidences of hematological disorders and malignancies. Previous studies have shown that benzene may act via multiple modes of action targeting HSCs niche, which include induction of chromosomal and micro RNA aberrations, leading to genetic and epigenetic modification of stem cells and probable carcinogenesis. However, understanding the mechanism linking benzene to the HSCs niche dysregulation is challenging due to complexity of its microenvironment. The niche is known to comprise of cell populations accounted for HSCs and their committed progenitors of lymphoid, erythroid, and myeloid lineages. Thus, it is fundamental to address novel approaches via lineage-directed strategy to elucidate precise mechanism involved in benzene-induced toxicity targeting HSCs and progenitors of different lineages. Here, we review the key genetic and epigenetic factors that mediate hematotoxicological effects by benzene and its metabolites in targeting HSCs niche. Overall, the use of combined genetic, epigenetic, and lineage-directed strategies targeting the HSCs niche is fundamental to uncover the key mechanisms in benzene-induced hematological disorders and malignancies.
Among their diverse roles as transcriptional regulators during development and cell fate specification, the RUNX transcription factors are best known for the parts they play in haematopoiesis. RUNX proteins are expressed throughout all haematopoietic lineages, being necessary for the emergence of the first haematopoietic stem cells to their terminal differentiation. Although much progress has been made since their discoveries almost two decades ago, current appreciation of RUNX in haematopoiesis is largely grounded in their lineage-specifying roles. In contrast, the importance of RUNX to immunity has been mostly obscured for historic, technical and conceptual reasons. However, this paradigm is likely to shift over time, as a primary purpose of haematopoiesis is to resource the immune system. Furthermore, recent evidence suggests a role for RUNX in the innate immunity of non-haematopoietic cells. This review takes a haematopoiesis-centric approach to collate what is known of RUNX's contribution to the overall mammalian immune system and discuss their growing prominence in areas such as autoimmunity, inflammatory diseases and mucosal immunity.
Previous research reported that prolonged benzene exposure during in utero fetal development causes greater fetal abnormalities than in adult-stage exposure. This phenomenon increases the risk for disease development at the fetal stage, particularly carcinogenesis, which is mainly associated with hematological malignancies. Benzene has been reported to potentially act via multiple modes of action that target the hematopoietic stem cell (HSCs) niche, a complex microenvironment in which HSCs and multilineage hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) reside. Oxidative stress, chromosomal aberration and epigenetic modification are among the known mechanisms mediating benzene-induced genetic and epigenetic modification in fetal stem cells leading to in utero carcinogenesis. Hence, it is crucial to monitor exposure to carcinogenic benzene via environmental, occupational or lifestyle factors among pregnant women. Benzene is a well-known cause of adult leukemia. However, proof of benzene involvement with childhood leukemia remains scarce despite previously reported research linking incidences of hematological disorders and maternal benzene exposure. Furthermore, accumulating evidence has shown that maternal benzene exposure is able to alter the developmental and functional properties of HSPCs, leading to hematological disorders in fetus and children. Since HSPCs are parental blood cells that regulate hematopoiesis during the fetal and adult stages, benzene exposure that targets HSPCs may induce damage to the population and trigger the development of hematological diseases. Therefore, the mechanism of in utero carcinogenicity by benzene in targeting fetal HSPCs is the primary focus of this review.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are involved in bone formation in the embryo, bone repair and remodeling. The differentiation of these cells is a complex multistep pathway that involves discrete cellular transitions and is similar to that which occurs during hematopoiesis. MSCs have self-renewal capacity without differentiation in long-term culture. In the present study, MSCs were isolated from human bone marrow and characterized by the presence of cluster of differentiation 105 marker using the labeled streptavidin biotin method. The MSCs were cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum, ascorbic acid, β-glycerol phosphate and dexamethasone to differentiate into osteoblasts. Biological in vitro analysis showed the rapid proliferation of the MSCs. Further evaluation of specific osteogenic markers using von Kossa staining and the alkaline phosphate assay demonstrated that the MSCs were stimulated to differentiate into osteoblast-lineage cells. This mesengenic potential indicated that the bone marrow-derived cells were multipotent MSCs. The findings of this study show that bone marrow can be a legitimate source of MSCs for the production of osteoblasts for utilization in bone replacement therapy.
Benzene exposure has been associated with hematotoxicity and leukemogenicity. However, the impact of benzene exposure on complex microenvironment of Hematopoetic Stem Cells (HSCs) niche, comprising of HSCs and lineage-specific progenitors remains elusive. Thus, a study on benzene-targeting HSCs niche could uncover mechanism linking benzene to HSCs niche alteration. This study evaluates the lineage-specific responses following exposure to a benzene metabolite, namely hydroquinone (HQ) in targeting HSCs and myeloid-committed progenitors. Freshly isolated murine bone marrow cells (BMCs) were exposed to HQ at series of concentrations (0 – 50 μM) for 24 hours; followed by cell viability analysis using MTT assay. Chromosomal aberration (CA) status was determined using karyotyping analysis. Expression of surface antigen for HSCs (Sca-1) was confirmed by flow cytometer. Lineage-specific myelotoxicity was studied using the colony-forming unit (CFU) assay for the following myeloid progenitors: CFU granulocyte /erythrocyte /macrophage /megakaryocyte (CFU-GEMM), CFU-granulocyte/macrophage (CFU-GM), CFU-granulocyte (CFU-G), CFU-macrophage (CFU-M), CFU-erythroid (CFU-E) and Burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). HQ reduced (p
Co-infection with multiple different parasites is a common phenomenon in both human and animals. Among parasites that frequently co-infect the same hosts, are the filarial worms and malaria parasites. Despite this, the mechanisms underlying the interactions between these parasites is still relatively unexplored with very few studies available on the resulting pathologies due to co-infection by filarial nematodes and malaria parasites. Hence, this study investigated the histopathological effect of Brugia pahangi and Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) infections in gerbil host. Gerbils grouped into B. pahangi-infected, PbA-infected, B. pahangi and PbA-coinfected, and uninfected control, were necropsied at different time points of post PbA infections. Brugia pahangi infections in the gerbils were first initiated by subcutaneous inoculation of 50 infective larvae, while PbA infections were done by intraperitoneal injection of 106 parasitized red blood cells after 70 days patent period of B. pahangi. Organs such as the lungs, kidneys, spleen, heart and liver were harvested aseptically at the point of necropsy. There was significant hepatosplenomegaly observed in both PbA-infected only and coinfected gerbils. The spleen, liver and lungs were heavily pigmented. Both B. pahangi and PbA infections (mono and coinfections) resulted in pulmonary edema, while glomerulonephritis was associated with PbA infections. The presence of both parasites induced extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen and liver. These findings suggest that the pathologies associated with coinfected gerbils were synergistically induced by both B. pahangi and PbA infections.
Extramedullary hematopoiesis (EH) is a rare but well-known compensatory mechanism of red blood cell production when the normal site of red bone marrow is unable to produce sufficient number of red blood cells. When the body demands for erythrocyte cells is high this lead to EH. This occurs mainly outside the bone marrow, usually paraspinally and sites which are normally observed in the fetus as in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes and less frequently at other sites such as adrenal, thymus, kidneys, pleura, breast, skin, gastrointestinal tract, dura mater and brain.This is more frequent in thalassaemia major (incidence up to 15% of cases), in myelofibrosis, myeloproliferative diseases (polycythemia rubra vera, chronic myeloid leukemia,), hemolytic anemias such as hereditary spherocytosis, pyruvate-kinase deficiency, medullary tuberculosis and in Paget’s disease of the bone. In some cases the cause of the EH are not identified [3]. We describe a case of EH in the presacral space that mimicked an ovarian mass on ultrasound in a patient with beta-thalassaemia intermedia.
Introduction: Current prognostic markers have improved survival prediction, however, it has not
advanced treatment strategies. Gene expression profiling may identify biological markers suitable as
therapeutic targets. Leukaemia stem cell is associated with adverse outcome, however, its biological
characteristics are still being investigated. We observed higher in vitro cell viability in acute myeloid
leukaemia (AML) samples with poor prognosis, which may be stem cell related. Objective: The
objective of this study was to profile highly expressed genes in an AML sample of poor prognosis/high
viability and compare with a sample of good prognosis/low viability. Method: Subtractive hybridization
was performed on two AML samples with high blast counts (>80%), a poor prognosis, PP (disease free
survival, DFS12 months) sample. The PP sample had
higher CD34+ counts (73% vs 46%) and higher cell viability than the GP sample. cDNA libraries were
subsequently cloned and sequenced. Results: cDNA subtracted from the PP samples was identified
as genes active during fetal/embryonic development (LCOR, CNOT1, ORMDL1), HOX- related genes
(HOXA3, PBX3, SF3B1), hematopoiesis (SELL, IL-3RA) and aerobic glycolysis/hypoxia (PGK1,
HIGD1A) -associated genes. Majority of GP clones isolated contained genes involved in oxidative
phosphorylation, OXPHOS (COXs, ATPs, MTND4 and MTRNR2), protein synthesis (including
ribosomal proteins, initiating and elongation factors), chromatin remodeling (H2AFZ, PTMA), cell
motility (MALAT1, CALM2, TMSB4X), and mitochondria (HSPA9, MPO) genes. Conclusion: Thus,
the PP sample exhibited stem cell-like features while the GP sample showed cells at a high level of cell
activity. These genes are potential prognostic markers and targets for therapy.
Studies showed that co-transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and cord blood-derived CD34+hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) offered greater therapeutic effects but little is known regarding the effects of human Wharton's jelly derived MSCs on HSC expansion and red blood cell (RBC) generation in vitro. This study aimed to investigate the effects of MSCs on HSC expansion and differentiation. HSCs were co-cultured with MSCs or with 10% MSCs-derived conditioned medium, with HSCs cultured under standard medium served as a control. Cell expansion rates, number of mononuclear cell post-expansion and number of enucleated cells post-differentiation were evaluated. HSCs showed superior proliferation in the presence of MSC with mean expansion rate of 3.5 × 108 ± 1.8 × 107after day 7 compared to the conditioned medium and the control group (8.9 × 107 ± 1.1 × 108and 7.0 × 107 ± 3.3 × 106respectively, P
Introduction: The phenotype and genotype of cancer cells portray hallmarks of cancer which may
have clinical value. Cancer cell lines are ideal models to study and confirm these characteristics. We
previously established two subtracted cDNA libraries with differentially expressed genes from an
acute myeloid leukaemia patient with poor prognosis (PP) and good prognosis (GP). Objective: To
compare gene expression of the leukaemia associated genes with selected biological characteristics
in leukaemia cell lines and normal controls. Methodology: Expression of 28 PP genes associated
with early fetal/embryonic development, HOX-related genes, hematopoiesis and aerobic glycolysis/
hypoxia genes and 36 GP genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation, protein synthesis, chromatin
remodelling and cell motility were examined in B-lymphoid (BV173, Reh and RS4;11) and myeloid
(HL-60, K562) leukaemia cell lines after 72h in culture as well as peripheral blood mononuclear cells
from healthy controls (N=5) using semi-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Cell
cycle profiles were analysed on flow cytometry while MTT cytotoxicity assay was used to determine
drug resistance to epirubicin. Results: Genes expressed significantly higher in B-lymphoid leukaemia
cell lines compared to healthy controls were mostly of the GP library i.e. oxidative phosphorylation
(3/10), protein synthesis (4/11), chromatin remodelling (3/3) and actin cytoskeleton genes (1/5). Only
two genes with significant difference were from the PP library. Cancer associated genes, HSPA9 and
PSPH (GP library) and BCAP31 (PP library) were significantly higher in the B-lymphoid leukemia cell
lines. No significant difference was observed between myeloid cell lines and healthy controls. This
may also be due heterogeneity of cell lines studied. PBMC from healthy controls were not in cell cycle.
G2/M profiles and growth curves showed B-lymphoid cells just reaching plateau after 72 hour culture
while myeloid cells were declining. IC50 values from cytotoxicity assay revealed myeloid cell lines had
an average 13-fold higher drug resistance to epirubicin compared to B-lymphoid cell lines. Only CCL1,
was expressed at least two-fold higher in myeloid compared to B-lymphoid cell lines. In contrast,
MTRNR2, EEF1A1, PTMA, HLA-DR, C6orf115, PBX3, ENPP4, SELL, and IL3Ra were expressed
more than 2-fold higher in B-lymphoid compared to myeloid cell lines studied here. Conclusion: Thus,
B-lymphoid leukaemia cell lines here exhibited active, proliferating characteristics closer to GP genes.
Higher expression of several genes in B-lymphoid compared to myeloid leukaemia cell lines may be
useful markers to study biological differences including drug resistance between lineages.
The effect of parity on the hematological response to supplemental hematinics and the relationship between birth weight and Hb concentration were examined in 67 pregnant rural Kelantanese Malay women recruited at 20-24 weeks of gestation. Among initially anemic women (Hb concentration at recruitment < 110 g/l), a significant supplementation effect was observed in the lower parae (3 or less children) but not in the higher parae. Among initially nonanemic women, a progressive decline in mean Hb concentration was observed in the higher parae; in the lower parae, however, an initial fall in mean Hb concentration was followed by a rise to almost the initial level. Birth weight was inversely related to initial Hb concentration. There was no association between birth weight and final measured Hb level, parity or any of the measured maternal characteristics. These observations suggest: a) women with initially lower Hb concentration might have experienced a greater acceleration of plasma volume expansion than those with initially higher Hb level; and b) hemopoiesis might be impaired in the higher multiparae.