Displaying all 13 publications

  1. Wong KK, Goh KL
    Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1992 Jul 03;45(2):149-51.
    PMID: 1499849
    A 34-year-old multigravid woman with symptomatic primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) of the liver had a successful pregnancy. A healthy baby was born prematurely at 36 weeks of gestation. Six months prior to the conception of this pregnancy, stage III PBC had been diagnosed. Portal hypertension and liver cirrhosis had not developed. It is uncommon for pregnancy to occur in the presence of PBC. In the case presented, the outcome of pregnancy was good and the liver function had not been significantly affected by the pregnancy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology
  2. Chan WK, Nik Mustapha NR, Mahadeva S, Wong VW, Cheng JY, Wong GL
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2018 Oct;33(10):1787-1794.
    PMID: 29603365 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.14150
    BACKGROUND AND AIM: There are limited studies on controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) using Fibroscan XL probe for the diagnosis of hepatic steatosis grade. The aim of this study was to determine whether previously defined optimal cut-offs for CAP using the M probe could be applied for the XL probe.

    METHODS: Adult patients with chronic liver disease who had a liver biopsy and examination with both the M and XL probes were included. Previously defined optimal cut-offs for CAP using the M probe were used for the diagnosis of steatosis grades ≥S1, ≥S2, and S3 (248, 268, and 280 dB/m, respectively).

    RESULTS: Data for 180 patients were analyzed (mean age 53.7 ± 10.8 years; central obesity 84.5%; non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 86.7%). The distribution of steatosis grades was S0, 9.4%; S1, 28.3%; S2, 43.9%, and S3, 18.3%. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of CAP using the M/XL probe for the diagnosis of steatosis grade ≥S1 was 93.9%/93.3%, 58.8%/58.8%, 95.6%/95.6%, and 50.0%/47.6%, respectively. These values were 94.6%/94.6%, 41.2%/44.1%, 72.6%/73.6%, and 82.4%/83.3%, respectively, for ≥S2, and 87.9%/87.9%, 27.2%/27.9%, 21.3%/21.5%, and 90.9%/91.1%, respectively, for S3.

    CONCLUSION: The same cut-off values for CAP may be used for the M and XL probes for the diagnosis of hepatic steatosis grade.

    Matched MeSH terms: Fatty Liver/physiopathology; Liver/physiopathology
  3. Cheah PL, Looi LM, Tan PE, Bosco J, Kuperan P
    Hematol Oncol, 1992 Nov-Dec;10(6):331-7.
    PMID: 1296933
    Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis (CHP) is a recently recognized entity that frequently poses a perplexing diagnostic problem. Although the classical case presents with a relapsing fever, subcutaneous nodules, pancytopenia and liver dysfunction, most patients have in addition a multitude of other manifestations which confuse the clinical picture. Notwithstanding the variable clinical course, the disease frequently terminates in fatal hemorrhage. Diagnosis is based on histological features. A lobular panniculitis with an infiltrate of cytologically benign cytophagocytic histiocytes in skin nodules is the sine qua non of CHP. Hence, a deep skin biopsy which includes subcutaneous fat is mandatory to establish the diagnosis. Published information regarding this newly described entity remains scarce and we report two cases of CHP, one occurring in a 30-year-old Kadazan man and another in a 17-year-old Chinese woman seen at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. The latter case presented with exudative ascites, an unusual feature, possibly due to intra-abdominal panniculitis. In addition, we record the development of cirrhosis in the same patient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology
  4. Fariz-Safhan MN, Tee HP, Abu Dzarr GA, Sapari S, Lee YY
    Trop Biomed, 2014 Jun;31(2):270-80.
    PMID: 25134895 MyJurnal
    During a dengue outbreak in 2005 in the East-coast region of Peninsular Malaysia, one of the worst hit areas in the country at that time, we undertook a prospective study. We aimed to describe the bleeding outcome and changes in the liver and hematologic profiles that were associated with major bleeding outcome during the outbreak. All suspected cases of dengue admitted into the only referral hospital in the region during the outbreak were screened for WHO 2002 criteria and serology. Liver function, hematologic profile and severity of bleeding outcome were carefully documented. The association between symptoms, liver and hematologic impairments with the type of dengue infection (classical vs. hemorrhagic) and bleeding outcome (major vs. non-major) was tested. Dengue fever was confirmed in 183 cases (12.5/100,000 population) and 144 cases were analysed. 59.7% were dengue hemorrhagic fever, 3.5% were dengue shock syndrome and there were 3 in-hospital deaths. Major bleeding outcome (gastrointestinal bleeding, intracranial bleeding or haemoptysis) was present in 14.6%. Elevated AST, ALT and bilirubin were associated with increasing severity of bleeding outcome (all P < 0.05). Platelet count and albumin level were inversely associated with increasing severity of bleeding outcome (both P < 0.001). With multivariable analysis, dengue hemorrhagic fever was more likely in the presence of abdominal pain (OR 1.1, 95% CI 0.02- 1.6) and elevated AST (OR 1.0, 95% CI 1.0-1.1) but the presence of pleural effusion (OR 5.8, 95% CI: 1.1-29.9) and elevated AST (OR 1.008, 95% CI: 1.005-1.01) predicted a severe bleeding outcome. As a conclusion, the common presence of a severe hemorrhagic form of dengue fever may explain the rising death toll in recent outbreaks and the worst impairment in liver and hematologic profiles was seen in major bleeding outcome.
    Study site: Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology
  5. Chan WK, Nik Mustapha NR, Mahadeva S
    Hepatol Int, 2015 Oct;9(4):594-602.
    PMID: 25788185 DOI: 10.1007/s12072-014-9596-7
    BACKGROUND: The non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) fibrosis score (NFS) is indeterminate in a proportion of NAFLD patients. Combining the NFS with liver stiffness measurement (LSM) may improve prediction of advanced fibrosis. We aim to evaluate the NFS and LSM in predicting advanced fibrosis in NAFLD patients.

    METHODS: The NFS was calculated and LSM obtained for consecutive adult NAFLD patients scheduled for liver biopsy. The accuracy of predicting advanced fibrosis using either modality and in combination were assessed. An algorithm combining the NFS and LSM was developed from a training cohort and subsequently tested in a validation cohort.

    RESULTS: There were 101 and 46 patients in the training and validation cohort, respectively. In the training cohort, the percentages of misclassifications using the NFS alone, LSM alone, LSM alone (with grey zone), both tests for all patients and a 2-step approach using LSM only for patients with indeterminate and high NFS were 5.0, 28.7, 2.0, 2.0 and 4.0 %, respectively. The percentages of patients requiring liver biopsy were 30.7, 0, 36.6, 36.6 and 18.8 %, respectively. In the validation cohort, the percentages of misclassifications were 8.7, 28.3, 2.2, 2.2 and 8.7 %, respectively. The percentages of patients requiring liver biopsy were 28.3, 0, 41.3, 43.5 and 19.6 %, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: The novel 2-step approach further reduced the number of patients requiring a liver biopsy whilst maintaining the accuracy to predict advanced fibrosis. The combination of NFS and LSM for all patients provided no apparent advantage over using either of the tests alone.

    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology*
  6. Choong MF, Mak JW
    Trop. Med. Parasitol., 1991 Mar;42(1):71-2.
    PMID: 1675809
    The Presbytis cristata--Brugia malayi model, now established as a reliable non-human primate model for the experimental screening of potential filaricides, was monitored at monthly intervals for changes in the liver and renal function tests and also for alkaline phosphatase levels during infection. Animals infected with 200-400 infective larvae became patient at 50-90 days post-infection and geometric mean microfilarial counts were above 1000 per ml from the fourth month onwards. There were no significant changes in the biochemical parameters monitored throughout the period of observation. This is an important observation as any changes seen in these parameters during experimental drug studies can be attributed to drug reaction or toxicity and this will be invaluable in decision making as to drug safety.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology
  7. Acharya UR, Raghavendra U, Koh JEW, Meiburger KM, Ciaccio EJ, Hagiwara Y, et al.
    Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2018 Nov;166:91-98.
    PMID: 30415722 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2018.10.006
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Liver fibrosis is a type of chronic liver injury that is characterized by an excessive deposition of extracellular matrix protein. Early detection of liver fibrosis may prevent further growth toward liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In the past, the only method to assess liver fibrosis was through biopsy, but this examination is invasive, expensive, prone to sampling errors, and may cause complications such as bleeding. Ultrasound-based elastography is a promising tool to measure tissue elasticity in real time; however, this technology requires an upgrade of the ultrasound system and software. In this study, a novel computer-aided diagnosis tool is proposed to automatically detect and classify the various stages of liver fibrosis based upon conventional B-mode ultrasound images.

    METHODS: The proposed method uses a 2D contourlet transform and a set of texture features that are efficiently extracted from the transformed image. Then, the combination of a kernel discriminant analysis (KDA)-based feature reduction technique and analysis of variance (ANOVA)-based feature ranking technique was used, and the images were then classified into various stages of liver fibrosis.

    RESULTS: Our 2D contourlet transform and texture feature analysis approach achieved a 91.46% accuracy using only four features input to the probabilistic neural network classifier, to classify the five stages of liver fibrosis. It also achieved a 92.16% sensitivity and 88.92% specificity for the same model. The evaluation was done on a database of 762 ultrasound images belonging to five different stages of liver fibrosis.

    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that the proposed method can be useful to automatically detect and classify liver fibrosis, which would greatly assist clinicians in making an accurate diagnosis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology*
  8. Chuah KH, Lai LL, Vethakkan SR, Nik Mustapha NR, Mahadeva S, Chan WK
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2020 Aug;35(8):1404-1411.
    PMID: 31907981 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.14978
    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Repeating liver stiffness measurement (LSM) was recently reported to improve accuracy to diagnose fibrosis stage in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). There are to date no other studies confirming this finding. This aims to evaluate the accuracy of repeating LSM for the diagnosis of fibrosis stage in NAFLD patients.

    METHODS: Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data on adult NAFLD patients who had two FibroScan examination within 6 months prior to liver biopsy. F3-F4 fibrosis was excluded using LSM cut-off of 7.9 kPa.

    RESULTS: A total of 136 patients were recruited. Eighty-five percent (115/136) of patients had high baseline LSM (≥ 7.9 kPa). Among them, 25% (29/115) had low repeat LSM (liver biopsy, will be able to reduce the number of patients being considered for liver biopsy from 85% to 63%. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value based on only the baseline scan was 98%, 22%, 37%, and 95%, respectively, while based on the strategy of repeating LSM was 93%, 51%, 48%, and 94%, respectively.

    CONCLUSION: False positive diagnosis of advanced fibrosis in NAFLD patients can be reduced, and unnecessary liver biopsy can be avoided by repeating LSM.

    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology*
  9. Wahid SF, Sanusi S, Zawawi MM, Ali RA
    PMID: 11127322
    The impact of dengue on liver function was studied on fifty serologically confirmed dengue cases admitted to Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM). Twenty-five of these patients had classic dengue fever (DF) and 25 had grade 1 or 2 dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). There were more (60%) DHF patients with hepatomegaly compared to DF (40%) but the difference was not statistically significant. Analysis of the liver profile showed that liver dysfunction was commoner in DHF compared to DF, indicating that the degree of liver impairment may be related to the severity of DHF. Hyperbilirubinemia was noted in 3 (12%) DHF and 2 (8%) DF patients. The mean (range) serum bilirubin was higher in DHF [14.2(5-50) micromol/l] compared to DF [10.9(5-30) micromol/l)] (p > 0.05). Elevated levels of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were observed more frequently in DHF (20 and 12 patients respectively) compared to DF (16 and 8 patients respectively). Nine (36%) DHF and 6 (24%) DF patients had concomitant elevation of ALT and ALP levels. The mean (range) serum ALT levels were 109.3(23-325) U/l in DHF and 90.8(13-352) U/l in DF (p > 0.05). The mean (range) serum ALP levels were 102.2(15-319) U/l in DHF and 93.3(34-258) U/l in DF (p > 0.05). The ALT and ALP levels were significantly higher in DHF patients with spontaneous bleeding than those without bleeding (p < 0.05) None of the patients developed fulminant hepatitis. The immunoregulatory cells, which include the T (CD3), B (CD 19), CD4, CD8, CD5 and natural killer (NK) cells were significantly lower in DHF compared to DF patients (p < 0.05). However, the reduction in these cell counts did not correlate with the liver dysfunction seen in DHF patients. In conclusion, hepatomegaly and liver dysfunction were commoner in DHF compared to DF.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology*
  10. Sharifudin SA, Fakurazi S, Hidayat MT, Hairuszah I, Moklas MA, Arulselvan P
    Pharm Biol, 2013 Mar;51(3):279-88.
    PMID: 23043505 DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2012.720993
    Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) is a rich source of essential minerals and antioxidants; it has been used in human and animal nutrition. The leaves and flowers are being used by the population with great dietary importance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology
  11. Ibrahim IA, Qader SW, Abdulla MA, Nimir AR, Abdelwahab SI, Al-Bayaty FH
    Molecules, 2012;17(3):2796-811.
    PMID: 22395408 DOI: 10.3390/molecules17032796
    Current anti-gastric ulcer agents have side effects, despite the progression and expansion of advances in treatment. This study aimed to investigate the gastroprotective mechanisms of Pithecellobium jiringa ethanol extract against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal ulcers in rats. For this purpose, Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into five groups: Group 1 (normal control) rats were orally administered with vehicle (carboxymethyl cellulose), Group 2 (ulcer control) rats were also orally administered with vehicle. Group 3 (positive control) rats were orally administered with 20 mg/kg omeprazole, Groups 4 and 5 (experimental groups) received ethanol extract of Pithecellobium jiringa ethanol extract at a concentration of 250 and 500 mg/kg, respectively. Sixty minutes later, vehicle was given orally to the normal control group, and absolute ethanol was given orally to the ulcer control, positive control and experimental groups to generate gastric mucosal injury. The rats were sacrificed an hour later. The effect of oral administration of plant extract on ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury was studied grossly and histology. The level of lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde-MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and gastric wall mucus were measured from gastric mucosal homogenate. The ulcer control group exhibited severe gastric mucosal injury, and this finding was also confirmed by histology of gastric mucosa which showed severe damage to the gastric mucosa with edema and leucocyte infiltration of the submucosal layer. Pre-treatment with plant extract significantly reduced the formation of ethanol-induced gastric lesions, and gastric wall mucus was significantly preserved. The study also indicated a significant increase in SOD activity in gastric mucosal homogenate, whereas a significant decrease in MDA was observed. Acute toxicity tests did not show any signs of toxicity and mortality up to 5 g/kg. The ulcer protective effect of this plant may possibly be due to its preservation of gastric wall mucus along with increased SOD activity and reduction of oxidative stress (MDA). The extract is non-toxic, even at relatively high concentrations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology
  12. Fakurazi S, Sharifudin SA, Arulselvan P
    Molecules, 2012 Jul 10;17(7):8334-50.
    PMID: 22781444 DOI: 10.3390/molecules17078334
    The aim of the study was to investigate the in vitro antioxidant properties Moringa oleifera Lam. (MO) extracts and its curative role in acetaminophen (APAP)-induced toxic liver injury in rats caused by oxidative damage. The total phenolic content and antioxidant properties of hydroethanolic extracts of different MO edible parts were investigated by employing an established in vitro biological assay. In the antihepatotoxic study, either flowers or leaves extract (200 mg/kg or 400 mg/kg, i.p) were administered an hour after APAP administration, respectively. N-Acetylcysteine was used as the positive control against APAP-induced hepatotoxicity. The levels of liver markers such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and the levels of oxidative damage markers including malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) protein adduct, reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were analysed and compared between experimental groups. Among MO edible parts the flower extracts contain the highest total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity, followed by leaves extract. The oxidative marker MDA, as well as 4-HNE protein adduct levels were elevated and GSH, SOD and CAT were significantly decreased in groups treated with hepatotoxin. The biochemical liver tissue oxidative markers measured in the rats treated with MO flowers and leaves hydroethanolic extracts showed a significant (p < 0.05) reduction in the severity of the liver damage. The results of this study strongly indicate the therapeutic properties of MO hydroethanolic extracts against acute liver injury and thereby scientifically support its traditional use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology
  13. Lee WS, Ong SY, Foo HW, Wong SY, Kong CX, Seah RB, et al.
    World J Gastroenterol, 2017 Nov 21;23(43):7776-7784.
    PMID: 29209118 DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i43.7776
    AIM: To examine the medical status of children with biliary atresia (BA) surviving with native livers.

    METHODS: In this cross-sectional review, data collected included complications of chronic liver disease (CLD) (cholangitis in the preceding 12 mo, portal hypertension, variceal bleeding, fractures, hepatopulmonary syndrome, portopulmonary hypertension) and laboratory indices (white cell and platelet counts, total bilirubin, albumin, international normalized ratio, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, γ-glutamyl transpeptidase). Ideal medical outcome was defined as absence of clinical evidence of CLD or abnormal laboratory indices.

    RESULTS: Fifty-two children [females = 32, 62%; median age 7.4 years, n = 35 (67%) older than 5 years] with BA (median age at surgery 60 d, range of 30 to 148 d) survived with native liver. Common complications of CLD noted were portal hypertension (40%, n = 21; 2 younger than 5 years), cholangitis (36%) and bleeding varices (25%, n = 13; 1 younger than 5 years). Fifteen (29%) had no clinical complications of CLD and three (6%) had normal laboratory indices. Ideal medical outcome was only seen in 1 patient (2%).

    CONCLUSION: Clinical or laboratory evidence of CLD are present in 98% of children with BA living with native livers after hepatoportoenterostomy. Portal hypertension and variceal bleeding may be seen in children younger than 5 years of age, underscoring the importance of medical surveillance for complications of BA starting at a young age.

    Matched MeSH terms: Liver/physiopathology
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