Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 29 in total

  1. Subramaniam S., Mohamad, N.V., Chan, C.Y., Soelaiman, I.N., Chin, K.Y.
    Medicine & Health, 2020;15(1):70-77.
    Pengukuran ketumpatan mineral tulang oleh 'Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry' (DXA) adalah penting untuk mengenalpasti osteoporosis. Ralat ketepatan DXA adalah ukuran yang penting untuk menentukan perubahan sebenar dalam nilai ketumpatan mineral tulang. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pekali variasi jangka pendek mesin QDR Wi DXA Discovery Hologic. Ketumpatan mineral tulang pinggul dan tulang belakang untuk lima belas sukarelawan (purata umur: 30.67 + 10.41 tahun) dan ketumpatan tulang keseluruhan badan untuk lima belas ekor tikus Sprague-Dawley betina (berusia tiga bulan) diimbas menggunakan mesin HDR Discover QDR Wi DXA. Setiap sukarelawan dan tikus menjalani imbasan sebanyak tiga kali untuk menilai kebolehulangan nilai ketumpatan tulang. Imbasan untuk subjek manusia dilakukan dalam tempoh 1 hingga 12 minggu. Untuk sampel haiwan, imbasan diulang pada hari yang sama selepas posisi semula. Ralat kepersisan dinyatakan sebagai peratusan pekali variasi (%CV). %CV diperolehi untuk tulang belakang lumbar adalah 1.8% dan 1.2% untuk tulang pinggul. %CV untuk keseluruhan BMD tikus adalah 1.4%. %CV jangka pendek yang ditunjukkan untuk kedua-dua manusia dan haiwan dalam kajian ini adalah setanding. Ralat kepersisan DXA mesti dipantau untuk memastikan prestasi yang optimum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  2. Zunariah, B., Zamzuri, Z., Che Nor Zarida, C.S., Rosnani, A.J.
    Introduction: The New Zealand White (NZW) rabbit model is commonly used for the research of
    posterolateral intertransverse lumbar arthrodesis. The standard approach reported by many
    researchers are a muscle splitting approach through the intermuscular plane between multifidus and longissimus muscles. Methods: In this research the fusion bed was exposed by retracting the three groups of paraspinal muscles (multifidus, longissimus and iliocostalis) medially. Results: This alternative method showed good exposure of the transverse processes and intertransverse membrane with less bleeding from the muscles observed. No death due to surgical complication was observed out of twenty-four rabbits operated. Conclusion: An easy and safe method for performing posterolateral intertransverse lumbar arthrodesis was demonstrated and recommended as an alternative approach for surgery on New Zealand White rabbits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  3. Mohamed, E., Ibrahim, A.A., Ihab, E.A., Elwany, S., Hassab, M.H., Khamis, H.M.
    Introduction: The New Zealand White (NZW) rabbit model is commonly used for the research of
    posterolateral intertransverse lumbar arthrodesis. The standard approach reported by many researchers are a muscle splitting approach through the intermuscular plane between multifidus and longissimus muscles. Methods: In this research the fusion bed was exposed by retracting the three groups of paraspinal muscles (multifidus, longissimus and iliocostalis) medially. Results: This alternative method showed good exposure of the transverse processes and intertransverse membrane with less bleeding from the muscles observed. No death due to surgical complication was observed out of twenty-four rabbits operated. Conclusion: An easy and safe method for performing posterolateral intertransverse lumbar arthrodesis was demonstrated and recommended as an alternative approach for surgery on New Zealand White rabbits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  4. Liu JH, Soo CW, Lin YC, Lin CS
    Pain Pract, 2021 Nov;21(8):978-983.
    PMID: 34275177 DOI: 10.1111/papr.13060
    INTRODUCTION: Transforaminal epidural steroid injection (TFESI) is one of the nonoperative interventions for lower back pain. In this study, we presented an alternative approach for TFESI, far lateral lateral recess TFESI (FLLR TFESI), which is targeted on lateral recess and anterior epidural space in patients with degenerative lumbar spondylosis-related radiculopathy.

    TECHNIQUE: Under fluoroscopy, needle entry site and pathway are drawn according to the spinal anatomy. The needle is advanced toward the lateral recess and the needle tip is placed medially to the medial border of the pedicle under anteroposterior view and posteriorly to the posterior border of the upper endplate under lateral view. After checking optimal contrast spread, steroids and local anesthetics are injected.

    CASE ILLUSTRATION: An 86-year-old woman who suffered from lower back pain with radiculopathy received interventional treatment. Comparing the "traditional" supraneural approach with the FLLR approach, the difference in contrast enhancement to lateral recess is clearly shown.

    DISCUSSION: Compared to the pre-existing approaches, the FLLR approach may provide better ventral epidural and lateral recess enhancement. Furthermore, with the advanced needle tip, the injectate may enhance not only the at-level nerve root but also the nerve root of adjacent level during their existence in a single injection. With blunt needle usage, no nerve root injury or dura puncture was noted so far.

    CONCLUSION: FLLR TFESI is a modified fluoroscopic technique targeted on lateral recess and anterior epidural space. However, subsequent trials are needed to confirm its efficacy in pain reduction and the rate of complications.

    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  5. Sutthinun C, Gattolliat JL, Boonsoong B
    Zootaxa, 2018 Feb 07;4378(1):85-97.
    PMID: 29690018 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4378.1.5
    Platybaetis bishopi Müller-Liebenau, 1980 was originally described from Malaysia only at the larval stage. We provide the first description of the imaginal stage of P. bishopi based on materials from Thailand. The imago of this species can be separated from the known species by coloration of abdominal terga and coloration of wings. A new species, Platybaetis nayokensis sp. nov., is described based on male and female imagos and larvae from Thailand. The larva of this species is mainly distinguished by medium acute spines on the posterior margin of the abdominal terga and two apical setae on the glossa, which seem to be shorter than in other species. The imago can be separated by the abdominal color pattern. The larva of this genus is adapted to live on wet rocks projecting out of water; it prefers large stones near small waterfalls or areas between two large rocks in running water.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  6. Yusof MI, Hassan MN, Abdullah MS
    Malays Orthop J, 2018 Mar;12(1):21-25.
    PMID: 29725508 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1803.004
    Introduction: The vertical diameter of the foramen is dependent upon the vertical diameter of the corresponding intervertebral disc. A decrease in disc vertical diameter has direct anatomic consequences to the foraminal diameter and area available for the nerve root passing through it. This study is to establish the relationship amongst the intervertebral disc vertical diameter, lateral foramen diameters and nerve root compression in the lumbar vertebra. Materials and Methods: Measurements of the study parameters were performed using sagittal MRI images. The parameters studied were: intervertebral disc vertical diameter (DVD), foraminal vertical diameter (FVD), foraminal transverse diameter (FTD) and nerve root diameter (NRD) of both sides. The relationship between the measured parameters were then analyzed. Results: A total of 62 MRI images were available for this study. Statistical analysis showed moderate to strong correlation between DVD and FVD at all the lumbar levels except at left L23 and L5S1 and right L3L4 and L4L5. Correlation between DVD and FTD were not significant at all lumbar levels. Regression analysis showed that a decrease of 1mm of DVD was associated with 1.3, 1.7, 3.3, 3.3 and 1.3mm reduction of FVD at L1L2, L2L3, L3L4, L4L5 and L5S1 respectively. Conclusion: Reduction of DVD was associated with reduction of FVD. However, FVD was relatively wide for the nerve root even with complete loss of DVD. FTD was much narrower than the FVD making it more likely to cause nerve root compression at the exit foramina. These anatomical details should be given consideration in treating patients with lateral canal stenosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  7. Jamil J, Tay CY, Bong CP, Yeap TB
    BMJ Case Rep, 2021 Nov 29;14(11).
    PMID: 34844969 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2021-246359
    Primary amyloidosis is a rare systemic disorder often associated with multiple organ dysfunction. The most common form, light chain amyloidosis, has an estimated age-adjusted incidence of 5.1-12.8 cases per million person-years. Spine involvement is extremely uncommon. We present the case of a young Asian man with newly diagnosed amyloidosis involving the lumbar spine among multiple organs with a pathological vertebral fracture that required urgent spine surgery. We believe this is the first reported case to discuss the perianaesthetic challenges in the management of lumbar spine amyloidosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  8. Areeudomwong P, Buttagat V
    Malays J Med Sci, 2019 Nov;26(6):77-89.
    PMID: 31908589 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2019.26.6.8
    Background: Existing literature offers little guidance for therapists who provide core stabilisation exercise (CSE) and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) training to treat chronic low back pain (CLBP). Studies conducting a head-to-head comparison of CSE and PNF training for CLBP are needed.

    Objective: To compare the effects of CSE and PNF training on pain-related outcomes and trunk muscle activity in CLBP patients.

    Methods: Forty-five CLBP patients, ranging from 18 to 50 years of age, were randomly divided and assigned to either a four-week CSE, four-week PNF training, or control group. Pain-related outcomes, including pain intensity, functional disability and patient satisfaction, as well as superficial and deep trunk muscle activity were assessed before and after the four-week intervention, and at a three-month follow-up.

    Results: Compared to the control group, those in the CSE and PNF training groups showed significant improvements in all pain-related outcomes after the four-week intervention and at three-month follow-up (P < 0.01). Following the four-week intervention, both CSE and PNF training groups demonstrated significant improvement in deep trunk muscle activity, including the transversus abdominis (TrA) and superficial fibres of lumbar multifidus (LM), compared to the control group (P < 0.05).

    Conclusion: Four-week CSE and PNF training provided short-term and long-term effects on pain-related outcomes, along with increased deep trunk muscle activity in CLBP patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  9. Ajit Singh DK, Bailey M, Lee R
    Muscle Nerve, 2011 Jul;44(1):74-9.
    PMID: 21488056 DOI: 10.1002/mus.21998
    Loss of lumbar extensor muscle strength and fatigue resistance may contribute to functional disability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region/physiology
  10. Rahman NN, Singh DK, Lee R
    Clin Interv Aging, 2017;12:523-529.
    PMID: 28352165 DOI: 10.2147/CIA.S110329
    Aging is associated with alterations in thoracolumbar curvatures and respiratory function. Research information regarding the correlation between thoracolumbar curvatures and a comprehensive examination of respiratory function parameters in older adults is limited. The aim of the present study was to examine the correlation between thoracolumbar curvatures and respiratory function in community-dwelling older adults. Thoracolumbar curvatures (thoracic and lumbar) were measured using a motion tracker. Respiratory function parameters such as lung function, respiratory rate, respiratory muscle strength and respiratory muscle thickness (diaphragm and intercostal) were measured using a spirometer, triaxial accelerometer, respiratory pressure meter and ultrasound imaging, respectively. Sixty-eight community-dwelling older males and females from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with mean (standard deviation) age of 66.63 (5.16) years participated in this cross-sectional study. The results showed that mean (standard deviation) thoracic curvature angle and lumbar curvature angles were -46.30° (14.66°) and 14.10° (10.58°), respectively. There was a significant negative correlation between thoracic curvature angle and lung function (forced expiratory volume in 1 second: r=-0.23, P<0.05; forced vital capacity: r=-0.32, P<0.05), quiet expiration intercostal thickness (r=-0.22, P<0.05) and deep expiration diaphragm muscle thickness (r=-0.21, P<0.05). The lumbar curvature angle had a significant negative correlation with respiratory muscle strength (r=-0.29, P<0.05) and diaphragm muscle thickness at deep inspiration (r=-0.22, P<0.05). However, respiratory rate was correlated neither with thoracic nor with lumbar curvatures. The findings of this study suggest that increase in both thoracic and lumbar curvatures is correlated with decrease in respiratory muscle strength, respiratory muscle thickness and some parameters of lung function. Clinically, both thoracic and lumbar curvatures, respiratory muscles and lung function should be taken into consideration in the holistic management of respiratory function among older adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region*
  11. Rahman IA, Mohamad N, Rohani JM, Zein RM
    Ind Health, 2018 Nov 21;56(6):492-499.
    PMID: 30210096 DOI: 10.2486/indhealth.2018-0043
    Prolonged standing can cause discomfort on the body of the workers and can lead to injury and occupational disease. One of the ergonomic intervention is through improving the work-rest scheduling. The purpose of this study are to identify the fatigue level from the perception of the worker and to investigate the impact of the work-rest scheduling to the standing workers for 12 h working time with a different gender. This study involved two methods which are self-assessment of the worker and direct measurement by using electromyography (EMG). For self-assessment, 80 workers have been interviewed using questionnaire in order to identify the fatigue level. For direct measurement, EMG was attached to the 15 selected workers at their respective leg and lower back to analyse the muscle efforts. In terms of perception, the results show the discomfort and fatigue level at the lower body region in the following order as foot ankle, lower back and leg. There is a significant difference between gender on discomfort pain for foot ankle and leg. The results show short frequent break by 10 min can reduce the fatigue at the leg and infrequent long break is preferable in order to reduce the fatigue at the lower back. In conclusion, it was found that prolonged standing affect the muscle fatigue and discomfort especially lower extremities such as foot ankle, lower back and leg. Besides that, different type of work rest scheduling and gender have significant result towards the muscle fatigue development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region/physiology
  12. Jain P, Sing Ngie DC, Lim SF, Lim BH
    Int J Artif Organs, 2020 Oct 13.
    PMID: 33045876 DOI: 10.1177/0391398820964483
    Pedicular arthrodesis is the traditional procedure in terms of increase in the biomechanical stability with higher fixation rate. The current work aims to identify the effect of three spinal pedicle screws considering cortical and cancellous degeneracy condition. Lumbar section L2-L3 is utilized and various load and moment conditions were applied to depict the various biomechanical parameters for selection of suitable screw. Three dimensional model is considered in finite element analysis to identify the various responses of pedicle screw at bone screw juncture. Computed tomography (CT) images of a healthy male were considered to generate the finite element vertebral model. Generated intact model was further utilized to develop the other implanted models of degenerated cortical and cancellous bone models. The three fused instrumented models with different cortical and cancellous degeneracy conditions were analyzed in finite element analysis. The results were obtained as stress pattern at bone screw boundary and intervertebral disc stress. FE simulated results represents significant changes in the von Mises stress due to various load and moment conditions on degenerated bones during different body movement conditions. Results have shown that among all pedicle screws, the 6.0 mm diameter screw reflects very less stress values at the juncture. Multiple results on biomechanical aspects obtained during the FE study can be considered to design a new stabilization device and may be helpful to plan surgery of critical sections.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  13. Chiu CK, Tan RL, Gani SMA, Chong JSL, Chung WH, Chan CYW, et al.
    Asian Spine J, 2021 May 07.
    PMID: 33957021 DOI: 10.31616/asj.2020.0649
    Study Design: Retrospective study.

    Purpose: To report the perioperative and radiological outcomes of single-stage posterior passive correction and fusion (SSPPCF) in adolescent patients who present with congenital scoliosis.

    Overview of Literature: The surgical treatment for congenital scoliosis is complex. There is no definitive guide on surgical options for skeletally matured adolescent patients who have congenital scoliosis.

    Methods: Patients with congenital scoliosis who underwent SSPPCF using a pedicle screw system were reviewed. We identified the following three surgical indications: (1) hemivertebra or wedge vertebra over the thoracic or thoracolumbar region with structural lumbar curves, (2) hemivertebra or wedge vertebra at the lumbar region with significant pelvic obliquity or sacral slanting, and (3) mixed or complex congenital scoliosis. The demographic, perioperative, and radiographic data of these patients were collected.

    Results: Thirty-four patients were reviewed. The mean patient age was 14.6±3.4 years. There were 13 hemivertebrae, three wedged vertebrae, two butterfly vertebrae, three hemivertebrae with butterfly vertebra, eight unsegmented bars, and five multiple complex lesions. The average surgical duration was 219.4±68.8 minutes. The average blood loss was 1,208.4±763.5 mL. Seven patients required allogeneic blood transfusion. The mean hospital stay duration was 6.1±2.5 days. The complication rate was 11.8% (4/34): one patient had severe blood loss, one had rod breakage, and two had distal adding-on. The Cobb angle reduced from 65.9°±17.4° to 36.3°±15.3° (p<0.001) with a correction rate (CR) of 44.8%±17.4%. The regional kyphotic angle decreased from 39.9°±20.5° to 27.5°±13.9° (p=0.001) with a CR of 19.3%±49.6%. Radiographic parameters (radiographic shoulder height, clavicle angle, T1 tilt, cervical axis, pelvic obliquity, coronal balance, and apical vertebral translation) showed significant improvement postoperatively.

    Conclusions: SSPPCF was a feasible option for adolescent patients with congenital scoliosis who were skeletally matured.

    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  14. Sureisen M, Tan BB, Teo YY, Wong CC
    Malays Orthop J, 2015 Nov;9(3):58-60.
    PMID: 28611913 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1511.009
    Breakage of the tip of the micropituitary forceps during spine surgery is a rare occurrence. Retrieval of the broken tip could be a challenge in minimally invasive surgeries due to limitation of access and retrieval instruments. We describe our experience in handling such a situation during percutaneous radiofrequency discectomy. The removal was attempted, without converting into open surgery, by utilising percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy working cannula and guided by image intensifier. We were able to remove the fragment without any significant morbidity to the patient. This technique for removal has not been reported previously in the literature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  15. Dhillon KS
    Malays Orthop J, 2016 Mar;10(1):61-68.
    PMID: 28435551
    Chronic low back pain is a common, disabling and costly health problem. The treatment of chronic low back is difficult and is often ineffective. For treatment to be effective the cause of the pain has to be established but unfortunately in 80% to 95% of the patients the cause cannot be determined despite the existence of modern imaging techniques. A pathoanatomical diagnosis which fits into a classical disease model where successful treatment can be carried out, can only be made in 5% to 7% of the patients. The back pain in the rest of the patients where no pathoanatomical diagnosis can be made is often labelled, unscientifically, as chronic low back pain. Despite the existence of sophisticated imaging techniques and a plethora of diagnostic test the source of pain in patients with nonspecific back pain cannot be established. There exist no causal relationship between imaging findings of degenerated disc, lumbar facet arthritis, spondylosis, spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis, to the pain in these patients. Surgical treatment of non-specific back pain where no pathoanatomical diagnosis has been established is bound to fail. Therefore the outcome of spinal fusion in these patients can be no better than nonsurgical treatment. Spinal fusion is a major surgery which can be associated with significant morbidity and occasionally with mortality. Yet there is rapid rise in the rates of spinal fusion. There is a growing tension between ethics and conflicts of interest for surgeons. The spine, unfortunately, has been labelled as a profit centre and there are allegations of conflicts of interest in the relationship of doctors with the multi-billion dollar spinal devices industry. The devices industry has a significant influence on not only research publications in peer review journals but also on decisions made by doctors which can have a detrimental effect on the welfare of the patient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  16. Zulkefli, A., Ramanathan, R.
    Malays Orthop J, 2010;4(1):46-49.
    A 42 years old gentleman presented with predominant low back pain associated with bilateral lower limb neurological deficit leading to an initial diagnosis of lumbar stenosis. Further history taking and examination revealed upper limb neurological deficit, and the lower limbs actually presented with upper motor neuron instead of lower motor neuron signs. Imaging studies confirmed the clinical findings with presence of both cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis. Twostage decompression procedures were performed at 6 monthintervals starting with cervical decompression. Postoperative improvement was noted on follow-up. This case highlights the importance of accurate diagnosis of cervical pathology for patients presenting with or referred for predominantly lumbar symptomology
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  17. Beng TB, Kotani Y, Sia U, Gonchar I
    Asian Spine J, 2019 10;13(5):809-814.
    PMID: 31154702 DOI: 10.31616/asj.2018.0283
    Study Design: Retrospective clinical study on the indirect decompressive effect of oblique lateral interbody fusion (OLIF) for adult spinal deformity.

    Purpose: To evaluate the effect of interbody distraction by OLIF for the treatment of adult spinal deformity.

    Overview of Literature: Adult spinal deformity with symptomatic stenosis has been addressed conventionally using a direct posterior decompression approach with fusion. However, stenotic symptoms can also be alleviated indirectly through restoration of intervertebral and foraminal heights and correction of spinal alignment.

    Methods: Twenty-eight patients with adult spinal deformity underwent OLIF combined with modified cortical bone trajectory screws at 94 lumbar levels with neuromonitoring. The patients were divided into three groups based on their preoperative lumbar lordosis: group A, <0°; group B, 0°-20°; and group C, >20°. The cross-sectional area (CSA) of the thecal sac was measured preoperatively and postoperatively on axial magnetic resonance images. Differences in CSA were evaluated, and the relationship between the CSA extension ratio and preoperative CSA was assessed. Changes in disc height and segmental disc angle were measured from plain radiographs.

    Results: OLIFs were performed successfully without neural complications. In group A, the mean CSA increased from 120.6 mm2 preoperatively to 148.5 mm2 postoperatively (p <0.001). The mean CSA for group B increased from 120.1 mm2 preoperatively to 154.4 mm2 postoperatively (p <0.001). Group C had an increase in mean CSA from 114.7 mm2 preoperatively to 160.7 mm2 postoperatively (p <0.001). The mean CSA enlargement ratio was 27.5%, 32.1%, and 60.4% in groups A, B, and C, respectively. The mean CSA extension ratio was inversely correlated with preoperative CSA.

    Conclusions: The effect of indirect neural decompression in adult spinal deformity with OLIF varies with the degree of preoperative lumbar lordosis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  18. Tamburrelli FC, Perna A, Proietti L, Zirio G, Santagada DA, Genitiempo M
    Malays Orthop J, 2019 Nov;13(3):39-44.
    PMID: 31890109 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1911.007
    Introduction: Posterior percutaneous instrumentation may represent a challenge when multiple levels need to be instrumentated, especially when including the upper thoracic spine. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the technical feasibility and the long-term outcome of such long constructs in different surgical conditions. Materials and Methods: This investigation was a retrospective cohort study which included patients who underwent thoraco-lumbar percutaneous fixations. We collected clinical, surgical and radiological data, with a minimum follow-up of 24 months. Health-related quality-of-life, residual pain, instrumentation placement, and complications were studied. Results: A total of 18 procedures were enrolled, in which 182 screws were implanted, (170 positioned in thoracic and 12 in lumbar pedicles, respectively). No surgical complications or hardware failure occurred in our series, 6 out of 182 (3,2%) screws had a partial pedicle breach, without neurological impairment or need for surgical revision. Conclusion: According to our results, a fully posterior percutaneous approach for long thoraco-lumbar spine instrumentation can be considered safe and reproducible, although an adequate training is strictly required.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
  19. Chiu CK, Kwan MK, Chan CY, Schaefer C, Hansen-Algenstaedt N
    Bone Joint J, 2015 Aug;97-B(8):1111-7.
    PMID: 26224830 DOI: 10.1302/0301-620X.97B8.35330
    We undertook a retrospective study investigating the accuracy and safety of percutaneous pedicle screws placed under fluoroscopic guidance in the lumbosacral junction and lumbar spine. The CT scans of patients were chosen from two centres: European patients from University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany, and Asian patients from the University of Malaya, Malaysia. Screw perforations were classified into grades 0, 1, 2 and 3. A total of 880 percutaneous pedicle screws from 203 patients were analysed: 614 screws from 144 European patients and 266 screws from 59 Asian patients. The mean age of the patients was 58.8 years (16 to 91) and there were 103 men and 100 women. The total rate of perforation was 9.9% (87 screws) with 7.4% grade 1, 2.0% grade 2 and 0.5% grade 3 perforations. The rate of perforation in Europeans was 10.4% and in Asians was 8.6%, with no significant difference between the two (p = 0.42). The rate of perforation was the highest in S1 (19.4%) followed by L5 (14.9%). The accuracy and safety of percutaneous pedicle screw placement are comparable to those cited in the literature for the open method of pedicle screw placement. Greater caution must be taken during the insertion of L5 and S1 percutaneous pedicle screws owing to their more angulated pedicles, the anatomical variations in their vertebral bodies and the morphology of the spinal canal at this location.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region/surgery*
  20. Tan VE, Liew D
    Ear Nose Throat J, 2013 Oct-Nov;92(10-11):513-5.
    PMID: 24170465
    Chronic subdural hematoma as a complication of lumbar drain placement for the management of iatrogenic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak has not been previously documented in the literature. We describe such a case in a 69-year-old man who presented with right nasal obstruction secondary to an inverted papilloma involving the paranasal sinuses. The patient underwent endoscopic sinus surgery, which included a medial maxillectomy. Surgery was complicated by a small CSF leak, which was repaired intraoperatively. Five days later, the patient experienced CSF rhinorrhea, and a lumbar drain was inserted. He developed overdrainage symptoms but was well when he was discharged. However, 22 days later he returned with right hemiparesis. Computed tomography of the brain showed a left frontoparietal subdural hematoma with a mass effect. The neurosurgical team performed an emergency drainage procedure, and the patient experienced a complete neurologic recovery. We discuss the pitfalls of lumbar drainage, the possible pathophysiology of overdrainage, and the lessons learned from this case.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lumbosacral Region
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