Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 59 in total

  1. Mahmood WA, Watson CJ, Ogden AR, Hawkins RV
    Int J Prosthodont, 1992 Jul-Aug;5(4):359-66.
    PMID: 1520458
    Image analysis was used to determine masticatory efficiency and performance before and after placement of immediate dentures. Sections of cored carrot were used as the test food and the particle size of chewed expectorated food was measured using image analysis. Measurements were shown to be accurate and reproducible. Masticatory function of immediate-denture patients was also compared with a similar number of dentate individuals and experienced complete-denture wearers. Dentate subjects were significantly (P less than .01) more efficient at masticating the test food than were the complete- or immediate-denture wearers. The new method of measurement removes the necessity for the unpleasant and unhygienic sieving process previously used in this type of study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication*
  2. Kamil WNWA, Zainal M, Omar AF, Jamaluddin TIBT, Ahmad MS
    Spec Care Dentist, 2021 Jan;41(1):129-134.
    PMID: 33128415 DOI: 10.1111/scd.12536
    In this report, we present the case of a 68-year-old male patient with a complaint of mastication and speech limitations one year after the prescription of a fixed bridge and the construction of "connected" crowns by a "street dentist." A thorough oral examination revealed a multilobulated swelling in the right buccal mucosa that extended to the buccal sulcus. The lesion, which was first noticed as a small, asymptomatic swelling by the patient one year prior, seemed to have undergone enlargement since the prostheses were prescribed. The lesion was completely removed via surgical excision under general anesthesia. Histopathological examination of the excisional mass revealed mature adipocytes and features consistent with conventional or classic lipoma. This case highlights the importance of receiving dental treatment from a qualified professional, whose responsibilities include performing a thorough examination of the oral cavity during treatment planning and delivery, review appointments, and regular dental visits. Such investigation is important to allow for early disease detection and control, especially for patients with complex treatment needs as well as those who may present with asymptomatic and slow-growing lesions such as lipomas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  3. Gan HM, Parthasarathy A, Henry KR, Savka MA, Thomas BN, Hudson AO
    Microbiol Resour Announc, 2020 Feb 27;9(9).
    PMID: 32107300 DOI: 10.1128/MRA.01468-19
    In this study, we report the isolation, identification, characterization, and whole-genome sequence of the endophyte Pantoea sp. strain RIT388, isolated from Distemonanthus benthamianus, a plant known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties that is commonly used for chewing sticks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  4. Hairuddin, N.M., Abdul Jalil, R.
    Ann Dent, 2000;7(1):-.
    The objective of this study was to determine the effect chewing of two differently sized commercially available meswak might have on flow rate and pH of whole saliva. Twenty subjects participated in this study. They were distributed into two groups (A and B). Subjects in both groups A and B were asked to first chew on either a sized #1 or #2 cotton roll followed by the chewing of an equivalent sized piece of meswak (approximately 5 mm. and 10 mm. diameter) respectively. For subjects in group A, no differences in mean flow rate was seen after both the chewing regimes. In group B however, the increase in mean flow rate after the chewing of meswak compared to cotton roll was statistically significant at p < 0.05. Statistically significant lower values for pH were registered after the chewing of meswak compared to cotton roll in both groups A and B at p
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  5. Saub, R.
    Ann Dent, 2001;8(1):-.
    The habit of chewing betel quid has been practised since ancient times. Although the world has gone through modernization, a significant proportion of people still practices this habit. Substantial evidence has shown that betel quid chewing is associated with the occurrence of oral cancer and precancerous lesions, which has a tremendous psychosocial impact on an individual's life. Thus it becomes significantly important to dentistry to look into this matter. Since betel quid chewing is one of the causes of oral cancer, effort in cha~ging this habit is essential. This article addresses this issue.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  6. Al-Abed AA, Sutan R, Al-Dubai SA, Aljunid SM
    Biomed Res Int, 2014;2014:505474.
    PMID: 24982886 DOI: 10.1155/2014/505474
    Khat chewing is associated with unfavourable health outcomes and family dysfunction. Few studies have addressed the factors associated with khat chewing among Yemeni women. However, the family and husband effects on chewing khat by women have not been addressed. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of khat chewing among Yemeni women and its associated factors, particularly husbands and family factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 692 adult Yemeni women in the city of Sana'a in Yemen using structured "face to face" interviews. Mean (±SD) age of women was 27.3 years (±6.10). The prevalence of chewing khat by women was 29.6%. Factors associated with chewing khat among women were chewing khat by husbands (OR = 1.8; 95% CI: 1.26, 2.53), being married (OR = 2.0; 95% CI: 1.20, 3.37), frequent family social gatherings (OR = 1.5; 95% CI: 1.06, 2.10), high family income (OR = 1.57; 95% CI: 1.12, 2.21), larger house (OR = 1.63; 95% CI: 1.16, 2.31), and age of women (OR = 0.64; 95% CI: 0.44, 0.92). It is concluded that khat chewing by women in this study was significantly associated with family factors and with khat chewing by their husbands. Urgent action is needed to control khat chewing particularly among women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication*
  7. Nishi SE, Rahman NA, Basri R, Alam MK, Noor NFM, Zainal SA, et al.
    Biomed Res Int, 2021;2021:6642254.
    PMID: 33969121 DOI: 10.1155/2021/6642254
    Objective: This pre-post study is aimed at determining the effects of masticatory muscle activity (masseter and temporalis) measured via sEMG between conventional, self-ligating, and ceramic bracket after six months of orthodontic treatment.

    Methods: A total of eighteen (18) malocclusion patients were identified. Malocclusion patients were subdivided into 3 groups based on the bracket selection (conventional, self-ligating, and ceramic bracket) with 6 patients for each group. sEMG of muscles were done using a two-channel electromyography device, where pregelled and self-adhesive electrodes (bilateral) were applied. Chewing and clenching of masseter and temporalis muscle activity were recorded for 20 s pre and 6 months of orthodontic treatment using sEMG (frequency 60 Hz). The data were analysed by using repeated measures ANOVA in IBM SPSS Statistics Version 24.0.

    Results: Chewing and clenching for masseter muscle showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) in sEMG activity of three types of the brackets. However, for temporalis muscle, there was a significant difference found in sEMG activity during chewing (P < 0.05) and clenching (P < 0.05) between these three brackets.

    Conclusion: The activity of temporalis muscle showed significant changes in chewing and clenching, where the conventional group demonstrated better muscle activity pre and at six months of fixed appliances.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication/physiology
  8. Thiry V, Clauss M, Stark DJ, Beudels-Jamar RC, Vercauteren Drubbel R, Nathan SKSS, et al.
    Folia Primatol., 2018;89(5):327-334.
    PMID: 30114703 DOI: 10.1159/000490794
    Reducing the size of food particles is crucial for herbivores. Seasonal dietary changes are known to influence animals' chewing efficiency. Proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) are foregut fermenters, with a high chewing efficiency allowing them to achieve very fine faecal particles. In this study, we investigated how proboscis monkeys' chewing efficiency varies between wet and dry seasons, hypothesising differences possibly related to diet change. Faecal particle size analysis is an established approach to estimate chewing efficiency in mammalian herbivores. We analysed 113 proboscis monkey faecal samples collected in the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, between 2015 and 2017. By following standard sieve analysis protocols, we measured a mean particle size MPS0.025-8 of 0.45 ± 0.14 mm, and confirmed a previous result that proboscis monkeys have a very low faecal MPS. This study highlights a seasonal influence on proboscis monkeys' chewing efficiency, with smaller MPS (better chewing efficiency) during the wet season. During that time of the year, individuals may potentially change their diet, as all faecal samples contained intact seeds. Whether the seasonal MPS difference in proboscis monkeys is smaller than in other colobines due to their "rumination" strategy remains to be investigated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication*
  9. Panagiotopoulou O, Iriarte-Diaz J, Wilshin S, Dechow PC, Taylor AB, Mehari Abraha H, et al.
    Zoology (Jena), 2017 10;124:13-29.
    PMID: 29037463 DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2017.08.010
    Finite element analysis (FEA) is a commonly used tool in musculoskeletal biomechanics and vertebrate paleontology. The accuracy and precision of finite element models (FEMs) are reliant on accurate data on bone geometry, muscle forces, boundary conditions and tissue material properties. Simplified modeling assumptions, due to lack of in vivo experimental data on material properties and muscle activation patterns, may introduce analytical errors in analyses where quantitative accuracy is critical for obtaining rigorous results. A subject-specific FEM of a rhesus macaque mandible was constructed, loaded and validated using in vivo data from the same animal. In developing the model, we assessed the impact on model behavior of variation in (i) material properties of the mandibular trabecular bone tissue and teeth; (ii) constraints at the temporomandibular joint and bite point; and (iii) the timing of the muscle activity used to estimate the external forces acting on the model. The best match between the FEA simulation and the in vivo experimental data resulted from modeling the trabecular tissue with an isotropic and homogeneous Young's modulus and Poisson's value of 10GPa and 0.3, respectively; constraining translations along X,Y, Z axes in the chewing (left) side temporomandibular joint, the premolars and the m1; constraining the balancing (right) side temporomandibular joint in the anterior-posterior and superior-inferior axes, and using the muscle force estimated at time of maximum strain magnitude in the lower lateral gauge. The relative strain magnitudes in this model were similar to those recorded in vivo for all strain locations. More detailed analyses of mandibular strain patterns during the power stroke at different times in the chewing cycle are needed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication/physiology*
  10. Ho TK, Satterthwaite JD, Silikas N
    Dent Mater, 2018 02;34(2):e15-e24.
    PMID: 29175160 DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2017.11.014
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the change in surface roughness of nanohybrid resin composite (Tetric EvoCeram) after antagonist wear against monolithic zirconia and lithium disilicate ceramics through a simulated chewing test using a three-dimensional (3D) profilometer.

    METHODS: A total of 40 Tetric EvoCeram™ resin composite specimens against either a Lava™ Plus zirconia antagonist (n=20) or IPS e.max Press lithium disilicate antagonist (n=20) were prepared for the study. The surface roughness profiles of each resin composite before and after an in-vitro simulated chewing test were analysed using a 3D profilometer and Talymap software. After the simulated chewing, the surface profiles of representative Tetric EvoCeram specimens from each group were analysed using scanning electron microscopy. Independent t-test and paired t-test were used for statistical analysis.

    RESULTS: For both lithium disilicate and zirconia groups, all surface roughness parameters (Ra, Rt, Sa, Sq,) of Tetric EvoCeram were significantly higher post-chewing compared to pre-chewing (p<0.05); the post-chewing surface roughness parameters of Tetric EvoCeram for the lithium disilicate group were significantly higher (p<0.05) than in the zirconia group.

    SIGNIFICANCE: This chewing simulation test showed that Tetric EvoCeram composites exhibited a rougher surface when opposing lithium disilicate ceramic compared to opposing zirconia ceramic.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication*
  11. Thomas S, Balan A, Balaram P
    Dent Res J (Isfahan), 2015 Jul-Aug;12(4):307-14.
    PMID: 26288619 DOI: 10.4103/1735-3327.161427
    The role of retinoblastoma (Rb) protein in cell cycle regulation prompted us to take up this study with the aim of assessing its role in the progression of oral cancer and to correlate with various clinicopathological parameters, including habits such as smoking, Paan chewing, and alcoholism.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  12. Kaur, S., Abdul Jalil, R., Akmar, S.L.
    Ann Dent, 2004;11(1):-.
    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of chewing commercially available meswak may have on levels of calcium, chloride, phosphate and thiocyanate in stimulated whole saliva. A total of 20 subjects participated in the investigation. They were distributed into two groups. Those in group A (10 individuals) were asked to first chew on a cotton roll (sized #1) followed by the chewing of an equivalent sized 5mm piece of commercially available meswak. Subjects in group B (10 individuals) did the same but, chewed on cotton roll (sized #2) followed by the chewing of an equivalent sized 10mm piece of commercially available meswak. After following a specified chewing protocol, samples of stimulated whole saliva were collected into a graduated tube at the end of every chewing regime. Calcium, chloride, phosphate and thiocyanate analysis were carried out using colour titration and spectrophotometer. Results from this investigation indicated that commercially available meswak chewing sticks apart from containing high amounts of calcium and chloride may possibly release phosphate and thiocyanate into whole saliva. These findings suggest that the commercially available meswak used as chewing sticks may have the potential of releasing substances into saliva that could influence the state of oral health. Further studies have to be carried out to ascertain the therapeutic benefits of chewing commercially available meswak.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  13. Tan, B.S., Rosman, A., Ng, K.H., Ahmad, N.
    Ann Dent, 2000;7(1):-.
    The aim of the study was to determine the characteristics and pattern of the betel/tobacco quid chewing habit in the estate Indian community. The study was conducted in 6 randomly selected estates. It involved oral mucosal examination and an interview to solicit personal data as well as history and details of oral habits. Of a total of 618 subjects studied, 19.3 % (n= 119; 89 females and 30 males) were betel !tobacco quid chewers. The youngest age of onset of betel quid chewing is 10 years. The mean frequency of chewing quid is 4.3 times/day and the mean duration of chewing is 8.1 minutes. Initiation to the habit occur at a young age and a major role is played by family and friends in initiation to the habit. Practises of adding tobacco and lime appear to have adverse effects and are associated with higher occurrences of precancer lesions in this study (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  14. Nor Azura Ahmad Tarmidzi, Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail, Nik Salida Suhaila Nik Salleh, Mualimin Mochammad Sahid, Haslinda Ramli, Nalisha Mohamed Ramli, et al.
    The position of facial bones contribute great impact to the shape of the face. Shape
    of these underlying facial bones responsible for a person facial proportions, angles and contours.
    Facial deformity can either be congenital or acquired. Functional impairment related to facial
    deformity include chewing problems, breathing problems, speech impairments and
    temporomandibular joint pathology. Orthognathic surgery is a procedure involving incision and
    manipulation using instrument to align the jaws. Performing cosmetic surgery seems to change the
    creation of Allah and the original law of changing Allah creation is prohibited. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  15. Itagi AB, Arora D, Patil NA, Bailwad SA, Yunus GY, Goel A
    Int J Appl Basic Med Res, 2016 Jan-Mar;6(1):45-9.
    PMID: 26958522 DOI: 10.4103/2229-516X.174008
    An increase in the consumption of smokeless tobacco has been noticed among high school, college students, and adults. Despite the antiquity and popularity of chewing tobacco in India, its effects have not been investigated systematically in humans. The aim of this study was to investigate acute effects of gutkha chewing on heart rate variability (HRV) among healthy young adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  16. Marlynda Ahmad, Dayang Fadzlina Abang Ibrahim, Nur Hafizah Hazmi, Natasya Ahmad Tarib, Kamarul Hisham Kamarudin
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2010;31(2):65-70.
    Aim of the study: To compare the weight of retrieved food accumulated under the dentures base with and without adhesive treatment.

    Materials and Method: Each subject was given 32 g of non-salted dry roasted peanuts to chew and swallow. After finishing all the peanuts, the subject was asked to brush their denture using toothbrush and toothpaste without removing the denture from the mouth and rinsed their mouth vigorously with water. The weight of the retrieved peanuts accumulated under the denture base collected, dried, and weighted. All procedures were repeated with denture adhesive.

    Results: On average, the mean weight of peanuts particles recovered beneath upper dentures without application of denture adhesive was 51.21 mg which is higher than the mean weight of upper denture with adhesive treatment (35.36 mg). The similar pattern was detected for the lower dentures but at higher mean weight.

    Conclusion: Application of denture adhesive significantly reduced the amount of retrieved peanut particles collected under the denture base compared to no-adhesive treatment (p< 0.005).
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  17. Al-Dubai, Sami A.R., Rampal, Krishna G.
    Objective: The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence and factors contributing to psychological morbidity among doctors in Sana’a city, Yemen. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 442 Yemeni doctors. The (GHQ12) was used as a measure of psychological morbidity. Sources of job stress were determined using a 37-item scale questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of psychological morbidity was 68.1 %. Gender, age range of 30 – 39 years old, chewing Khat, type of residence and income were significantly associated with psychological morbidity (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  18. Hiremath S, Jairaj A
    J Clin Diagn Res, 2017 Mar;11(3):ZD09-ZD11.
    PMID: 28511521 DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/22240.9385
    The purpose of this report is to introduce Cu-sil like denture as a functional space maintainer. Here, we report two paediatric cases treated with Cu-sil like denture with multiple edentulous spaces and partially erupted/compromised permanent teeth. Cu-sil like denture not only serves as removable partial functional space maintainer, but also restores the vertical dimension of occlusion, mastication and aesthetics in children. Cu-sil like denture is used in elderly patients who are not willing for extraction of remaining few healthy teeth in the oral cavity. This concept utilizes the remaining natural teeth in the arch, accommodates them within the denture through perforations made in the denture base. The gap between the denture base and the tooth is sealed using a resilient liner. Such denture is used for the paediatric age group in this report for functional rehabilitation temporarily. The report describes the pros and cons of the Cu-sil like denture use in children with technique of preparation along with review of literature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  19. Sreeramareddy CT, Aye SN, Venkateswaran SP
    BMC Public Health, 2021 02 03;21(1):277.
    PMID: 33535993 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-10347-1
    BACKGROUND: National-level prevalence of tobacco use and betel quid chewing, and associated socio-demographic factors were estimated using first-ever, Myanmar Demographic Health Survey, 2015-16.

    METHODS: Questions about tobacco smoking, smokeless tobacco use, and betel quid chewing were used to create outcome variables such as tobacco smoking, smokeless tobacco use, and 'dual use' (tobacco use and betel quid chewing). Sex-stratified weighted prevalence rates, distribution by socio-demographic factors were presented. Association of demographic factors with tobacco and/or betel quid chewing was assessed by multinomial logistic regression.

    RESULTS: Among men, prevalence (%) of tobacco use and betel quid chewing was 40.9 (95% CI 38.1, 42.1) and 58.9 (95% CI 56.3, 61.6) respectively. Among women tobacco use was 3.7 (95% CI 2.0, 4.3) and betel quid chewing 18.2 (95% CI 16.4, 20.0). Among men prevalence of either tobacco or betel quid and 'dual use' was 50.4 (95% CI 48.5, 52.3) and 25.0 (95% CI 23.1, 26.8) respectively, whereas among women the corresponding rates were 17.9 (95% CI 16.2, 19.6) and 2.0 (95% CI 1.6, 2.9). Smokeless tobacco use was low (

    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
  20. Berniyanti T, Jamaludin MB, Eky YE, Bramantoro T, Palupi R
    Int J Dent Hyg, 2024 Feb;22(1):229-235.
    PMID: 37722082 DOI: 10.1111/idh.12749
    BACKGROUND: Chewing betel nuts can increase the risk of periodontal disease severity and potentially become malignant in the oral cavity.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the effect of the duration and frequency of betel quid chewing behaviour on periodontitis severity and the life quality of people in Tanini Village, Kupang Regency, Indonesia.

    METHODS: The type of this study was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design. We used a questionnaire to obtain sociodemographic data. Oral Health Survey Basic Methods were used to measure debris index, plaque index, bleeding on probing, loss of attachment, and pocket depth. Behaviour and quality of life were measured by questionnaire and WHOQOL-BREF method as well.

    RESULTS: The largest number of respondents were male. Duration of chewing had a significant relationship with the frequency of chewing and periodontal status. Periodontitis was higher compared to all categories. The lifestyle of the community greatly influenced their behaviour in betel nut chewing and also affected the severity of their periodontitis and OHIs significantly.

    CONCLUSION: The lifestyle of betel nut chewing of the people in Tanini Village, greatly influences their behaviour. Prolonged and excessive use of betel nut induced significant adverse effects on human health. The longer and more often chew betel or areca nut, the higher the incidence of periodontitis, which significantly affects the quality of life as there is a possibility of the development of carcinogenesis, particularly in the oral cavity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mastication
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