CASE REPORT: A 69-year-old lady presented with one year history of intermittent rectal bleed and an anorectal mass that was initially treated as haemorrhoid. Colonoscopy showed a hyperpigmented mass in the anorectal region which was confirmed as malignant melanoma on histopathological examination. Imaging with CT and MRI demonstrated locally advanced tumour with distant metastases to the liver and lung. Patient was referred for palliative management.
CONCLUSION: ARMM is a rare malignancy and often presented with non-specific clinical signs. Diagnosis is frequently delayed without high index of suspicion. MRI pelvis is the imaging of choice to assess local extent of disease. Histologic evaluation with special immunohistochemical stains is often necessary for definitive diagnosis. Prognosis is poor despite surgical and chemotherapeutic interventions.
METHODS: An online systematic review of MEDLINE, Embase, PubMed, and the Cochrane Library from inception to January 7, 2022, was completed. Studies outlining the care of a patient with acrometastases of the hand were included. Data extracted included age, sex, site of primary tumor and metastasis, presence of other metastases, time from primary diagnosis to acrometastasis diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, and survival.
RESULTS: Between 1889 and present, 871 lesions were described in 676 patients who met the inclusion criteria. There was no predilection for hand dominance or site of previous trauma. The mean age among patients was 59.5 (1.5-91) years, and male sex was more common (64.6%). The most common primary cancer source was the lung (39.2%), followed by the kidney (10.8%). The distal phalanx was the most frequently cited tumor location (33.7%). Mean survival after diagnosis of acrometastasis was 6.3 months (0.25-50) ± 11.5 months.
CONCLUSION: Acrometastasis remains an uncommon presentation of metastatic disease with poor prognosis. Treatment currently focuses on pain management and optimizing functional outcomes. Our review led to the development of 7 treatment recommendations when managing these patients.