Otitis media is a common disease encountered in the primary practice. Most cases are successfully
treated with antibiotics without any sequelae. Because of these, potential serious complications of otitis
media may be overlooked.
We report a rare case of Bezold’s abscess, as a complication of otitis media and discuss its
pathophysiology and management.
Otitis media with effusion (OME) is a very common condition seen in children, and is the commonest cause of hearing loss in an infant. It is also a fairly common condition encountered by the family practitioner, and often the family practitioner is the first doctor the parents bring the child to. Otitis media with effusion is a simple condition but, if left undiagnosed or untreated, can lead to preventable long-term consequences. Hence, a high index of suspicion is necessary, early and accurate diagnosis, prompt treatment, with close follow-up is of essence. The epidemiology, aetiological factors, clinical presentations, diagnosis, various medical and surgical options, cost-effectiveness of therapy and the impact of OME on the child's development are discussed.
Matched MeSH terms: Otitis Media with Effusion/diagnosis*; Otitis Media with Effusion/etiology; Otitis Media with Effusion/therapy*
High-riding jugular bulb (HRJB), although rare, may pose a challenge as it may be mistaken for other non-alarming condition, such as middle ear effusion. Patients with HRJB classically present with pulsatile tinnitus. We report a unique case of a 26-year-old patient with underlying beta thalassaemia who presented with a 2-month history of intermittent epistaxis and rhinorrhoea. Otoscopic examinations revealed a pulsatile bluish mass behind the right tympanic membrane and a dull left tympanic membrane. Imaging performed revealed a finding of dual retrotympanic pathology, which consisted of a right dehiscent HRJB and left cholesterol granuloma. We highlight a rare case of dual retrotympanic mass as well as its management.
Although the incidence of complications of otitis media that require surgical interventions has decreased substantially over the past few years, it is a prevailing condition for which clinicians should remain vigilant.
Discharging ear is a common symptom in the primary care and private general clinics. Most of the cases are treated with the antibiotic ear drops for otitis externa or otitis media. However, despite an adequate standard therapy, a malignant tumour can also be present with non-specific symptom such as ear discharge, especially in the case of persistent ear discharge. In this paper we have reported a case of an adult woman presented with non-resolving ear discharge who was treated repeatedly with antibiotic ear drop, which was later diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma.
Objective: We report a method of inserting a T-tube.
Method: A 14-G branula and a T-tube are used.
Results: This method was found to be simple and required few instruments.
Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this method has not previously been reported
Matched MeSH terms: Otitis Media with Effusion/surgery*
Postauricular swelling is usually encountered in an emergency setting in otorhinolaryngology, resulting from complication of acute or chronic suppurative otitis media. Besides that, postauricular swelling may occur secondary to various other conditions including infectious disease, tumour, vascular malformation, granulomatous condition and even trauma. Children less than 2 years old are prone to fall and up to 10% sustain traumatic brain injury without any obvious signs of neurological deficit. We describe a rare case of a postauricular swelling in a toddler which turned out to be salmonella extradural abscess from an infected traumatic haematoma. The importance of high clinical suspicion especially in a child with a history of fall cannot be emphasised more because a missed brain abscess could lead to potentially life-threatening problems. We would like to highlight that meticulous history taking along with prompt assessment and intervention is prudent for a better prognosis and recovery.
Mastoid abscess remains a recognised complication of otitis media despite the advent of antibiotics. The objectives of this study were to describe the risk factors in patients with mastoid abscess following acute and chronic otitis media and discuss the management of this infection.
Otitis media with effusion is one of the most common childhood infections, and grommet insertions are done for chronic otitis media which have failed medical therapy. The aims of this study were 1) to determine the patient profile of children needing grommet insertion and 2) to determine if grommet insertion is safe and effective. A retrospective review of 105 children with myringotomy and grommet insertions for chronic otitis media with effusion between 2006 and 2008 was performed. Seventy two percent of patients were younger than 6 years old. Male to female ratio was 4:3. Twelve percent of patients were syndromic. In children with otitis media with effusion, hearing and academic performance improved after grommet insertion. Allergic rhinitis and cleft palate are risk factors for chronic middle ear effusion.
Matched MeSH terms: Otitis Media with Effusion/diagnosis; Otitis Media with Effusion/etiology; Otitis Media with Effusion/surgery*
We present a case of cervical necrotising fasciitis in a 56 year old man, secondary to a rare mastoid infection. The patient had coexisting diabetes mellitus and hypertension. He was treated with early surgical debridement followed by neck and chest reconstruction and radical mastoidectomy. Aggressive antibiotic therapy and supportive care was given. He recovered well with minimal residual functional deficit.
For a complete overall rehabilitation of cleft palate patients a multi-disciplinary approach should be adopted. Plastic and Head and Neck Surgeons in whom most of the treatment are entrusted should be concerned not only at achieving palatal function and cosmetic acceptability but also the various other problems associated with cleft palate especially hearing loss. In this study, 66 patients with repaired and unrepaired cleft palates were examined for the presence of hearing loss due to middle ear effusion. The incidence of middle ear effusion was high (57.6%). It was also found that only eight of these patients (12.1%) ever complained of hearing loss or any associated symptoms and repair of the cleft palate did not influence the incidence of middle ear effusion. As such, screening should be done in all cleft palates and otolaryngologists should therefore play an important role in the multi-disciplinary team which should comprise the paediatrician, plastic surgeon, speech therapist, orthodontist and dental specialist.
Matched MeSH terms: Otitis Media with Effusion/etiology*; Otitis Media with Effusion/epidemiology; Otitis Media with Effusion/therapy
Otitis media is a common disease encountered in the primary practice. Most cases are successfully treated with antibiotics without any sequelae. Because of these, potential serious complications of otitis media may be overlooked. We report a rare case of Bezold's abscess, as a complication of otitis media and discuss its pathophysiology and management.
Dural exposure may occur during the course of thinning the tegmen tympani and tegmen mastoideum in mastoid procedure. If large area of dura is exposed or lacerated, cerebrospinal fluid and brain herniation may enter the mastoid cavity. We report a case of a patient with injured dura mater and tegmen mastoideum during mastoidectomy for chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma managed by using DuraGen. The dura mater and tegmen defect healed totally showing the success of the procedure. A collagen matrix like DuraGen is an option for repairing dural tear in mastoid region.
A simple, safe and effective procedure for improving the bacterial isolation in chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is described. It is most useful for the isolation of aerobes as well as anaerobes from the middle ear.
In Malaysia 1,307 randomly selected primary school children were screened to find out the prevalence of hearing loss and middle ear disorders. Seventy-six students (5.81%) failed the screening audiometric test. There were 95 students (7.26%) with middle ear disorders. History of ear discharge was absent in 24 out of 57 cases with CSOM (42.11%) (P less than 0.001). Forty-three out of 95 children having middle ear disorders passed the screening audiometric test (P less than 0.01 Fisher exact test). Screening audiometric test fails to detect about 46% of cases with middle ear disorders. Screening audiometric test and otological examination if conducted by the school health medical officers regularly will be able to detect almost all the cases with hearing loss and middle ear disorders.
Increasing concern about the antibiotic resistance in acute otitis media (AOM) has led to debate over use of antibiotic in AOM and duration of therapy. Many studies have proved that watchful waiting should be used more often for acute otitis media. In children over two years, the most appropriate treatment was found to be initial observation followed by 5 days of an antibiotic if the child failed to improve spontaneously. In children less than 2 years or one with severe symptoms antibiotic can be started after 24 hours if there is no improvement with symptomatic treatment. Physician should be more selective in the prescription of antibiotics early in AOM.