Belief in a golden age has provided mankind with solace in times of despair and with élan during the expansive periods of history. Dreamers imagine the golden age in the remote past, in paradise lost, free from toil and grief. Optimists put their faith in the future and believe that mankind, Prometheus-like, will master the arts of life through power and knowledge. Thus, the golden age means different things to different men, but the very belief in its existence implies the conviction that perfect health and happiness are birthrights of men. Yet, in reality, complete freedom from disease and from struggle is almost incompatible with the process of living.
DNA samples were extracted from six prehistoric human remains, found on the Malay Peninsula, dating to the Paleolithic and the Neolithic periods. Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA were determined by the polymerase chain reaction-direct sequencing method. A phylogenetic tree between prehistoric and present humans was constructed based on the nucleotide sequence data. Mitochondrial DNA phylogenetic relationships and ethnoarchaeological evidence suggest that there is a continuity beetween the pre-Neolithic humans and the present Semang and that the Neolithic humans in this area might be an ancestral group of the Senoi.