Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 142 in total

  1. Noora Rosli, Okhunov, A.A., Hasan Abu Kassim
    160-162 Dy
    nuclei are the best candidates to study collective properties of low-lying states since these
    nuclei are quite well studied experimentally. Phenomenological model is used to evaluate the positive-parity states energy spectra and the structure of these nuclei by taking into account the Coriolis mixing between states. Deviations from the adiabatic conditions are found to be occurred.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  2. Nashreen CM, Hamdan M, Hong J, Kamarudin M, Saaid R, Tan PC
    Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2024 Dec;103(12):2475-2484.
    PMID: 39356052 DOI: 10.1111/aogs.14975
    INTRODUCTION: Our objective was to compare the performance of the first vaginal examination at 8 vs 4 h after amniotomy following Foley ripening in nulliparous labor induction.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: A randomized controlled trial was conducted from June 2021 to January 2022. 210 nulliparas at term for labor induction were randomized: 105 each to first vaginal examination at 8 or 4 h after Foley balloon ripening and amniotomy. Titrated oxytocin infusion was routinely commenced after amniotomy to expedite labor. Primary outcomes were the amniotomy-to-delivery interval (non-inferiority hypothesis) and maternal satisfaction with their allocated labor care (superiority hypothesis) within 24 h after delivery. Analyses performed using t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Chi-squared test as appropriate.

    RESULTS: The amniotomy-to-delivery interval was mean ± standard deviation 8.7 ± 3.4 vs 8.4 ± 3.7, mean difference 0.4 (97.5% CI: -0.7 to 1.5) hours, p = 0.442 within the pre-specified 2-hour non-inferiority margin, and maternal satisfaction score with allocated labor care was median [interquartile range] 8[7.5-10] vs 8[7.0-10], p = 0.248 for 8 vs 4 h arms, respectively. The amniotomy to first vaginal examination intervals was 5.9 ± 2.3 vs 3.6 ± 1.0 h, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
  3. Yahya, A., Sidek, O., Salleh, M.F.M.
    ASM Science Journal, 2010;4(1):48-54.
    Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) systems with partial band interference require appropriate compounding of spread spectrum modulation, error correcting code, diversity and decoding method to receive improved transmission signal. In this paper, a fast FHSS system with regular low-density parity-check codes was employed to cater some anti-jamming competence by using good waterfall and error floor performance. The performance evalution of the previously mentioned system was conducted in the presence of partial band noise jamming. The best possible design of the system was achieved with the combination of diversity level L=2 with a probability rate of at 0.7 dB which showed the robustness of the system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  4. Youssof AL, Kassim NL, Rashid SA, De Ley M, Rahman MT
    Biol Trace Elem Res, 2017 Jan;175(1):17-26.
    PMID: 27250493 DOI: 10.1007/s12011-016-0760-x
    At childbirth (parturition), zinc (Zn) homeostasis in cord blood (CB) can be affected by a number of factors: Zn in maternal blood, parturition related stress as well as metallothionein (MT). Both Zn and stress are known inducers of MT which is primarily involved in Zn homeostasis. This study analyzed Zn concentration [Zn], in CB components and MT-2A transcription in CB mononuclear cells (MNC) in relation to primiparous and multiparous childbirth. [Zn] in CB (n = 47) plasma, erythrocytes, and MNCs were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (λ = 213.9 nm). The MT-2A transcription in CB-MNC was quantified using real-time PCR. Significant correlations (Pearson r) were found between: plasma-[Zn] and erythrocyte-[Zn] (p = 0.002); [Zn] and MT-2A messenger RNA (mRNA) (p = 0.000) in CB-MNC. Student's t tests showed higher levels of MT-2A mRNA and MNC-[Zn] in CB of older (≥25 years) compared to younger mothers (≤24 years) (p = 0.043 and p = 0.016, respectively). Significantly higher [Zn] was found in CB plasma (p = 0.017) and MNC (p = 0.041) of older primiparous compared to the younger primiparous and older multiparous mothers respectively. MT-2A mRNA in CB-MNC was significantly lower in CB of younger primiparous mothers compared to their older counterparts (p = 0.001). Path analysis showed that MNC-[Zn] (β = 0.83; p = 0.000) had a greater influence on MT-2A mRNA expression, compared to parity (β = -0.14; p = 0.033). Higher [Zn] in CB of primiparous mothers could be linked to higher stress during parturition, however, might be beneficial for the growth and development of the child. Together MNC-[Zn] and parity contributed ~70 % of the MT-2A transcription in CB-MNC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
  5. Tai C, Urquhart R
    Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol, 1991 Dec;17(4):327-34.
    PMID: 1801678
    Grandmultiparity is an ill defined term, but it is generally believed that increasing parity after the fifth delivery increases the risks of child bearing for both the mother and fetus. Four hundred seventy-seven women aged less than 35 years of parity 5 and above who delivered during one year period at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur were studied. There were 406 women of parity 5 and 6 and 71 women of parity 7 and above. The 2 groups as a whole comprised 7.5% of the obstetric population for that year. Obstetric performance in the 2 groups of grandmultipara was compared with 1,135 women, aged 25 to 34 years, having their second baby during the same period. Women of parity 7 and above were significantly more likely to be from lower socioeconomic groups, and suffer from anaemia, hypertension and pre-eclampsia. They were also significantly at risk of preterm delivery and delivering infants weighing less than 2.5 kg. In addition, the perinatal mortality rate was significantly greater in the highly parous group (Para greater than 7) than in women of parity 5 and 6 or the control group. Apart from a significant increase in the incidence of anaemia, women of parity 5 and 6 had a similar obstetric performance and perinatal outcome to that of the control group. We conclude that grandmultiparity per se is not an obstetric risk factor until after the seventh delivery. These findings have implications for those who plan the provision of obstetric services for the community.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
  6. Win ST, Tan PC, Balchin I, Khong SY, Si Lay K, Omar SZ
    Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2019 04;220(4):387.e1-387.e12.
    PMID: 30633917 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2019.01.004
    BACKGROUND: Labor is induced in 20-30% of maternities, with an increasing trend of use. Labor induction with oral misoprostol is associated with reduced risk of cesarean deliveries and has a safety and effectiveness profile comparable to those of mechanical methods such as Foley catheter use. Labor induction in nulliparous women continues to be challenging, with the process often quite protracted. The eventual cesarean delivery rate is high, particularly when the cervix is unfavorable and ripening is required. Vaginal examination can cause discomfort and emotional distress particularly to nulliparous women, and plausibly can affect patient satisfaction with the induction and birth process.

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate regular (4-hourly prior to each oral misoprostol dose with amniotomy when feasible) compared with restricted (only if indicated) vaginal assessments during labor induction with oral misoprostol in term nulliparous women MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a randomized trial between November 2016 and September 2017 in a university hospital in Malaysia. Our oral misoprostol labor induction regimen comprised 50 μg of misoprostol administered 4 hourly for up to 3 doses in the first 24 hours. Participants assigned to regular assessment had vaginal examinations before each 4-hourly misoprostol dose with a view to amniotomy as soon as it was feasible. Participants in the restricted arm had vaginal examinations only if indicated. Primary outcomes were patient satisfaction with the birth process (using an 11-point visual numerical rating scale), induction to vaginal delivery interval, and vaginal delivery rate at 24 hours.

    RESULTS: Data from 204 participants (101 regular, 103 restricted) were analyzed. The patient satisfaction score with the birth process was as follows (median [interquartile range]): 7 [6-9] vs 8 [6-10], P = .15. The interval of induction to vaginal delivery (mean ± standard deviation) was 24.3 ± 12.8 vs 31.1 ± 15.0 hours (P = .013). The vaginal delivery rate at 24 hours was 27.7% vs 20.4%; (relative risk [RR], 1.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.8-2.3; P = .14) for the regular vs restricted arms, respectively. The cesarean delivery rate was 50% vs 43% (RR, 1.1; 95% CI, 0.9-1.5; P = .36). When assessed after delivery, participants' fidelity to their assigned vaginal examination schedule in a future labor induction was 45% vs 88% (RR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.4-0.7; P < .001), and they would recommend their assigned schedule to a friend (47% vs 87%; RR, 0.6; 95% CI, 0.5-0.7; P < .001) in the regular compared with the restricted arms, respectively.

    CONCLUSION: Despite a shorter induction to vaginal delivery interval with regular vaginal examination and a similar vaginal delivery rate at 24 hours and birth process satisfaction score, women expressed a higher preference for the restricted examination schedule and were more likely to recommend such a schedule to a friend.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
  7. Khairudin MN, Vallikkannu N, Gan F, Hamdan M, Tan PC
    Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM, 2024 Apr;6(4):101324.
    PMID: 38447674 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajogmf.2024.101324
    BACKGROUND: Labor pain varies significantly among pregnant women, ranging from mild to extremely distressing. Nonpharmacologic pain relief methods during vaginal birth are increasingly popular, either as a complement to pharmacologic agents or, at times, as the primary method of pain relief. Multiple trials have reported that manual or by-hand massage reduces labor pain. The effectiveness of full-body mechanical massage using electric massage chairs on labor pain remains unexplored.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate mechanical massage using an electric massage chair on labor pain in nulliparous women.

    STUDY DESIGN: A randomized counterbalanced crossover trial was conducted in a university hospital in Malaysia from August 2022 to February 2023. Eligible nulliparas in labor with a minimum labor pain score of 5 (0-10 numerical rating scale) were enrolled. Participants were randomized to 30 minutes on the massage chair with mechanical massage followed by 30 minutes on the massage chair without mechanical massage or the other way around in the massage sequence. The primary outcome was a change in pain score comparing pain with and without mechanical massage as a paired comparison for the entire trial participants. The secondary outcomes were across arms analyses of maternal and neonatal outcomes. The paired t test, t test, Mann-Whitney U test, chi-square test, and Fisher exact test were used as appropriate for the data.

    RESULTS: Overall, 208 women were randomized: 104 to each intervention. Data were available from 204 participants (103 randomized to massage first and 101 to no massage first). The primary outcomes of change in labor pain scores (0-10 numerical rating scale) after massage and no massage (all participants included after crossover, paired t test analysis) were 4.51±2.30 and 5.38±2.10, respectively (mean difference, -0.87; 95% confidence interval, -1.14 to -0.59; P

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity*
  8. Yong HY, Mohd Shariff Z, Mohd Yusof BN, Rejali Z, Tee YYS, Bindels J, et al.
    PMID: 33800084 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18052694
    Food insecurity may exacerbate adverse maternal health outcomes during pregnancy, however, this association has not been well established, particularly in the context of developing countries. This study aimed to identify the associations between household food insecurity and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) risk among urban pregnant women. Household food insecurity was assessed using the translated 10-item Radimer/Cornell hunger scale. Logistic regression models were used to estimate the associations between food insecurity status and GDM risk. About 35.6% of women experienced food insecurity, with 25.2% reported household food insecurity, 8.0% individual food insecurity, and 2.4% child hunger. Food insecure women were at significantly higher risk of developing GDM compared to food secure women (AOR = 16.65, 95% CI = 6.17-24.98). The significant association between food insecurity and GDM risk was influenced by pre-pregnancy BMI, parity and rate of GWG at second trimester. Food insecure women with parity ≥ 2 (AOR = 4.21, 95% CI = 1.98-8.92), overweight/obese BMI prior to pregnancy (AOR = 12.11, 95% CI = 6.09-24.10) and excessive rate of GWG in the second trimester (AOR = 9.66, 95% CI = 4.27-21.83) were significantly more likely to develop GDM compared to food secure women. Food insecurity showed strong association with GDM risk in that the association was influenced by maternal biological and physical characteristics. Multipronged interventions may be necessary for food insecure pregnant women who are not only at risk of overweight/obesity prior to pregnancy but also may have excessive gestational weight gain, in order to effectively reduce GDM risk.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  9. Maraj H, Kumari S
    PMID: 34129962 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2021.05.042
    OBJECTIVES: We assessed clinical interpretation of the word parity amongst obstetricians and midwives in Wales and performed a literature review to identify a standardised definition.

    STUDY DESIGN: A survey was conducted by electronic questionnaire to obstetricians across Wales and midwives across North Wales. The questionnaire was distributed to obstetricians using the Wales Information System. Midwives were surveyed using a health board wide distribution list. This was followed by a literature review using dictionaries, standard texts, professional bodies and websites. References were obtained for the UK, USA, India, Malaysia and West Indies.

    RESULTS: There were 143 responses from 63 doctors and 80 midwives. 5% of doctors and 49 % of midwives did not include stillbirths after 24 completed weeks in their definition of parity. 84 % of all surveyed described having a previous twin delivery as Para 2. 23 references were obtained for a definition of parity. Parity was variability defined as the number of conceptions, pregnancies, births and babies. Only 12 sources offered a definition in reference to multiple pregnancy. Of these, 8 sources defined multiple births as a single parous event.

    CONCLUSIONS: There are variations in definitions for the term parity from referenced sources and variation in understanding amongst staff surveyed. We recommend UK professional bodies take into consideration the findings of this study and provide a standard consensus definition of parity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  10. Ismarulyusda Ishak, Hidayatulfathi Othman, Nihayah Mohammad, Syarif Husin Lubis, Zariyantey Abdul Hamid, Nur Zakiah Mohd Saat, et al.
    Pendedahan terhadap pestisid dapat menyebabkan penurunan paras unsur surih di dalam badan manusia. Unsur surih memainkan peranan penting dalam metabolisma tubuh. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji paras unsur surih selenium, zink dan kromium dalam kalangan pesawah yang terdedah kepada pestisid di Wilayah I, MADA, Perlis. Kajian keratan rentas ini melibatkan 70 orang pesawah dan 57 orang yang tinggal di perkampungan nelayan sebagai kumpulan kawalan yang berumur di antara 21 hingga 80 tahun. Maklumat sosiodemografi pesawah dilakukan melalui temuduga borang soal selidik yang telah divalidasi. Pemeriksaan tekanan darah dan glukosa darah pesawah dilakukan. Paras selenium, zink dan kromium sampel kuku dan rambut dianalisis dengan menggunakan kaedah penghadaman asid dan mesin Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa paras selenium pada rambut (5.11 ± 17.05 μg/L) dan kuku (4.92 ± 2.17 μg/L) adalah lebih rendah secara signifikannya (p < 0.05) berbanding paras selenium pada rambut (15.67 ± 10.59 μg/L) dan kuku (6.67 ± 2.81 μg/L) kumpulan kawalan. Paras kromium pada rambut (31.83 ± 15.17 μg/L) dan kuku (87.64 ± 23.30 μg/L) kumpulan pesawah juga didapati lebih rendah secara signifikannya (p < 0.05) berbanding paras kromium pada rambut (85.19 ± 56.90 μg/L) dan kuku (99.36 ± 56.89 μg/L) pada kumpulan kawalan. Walau bagaimanapun, tiada perbezaan paras unsur surih yang signifikan (p > 0.05) menurut tempoh pendedahan pestisid. Kesimpulannya, paras selenium dan kromium pada kuku dan rambut pesawah yang terdedah kepada pestisid adalah lebih rendah berbanding kumpulan komuniti nelayan.

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  11. Nurfariha Firdaus, Ismarulyusda Ishak, Syarif Husin Lubis, Nooraisyah Mansoor, Hidayatul Fathi Othman, Nihayah Mohammad, et al.
    Kromium merupakan mineral yang penting dan kofaktor insulin yang memainkan peranan penting sebagai hormon yang membantu dalam regulasi gula dalam darah. Penduduk Kelantan sering dikaitkan dengan pengambilan makanan berasaskan gula. Petani merupakan golongan yang berisiko tinggi kerana pendedahan terhadap pestisid dan pengambilan makanan bergula boleh mempengaruhi paras kromium. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui status paras kromium dalam kalangan petani yang terdedah kepada pestisid dan baja kimia di Kelantan. Kajian ini adalah kajian keratan rentas yang dilakukan di Bachok dan Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. Responden adalah seramai 113 petani yang terdedah kepada pestisid atau baja kimia tidak kurang daripada satu tahun. Subjek ditemu bual menggunakan soal selidik pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan (KAP) yang telah divalidasi untuk informasi berkaitan data demografi k. Sampel kuku dan rambut telah dianalisia dengan menggunakan kaedah pencernaan asid dan Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICPMS) untuk mendapatkan paras kromium. Hasil kajian menunjukkan 81.4% adalah petani lelaki dan 18.6% adalah perempuan. Paras kromium kuku (125.82 ± 47.81 μg/L) dan rambut (39.63 ± 5.70 μg/L) petani adalah lebih rendah berbanding julat piawai kuku (6200 μg/L) dan rambut (100-2500 μg/L). Tiada perbezaan paras kromium yang signifi kan (p > 0.05) menurut jantina, umur, glukosa darah, tempoh pendedahan pestisid dan pemakanan. Petani yang merokok menunjukkan paras kromium yang lebih rendah (p < 0.05) berbanding petani yang tidak merokok. Kesimpulannya, paras unsur kromium petani di Bachok dan Pasir Puteh adalah rendah berbanding julat normal dan petani harus berhenti merokok kerana merokok akan merendahkan paras kromium.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  12. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Oct 05;121(14):141802.
    PMID: 30339442 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.141802
    This Letter presents the results of a search for pair-produced particles of masses above 100 GeV that each decay into at least four quarks. Using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2015-2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 38.2  fb^{-1}, reconstructed particles are clustered into two large jets of similar mass, each consistent with four-parton substructure. No statistically significant excess of data over the background prediction is observed in the distribution of average jet mass. Pair-produced squarks with dominant hadronic R-parity-violating decays into four quarks and with masses between 0.10 and 0.72 TeV are excluded at 95% confidence level. Similarly, pair-produced gluinos that decay into five quarks are also excluded with masses between 0.10 and 1.41 TeV at 95% confidence level. These are the first constraints that have been placed on pair-produced particles with masses below 400 GeV that decay into four or five quarks, bridging a significant gap in the coverage of R-parity-violating supersymmetry parameter space.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  13. Aishah M, Kamarudin M, Hong J, Sethi N, Hamdan M, Tan PC
    Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM, 2024 Apr;6(4):101325.
    PMID: 38447677 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajogmf.2024.101325
    BACKGROUND: Vaginal examination to monitor labor progress is recommended at least every 4 hours, but it can cause pain and embarrassment to women. Trial data are limited on the best intensity for vaginal examination. Vaginal examination is not needed for oxytocin dose titration after an amniotomy has been performed and oxytocin infusion started. The Foley balloon commonly ripens the cervix without strong contractions. Amniotomy and oxytocin infusion are usually required to drive labor.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the first vaginal examination at 8 vs 4 hours after amniotomy-oxytocin after Foley ripening in multiparous labor induction.

    STUDY DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial was conducted from October 2021 to September 2022 at the University Malaya Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Multiparas at term were recruited at admission for labor induction. Participants were randomized to a first routine vaginal examination at 8 or 4 hours after Foley balloon ripening and amniotomy. Titrated oxytocin infusion was routinely commenced after amniotomy to initiate contractions. The 2 primary outcomes were the time from amniotomy to delivery (noninferiority hypothesis) and maternal satisfaction (superiority hypothesis). Data were analyzed using the Student t test, Mann-Whitney U test, and chi-square test (or Fisher exact test), as suitable for the data.

    RESULTS: A total of 204 women were randomized, 102 to each arm. Amniotomy to birth intervals were 4.97±2.47 hours in the 8-hour arm and 5.79±3.17 hours in the 4-hour arm (mean difference, -0.82; 97.5% confidence interval, -1.72 to 0.08; P=.041; Bonferroni correction), which were noninferior within the prespecified 2-hour upper margin, and the maternal satisfaction scores (11-point 0-10 numerical rating scale) with allocated labor care were 9 (interquartile range, 8-9) in the 8-hour arm and 8 (interquartile range, 7-9) in the 4-hour arm (P=.814). In addition, oxytocin infusion to birth interval difference was noninferior within the 97.5% confidence interval (-1.59 to 0.23) margin of 1.3 hours. Of the maternal outcomes, the amniotomy to first vaginal examination intervals were 3.9±1.8 hours in the 8-hour arm and 3.4±1.3 hours in the 4-hour arm (P=.026), and the numbers of vaginal examinations were 2.00 (interquartile range, 2.00-3.00) in the 8-hour arm and 3.00 (interquratile range, 2.00-3.25) in the 4-hour arm (P

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  14. Kee TS
    Med J Malaysia, 1975 Mar;30(3):175-9.
    PMID: 1160675
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  15. Navin Kumar Nadarajah, Nur Hardy Abu Daud
    Borneo Akademika, 2020;4(4):21-32.
    A retrospective study was carried out at one selected dairy farm located in Keningau, Sabah in order to evaluate the effect of age at first calving (AFC) on the productive performance of the
    primiparous Sahiwal x Friesian crossbred dairy cows. The retrospective data was collected from 123 Sahiwal x Friesian crossbred dairy cows. AFC was classified into 7 groups such as:
    ≤22; 23-24; 25-26; 27-28 months old; 29-30; 31-32 and >32 months old, respectively. The productive performance parameters that were evaluated consisted of the first-lactation milk
    yield, lactation length, average daily milk yield and dry period. Cows with AFC of 23-24 and 25-26 months of age showed the highest first-lactation milk yield, 7210.14± 384.84 litres and
    7053.80± 342.98 litres, respectively. Cows with AFC of 23-24 months old have also showed the longest lactation length of 410.25± 19.51 days. However, cows with AFC of 23-24 months
    of age produced the least average daily milk yield, that was about 17.62± 0.60 litres/day and cows that were calved at 29-30 months of age and >32 months of age produced the highest
    average daily milk yield, that was about 24.10± 0.94 litres/day and 24.16± 0.79 litres/day, respectively. The study showed that AFC had a significant effect on the first-lactation milk
    yield, lactation length and average daily milk yield of the Sahiwal x Friesian crossbred dairy cows (p0.05). Overall, cows with the AFC of 23-24 months old have showed the best productive performance
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  16. Tan, KC, Chuah, CY, Fong, KY, Phang, SL, Nor Azlin, M.I.
    Medicine & Health, 2007;2(2):139-145.
    Placenta praevia  is a known obstetric condition  that causes complications  to mother and fetus. This study was done to evaluate the knowledge of placenta praevia amongst the obstetric patients. A cross sectional study was carried out in Hospital Ipoh, Perak among 323 antenatal and postnatal patients. Socio-demographic parameters (ie age, race, parity, occupation, educational  level) and history of placenta praevia were studied  in relation to level of knowledge and attitude towards placenta praevia. Twenty (6.2%) from 323 women had current or past history of placenta praevia. Three had history of placenta praevia while 17 had current placenta praevia with prevalence of 5.3%. The mean score of knowledge achieved by patients was 11.8 which indicated overall poor knowledge. Occupation, level of education and history of placenta praevia were found to have a relationship with level of knowledge regarding placenta praevia in all obstetric patients. There was a significant relationship between attitude of patients with current and history of placenta praevia to level of knowledge regarding placenta praevia. (p=0.037,
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  17. Chan DP
    Med J Malaya, 1965 Sep;20(1):29-35.
    PMID: 4221408
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  18. Teoh TG
    Singapore Med J, 1997 Aug;38(8):323-5.
    PMID: 9364883
    The aim of this study was to find out the effect of learning curve on the outcome of external cephalic version (ECV) at term, using tocolytics. The effect of various factors affecting the outcome of ECV was also studied in relation to the learning curve.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  19. Hamid NA, Hong JGS, Hamdan M, Vallikkannu N, Adlan AS, Tan PC
    Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2023 Oct;229(4):443.e1-443.e9.
    PMID: 37207931 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2023.04.049
    BACKGROUND: A prolonged second stage of labor increases the risk of severe perineal laceration, postpartum hemorrhage, operative delivery, and poor Apgar score. The second stage is longer in nulliparas. Maternal pushing during the second stage of labor is an important contributor to the involuntary expulsive force developed by uterine contraction to deliver the fetus. Preliminary data indicate that visual biofeedback during the active second stage hastens birth.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate if visual feedback focusing on the perineum reduced the length of the active second stage of labor in comparison with the control.

    STUDY DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial was conducted in the University Malaya Medical Centre from December 2021 to August 2022. Nulliparous women about to commence the active second stage, at term, with singleton gestation, reassuring fetal status, and no contraindication for vaginal delivery were randomized to live viewing of the maternal introitus (intervention) or maternal face (sham/placebo control) as visual biofeedback during their pushing. A video camera Bluetooth-linked to a tablet computer display screen was used; in the intervention arm, the camera was focused on the introitus, and in the control arm, on the maternal face. Participants were instructed to watch the display screen during their pushing. The primary outcomes were the intervention-to-delivery interval and maternal satisfaction with the pushing experience assessed using a 0-to-10 visual numerical rating scale. Secondary outcomes included mode of delivery, perineal injury, delivery blood loss, birthweight, umbilical cord arterial blood pH and base excess at birth, Apgar score at 1 and 5 minutes, and neonatal intensive care unit admission. Data were analyzed with the t test, Mann-Whitney U test, chi-square test, and Fisher exact test, as appropriate.

    RESULTS: A total of 230 women were randomized (115 to intervention and 115 to control arm). The active second stage duration (intervention-to-delivery interval) was a median (interquartile range) of 16 (11-23) and 17 (12-31) minutes (P=.289), and maternal satisfaction with the pushing experience was 9 (8-10) and 7 (6-7) (P

    Matched MeSH terms: Parity
  20. Sheppard P, Snopkowski K, Sear R
    Hum Nat, 2014 Jun;25(2):213-34.
    PMID: 24610662 DOI: 10.1007/s12110-014-9195-2
    Father absence is consistently associated with children's reproductive outcomes in industrialized countries. It has been suggested that father absence acts as a cue to particular environmental conditions that influence life history strategies. Much less is known, however, about the effects of father absence on such outcomes in lower-income countries. Using data from the 1988 Malaysian Family Life Survey (n = 567), we tested the effect of father absence on daughters' age at menarche, first marriage, and first birth; parity progression rates; and desired completed family size in Malaysia, a country undergoing an economic and fertility transition. Father absence during later childhood (ages 8 to 15), although not during earlier childhood, was associated with earlier progressions to first marriage and first birth, after controlling for other confounders. Father absence does not affect age at menarche, desired family size, or progression from first to second birth. The patterns found in this transitional population partly mirror those in developed societies, where father absence accelerates reproductive events. There is, however, a notable contrast between the acceleration in menarche for father-absent girls consistently found in developed societies and the lack of any association in our findings. The mechanisms through which father absence affects reproduction may differ in different ecological contexts. In lower-income contexts, direct paternal investment or influence may be of more importance in determining reproductive behavior than whether fathers act as a cue to environmental conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parity/physiology
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