RESULTS: Using total RNA extracted from young roots as template, we performed a comparative transcriptome analysis on oil palm responding to 14d and 28d of Pi deprivation treatment and under adequate Pi supply. By using Illumina HiSeq4000 platform, RNA-Seq analysis was successfully conducted on 12 paired-end RNA-Seq libraries and generated more than 1.2 billion of clean reads in total. Transcript abundance estimated by fragments per kilobase per million fragments (FPKM) and differential expression analysis revealed 36 and 252 genes that are differentially regulated in Pi-starved roots at 14d and 28d, respectively. Genes possibly involved in regulating Pi homeostasis, nutrient uptake and transport, hormonal signaling and gene transcription were found among the differentially expressed genes.
CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that the molecular response mechanism underlying Pi starvation in oil palm is complexed and involved multilevel regulation of various sensing and signaling components. This contribution would generate valuable genomic resources in the effort to develop oil palm planting materials that possess Pi-use efficient trait through molecular manipulation and breeding programs.
METHODS AND RESULTS: This study investigates the effect of overexpressing the rice HKT1;5 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana on its tolerance to salinity and drought. The OsHKT1;5 gene was introduced into Arabidopsis under the control of 35 S promoter of CaMV via floral dip transformation method. PCR confirmed the integration of the transgene into the Arabidopsis genome, while qPCR analysis showed its expression. Three transgenic lines of OsHKT1;5 were used for stress treatment and phenotypic studies. The overexpressed lines showed considerably higher germination rates, increased leaf counts, greater fresh and dry weights of the roots and shoots, higher chlorophyll contents, longer root lengths, and reduced Na+ levels together with increased K+ ions levels after salt and drought treatments, in comparison to wild-type plants. Furthermore, overexpressed lines exhibited higher antioxidant levels than wild-type plants under salinity and drought conditions. In addition, transgenic lines showed higher expression levels of the OsHKT1;5 gene in both roots and shoots compared to wild-type plants.
CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, this study revealed OsHKT1;5 as a promising candidate for enhancing tolerance to salinity and drought stresses in rice, marking a significant step toward developing a new rice variety with improved abiotic stress tolerance.