METHODS: An online survey was conducted among surgeons and urologists identified through the St. Jude Global Online Community Asia Pacific Pediatric Surgical Collaborations Group and participants of the St. Jude-VIVA Pediatric Surgical Oncology Symposium 2024.
RESULTS: Ninety-six of 99 respondents provided replies, together representing 11 countries and 51 institutions. The majority (n = 90, 93.8%) were pediatric surgeons, with 26.7% having had subspecialty training in urology or oncology; 60% had experience managing Wilms tumors for more than 5 years, though 64% performed less than three nephrectomies per year. A chemotherapy-first approach was specified by 31% of institutions, but employed by 40% of respondents in actual practice. Of those who practiced a chemotherapy-first approach, 44.8% did so without an initial biopsy. Notably, 38% of respondents and 55% of institutions did not adhere to a consistent protocol. Lymph node biopsy practices varied widely, with only 40.6% sampling routinely and 56.3% had ever experienced a tumor rupture during nephrectomy. Most (90%) perceived that Wilms tumors comprised 90% of all renal tumors in Asian children-contrary to known demographic data.
CONCLUSION: There is substantial variation in the upfront surgical management of renal tumors in Asia Pacific LMICs. Considering the unique epidemiology of renal tumors in Asians and limited surgical capabilities, there is a great need for regional collaboration to better standardize the initial surgical management approach.
METHODS: Meeting records from September 2013 till June 2021 were reviewed. Detailed minutes were available starting August 2016; case data were analyzed including diagnoses, purpose of presentation and recommendations. A 38-item survey assessing perception of benefits, challenges, and opportunities of the forum was distributed to members of the POEM group and results analyzed.
RESULTS: A total of 140 cases were presented from 14 countries. After August 2016, 67 cases were presented, and those were analyzed regarding reasons for discussion, barriers, and recommendations. Details are presented in this report, and the most common challenges identified were related to histopathologic/molecular diagnosis (24%), imaging interpretation (18%), resource limitations (12%), and surgical difficulties (9%). A survey was distributed to all POEM members in 28 countries, and 76 responded. The main benefit reported was the provision of recommendations regarding treatment and evaluation, while the main challenges reported were time zone difference and workload. Recognized opportunities included conducting regionally relevant research studies based on clinical problems identified during discussions, and setting guidelines for resource-adapted treatment regimens.
CONCLUSIONS: The POEM CDF identified areas for multi-institutional regional studies and led to a twinning project between two centers in the region for improving diagnostic infrastructure. Such forums can identify specific resource limitations in pediatric cancer and direct efforts for targeted capacity building.