DESIGN: A cross-sectional design study.
METHODS: A convenience sampling method was used to enrol participants of childbearing age who visited two tertiary hospitals in Hang zhou, a city in eastern China, from June 2021 to March 2022. We conducted a face-to-face questionnaire survey with 520 participants and calculated the prevalence of intention-related factors. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyse the independent influencing factors of fertility intention.
RESULTS: In total, 105 (20.2%) participants had the intention to have a third child. The results showed that 'employment status', 'age', 'reasons for wanting a third child', the considered 'biggest barrier to having a third child', 'views on the three-child policy', 'desired free services', 'supporting work policies' and 'assistance policies' were significant independent influencing factors of intention to have a third child (p-value