To assess the effects of environmental changes on phytoplankton community structure in a mangrove ecosystem, phytoplankton distribution in Matang mangrove, Malaysia was examined. Phytoplankton and water samples, and in situ environmental parameters from three estuaries with differing levels of disturbance were examined monthly for one year. Two species, Cyclotella choctawhatcheeana and Skeletonema costatum, were dominant in the least disturbed and moderately disturbed areas, respectively. Skeletonema costatum was also the most dominant in the most disturbed area. Significant differences in phytoplankton density and biodiversity between the least and most disturbed areas were also observed. Principle component 1 (salinity, conductivity, total solids/water transparency and nitrogenous compounds) and PC2 (dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature) explained 60.4% of the total variance. This study illustrated that changes in phytoplankton community structure in Matang mangrove estuaries were significantly correlated with environmental parameters which were in turn influenced by ecosystem disturbance levels as well as seasonal changes.
Currently, the available indices to measure mangrove health are not comprehensive. An integrative ecological-socio economic index could give a better picture of the mangrove ecosystem health. This method explored all key biological, hydrological, ecological and socio-economic variables to form a comprehensive mangrove quality index. A total of 10 out of 43 variables were selected based on principal component analysis (PCA). They are aboveground biomass, crab abundance, soil carbon, soil nitrogen, number of phytoplankton species, number of diatom species, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, education level and fishing time spent by fishers. Two types of indices were successfully developed to indicate the health status viz., (1) Mangrove quality index for a specific category (MQISi ) and, (2) Overall mangrove quality index (MQI) to reflect the overall health status of the ecosystem. The indices for the five different categories were mangrove biotic integrity index ( M Q I S 1 ), mangrove soil index ( M Q I S 2 ), marine-mangrove index ( M Q I S 3 ), mangrove-hydrology index ( M Q I S 4 ) and mangrove socio-economic index ( M Q I S 5 ). The quality of the mangroves was classified from 1 to 5 viz. 1 (worst), 2 (bad), 3 (moderate), 4 (good), 5 (excellent). These MQI class could reflect the quality of mangrove forest which could be managed with the objective of improving its quality. Advantages of this method include: •PCA to select metrics from ecological-socioeconomic variables•Formulation of MQI based on selected metrics•Comprehensive index to classify mangrove ecosystem health.