METHODS: Following a single day capacity building program on smokeless tobacco / areca nut control, two self-administered questionnaires were used to assess the improvement of knowledge and change of attitudes among 663 GDPs.
RESULTS: Majority had a good knowledge on harmful effects of SLT but not on areca nut. Knowledge of the current legislation on SLT control in Sri Lanka and carcinogenicity of areca nut was not satisfactory. Almost all agreed that proper counseling leads to patient quitting the habit, a formal training is necessary to conduct tobacco control activities and it should be a part of the regular treatment modalities. More than 80% of the participants support strict legislation. Most important factors leading to poor involvement in tobacco cessation activities were lack of expertise and inadequate educational material and not breach of patient privacy and lack of financial incentives. 20.1% dental surgeons had consumed smokeless tobacco / areca nut products in the past and only a few were current users of tobacco and/or areca nut.
CONCLUSIONS: Well planned workshops are efficient in improving knowledge, practices and attitudes of dental surgeons towards SLT/AN cessation.
METHODS: This study was conducted on 83 cases of known OSCCs and OPMDs (oral submucous fibrosis, leukoplakia, and oral lichen planus). Assays, such as polymerized chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription-PCR, were carried out for HPV and p16 . The results were compared with clinical information and with the literature. The results were analyzed using SPSS 16.0 for windows.
RESULTS: P16 expression was mostly seen in males than in female patients. Out of 21 cases of keratosis with dysplasia, 19% expressed p16 . Of 26 oral lichen planus patients, 29% showed the p16 gene with immunohistochemistry. Interestingly, a high percentage of OSF cases expressed p16 (48.27%). Minimal expression was observed in OSCC (6.25%). HPV DNA was detected in 2.4% of the total sample. Both p16 and HPV were detected in a single case of OSCC. OPMDs expressed a significant amount of the p16 gene by immunohistochemistry and reverse transcription-PCR technique when compared with malignant lesions, suggesting a possible inactivation of the p16 gene. HPV and p16 are mostly negative in our OSCC sample, exhibiting low prevalence.
CONCLUSIONS: OPMDs expressed a significant amount of the p16 gene when compared with malignant lesions, suggesting a possible inactivation of the p16 gene. Although OSF expressed p16 , HPV was not detected, suggesting that over-expression could be independent of HPV. OSCC shows low HPV prevalence.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We developed a web-interface, hosted on a web server to collect oral lesions images from international partners. Further, we developed a customised annotation tool, also a web-interface for systematic annotation of images to build a rich clinically labelled dataset. We evaluated the sensitivities comparing referral decisions through the annotation process with the clinical diagnosis of the lesions.
RESULTS: The image repository hosts 2474 images of oral lesions consisting of oral cancer, oral potentially malignant disorders and other oral lesions that were collected through MeMoSA® UPLOAD. Eight-hundred images were annotated by seven oral medicine specialists on MeMoSA® ANNOTATE, to mark the lesion and to collect clinical labels. The sensitivity in referral decision for all lesions that required a referral for cancer management/surveillance was moderate to high depending on the type of lesion (64.3%-100%).
CONCLUSION: This is the first description of a database with clinically labelled oral lesions. This database could accelerate the improvement of AI algorithms that can promote the early detection of high-risk oral lesions.
METHODS: A mixed-methods approach was employed triangulating findings from a survey and focus groups. The survey was conducted among seven representative members of the Asia Pacific Oral Cancer Network (APOCNET) across six countries. Focus groups were conducted to gain deeper insights into the findings of the survey.
RESULTS: The identified barriers were a lack of national cancer control strategies and cancer registries and the limited availability of trained health care professionals. Overcoming these challenges in the Asia Pacific region where resources are scarce will require collaborative partnerships in data collection and novel approaches for continuous professional training including eLearning. Further, to overcome the lack of trained health care professionals, innovative approaches to the management of oral potentially malignant lesions and oral cancer including telemedicine were suggested.
CONCLUSION: The findings of this study should be taken into account when charting national cancer control plans for oral cancer and will form the basis for future collaborative studies in evaluating effective measures to improve oral cancer detection and management in low- and middle-income countries.