Displaying 1 publication

  1. Che Ghazali K, Mazian HA, Keat KC, Kai MWP, Md Hashim MN, Zakaria AD, et al.
    J Surg Case Rep, 2019 Feb;2019(2):rjy345.
    PMID: 30788087 DOI: 10.1093/jscr/rjy345
    Natural history of abdominal wall soft tissue sarcoma is still poorly understood due to its rarity. In unpublished data of our institution, only seven cases of abdominal wall soft sarcoma with ICD-10 coding of 49.4 were found for past 10 years. We illustrate a case of juvenile fibrosarcoma of anterior abdominal wall. This is a case of young girl with anterior abdominal wall tumour, underwent wide local excision with immediate reconstruction. There are few options of surgical treatment for this case, but which is the best. It is always a challenge in managing young patient with giant abdominal wall defect in view of long term effect namely weakened abdominal wall, pregnancy related issue and risk of herniation and surgical site recurrence as well.
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