METHODS: Samples of 54 Wistar rats were divided into six groups: C- control group without treatment; C + wounded group without treatment; TB wound group with Povidone-iodine treatment; TD wounded group with doxycycline treatment; TLB wounded group with 403 nm diode laser treatment; and TLR wounded group with 649 nm diode laser treatment. Mandibular samples were observed for the number of lymphocytes and fibroblasts cells, new blood vessels formation, Interleukin 1β, and Collagen 1α expression level.
RESULTS: Based on the histopathological test results, red laser diode treatment significantly increased the number of lymphocyte, fibroblast cells and the formation of new blood vessels. Meanwhile, immunohistochemical tests showed an increase in the expression of the Colagen-1α protein which plays a role in the formation of collagen for new tissues formation after damage, as well as a decrease in Interleukin-1β expression level. Blue laser is also able to show a positive effect on wound healing even though its penetration level into the tissue is lower compared to red laser.
CONCLUSION: The red diode laser 649 nm has been shown to accelerate the process of proliferation in wound healing post molar extraction based on histopathological and immunohistochemical test results.