Enteroenteric intussusception is a condition in which the full-thickness bowel wall becomes telescoped into the lumen of distal bowel. Intussusception in adult occurs infrequently and varies from childhood intussusception, particularly in its presentation, aetiology and treatment. Duodenoduodenal intussusception is rare because the duodenum is fixed in the retroperitoneal position. It usually occurs secondary to tumour, lipoma, Brunner's gland hamartomatous polyp or adenoma. The diagnosis in adults is usually made at laparotomy, where presentation is with intestinal obstruction. In non-emergency presentation, it may be difficult to arrive at an accurate diagnosis as symptoms may be vague, self-limiting intermittent abdominal pain. Clinical examinations and investigations may not be conclusive and another working diagnosis such as irritable bowel syndrome would be made. We describe a case where a patient initially presented with symptoms mimicking pancreatitis but his symptoms persisted over the course of 2 weeks. When a laparotomy was performed, duodenoduodenal intussusception was discovered and confirmed with histopathology. In this case, a discernible leading point could not be identified.
Hypertension remains the leading modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease worldwide. Over the past 30 years, the prevalence of hypertension has been increasing in East and Southeast Asia to a greater extent as compared with other Western countries. Asians with hypertension have unique characteristics. This can be attributed to increased impact of obesity on Asians with hypertension, excessive salt intake and increased salt sensitivity, loss of diurnal rhythm in blood pressure and primary aldosteronism. The impact of hypertension on cardiovascular (particularly strokes) and chronic kidney disease is greater in Asians. These unique characteristics underpinned by the diverse socioeconomic backgrounds pose its own challenges in the diagnosis and management of hypertension in Asia.