The potential of selected materials in treating metal-rich acid mine drainage (AMD) has been investigated in a series of batch experiment. The efficiencies of both single and mixed substrates under two conditions i.e. low- and high-concentration solutions containing heavy metals were evaluated. Synthetic metal-containing AMD was used in the experiments treated using spent mushroom compost (SMC), ochre, steel slag (SS), and limestone. Different ratios of treatment materials were incorporated in the substrate mix and were tested in an anoxic condition. In the batch test, physicochemical parameters (pH, redox potential, total dissolved solids, conductivity, and Ca concentration) and heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, and Al) were analysed. The mixed substrates have shown satisfactory performance in increasing pH with increasing Ca concentration and removing metals. It has been found that SS and ochre played an important role in the treatment of AMD. The results showed that the mixed substrates SM1 (i.e. 10% SMC mixed with 20% ochre, 30% steel slag, and 40% limestone) and SM2 (i.e. 20% SMC mixed with 30% ochre, 40% steel slag, and 10% limestone) were effective in increasing the pH from as low as 3.5-8.09, and removing heavy metals with more than 90% removal efficiencies.
This paper attempts to evaluate the mineralogical and chemical composition of sedimentary limestone mine waste alongside its mineral carbonation potential. The limestone mine wastes were recovered as the waste materials after mining and crushing processes and were analyzed for mineral, major and trace metal elements. The major mineral composition discovered was calcite (CaCO3) and dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2], alongside other minerals such as bustamite [(Ca,Mn)SiO3] and akermanite (Ca2MgSi2O7). Calcium oxide constituted the greatest composition of major oxide components of between 72 and 82%. The presence of CaO facilitated the transformation of carbon dioxide into carbonate form, suggesting potential mineral carbonation of the mine waste material. Geochemical assessment indicated that mean metal(loid) concentrations were found in the order of Al > Fe > Sr > Pb > Mn > Zn > As > Cd > Cu > Ni > Cr > Co in which Cd, Pb and As exceeded some regulatory guideline values. Ecological risk assessment demonstrated that the mine wastes were majorly influenced by Cd as being classified having moderate risk. Geochemical indices depicted that Cd was moderately accumulated and highly enriched in some of the mine waste deposited areas. In conclusion, the limestone mine waste material has the potential for sequestering CO2; however, the presence of some trace metals could be another important aspect that needs to be considered. Therefore, it has been shown that limestone mine waste can be regarded as a valuable feedstock for mineral carbonation process. Despite this, the presence of metal(loid) elements should be of another concern to minimize potential ecological implication due to recovery of this waste material.