Two isolates of brown root disease fungi were obtained from diseased roots of sentang (Azadirachta excelsa). Morphological characters from macroscopic and microscopic studies suggested that both isolates were from the same genus namely Phellinus noxius and Phellinus sp. Cloning and sequencing of ITS region were conducted to investigate further the variation between the two species at
molecular level. PCR-amplified ITS regions were cloned in pCR2.1 and sequenced. DNA sequences sized 723bp and 710bp were obtained for Phellinus noxius and Phellinus sp respectively. Comparison between the two sequences showed 98% similarity where three nucleotide substitutions and three insertion/deletion regions were found sized 8bp, 2bp and 3bp respectively.
A field survey of Virgin Jungle Reserve (VJR) compartments in Peninsular Malaysia allowed us to identify six populations of Intsia palembanica for this study. These were Pasoh Forest Reserve (FR) (Pasoh), Sungai Lalang FR (Lalang), Bukit Lagong FR (Lagong), Bubu FR (Bubu), Bukit Kinta FR (Kinta), and Bukit Perangin FR (Perangin). About 40 adult individuals were sampled in each population. In addition, progeny arrays were collected from nine mother plants at Lagong for a mating system study. A total of nine allozymes, encoded by 14 putative gene loci, were consistently resolved in I. palembanica. The mating system study showed that the species exhibited a mixed-mating system, with multilocus outcrossing rate of 0.766. The levels of diversity were comparably high (mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus = 2.4, mean effective number of alleles per polymorphic locus = 1.64, and mean expected heterozygosity (H(e)) = 0.242), and the majority of the diversity was partitioned within population (G(ST) = 0.040 and F(ST) = 0.048). Significant levels of inbreeding were detected in Bubu and Perangin. Probability tests of recent effective population size reduction using the Infinite Allele Model showed the occurrence of genetic bottlenecks on Lalang and Kinta. Two genetically unique populations (Pasoh and Perangin) were inferred using jackknife analysis. By using the neutral mutation rates, effective population size (N(e)) to maintain the H(e) was 80-800 000 individuals. A simulation study based on pooled samples, however, circumscribed the N(e) to 200 and 210 individuals. Implications of the study for managing the species and the VJRs are discussed.