Despite the recent developments in modern cataract surgery and the application of a vast array of new devices and machines, late in-the-bag intraocular lens dislocation remains a devastating, albeit rare, complication. Various nonsurgical and surgical techniques have been used to manage this complication. We report a case of spontaneous repositioning in the left eye of an anteriorly subluxated in-the-bag intraocular lens. The spontaneous repositioning may have been caused by antagonistic effects related to the topical administration of brimonidine and prednisolone. The dislocation was treated without aggressive manipulation or surgical intervention.
Septic cavernous sinus thrombosis is a rare but often debilitating and potentially fatal disease. We describe a case of bilateral orbital cellulitis with rapidly progressing cavernous sinus thrombosis and left sigmoidal sinus thrombosis in an immunocompetent 20-year-old military man who had undergone intensive physical training. The patient presented with rapid painful swollen left eye for 2 days. The examination results were gross proptosis with total ophthalmoplegia. He was treated with intravenous antibiotics and corticosteroid. At 1 week, visual acuity improved to 20/20 OU, with a normal intraocular pressure. There was a significant improvement in proptosis. The ocular motility of the right eye was fully restored, with slight residual ophthalmoplegia in the left eye. There was no residual illness or recurrence of illness at 3 months' follow-up.