Displaying 1 publication

  1. Tan SH, Chong AW, Nazarina AR, Prepageran N
    Otolaryngol Pol, 2014 Sep-Oct;68(5):268-70.
    PMID: 25283325 DOI: 10.1016/j.otpol.2013.09.003
    We describe a rare case of BSCC in the retromolar trigone with only 3 other cases in the literature and also compare the differences between 2 cases of BSCC in terms of presentation and progression. The first patient had a markedly slower progression with painful retromolar trigone swelling over 4 months without nodal metastases. In contrast, the second patient gave a 2-week history of neck swelling with nodal involvement, indicating extremely rapid progression. Our management was tailored accordingly with the first patient undergoing intraoral excision of tumour and adjuvant radiotherapy while the other had bilateral neck dissection with postoperative chemoradiotherapy. Both patients achieved good outcome and are free from disease.
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