Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Ooi SE, Sarpan N, Abdul Aziz N, Nuraziyan A, Ong-Abdullah M
    Plant Reprod, 2019 06;32(2):167-179.
    PMID: 30467592 DOI: 10.1007/s00497-018-0350-5
    KEY MESSAGE: Transcriptomes generated by laser capture microdissected abnormal staminodes revealed adoption of carpel programming during organ initiation with decreased expression of numerousHSPs,EgDEF1, EgGLO1but increasedLEAFYexpression. The abnormal mantled phenotype in oil palm involves a feminization of the male staminodes into pseudocarpels in pistillate inflorescences. Previous studies on oil palm flowering utilized entire inflorescences or spikelets, which comprised not only the male and female floral organs, but the surrounding tissues as well. Laser capture microdissection coupled with RNA sequencing was conducted to investigate the specific transcriptomes of male and female floral organs from normal and mantled female inflorescences. A higher number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified in abnormal versus normal male organs compared with abnormal versus normal female organs. In addition, the abnormal male organ transcriptome closely mimics the transcriptome of abnormal female organ. While the transcriptome of abnormal female organ was relatively similar to the normal female organ, a substantial amount of female DEGs encode HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN genes (HSPs). A similar high amount (20%) of male DEGs encode HSPs as well. As these genes exhibited decreased expression in abnormal floral organs, mantled floral organ development may be associated with lower stress indicators. Stamen identity genes EgDEF1 and EgGLO1 were the main floral regulatory genes with decreased expression in abnormal male organs or pseudocarpel initials. Expression of several floral transcription factors was elevated in pseudocarpel initials, notably LEAFY, FIL and DL orthologs, substantiating the carpel specification programming of abnormal staminodes. Specific transcriptomes thus obtained through this approach revealed a host of differentially regulated genes in pseudocarpel initials compared to normal male staminodes.
  2. Yao Y, Fu W, Yu Y, Wan S, Zhang W, Ming R
    Plant Reprod, 2024 Sep;37(3):295-308.
    PMID: 37966580 DOI: 10.1007/s00497-023-00486-3
    Papaya is a tropical fruit crop renowned for its rich nutrition, particularly pro-vitamin A. Aroma substances are a major component of fruit quality. While extensive research has been conducted on papaya aroma, there has been a notable lack of in-depth research into a specific class of substances. To bridge this gap, our study focused on analyzing the aroma components of various papaya varieties and their biosynthesis pathways. We compared the volatile components of three papaya varieties with distinct flavors at various ripeness stages. A continuous accumulation of linalool, a volatile compound, in the 'AU9' fruit was detected as it matured. The linalool content reached 56% of the total volatile components upon full ripening. Notably, this percentage was significantly higher than that observed in the other two varieties, 'ZhongBai' and 'Malaysian 7', indicating that linalool serves as the primary component influencing the papaya's odor. Subsequently, we identified CpTPS18, a gene associated with linalool biosynthesis, and demonstrated its ability to catalyze linalool production from GPP and enhance its accumulation through overexpression in papaya fruits, both in vivo and in vitro. Based on transcriptomic analysis, it was predicted that CpMYB56 and CpNAC56 may transcriptionally activate the expression of CpTPS18. Subsequent yeast one-hybrid assay and dual luciferase analysis revealed that CpNAC56 activates the transcription of CpTPS18. Transient overexpression in vivo demonstrated that this gene could upregulate the expression of CpTPS18 and promote linalool accumulation. These results uncovered the primary volatile molecule responsible for papaya fruit odor and identified two major genes influencing its biosynthesis. The genomic resources and information obtained from this study will expedite papaya improvement for fruit quality.
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