Most of Asian Countries are still developing. Hence there are constraints in cancer treatment. There are those countries with fully equipped and fully distributed like western world such as Japan, Korea and Singapore. Other with some comprehensive cancer centers but confine to only big cities with poor coverage of the population resulting in a lot of late cases of cancer patients seen. Such countries are Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri-Lanka, Thailand and etc. Still a lot of countries have no facilities to cope with cancer patients such as Brunei, Kampuchea, Laos, Nepal, Vietnam and etc. International collaboration and supports are needed.
The Malaysian Telemedicine initiative advocates a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery patterns by way of implementing a person-centred and wellness-focused healthcare system. This paper introduces the Malaysian Telemedicine vision, its functionality and associated operational conditions. In particular, we focus on the conceptualisation of one key Telemedicine component i.e. the Lifetime Health Plan (LHP) system--a distributed multimodule application for the periodic monitoring and generation of health-care advisories for all Malaysians. In line with the LHP project, we present an innovative healthcare delivery info-structure--LifePlan--that aims to provide life-long, pro-active, personalised, wellness-oriented healthcare services to assist individuals to manage and interpret their health needs. Functionally, LifePlan based healthcare services are delivered over the WWW, packaged as Personalised Lifetime Health Plans that allow individuals to both monitor their health status and to guide them in healthcare planning.