In this study, the depth of cure of composite resins cured within simulated root canals by means of light-transmitting plastic posts was compared to that achieved by the conventional light-curing method. Six sizes of posts with diameters of 1.05 mm, 1.20 mm, 1.35 mm, 1.50 mm, 1.65 mm, and 1.80 mm were investigated. In general, the larger the post diameter, the greater was the depth of cure. There were significant differences in the depth of cure between the control and all sizes of posts investigated. There were also significant differences between the various post diameters except for the 1.35 mm and 1.50 mm diameter posts. It was possible to achieve a depth of cure exceeding 11 mm using these light-transmitting posts.
This article presents an alternative to the conventional swing-lock de sign of removable partial denture construction. It incorporates the principles of sectional dentures as well as the swing-lock concept and overcomes some of the limitations of conventional swing-lock dentures. I-bar struts and stainless steel keepers form part of the first section of the denture. The second part of the denture consists of the denture base with the artificial teeth and magnetic retention units. This system has been used successfully in a number of patients whose situations were suitable for the conventional swing-lock design.