METHODS: The interaction and accumulation of Ag NPs on A. platensis were examined through Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The loss in biomass together with the macromolecules, pigments, and phenolic compounds of A. platensis was investigated upon treating with various concentrations of Ag NPs (5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 µg/mL) for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h.
RESULTS: The results showed that the treatment of A. platensis with Ag NPs caused a dose and time-dependent reduction in biomass, macronutrients, pigments and phenolic compounds. The highest detrimental effects were found at 96 h with the reported values of 65.71 ± 2.79%, 67.21 ± 3.98%, 48.99 ± 4.39% and 59.62 ± 3.96% reduction in biomass, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, respectively, along with 82.99 ± 7.81%, 67.55 ± 2.63%, 75.03 ± 1.55%, and 63.43 ± 2.89% loss in chlorophyll-a, carotenoids, C-phycocyanin, and total phenolic compounds of A. platensis for 100 µg/mL of Ag NPs. The EDX analysis confirmed the surface accumulation of Ag NPs on Arthrospira cells, while SEM images evidenced the surface alterations and damage of the treated cells. The functional groups such as hydroxyl, amine, methyl, amide I, amide II, carboxyl, carbonyl and phosphate groups from the cell wall of the A. platensis were identified to be possibly involved in the interaction of Ag NPs with A. platensis.
CONCLUSION: The study confirmed that the exposure of Ag NPs is detrimental to A. platensis where the interaction and accumulation of Ag NPs on A. platensis caused reduction in biomass, macromolecules, pigments, and total phenolic compounds.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: All the information for CYP1B1 missense variants was retrieved from the dbSNP database. Seven different tools, namely: SIFT, PolyPhen-2, PROVEAN, SNAP2, PANTHER, PhD-SNP, and Predict-SNP, were used for functional annotation, and two packages, which were I-Mutant 2.0 and MUpro, were used to predict the effect of the variants on protein stability. A phylogenetic conservation analysis using deleterious variants was performed by the ConSurf server. The 3D structures of the wild-type and mutants were generated using the I-TASSER tool, and a 50 ns molecular dynamic simulation (MDS) was executed using the GROMACS webserver to determine the stability of mutants compared to the native protein. Co-expression, protein-protein interaction (PPI), gene ontology (GO), and pathway analyses were additionally performed for the CYP1B1 in-depth study.
RESULTS: All the retrieved data from the dbSNP database was subjected to functional, structural, and phylogenetic analysis. From the conducted analyses, a total of 19 high-risk variants (P52L, G61E, G90R, P118L, E173K, D291G, Y349D, G365W, G365R, R368H, R368C, D374N, N423Y, D430E, P442A, R444Q, F445L, R469W, and C470Y) were screened out that were considered to be deleterious to the CYP1B1 gene. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that the majority of the variants occurred in highly conserved regions. The MD simulation analysis exhibited that all mutants' average root mean square deviation (RMSD) values were higher compared to the wild-type protein, which could potentially cause CYP1B1 protein dysfunction, leading to the severity of the disease. Moreover, it has been discovered that CYP1A1, VCAN, HSD17B1, HSD17B2, and AKR1C3 are highly co-expressed and interact with CYP1B1. Besides, the CYP1B1 protein is primarily involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics, chemical carcinogenesis, the retinal metabolic process, and steroid hormone biosynthesis pathways, demonstrating its multifaceted and important roles.
DISCUSSION: This is the first comprehensive study that adds essential information to the ongoing efforts to understand the crucial role of genetic signatures in the development of PCG and will be useful for more targeted gene-disease association studies.
METHODS: This study investigated the effects of two different training interventions based on individualized load velocity profiles (LVP) on maximal bench press strength (i.e., 1RM), maximum throwing velocity (TV), and skeletal muscle mass (SKMM). Twenty-two university handball players were randomly assigned to Group 1 (low-movement speed training) or Group 2 (high-movement speed training). Group 1 exercised with a bar speed of 0.75-0.96 m/s, which corresponds to a resistance of approximately 60% 1RM, whereas Group 2 trained at 1.03-1.20 m/s, corresponding to a resistance of approximately 40% 1RM. Both groups exercised three times a week for five weeks, with strength and throwing tests performed at baseline and post-intervention.
RESULTS: A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was applied, and the results showed the interaction between group and time was not statistically significant for SKMM (p = 0.537), 1RM (p = 0.883), or TV (p = 0.774). However, both groups significantly improved after the five weeks of training: SKMM (3.1% and 3.5%, p
METHODS: A case-control study was conducted involving smokers aged 18 years and older from health clinics in Bachok Kelantan, Malaysia. Data were collected via face-to-face interviews or telephone calls from 159 participants, randomly selected from outpatient TB records. Simple and multiple logistic regression, using R software, were used to identify the determinants of TB.
RESULTS: Most participants were male (59.1%) and had a secondary education (56.0%). Active smokers constituted 35.2% of the group, and the mean (SD) duration of exposure to smoking was 23.9 (16.47) and 18.4 (12.84) years for the case and control groups, respectively. Being an ex-smoker (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 6.17; 95% CI [1.55-28.32]; p = 0.013), weight loss (AOR 13.45; 95% CI [4.58-44.46]; p
METHODS: This review was performed following the PRISMA guidelines. A systematic search of the study was conducted by retrieving articles from the electronic databases PubMed and Web of Science to identify articles focussed on gene expression and approaches for osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation.
RESULTS: Six articles were included in this review; there were original articles of in vitro human stem cell differentiation into osteoblasts and osteoclasts that involved gene expression profiling. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was the most used technique for gene expression to detect differentiated human osteoblasts and osteoclasts. A total of 16 genes were found to be related to differentiating osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation.
CONCLUSION: Qualitative information of gene expression provided by qPCR could become a standard technique to analyse the differentiation of human stem cells into osteoblasts and osteoclasts rather than evaluating relative gene expression. RUNX2 and CTSK could be applied to detect osteoblasts and osteoclasts, respectively, while RANKL could be applied to detect both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. This review provides future researchers with a central source of relevant information on the vast variety of gene expression approaches in analysing the differentiation of human osteoblast and osteoclast cells. In addition, these findings should enable researchers to conduct accurately and efficiently studies involving isolated human stem cell differentiation into osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
METHODS: This study is a multicentral study conducted at Somali International University, Horn of Africa University, and Daha International University. A total of 1,189 respondents were asked to answer the online questionnaire provided via a link shared using their social media.
RESULTS: After COVID-19 restrictions approximately ≥ 150 minutes of PA per week was reported by 500 men (97.3%) and 652 women (96.6%) at work. While 7 (1.4%) of men and 20 (3%) of women participate in < 150 minutes each week, respectively. Furthermore, only seven (1.4%) of males and three (0.4%) of women reported to have not performed any PA at work.
CONCLUSION: The majority of the undergraduate students at the selected universities in Mogadishu were physically active after the relaxation of COVID-19 rules in Somalia. Such a high level of PA is a significant advantage to public health.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in ten different dental hospitals of Pakistan. The one-way ANOVA test was used to analyze patient's demographic distribution with PSR-OHS and oral functions. The complex sample general linear model was used to determine association between clinical OH and PSR-OHS. Analyses of each age group were conducted separately.
RESULTS: A total of 1,804 outdoor patients participated in the study, out of which 660 were young adults, 685 adults and 459 were older adults. Overall self-perception of all age groups about their oral health was 'good' (mean = 3.71). Female gender and education status were a significant factor in young adults and adults. Family income affected PSR-OHS of only the adult age group. Frequent visit to dental clinic and preventive reason of dental attendance were associated with good PSR-OHS. DMFT score, prosthesis score and periodontal score also affected the PSR-OHS of individuals. Association between PSR-OHS and clinical examination was confirmed by complex general linear model.
CONCLUSION: There are differences in the perceived oral health status of young adults, adults and older adults. The variables, age, education, family income, DMFT score, prosthesis score and periodontal score directly influence the self-perception of individuals.
METHODS: Two parental E. guineensis individuals and 23 of their F1 progenies were collected and sequenced using the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technique on the Illumina platform. Chloroplast genomes were assembled de novo from the cleaned raw reads and aligned to check for variations. The sequences were compared and analyzed with programming language scripting and relevant bioinformatic softwares. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were determined from the chloroplast genome.
RESULTS: The chloroplast genome assembly resulted in 156,983 bp, 156,988 bp, 156,982 bp, and 156,984 bp. The gene content and arrangements were consistent with the reference genome published in the GenBank database. Seventy-eight SSRs were detected in the chloroplast genome, with most located in the intergenic spacer region.The chloroplast genomes of 17 F1 progenies were exact copies of the maternal parent, while six individuals showed a single variation in the sequence. Despite the significant variation displayed by the male parent, all the nucleotide variations were synonymous. This study show highly conserve gene content and sequence in Elaeis guineensis chloroplast genomes. Maternal inheritance of chloroplast genome among F1 progenies are robust with a low possibility of mutations over generations. The findings in this study can enlighten inheritance pattern of Elaeis guineensis chloroplast genome especially among crops' scientists who consider using chloroplast genome for agronomic trait modifications.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved dental students at four public universities in Malaysia. A validated Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire was used to assess their sleep quality. An additional self-administered questionnaire was employed to obtain the students' sociodemographic profile, lifestyle, and academic performance. The data were analysed using descriptive, chi-square, and multiple logistic regression.
RESULTS: Three hundred eighty-four dental students participated in this study. About half of the dental students (51.6%) have poor sleep quality. The mean of sleep hours per night was 5.72 (SD 1.06). The sleep quality was significantly poor among Malay students (P = 0.023), students who stayed at hostel (P = 0.002), and those who consumed caffeinated drinks (P = 0.028). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that the poor sleep quality was significantly associated with self-perceived poor academic performance (Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) 2.95, 95% CI [1.25-6.96], P-value = 0.013) and students skipping class (AOR 1.70, 95% CI [1.00-2.91], P-value = 0.046).
CONCLUSIONS: Most of the dental students in Malaysia have poor sleep quality. Ethnicity, accommodation, and caffeine consumption were significantly associated with sleep quality. Awareness to sleep quality among dental students is needed to ensure they are able to cope with the challenging dental school learning environment.
METHOD: A cross-sectional self-administered online survey was conducted among students aged 13-17 from May 15th, 2021, until May 30th, 2021, using the Malay version of the Internet Addiction Test (MVIAT), the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21), and the Coronavirus Impacts Questionnaires, as well as a sociodemographic information form. The data was analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics version 23.
RESULTS: A total of 420 adolescents participated in the survey. The majority of them (70.7%) were female, with a mean age of 15.47 years (±1.49 years old). About 45.5% of the respondents were classified as internet addicted users. The Chi-square test analysis showed that age (p = 0.002), smartphone usage (p = 0.010), rate of midnight use (p
METHODS: The study adopted a cross-sectional design with purposive sampling. Participants who consented and met the criteria for bloating based on the Rome IV classification completed designated questionnaires. Independent variables comprised health beliefs, intentions, health-promoting behaviors, social support, depression, and anxiety, while dependent variables included bloating severity (general and within 24 h) and QoL. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was conducted utilizing Mplus 8.0 to analyze the relationships between these factors.
RESULTS: A total of 323 participants, with a mean age of 27.69 years (SD = 11.50), predominantly females (64.7%), volunteered to participate in the study. The final SEM model exhibited good fit based on various indices (CFI = 0.922, SRMR = 0.064, RMSEA (95% CI) = 0.048 (0.041-0.054), p-value = 0.714), with 15 significant path relationships identified. The model explained 12.0% of the variance in severity within 24 h, 6% in general severity, and 53.8% in QoL.
CONCLUSION: The findings underscore the significant influence of health beliefs, intentions, behaviors, social support, depression, and anxiety on symptom severity and QoL in individuals experiencing abdominal bloating.
METHODS: We hypothesized that introducing a group VII ERF transcription factor in Arabidopsis could enhance waterlogging stress tolerance. To test this hypothesis, we isolated MaERFVII3 from banana roots, where it exhibited a significant induction in response to waterlogging stress. The isolated MaERFVII3 was introduced into Arabidopsis plants for functional gene studies.
RESULTS: Compared with wild-type plants, the MaERFVII3-expressing Arabidopsis showed increased survival and biomass under waterlogging stress. Furthermore, the abundance of transcripts related to waterlogging and hypoxia response showed an elevation in transgenic plants but a decrease in wild-type and empty vector plants when exposed to waterlogging stress. Our results demonstrate the significant contribution of MaERFVII3 to waterlogging tolerance in Arabidopsis, providing baseline data for further exploration and potentially contributing to crop improvement programs.
METHODS: A rapid, sensitive and specific real-time reverse transcription LAMP (RT-LAMP) assay was developed for SARS-CoV-2 detection.
RESULTS: This assay detected one copy/reaction of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in 30 min. Both the clinical sensitivity and specificity of this assay were 100%. The RT-LAMP showed comparable performance with RT-qPCR. Combining simplicity and cost-effectiveness, this assay is therefore recommended for use in resource resource-limited settings.