Displaying publications 301 - 320 of 398 in total

  1. Ravee R, Mohd Salleh F', Goh HH
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e4914.
    PMID: 29888132 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4914
    BACKGROUND: Carnivorous plants have been fascinating researchers with their unique characters and bioinspired applications. These include medicinal trait of some carnivorous plants with potentials for pharmaceutical industry.

    METHODS: This review will cover recent progress based on current studies on digestive enzymes secreted by different genera of carnivorous plants: Drosera (sundews), Dionaea (Venus flytrap), Nepenthes (tropical pitcher plants), Sarracenia (North American pitcher plants), Cephalotus (Australian pitcher plants), Genlisea (corkscrew plants), and Utricularia (bladderworts).

    RESULTS: Since the discovery of secreted protease nepenthesin in Nepenthes pitcher, digestive enzymes from carnivorous plants have been the focus of many studies. Recent genomics approaches have accelerated digestive enzyme discovery. Furthermore, the advancement in recombinant technology and protein purification helped in the identification and characterisation of enzymes in carnivorous plants.

    DISCUSSION: These different aspects will be described and discussed in this review with focus on the role of secreted plant proteases and their potential industrial applications.

  2. Hoque KE, Hoque KF, A/P Thanabalan R
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e4563.
    PMID: 29736328 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4563
    Background: Building healthy eating habit is essential for all people. School and family are the prime institutions to instill this habit during early age. This study is aimed at understanding the impact of family such as parents' educations and incomes on building students' healthy eating habits.

    Methods: A survey on building students' eating habits was conducted among primary school students of grade 4 (11 years) and 5 (12 years) from Kulim district, Malaysia. Data from 318 respondents were analysed. Descriptive statistics were used to find the present scenario of their knowledge, attitude and practices towards their eating habits while one-way ANOVA and independent sample t-test were used to find the differences between their practices based on students' gender, parents' educations and incomes.

    Results: The study finds that the students have a good knowledge of types of healthy food but yet their preferences are towards the unhealthy food. Though the students' gender and parents' educations are not found significantly related to students' knowledge, attitude and practices towards healthy eating habits, parents' incomes have significant influence on promoting the healthy eating habit.

    Discussion: Findings of this study can be useful to guide parents in healthy food choices and suggest them to be models to their children in building healthy eating habits.

  3. Samie N, Muniandy S, Kanthimathi MS, Haerian BS
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1588.
    PMID: 27019772 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1588
    The purpose of this study was to assess the cytotoxic potential of a novel piperazine derivative (PCC) against human liver cancer cells. SNU-475 and 423 human liver cancer cell lines were used to determine the IC50 of PCC using the standard MTT assay. PCC displayed a strong suppressive effect on liver cancer cells with an IC50 value of 6.98 ± 0.11 µM and 7.76 ± 0.45 µM against SNU-475 and SNU-423 respectively after 24 h of treatment. Significant dipping in the mitochondrial membrane potential and elevation in the released of cytochrome c from the mitochondria indicated the induction of the intrinsic apoptosis pathway by PCC. Activation of this pathway was further evidenced by significant activation of caspase 3/7 and 9. PCC was also shown to activate the extrinsic pathways of apoptosis via activation of caspase-8 which is linked to the suppression of NF-κB translocation to the nucleus. Cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase was confirmed by flow cytometry and up-regulation of glutathione reductase expression was quantified by qPCR. Results of this study suggest that PCC is a potent anti-cancer agent inducing both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of apoptosis in liver cancer cell lines.
  4. Ramachandran CD, Gholami K, Lam SK, Hoe SZ
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e8528.
    PMID: 32175184 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.8528
    BACKGROUND: High dietary salt intake is strongly correlated with cardiovascular (CV) diseases and it is regarded as a major risk factor associated with the pathogenesis of hypertension. The CV control centres in the brainstem (the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) and the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM)) and hypothalamic forebrain (the subfornical organ, SFO; the supraoptic nucleus, SON and the paraventricular nucleus, PVN) have critical roles in regulating CV autonomic motor outflows, and thus maintaining blood pressure (BP). Growing evidence has implicated autonomic regulatory networks in salt-sensitive HPN (SSH), but the genetic basis remains to be delineated. We hypothesized that the development and/ or maintenance of SSH is reliant on the change in the expression of genes in brain regions controlling the CV system.

    METHODOLOGY: We used RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) to describe the differential expression of genes in SFO, SON, PVN, NTS and RVLM of rats being chronically fed with high-salt (HS) diet. Subsequently, a selection of putatively regulated genes was validated with quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) in both Spontaneously Hypertensive rats (SHRs) and Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats.

    RESULTS: The findings enabled us to identify number of differentially expressed genes in SFO, SON, PVN, NTS and RVLM; that are either up-regulated in both strains of rats (SON- Caprin2, Sctr), down-regulated in both strains of rats (PVN- Orc, Gkap1), up-regulated only in SHRs (SFO- Apopt1, Lin52, AVP, OXT; SON- AVP, OXT; PVN- Caprin2, Sclt; RVLM- A4galt, Slc29a4, Cmc1) or down-regulated only in SHRs (SON- Ndufaf2, Kcnv1; PVN- Pi4k2a; NTS- Snrpd2l, Ankrd29, St6galnac6, Rnf157, Iglon5, Csrnp3, Rprd1a; RVLM- Ttr, Faim).

    CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrated the adverse effects of HS diet on BP, which may be mediated via modulating the signaling systems in CV centers in the hypothalamic forebrain and brainstem.

  5. Djearamane S, Lim YM, Wong LS, Lee PF
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e4682.
    PMID: 29876145 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4682
    BACKGROUND: The extensive usage of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) in industrial and consumer products raises the risk of releasing their residues into the aquatic environment. The presence of ZnO NPs in the aquatic environment could potentially cause cytotoxic effects on aquatic organisms. Thus, investigating the cytotoxic effects of ZnO NPs on microalgae, which form the base for the food web of aquatic biota, is essential to gain information regarding the ecotoxicological effects of metallic oxide nanoparticles in the aquatic ecosystem. Therefore, the present study has investigated in detail the assorted cytotoxic effects of ZnO NPs on S. platensis using various concentrations of ZnO NPs (10-200 mg/L) from 6 to 96 h to explore the dose- and time-dependent cytotoxic effects.

    METHODS: The cytotoxic effects were all assessed through quantification of loss in cell viability, reduction in biomass and decrease in photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll-a, carotenoids and phycocyanin. The surface interactions of nanoparticles and the subsequent morphological alterations on algal cells were examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The intracellular alterations of algal cells were studied using transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore, Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectrum was obtained to investigate the involvement of algal surface biomolecules in surface binding of ZnO NPs on algal cells.

    RESULTS: The treatment of ZnO NPs on S. platensis exhibited a typical concentration- and time-dependent cytotoxicity. Results showed a significant (p 

  6. Ismail MA, Norhayati MN, Mohamad N
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11173.
    PMID: 33868820 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11173
    BACKGROUND: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to determine the effectiveness of olive leaf extract on cardiometabolic profiles among prehypertensive and hypertensive groups.

    METHODOLOGY: The Cochrane central register of controlled trials, Medline (1966 to April week 1, 2020), Embase (1966 to April week 1, 2020) and trial registries for relevant randomized clinical trials were used. Published and unpublished randomized clinical trials were reviewed and evaluated. Random effects models were used to estimate the continuous outcomes and mean differences (MDs); both with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The primary outcomes were changes in systolic and diastolic BP. The secondary outcomes were changes in lipid profile, glucose metabolism, inflammatory markers for CVD, kidney and liver functions safety parameters. We assessed the data for risk of bias, heterogeneity, sensitivity, reporting bias and quality of evidence.

    RESULTS: Five trials were included involving 325 patients aged 18-80 years. Two trials involved high-income countries and three trials involved moderate-income countries. The analysis performed was based on three comparisons. No significant changes were found between systolic or diastolic blood pressure (BP) for the first comparison, 1,000 mg per day for a combined formulation of olive leaf extract versus a placebo. The second comparison, 500 mg per day of olive leaf extract versus placebo or no treatment, showed a significant reduction in systolic BP over a period of at least 8 weeks of follow up (MD -5.78 mmHg, 95% CI [-10.27 to -1.30]) and no significant changes on diastolic BP. The third comparison, 1,000 mg per day of olive leaf extract versus placebo shows no significant difference but an almost similar reduction in systolic BP (-11.5 mmHg in olive leaf extract and -13.7 mmHg in placebo, MD 2.2 mmHg, 95% CI [-0.43-4.83]) and diastolic BP (-4.8 mmHg in olive leaf extract and -6.4 mmHg in placebo, MD 1.60 mmHg, 95% CI [-0.13-3.33]). For secondary outcomes, 1,000 mg per day of olive leaf extract versus captopril showed a reduction in LDL (MD -6.00 mg/dl, 95% CI [-11.5 to -0.50]). The 500 mg per day olive leaf extract versus placebo showed a reduction in inflammatory markers for CVD IL-6 (MD -6.83 ng/L, 95% CI [-13.15 to -0.51]), IL-8 (MD -8.24 ng/L, 95% CI [-16.00 to -0.48) and TNF-alpha (MD -7.40 ng/L, 95% CI [-13.23 to -1.57]).

    CONCLUSIONS: The results from this review suggest the reduction of systolic BP, LDL and inflammatory biomarkers, but it may not provide a robust conclusion regarding the effects of olive leaf extract on cardiometabolic profile due to the limited number of participants in the included trials.


  7. Mahendra Kumar JL, Rashid M, Muazu Musa R, Mohd Razman MA, Sulaiman N, Jailani R, et al.
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11182.
    PMID: 33850667 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11182
    Brain Computer-Interface (BCI) technology plays a considerable role in the control of rehabilitation or peripheral devices for stroke patients. This is particularly due to their inability to control such devices from their inherent physical limitations after such an attack. More often than not, the control of such devices exploits electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that the extraction of the features and the classification of the signals is non-trivial for a successful BCI system. The use of Transfer Learning (TL) has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool in the extraction of essential features. However, the employment of such a method towards BCI applications, particularly in regard to EEG signals, are somewhat limited. The present study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of different TL models in extracting features for the classification of wink-based EEG signals. The extracted features are classified by means of fine-tuned Random Forest (RF) classifier. The raw EEG signals are transformed into a scalogram image via Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) before it was fed into the TL models, namely InceptionV3, Inception ResNetV2, Xception and MobileNet. The dataset was divided into training, validation, and test datasets, respectively, via a stratified ratio of 60:20:20. The hyperparameters of the RF models were optimised through the grid search approach, in which the five-fold cross-validation technique was adopted. The optimised RF classifier performance was compared with the conventional TL-based CNN classifier performance. It was demonstrated from the study that the best TL model identified is the Inception ResNetV2 along with an optimised RF pipeline, as it was able to yield a classification accuracy of 100% on both the training and validation dataset. Therefore, it could be established from the study that a comparable classification efficacy is attainable via the Inception ResNetV2 with an optimised RF pipeline. It is envisaged that the implementation of the proposed architecture to a BCI system would potentially facilitate post-stroke patients to lead a better life quality.
  8. Suhaimi H, Abdul Rahman MI, Ashaari A, Ikhwanuddin M, Wan Rasdi N
    PeerJ, 2024;12:e17092.
    PMID: 38563012 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17092
    Live foods such as phytoplankton and zooplankton are essential food sources in aquaculture. Due to their small size, they are suitable for newly hatched larvae. Artemia and rotifer are commonly used live feeds in aquaculture; each feed has a limited dietary value, which is unsuitable for all cultured species. Whereas, copepod and cladocerans species exhibit favorable characteristics that make them viable candidates as sources of essential nutrients for hatchery operations. Due to their jerking movements, it stimulates the feeding response of fish larvae, and their various sizes make them suitable for any fish and crustacean. Even though Artemia is the best live feed due to its proficient nutritional quality, the cost is very expensive, which is about half of the production cost. A recent study suggests the use of amphipods and mysids as alternative live feeds in aquaculture. High nutritional value is present in amphipods and mysids, especially proteins, lipids, and essential fatty acids that are required by fish larvae during early development. Amphipods and mysids are considered abundant in the aquatic ecosystem and have been used by researchers in water toxicity studies. However, the culture of amphipods and mysids has been poorly studied. There is only a small-scale culture under laboratory conditions for scientific research that has been performed. Thus, further research is required to find a way to improve the mass culture of amphipods and mysids that can benefit the aquaculture industry. This review article is intended to provide the available information on amphipods and mysids, including reproductive biology, culture method, nutritional value, feed enhancement, and the importance of them as potential live feed in aquaculture. This article is useful as a guideline for researchers, hatchery operators, and farmers.
  9. Chang ZY, Liew TS
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e10526.
    PMID: 33604162 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10526
    There are currently eleven Geotrochus and four Trochomorpha species in Sabah. The primary diagnostic character that separates the two genera is the intensity of sculpture on the shell upper surface. All Trochomorpha species have a coarse nodular sculpture while Geotrochus species has a non-nodular sculpture or smooth shell. However, it is known that shell characters are often evolutionary labile with high plasticity in response to environmental factors. Hence, identifying the phylogenetic and ecological determinants for the shell characters will shed light on the shell-based taxonomy. This study aims to estimate the phylogenetic relationship between Geotrochus and Trochomorpha species in Sabah based in two mitochondrial genes (COI, 16S) and one nuclear gene (ITS) and also to examine the influence of temperature, elevation and annual precipitation on the coarseness of shell upper surface sculpture and shell sizes of the species of both genera. Additionally, we also investigated the phylogenetic signal of the shell characters. The phylogenetic analysis showed that Geotrochus and Trochomorpha species are not reciprocally monophyletic. The phylogenetic signal test suggested that shell size and upper surface sculpture are homoplastic, and these shell traits are strongly influenced by elevation and annual precipitation, particularly at the cloud zone of Mount Kinabalu. The highland species of both genera have a coarser shell surface than lowland species. The shell and aperture width decrease with increasing elevation and annual precipitation. In the view of finding above, the current taxonomy of Geotrochus and Trochmorpha in this region and elsewhere that based on shell characters need to be revised with sufficient specimens throughout the distribution range of the two genera.
  10. Baloch GM, Sundarasen S, Chinna K, Nurunnabi M, Kamaludin K, Khoshaim HB, et al.
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e10612.
    PMID: 33604167 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10612
    BACKGROUND: As of the present, the twenty-first century is experiencing what may be one of its most devastating events, in respect to infected and dead people by the virus. Now known to the world as COVID-19, the devastating disease of what has become a pandemic started its spread from Wuhan, China and swiftly engulfed the whole world with almost 11 million cases, in a span of around six months. It has not only increased the global burden of disease but has heavily dented many social institutions, including education.

    METHODS: This study investigates how the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent measures of lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing have affected students. We look specifically into the effects on individuals' mental health, that is, the stress and anxiety levels of college and university students using the Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS).

    RESULTS: Among 494 respondents, 61% were females, and the majority (77.3%) of the students were in the age group of 19-25 years. Among the respondents, 125 (25.3%), 45 (9.1%) and 34 (6.9%) experienced minimal to moderate, severe, and most extreme levels of anxiety, respectively. The variables of gender, age and year of study were significant at the 0.25 level by univariate analyses. Nevertheless, the ordinal regression indicates that only gender was significant. The odds of a female student being more anxious are higher compared to a male student (OR = 1.779, 95% CI [1.202-2.634], P = 0.004). The most prominent stressors attained from the qualitative feedback from the Pakistani students are associated with online teaching, concerns about their academic performance and completion of the current semester, uncertainty related to exam dates, and the status of the following semester.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study will add to the existing body of literature on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the social and psychological health of students. The study outcomes will provide basic data for further applied and action research and a framework for universities and policy makers in Pakistan and the neighboring countries in the region with the same cultural contexts. Thus, relevant health interventions can be designed for better mental health and educational attainments of students from higher educational institutions. This pathological pandemic may well lead to another pandemic of mental and behavioral illness. All stakeholders should join force regardless of pre-existing differences and inequalities to ensure the well-being of future generations, specifically students from higher educational institutions. The long-lasting impacts and the aftermath of this pandemic will unquestionably need further and future investigations. Keywords: Anxiety, students, mental health, COVID-19, Pakistan.

  11. Che Mood NA, Mat Yudin Z, Ahmad WMAW, Abdul Kadir A, Norhayati MN, Md Nawawi NH, et al.
    PeerJ, 2024;12:e17134.
    PMID: 38549778 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17134
    BACKGROUND: Pregnancy is one of the risks for severe COVID-19 infection, and receiving a vaccination is one of the effective methods to reduce disease severity. However, COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women remains an issue. This study aims to develop and validate the pregnancy Vaccine Hesitancy Scale (pVHS) toward COVID-19 vaccine for Malaysian pregnant women.

    METHOD: An 8-item Malay language pregnancy Vaccine Hesitancy Scale (pVHS-M) for COVID-19 was adapted from the adult Vaccine Hesitancy Scale and validated using Exploratory Factor Analysis. Six expert panels were involved in content validity, and ten pregnant women were involved in face validity. A cross-sectional study on 200 pregnant women was conducted between October 2022 and March 2023 at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan.

    RESULT: The item-level content validity index is 1.00, demonstrating good relevance of the eight items used to assess COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. The item-level face validity index obtained is 0.99, indicating that the items were clear and comprehensible. The Cronbach alpha score was 0.944, with factor loadings ranging from 0.79 to 0.89.

    CONCLUSION: The pVHS-M demonstrated good internal consistency, indicating that it is a valid and reliable tool for assessing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women.

  12. Furusawa G, Azami NA, Teh AH
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e10929.
    PMID: 33732545 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10929
    BACKGROUND: Oligosaccharides from polysaccharides containing uronic acids are known to have many useful bioactivities. Thus, polysaccharide lyases (PLs) and glycoside hydrolases (GHs) involved in producing the oligosaccharides have attracted interest in both medical and industrial settings. The numerous polysaccharide lyases and glycoside hydrolases involved in producing the oligosaccharides were isolated from soil and marine microorganisms. Our previous report demonstrated that an agar-degrading bacterium, Catenovulum sp. CCB-QB4, isolated from a coastal area of Penang, Malaysia, possessed 183 glycoside hydrolases and 43 polysaccharide lyases in the genome. We expected that the strain might degrade and use uronic acid-containing polysaccharides as a carbon source, indicating that the strain has a potential for a source of novel genes for degrading the polysaccharides.

    METHODS: To confirm the expectation, the QB4 cells were cultured in artificial seawater media with uronic acid-containing polysaccharides, namely alginate, pectin (and saturated galacturonate), ulvan, and gellan gum, and the growth was observed. The genes involved in degradation and utilization of uronic acid-containing polysaccharides were explored in the QB4 genome using CAZy analysis and BlastP analysis.

    RESULTS: The QB4 cells were capable of using these polysaccharides as a carbon source, and especially, the cells exhibited a robust growth in the presence of alginate. 28 PLs and 22 GHs related to the degradation of these polysaccharides were found in the QB4 genome based on the CAZy database. Eleven polysaccharide lyases and 16 glycoside hydrolases contained lipobox motif, indicating that these enzymes play an important role in degrading the polysaccharides. Fourteen of 28 polysaccharide lyases were classified into ulvan lyase, and the QB4 genome possessed the most abundant ulvan lyase genes in the CAZy database. Besides, genes involved in uronic acid metabolisms were also present in the genome. These results were consistent with the cell growth. In the pectin metabolic pathway, the strain had genes for three different pathways. However, the growth experiment using saturated galacturonate exhibited that the strain can only use the pathway related to unsaturated galacturonate.

  13. El-Ishaq A, Alshawsh MA, Mun KS, Chik Z
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e9138.
    PMID: 32607276 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9138
    Asparagus africanus Lam. is a plant used traditionally to treat different ailments. Currently, scanty information is available on its safety. The aim of this study is to determine the acute toxicity of the methanolic extract on vital organs and its associated biochemical parameters. Fifteen female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into five groups. Group I served as normal control, groups II, III, IV, and V were orally administered single dose of crude extract dissolved in distilled water at 5 mg/kg BW, 50 mg/kg BW, 300 mg/kg BW and 2,000 mg/kg BW. Rats were observed for 14 days and body weights were recorded. On day 15, the rats were sacrificed and blood samples were collected for biochemical and haematological analyses, while the liver and kidneys were sampled for histopathological examination. Body weight and haematology parameters results showed significance difference (p 
  14. Gorin VA, Solovyeva EN, Hasan M, Okamiya H, Karunarathna DMSS, Pawangkhanant P, et al.
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e9411.
    PMID: 32685285 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9411
    Frogs of the genus Microhyla include some of the world's smallest amphibians and represent the largest radiation of Asian microhylids, currently encompassing 50 species, distributed across the Oriental biogeographic region. The genus Microhyla remains one of the taxonomically most challenging groups of Asian frogs and was found to be paraphyletic with respect to large-sized fossorial Glyphoglossus. In this study we present a time-calibrated phylogeny for frogs in the genus Microhyla, and discuss taxonomy, historical biogeography, and morphological evolution of these frogs. Our updated phylogeny of the genus with nearly complete taxon sampling includes 48 nominal Microhyla species and several undescribed candidate species. Phylogenetic analyses of 3,207 bp of combined mtDNA and nuDNA data recovered three well-supported groups: the Glyphoglossus clade, Southeast Asian Microhyla II clade (includes M. annectens species group), and a diverse Microhyla I clade including all other species. Within the largest major clade of Microhyla are seven well-supported subclades that we identify as the M. achatina, M. fissipes, M. berdmorei, M. superciliaris, M. ornata, M. butleri, and M. palmipes species groups. The phylogenetic position of 12 poorly known Microhyla species is clarified for the first time. These phylogenetic results, along with molecular clock and ancestral area analyses, show the Microhyla-Glyphoglossus assemblage to have originated in Southeast Asia in the middle Eocene just after the first hypothesized land connections between the Indian Plate and the Asian mainland. While Glyphoglossus and Microhyla II remained within their ancestral ranges, Microhyla I expanded its distribution generally east to west, colonizing and diversifying through the Cenozoic. The Indian Subcontinent was colonized by members of five Microhyla species groups independently, starting with the end Oligocene-early Miocene that coincides with an onset of seasonally dry climates in South Asia. Body size evolution modeling suggests that four groups of Microhyla have independently achieved extreme miniaturization with adult body size below 15 mm. Three of the five smallest Microhyla species are obligate phytotelm-breeders and we argue that their peculiar reproductive biology may be a factor involved in miniaturization. Body size increases in Microhyla-Glyphoglossus seem to be associated with a burrowing adaptation to seasonally dry habitats. Species delimitation analyses suggest a vast underestimation of species richness and diversity in Microhyla and reveal 15-33 undescribed species. We revalidate M. nepenthicola, synonymize M. pulverata with M. marmorata, and provide insights on taxonomic statuses of a number of poorly known species. Further integrative studies, combining evidence from phylogeny, morphology, advertisement calls, and behavior will result in a better systematic understanding of this morphologically cryptic radiation of Asian frogs.
  15. Liew SS, Ho WY, Yeap SK, Sharifudin SAB
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e5331.
    PMID: 30083463 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5331
    BACKGROUND: Citrus sinensis peels are usually discarded as wastes; however, they are rich sources of Vitamin C, fibre, and many nutrients, including phenolics and flavonoids which are also good antioxidant agents. This study aimed to examine phytochemical composition and antioxidant capabilities of C. sinensis peel extracted conventionally with different methanol/water, ethanol/water, and acetone/water solvents.

    METHODS: C. sinensis peels were subjected to extraction with 100%, 70% and 50% of methanol, ethanol, and acetone, respectively, as well as hot water extraction. Antioxidant activities of the peel extracts were examined via the 2,2-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay, and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. Total phenolic content and total flavonoid content of the extracts were measured via the Folin-Ciocalteau method and the aluminium chloride colorimetric method, respectively. Phenolic acid and organic acid composition of the peel extracts were further determined via high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) while flavonoid content was identified via ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC).

    RESULTS: DPPH radical scavenging activity of C. sinensis peel extracts varied from 8.35 to 18.20 mg TE/g, FRAP ranged from 95.00 to 296.61 mmol Fe(II)/g, while ORAC value ranged from 0.31 to 0.92 mol TE/g. Significant level of association between the assays was observed especially between TPC and FRAP (R-square = 0.95, P 

  16. Hamid TA, Salih SA, Zillah Abdullah SF, Ibrahim R, Mahmud A
    PeerJ, 2024;12:e17058.
    PMID: 38500524 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17058
    BACKGROUND: Frailty is a significant healthcare challenge worldwide, increasing interest in developing more assessment tools covering for frailty. Recently, there has been a growing awareness of a correlation between social variables and frailty in older people. However, there is a lack of understanding of the social domains of frailty and the related adverse outcomes, particularly in the Asia-Pacific settings. This study aimed to characterize the social frailty domains and their health outcomes by overviewing the frailty screening tools in older people living in the Asia-Pacific region.

    METHODOLOGY: A systematic review, using the PRISMA guideline, was conducted on articles published between 2002 and 2023 from three electronic databases: PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect. A manual search was conducted for the references of the included articles using Google Scholar. Included articles must be in English and were based on empirical evidence published in peer-reviewed journals and focus on the assessment of domains of social frailty in older people aged 60 or over in the Asia-Pacific (East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania).

    RESULT: A total of 31 studies were included in the thematic analysis, from which 16 screening tools measuring six social domains were reviewed. The six domains were: social networks, followed by social activities, social support, financial difficulties, social roles, and socioeconomic, arranged in four categories: social resources, social needs, social behaviors (or social activities), and general resources. The six social domains predicted mortality, physical difficulties, and disability incidence. Other adverse health outcomes were also associated with these social domains, including cognitive disorders, mental illness, and nutritional disorders (n = 5 domains each), dementia (n = 4 domains), and oral frailty, hearing loss, obesity, and chronic pain (n = 3 domains each).

    CONCLUSION: Overall, social frailty is a complex construct with multiple dimensions, including the frailty of social and general resources, social behaviors, and social needs, leading to several health disorders. The findings contribute to understanding the conceptual framework of social frailty in older people and its related health outcomes. Therefore, it could facilitate professionals and researchers to monitor and reduce the risks of adverse health outcomes related to each domain of social frailty, contributing to a better aging process.

  17. Yap JF, Moy FM, Wan Ahmad WA, Lim YC
    PeerJ, 2024;12:e16906.
    PMID: 38361766 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.16906
    BACKGROUND: School teachers may have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), potentially affecting their work productivity. However, limited data exists on the impact of CVD on teachers' productivity in Malaysia. Our objectives were to assess work productivity loss (absenteeism and presenteeism) as well as to determine the associated annual monetary loss among school teachers who experienced incident CVD in Peninsular Malaysia.

    METHODS: We adopted a nested case-control design within a cohort of school teachers. Working teachers from six states of Peninsular Malaysia, and had experienced incident CVD before a right-censored date (31st December 2021) were defined as cases. Incident CVD was operationally defined as the development of non-fatal acute coronary syndrome (ACS), stroke, congestive cardiac failure, deep vein thrombosis or peripheral arterial disease before the censored date. Controls were working teachers who did not acquire an incident CVD before the similar right-censored date. All controls were randomly selected, with a ratio of one case to four controls, from among the working teachers in one of the states in Peninsular Malaysia. We used a shortened version of the Malay-validated World Health Organization-Health and Work Performance Questionnaire (WHO-HPQ) to estimate the workplace productivity effect among teachers with incident CVD (cases). The same questionnaire was distributed to teachers in a single state of Peninsular Malaysia who did not experience incident CVD (controls). Absenteeism, presenteeism and annual monetary loss were computed based on the scoring rules in the WHO-HPQ. Analysis of covariance was performed with covariate adjustment using propensity scores. The bootstrapping method was applied to obtain better estimates of marginal mean differences, along with standard errors (SE) and appropriate effect sizes.

    RESULTS: We recruited 48 cases (baseline mean age = 42.4 years old, 54.2% females) and 192 randomly selected controls (baseline mean age = 36.2 years old, 99.0% females). The majority of the cases had ACS (73.9%). No significant difference was observed in absenteeism between cases and controls. The mean self-rated job performance score was lower for cases (7.63, SE = 0.21) compared to controls (8.60, SE = 0.10). Marginal mean scores of absolute presenteeism among cases (76.30) were lower (p 

  18. Vellayappan MV, Jaganathan SK, Muhamad II
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1388.
    PMID: 26819837 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1388
    Design of blood compatible surfaces is obligatory to minimize platelet surface interactions and improve the thromboresistance of foreign surfaces when they are utilized as biomaterials particularly for blood contacting devices. Pure metallocene polyethylene (mPE) and nitric acid (HNO3) treated mPE antithrombogenicity and hydrophilicity were investigated. The contact angle of the mPE treated with HNO3 decreased. Surface of mPE and HNO3 treated mPE investigated with FTIR revealed no major changes in its functional groups. 3D Hirox digital microscopy, SEM and AFM images show increased porosity and surface roughness. Blood coagulation assays prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) were delayed significantly (P < 0.05) for HNO3 treated mPE. Hemolysis assay and platelet adhesion of the treated surface resulted in the lysis of red blood cells and platelet adherence, respectively indicating improved hemocompatibility of HNO3 treated mPE. To determine that HNO3 does not deteriorate elastic modulus of mPE, the elastic modulus of mPE and HNO3 treated mPE was compared and the result shows no significant difference. Hence, the overall observation suggests that the novel HNO3 treated mPE may hold great promises to be exploited for blood contacting devices like grafts, catheters, and etc.
  19. Kong KW, Mat-Junit S, Aminudin N, Hassan FA, Ismail A, Abdul Aziz A
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1628.
    PMID: 26839752 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1628
    Barringtonia racemosa is a tropical plant with medicinal values. In this study, the ability of the water extracts of the leaf (BLE) and stem (BSE) from the shoots to protect HepG2 cells against oxidative damage was studied. Five major polyphenolic compounds consisting of gallic acid, ellagic acid, protocatechuic acid, quercetin and kaempferol were identified using HPLC-DAD and ESI-MS. Cell viability assay revealed that BLE and BSE were non-cytotoxic (cell viabilities >80%) at concentration less than 250 µg/ml and 500 µg/ml, respectively. BLE and BSE improved cellular antioxidant status measured by FRAP assay and protected HepG2 cells against H2O2-induced cytotoxicity. The extracts also inhibited lipid peroxidation in HepG2 cells as well as the production of reactive oxygen species. BLE and BSE could also suppress the activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase during oxidative stress. The shoots of B. racemosa can be an alternative bioactive ingredient in the prevention of oxidative damage.
  20. Mazlan FA, Annuar MS, Sharifuddin Y
    PeerJ, 2015;3:e1376.
    PMID: 26539336 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1376
    Lactobacillus plantarum BET003 isolated from Momordica charantia fruit was used to ferment its juice. Momordica charantia fresh juice was able to support good growth of the lactic acid bacterium. High growth rate and cell viability were obtained without further nutrient supplementation. In stirred tank reactor batch fermentation, agitation rate showed significant effect on specific growth rate of the bacterium in the fruit juice. After the fermentation, initially abundant momordicoside 23-O-β-Allopyranosyle-cucurbita-5,24-dien-7α,3β,22(R),23(S)-tetraol-3-O-β-allopyranoside was transformed into its corresponding aglycone in addition to the emergence of new metabolites. The fermented M. charantia juice consistently reduced glucose production by 27.2%, 14.5%, 17.1% and 19.2% at 15-minute intervals respectively, when compared against the negative control. This putative anti-diabetic activity can be attributed to the increase in availability and concentration of aglycones as well as other phenolic compounds resulting from degradation of glycosidic momordicoside. Biotransformation of M. charantia fruit juice via lactic acid bacterium fermentation reduced its bitterness, reduced its sugar content, produced aglycones and other metabolites as well as improved its inhibition of α-glucosidase activity compared with the fresh, non-fermented juice.
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