Displaying publications 21 - 37 of 37 in total

  1. M Zapawi MM, You YX, Shahar S, Shahril MR, Malek Rivan NF, Nik Mohd Fakhruddin NNI, et al.
    BMC Geriatr, 2024 May 01;24(1):387.
    PMID: 38693524 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-024-04966-7
    BACKGROUND: Mild Cognitive impairment (MCI) is a pre-demented state in the elderly populace. The Mediterranean & Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet has shown promise in reducing the risk of MCI and Alzheimer's disease in older people. Notably, the existing MIND diet is not adapted to the specific needs of older adults in Malaysia, considering distinct food cultures and availability. Consequently, this study aimed to develop the Malaysian version of the MIND diet (MY-MINDD) scores and investigate their association with MCI in the older adult populace of Malaysia.

    METHODS: A comprehensive pooled data analysis was conducted on combined data from 810 participants sourced from the longitudinal Long-Term Research Grant Scheme-Towards Useful Aging (LRGS-TUA) and Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) studies. The MY-MINDD scores were developed by incorporating existing MIND diet food groups, their corresponding scoring mechanisms, and consideration of common Malaysian foods which are proven to be beneficial and detrimental to cognitive function. To substantiate the MY-MINDD scoring system, its association with MCI was evaluated using a series of validated neuropsychological test batteries.

    RESULTS: MY-MINDD consists of seven food groups promote brain health and four food groups exert negative cognitive outcomes. The study participants had an average age of 67.9 ± 4.7 years. The collective MY-MINDD score for all participants was 6.4 ± 0.1 (out of a maximum 11 points), revealing a lower score in individuals with MCI at 6.0 ± 1.7 compared to those without MCI at 6.6 ± 1.6 (p 

  2. Yap KS, Loh PS, Foong YX, Mok CZ, Ong T, Khor HM
    BMC Geriatr, 2024 May 06;24(1):401.
    PMID: 38711010 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-024-04958-7
    BACKGROUND: Preoperative carbohydrate loading in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery is an independent predictor of postoperative outcomes. By reducing the impact of surgical stress response, fasting-induced insulin resistance is modulated. As a clear fluid, consuming carbohydrate drink is safe up to 2 h preoperatively. Widely practiced in abdominal surgeries, its implementation in hip fracture surgeries is yet to be recognized. This study aimed to identify the feasibility of preoperative carbohydrate loading in hip fracture surgery and assess its clinical effects.

    METHODS: This was a randomized controlled, open labelled trial. Patients ≥ 65 years old without diabetes mellitus, has hip fracture were recruited in a tertiary hospital between November 2020 and May 2021. The intervention was carbohydrate loading versus standard preoperative fasting.

    RESULTS: Thirty-four ASA I-III patients (carbohydrate loading and control, n = 17 each), mean age 78 years (SEM ± 1.5), mean body mass index 23.7 (SEM ± 0.6 kg/m2) were recruited. Analysis for feasibility of carbohydrate loading (n = 17) demonstrated attrition rate of 29% (n = 5). Otherwise, all recruited patients were compliant (100% compliance) with no adverse events reported. There was no significant difference among groups in the postoperative nausea and vomiting, pain score, fatigue level, muscle strength, postoperative infection and length of hospital stay assessed at 24-48 h postoperatively.

    CONCLUSION: The implementation of preoperative carbohydrate loading was found to be feasible preoperatively in hip fracture surgeries but requires careful coordination among multidisciplinary teams. An adequately powered randomized controlled study is needed to examine the full benefits of preoperative carbohydrate loading in this group of patients.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study was registered in ClinicalTrial.gov (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT04614181, date of registration: 03/11/2020).

  3. Ali MF, Ja'afar NIS, Krishnan TG, Zulkifle MAM, Khaidzir NK, Jamil TR, et al.
    BMC Geriatr, 2023 Aug 17;23(1):496.
    PMID: 37592221 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-023-04230-4
    BACKGROUND: The number of people living with dementia in Malaysia is expected to increase with the nation's growing elderly population and increased lifespan. The lack of public awareness of dementia is partly compounded by low personal health literacy, while scarce research on local patient awareness further impacts the execution of optimised healthcare services in Malaysia. Patients with chronic disease have an elevated risk of developing mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This study aimed to assess the level of awareness of basic knowledge on dementia among the elderly, especially those at risk of developing mild cognitive impairment and its associated factors.

    METHODS: A total of 207 elderly patients aged 60 years and above with chronic diseases attending a university-based primary care clinic were recruited via a systematic randomised sampling method from the clinic patient attendance registry. Respondents were assessed using self-administered online questionnaires distributed via mobile devices. The questionnaire assessed awareness, i.e. ability to correctly answer a self-reported questionnaire on basic dementia knowledge; (adapted from Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2010), risk of MCI; (using Towards Useful Aging (TUA)-WELLNESS screening questionnaire) and help-seeking behaviour. Bivariate analysis was used to determine factors associated with dementia awareness.

    RESULTS: The response rate was 77.1%, with the majority of participants were females, Chinese and had secondary school education. 39.1% of participants were categorised as high risk of developing MCI. The majority (92.8%) had low dementia awareness and had never shared their concerns regarding dementia (93.2%) nor had any discussion (87.0%) on cognitive impairment with their physicians. Three factors had an association with total dementia awareness score, i.e., younger age group, higher risk of MCI and presence of cardiovascular diseases have significantly lower awareness score (p 

  4. Ong MF, Soh KL, Saimon R, Tiong IK, Saidi HI, Mortell M
    BMC Geriatr, 2023 Oct 31;23(1):703.
    PMID: 37904086 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-023-04372-5
    BACKGROUND: Protection Motivation Theory could be another potential and good framework that addresses essential elements in a behavioural change leading to positive fall protective behaviours. The positive behavioural change could reduce the risk of falls and improve the quality of life of the older community. The study aims to evaluate the reliability and validity of the culturally adapted Protection Motivation Theory scale for older adults' fall protection motivation or protective behaviours to reduce fall risk.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted to establish a psychometric instrument validation. A total of 389 participants aged 55 years and above were included. The study was conducted in Sarawak, Malaysia, from November 2021 to January 2022 in two phases, translation of the PMT Scale, cross-cultural adaptation, face validation and pre-testing of the PMT Scale. The participants were selected using multistage random sampling in a primary healthcare clinic. Data entry and statistical analysis were performed using IBM SPSS version 26 for exploratory factor analysis and SmartPLS version 3.3.7 for confirmatory factor analysis using partial least square structural equation modelling.

    RESULTS: The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin value was 0.760, Bartlett's sphericity test was significant and the total variance explained was 61%. It identified 31 items within eight dimensions of the Protection Motivation Theory scale. The Higher Order Constructs' measurement model indicates that the convergent and discriminant validity were established (Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability: ≥ 0.740; average variance extracted: 0.619 to 0.935 and Henseler's Heterotrait-Monotrait criterion for all constructs' discriminant validity: 

  5. Lai WX, Chan AW, Matchar DB, Ansah JP, Lien CTC, Ismail NH, et al.
    BMC Geriatr, 2023 Sep 22;23(1):586.
    PMID: 37740182 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-023-04294-2
    BACKGROUND: Falls in older adults are the result of a complex web of interacting causes, that further results in other physical, emotional, and psychological sequelae. A conceptual framework that represents the reciprocal dynamics of these causal factors can enable clinicians, researchers, and policymakers to clarify goals in falls intervention in older adults.

    METHODS: A Group Model Building (GMB) exercise was conducted with researchers and clinicians from academic units and public healthcare institutes in Singapore. The aim of the exercise was to produce a shared visual representation of the causal structure for falls and engage in discussions on how current and future falls intervention programmes can address falls in the older adults, especially in the Asian context. It was conducted in four steps: 1) Outlining and prioritising desirable patient outcomes, 2) Conceptual model building, 3) Identifying key intervention elements of effective falls intervention programmes, 4) Mapping of interventions to outcomes. This causal loop diagram (CLD) was then used to generate insights into the current understanding of falls causal relationships, current efforts in falls intervention in Singapore, and used to identify gaps in falls research that could be further advanced in future intervention studies.

    RESULTS: Four patient outcomes were identified by the group as key in falls intervention: 1) Falls, 2) Injurious falls, 3) Fear of falling, and 4) Restricted mobility and life space. A CLD of the reciprocal relationships between risk factors and these outcomes are represented in four sub-models: 1) Fear of falling, 2) Injuries associated with falls, 3) Caregiver overprotectiveness, 4) Post-traumatic stress disorder and psychological resilience. Through this GMB exercise, the group gained the following insights: (1) Psychological sequelae of falls is an important falls intervention outcome. (2) The effects of family overprotectiveness, psychological resilience, and PTSD in exacerbating the consequences of falls are not well understood. (3) There is a need to develop multi-component falls interventions to address the multitude of falls and falls related sequelae.

    CONCLUSION: This work illustrates the potential of GMB to promote shared understanding of complex healthcare problems and to provide a roadmap for the development of more effective preventive actions.

  6. Elshaikh U, Sheik R, Saeed RKM, Chivese T, Alsayed Hassan D
    BMC Geriatr, 2023 Aug 25;23(1):516.
    PMID: 37626290 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-023-04229-x
    BACKGROUND: Older adults are at an increased risk for mental health issues, yet they are less likely to seek professional help. This systematic review aims to identify and summarize literature on the barriers and facilitators that older adults face when seeking professional mental health help.

    METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was conducted using multiple databases including PubMed-Medline, EMBASE, ProQuest central, CINAHL and Scopus to identify relevant studies published between 2010 and 2021 that focused on barriers and/or facilitators to seeking help for depression, anxiety, and psychological distress among older adults aged 65 years or older. Studies' risk of bias was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale and results of studies were synthesized guided by the methodological framework of Rodgers and colleagues.

    RESULTS: A total of eight cross-sectional studies, from Australia, United States, Mexico, Netherlands, and Malaysia met the inclusion criteria for this review. Included studies reported that the majority of their participants had anxiety or depression, yet they exhibited a preference for informal mental health help over professional help. Stigma, negative beliefs about mental health professional services, and cost were the most reported barriers. Main reported facilitators were prior positive experience with mental health services and high socioeconomic status.

    CONCLUSION: Older adults are in need of interventions normalizing mental health help seeking and ensuring these services are accessible in terms of costs. This should be the focus of policy makers, healthcare providers, and public health practitioners working with older adults.


  7. Chiu CJ, Li ML, Chang CM, Wu CH, Tan MP
    BMC Geriatr, 2021 07 10;21(1):420.
    PMID: 34246236 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-021-02300-z
    BACKGROUND: Prolonged life expectancy is associated with increased prevalence of chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the different disability trajectories for the top ten leading causes of death in Taiwan .

    METHODS: A total of 2,431 participants aged 50-96 in 1996 from the Taiwan longitudinal study on aging (TLSA) who died from 1996 to 2016 were analyzed. Integration of Cause of Death Data and TLSA helped sort out participants who had died from the ten leading causes of death. The level of physical disability was evaluated with the Activities of Daily Living Scale (ADLs), ranging from 0 to 6 points, in 1996, 1999, 2003, 2007, and 2011. A multilevel model was used to investigate the levels and rates of change in disability development before death.

    RESULTS: The outcome of the research showed that the earliest group to experience physical limitation was individuals living with diabetes. The groups with the highest ADL scores were participants with diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, and hypertension-related diseases. Most groups reach ADL scores ≥ 1 (mild-level) during 4-6 years before death except chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis and injury.

    CONCLUSIONS: People who had died from the ten leading causes of death experienced different disability trajectories before death. The trajectory of the participants who had died from diabetes showed a unique pattern with the earliest occurrence and more severe deterioration in terms of development of disabilities. Disability trajectories provide a prediction of survival status for middle-aged and older adults associated with the ten leading causes of death.

  8. Shahar S, Chee KY, Wan Chik WC
    BMC Geriatr, 2002 Aug 06;2:3.
    PMID: 12165100
    BACKGROUND: A cross sectional survey was carried out on 120 hospitalised geriatric patients aged 60 and above in Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur to investigate their nutrient intakes and food preferences.

    METHODS: Food intakes were recorded using a one day weighed method and diet recall. Food preferences were determined using a five point hedonic score. Food wastages and factors affecting dietary adequacy were also investigated.

    RESULTS: The findings indicated that the mean intakes of energy and all nutrients investigated except for vitamin C and fluid were below the individual requirement for energy, protein and fluid, and the Malaysian Recommendation of Dietary Allowances (RDA) for calcium, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and acid ascorbic. In general, subjects preferred vegetables, fruits and beans to red meat, milk and dairy products. There was a trend of women to have a higher percentage for food wastage. Females, diabetic patients, subjects who did not take snacks and subjects who were taking hospital food only, were more likely to consume an inadequate diet (p < 0.05 for all values).

    CONCLUSIONS: Food service system in hospital should consider the food preferences among geriatric patients in order to improve the nutrient intake. In addition, the preparation of food most likely to be rejected such as meat, milk and dairy products need some improvements to increase the acceptance of these foods among geriatric patients. This is important because these foods are good sources of energy, protein and micronutrients that can promote recovery from disease or illness.

  9. Maresova P, Krejcar O, Maskuriy R, Bakar NAA, Selamat A, Truhlarova Z, et al.
    BMC Geriatr, 2023 Jul 21;23(1):447.
    PMID: 37474928 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-023-04106-7
    BACKGROUND: Attention is focused on the health and physical fitness of older adults due to their increasing age. Maintaining physical abilities, including safe walking and movement, significantly contributes to the perception of health in old age. One of the early signs of declining fitness in older adults is limited mobility. Approximately one third of 70-year-olds and most 80-year-olds report restrictions on mobility in their apartments and immediate surroundings. Restriction or loss of mobility is a complex multifactorial process, which makes older adults prone to falls, injuries, and hospitalizations and worsens their quality of life while increasing overall mortality.

    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study is to identify the factors that have had a significant impact on mobility in recent years and currently, and to identify gaps in our understanding of these factors. The study aims to highlight areas where further research is needed and where new and effective solutions are required.

    METHODS: The PRISMA methodology was used to conduct a scoping review in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Papers published from 2007 to 2021 were searched in November 2021. Of these, 52 papers were selected from the initial 788 outputs for the final analysis.

    RESULTS: The final selected papers were analyzed, and the key determinants were found to be environmental, physical, cognitive, and psychosocial, which confirms the findings of previous studies. One new determinant is technological. New and effective solutions lie in understanding the interactions between different determinants of mobility, addressing environmental factors, and exploring opportunities in the context of emerging technologies, such as the integration of smart home technologies, design of accessible and age-friendly public spaces, development of policies and regulations, and exploration of innovative financing models to support the integration of assistive technologies into the lives of seniors.

    CONCLUSION: For an effective and comprehensive solution to support senior mobility, the determinants cannot be solved separately. Physical, cognitive, psychosocial, and technological determinants can often be perceived as the cause/motivation for mobility. Further research on these determinants can help to arrive at solutions for environmental determinants, which, in turn, will help improve mobility. Future studies should investigate financial aspects, especially since many technological solutions are expensive and not commonly available, which limits their use.

  10. Mohamad MA, Leong Bin Abdullah MFI, Shari NI
    BMC Geriatr, 2024 Mar 14;24(1):254.
    PMID: 38486186 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-024-04753-4
    BACKGROUND: People with dementia and their caregivers are prone to suicidal behaviors due to difficulty adjusting to their initial caregiving role and due to emotional disturbances resulting from deterioration of functioning. The present systematic review (1) explored the prevalence of and risk factors for suicidal behavior and (2) assessed the similarities and differences in the prevalence and risk factors for suicidal behavior between people with dementia and their caregivers.

    METHODS: A comprehensive literature search for research articles published between 1950 and 2023 was carried out using major databases, such as Google Scholar, Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, PsycINFO, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, and Medline.

    RESULTS: A total of 40 research articles were selected for review. A total of 12 research articles revealed that the prevalence of suicidal behavior among caregivers ranged from 4.7% to 26%. However, the risk of suicidal behavior among people with dementia was inconsistent, as only 17 out of 28 selected studies reported the risk of suicidal behavior among people with dementia. The risk factors associated with suicidal behavior among caregivers of people with dementia could be both self-related and care receiver-related factors, whereas risk factors in people with dementia were self-related factors. Notably, greater cognitive decline, which impairs individuals' ability to carry out complex acts and planning, may lower their suicidal risk. Finally, assessment of the risk of bias indicated that 95% of the selected studies had unclear risk.

    CONCLUSION: Self-related and care receiver-related factors should be assessed among caregivers of people with dementia to evaluate the risk of suicidal behavior. In addition, we recommend evaluating suicidal risk in people with dementia in the early phase of dementia when cognitive decline is less severe. However, as the majority of the selected studies had unclear risk of bias, future studies with improved methodologies are warranted to confirm our study findings.

  11. Ting CY, Abdul Halim NH, Ling JN, Tiong IK, Ahmad Shauki NIHJ, Lee YF, et al.
    BMC Geriatr, 2024 Feb 05;24(1):133.
    PMID: 38317117 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-024-04676-0
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled the widespread adoption of telemedicine in healthcare, particularly in Sarawak, Malaysia. This study investigates the use and acceptance of Sarawak's inaugural multidisciplinary geriatric telemedicine service, TELEG.

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study took place at the Sarawak Heart Centre's geriatric department from July 1, 2021, to April 30, 2022. Convenient sampling included all TELEG-enrolled patients during this period, to achieve minimum sample size of 148. TELEG's utilization was assessed in terms of medication therapy and treatment plan optimization, as well as enhanced healthcare accessibility. Participants' acceptance of TELEG was measured using the Service User Technology Acceptability Questionnaire (SUTAQ) administered through Google Forms. Descriptive statistics percentages illustrated the proportion of participants who found TELEG moderately to highly acceptable. Associations between baseline characteristics and overall acceptance were explored through bivariate analyses, including Pearson's correlation test, independent t-test, and ANOVA. The influence of six SUTAQ dimensions on overall acceptance, multivariable linear regression using enter method was employed. Statistical significance was determined by p-values less than 0.5.

    RESULTS: Among 180 geriatric patients enrolled in TELEG during the study period, 149 agreed to participate. TELEG led to medication therapy optimization for 88.6% of participants, primarily involving dose adjustment (44.7%), de-prescribing (31.8%), and prescribing (15.9%). Additionally, 53.8% received treatment plan optimization, predominantly in the form of self-care education (56.3%), referrals for further treatment (33.8%), additional laboratory investigations (29.6%), and increased monitoring (26.8%). Among those educated in self-care (n = 40), dietary intake (27.5%), lower limb exercise (25.0%), and COVID-19 vaccination (12.5%) were the most common topics. All participants expressed moderate to high acceptance of TELEG (mean = 4.9, SD = 0.65, on a scale of 1 to 6). Notably, care personnel concern (B = 0.256; p 

  12. Balqis-Ali NZ, Ahmad N, Minhat HS, Fattah Azman AZ
    BMC Geriatr, 2024 Aug 14;24(1):685.
    PMID: 39143517 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-024-05211-x
    BACKGROUND: Although significant and disabling consequences are presented due to geriatric population-related depression, an insufficient comprehension of various biological, psychological, and social factors affecting this issue has been observed. Notably, these factors can contribute to geriatric population-related depression with low social support. This study aimed to identify factors associated with depression among the community-dwelling geriatric population with low social support in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This study used secondary data from a population-based health survey in Malaysia, namely the National Health Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2018: Elderly Health. The analysis included 926 community-dwelling geriatric population aged 60 and above with low social support. The primary data collection was from August to October 2018, using face-to-face interviews. This paper reported the analysis of depression as the dependent variable, while various biological, psychological and social factors, guided by established biopsychosocial models, were the independent variables. Multiple logistic regression was applied to identify the factors. Analysis was performed using the complex sampling module in the IBM SPSS version 29.

    RESULTS: The weighted prevalence of depression among the community-dwelling geriatric population aged 60 and above with low social support was 22.5% (95% CI: 17.3-28.7). This was significantly higher than depression among the general geriatric Malaysian population. The factors associated with depression were being single, as compared to those married (aOR 2.010, 95% CI: 1.063-3.803, p: 0.031), having dementia, as opposed to the absence of the disease (aOR 3.717, 95% CI: 1.544-8.888, p: 0.003), and having a visual disability, as compared to regular visions (aOR 3.462, 95% CI: 1.504-7.972, p: 0.004). The analysis also revealed that a one-unit increase in control in life and self-realisation scores were associated with a 32.6% (aOR: 0.674, 95% CI: 0.599-0.759, p 

  13. Suki SZ, Zuhdi ASM, Yahya 'AA, Zaharan NL
    BMC Geriatr, 2022 01 04;22(1):23.
    PMID: 34983393 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-021-02724-7
    BACKGROUND: Octogenarians and beyond have often been neglected in the populational study of disease despite being at the highest point of non-modifiable disease risk burden and the fastest-growing age group for the past decade. This study examined the characteristics and in-hospital management of octogenarian patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in a multi-ethnic, middle-income country in South East Asia.

    METHOD: This retrospective study utilised the Malaysian National Cardiovascular Disease- ACS (NCVD-ACS) registry. Consecutive patient data of those ≥80 years old admitted with ACS at 24 participating hospitals from 2008 to 2017 (n = 3162) were identified. Demographics, in-hospital intervention, and evidence-based pharmacotherapies over the 10-years were examined and compared across groups of interests using the Chi-square test. Multivariate logistic regression was used to calculate the adjusted odds ratio of receiving individual therapies according to patients' characteristics.

    RESULTS: Octogenarians made up 3.8% of patients with ACS in the NCVD-ACS registry (mean age = 84, SD ± 3.6) from 2008 until 2017. The largest ethnic group was Chinese (44%). Most octogenarians (95%) have multiple cardiovascular risk factors, with hypertension (82%) being the main. Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) predominated (38%, p 

  14. Damayanthi HDWT, Moy FM, Abdullah KL, Dharmaratne SD
    BMC Geriatr, 2018 08 30;18(1):199.
    PMID: 30165826 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-018-0892-2
    BACKGROUND: Malnutrition in older persons is a public health concern. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of malnutrition and its associated factors among community-dwelling older persons in Sri Lanka.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Kandy district, Sri Lanka. The nutritional status of older persons was assessed using the Mini Nutritional Assessment -Short Form (MNA-SF). A standardised questionnaire was used to record factors associated with malnutrition: demographic characteristics, financial characteristics, food and appetite, lifestyle, psychological characteristics, physical characteristics, disease and care, oral health, and social factors. Complex sample multinomial logistic regression analysis was performed.

    RESULTS: Among the 999 participants included in the study, 748 (69.3%) were females and 251 (25.1%) were males. The mean age was 70.80 years (95% CI: 70.13, 71.47). The prevalence of malnutrition, risk of malnutrition and well-nutrition was 12.5%, 52.4% and 35.1% respectively. In the multivariate model, hypertension (adjusted OR = 1.71; 95% CI: 1.02, 2.89), alcohol consumption (aOR = 4.06; 95% CI: 1.17, 14.07), and increased age (aOR = 1.06; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.11) were positively associated with malnutrition. An increased number of people living with the older person (aOR: 0.91; 95% CI: 0.85, 0.97) was a protective factor among those at risk for malnutrition.

    CONCLUSION: Both the prevalence of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition were commonly observed among community-dwelling older persons in Sri Lanka. The associated factors identified in this study might help public health professionals to implement necessary interventions that improve the nutritional status of this population.

  15. Shahar S, Adznam SN, Rahman SA, Yusoff NA, Yassin Z, Arshad F, et al.
    BMC Geriatr, 2012 Jun 07;12:24.
    PMID: 22676577 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2318-12-24
    BACKGROUND: It is well known that older adults are often vulnerable to malnutrition. This action research was conducted to develop a nutrition education package for promoting healthy ageing and reducing risk of chronic diseases among older adults in a rural area of Malaysia.

    METHODS: This study was designed and conducted in three stages, including needs assessment, development of the package and analysis of acceptance among 33 older adults aged 60 years and over in rural communities, and 14 health staff members at rural health clinics. Subjects completed a questionnaire including sociodemographic factors and acceptance evaluation of the nutrition education package with respect to content, graphics and design. Data were analysed descriptively using numbers and percentages.

    RESULTS: A nutrition education package comprising a booklet, flipchart and placemats was developed. A total of 42.4% of the older adults expressed that the sentences in the flipchart needed to be simplified and medical terms explained. Terminology (60%), illustrations (20%) and nutrition recommendations (20%) were the aspects that prevented elderly subjects from fully understanding the booklet. Information on the placemats was easily understood by subjects.

    CONCLUSIONS: A well accepted nutrition education package for promoting healthy ageing and reducing risk of chronic diseases was developed that incorporated modifications based on feedback from older adult subjects and health clinic staff in a rural area. It is a tool that can effectively be used for health education in this population.

  16. Ong SC, Tay LX, Ong HM, Tiong IK, Ch'ng ASH, Parumasivam T
    BMC Geriatr, 2025 Mar 06;25(1):154.
    PMID: 40050715 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-025-05717-y
    BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is expected to have a significant impact on resource use and economic consequences along with population aging. This study aims to investigate the annual economic burden of Alzheimer's disease along with underlying cost drivers.

    METHODOLOGY: Patients with AD aged 65 and above accompanied with primary caregivers were recruited in 6 tertiary care hospitals. A structured interview was conducted to collect sociodemographic, clinical and resource use information using an adapted questionnaire. Direct medical cost, direct non-medical cost and indirect cost were annualised and categorised by severity level. Generalised linear models were applied to investigate predictors of costs.

    RESULTS: Among 135 patient-caregiver dyads, the annual economic burden of AD from a societal perspective was USD 8618.83 ± USD 6740.79 per capita. The societal cost of severe AD patients (USD11943.19 ± USD6954.17) almost doubled those in mild AD (USD6281.10 ± USD6879.83). IDC was the primary cost driver (77.7%) which represented the impact of productivity loss due to informal care. Besides disease severity, time spent in informal care, caregivers' employment and use of special accommodation were predictors of AD cost. This neurodegenerative disorder is estimated to impose a burden of USD1.9 billion in 2022, which represents 0.47% of Malaysia's GDP.

    CONCLUSION: This study provided real-world empirical cost estimates of AD burden in Malaysia. Informal care is a significant contributor to the societal cost of AD. Optimal healthcare resource allocation is essential in the decision making of healthcare stakeholders to address rising demands.

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