METHOD: Laboratory confirmed influenza B hospitalized patients presented in emergency room after 48 hours of symptoms onset were identified and divided into two groups; Group-1 patients were initiated on Antiviral drug (oseltamivir) alone while Group-2 patients were initiated on Antiviral drug (oseltamivir) in combination with Antibiotic for at least 3 days. Patients were evaluated for different clinical outcomes among both treatment group.
RESULTS: A total of 153 and 131 patients were identified for Group-1 and Group-2, respectively. Clinical outcomes such as secondary bacterial infections (20.9%-vs-9.1%; P = 0.031), need of respiratory support (28.7%-vs-12.9%; P = 0.002), length of hospitalization stay (6.57-vs-4.95 days; P = <0.001), incidences of ICU admission (15.7%-vs-7.6%; P = 0.036), early clinical failure (32.6%-vs-16.1%; P = 0.01), and time to clinical stability (4.83-vs-4.1 days; P = 0.001) were found to be statistically less significant (P-value <0.05) for Group-2 patients.
CONCLUSION: Early initiation of antibiotic therapy in combination with oseltamivir was found to be more efficacious than oseltamivir alone in prevention of influenza B-associated complications especially in high-risk influenza patients.
METHODS: A systematic literature search with no language restrictions was performed on electronic databases and preprint repositories to identify eligible randomized trials published up to 8 July 2021. A random-effects model was used to estimate the pooled odds ratio (OR) for outcomes of interest with the use of sofosbuvir combined with direct-acting antiviral agents relative to the nonuse of sofosbuvir-based direct-acting antiviral agents at 95% confidence intervals (CI).
RESULTS: The meta-analysis of 11 trials (n = 2,161) revealed statistically significant reduction in the odds of mortality (pooled odds ratio = 0.59; 95% confidence interval 0.36 to 0.99) but no statistically significant difference in the odds of development of composite endpoint of severe illness (pooled odds ratio = 0.79; 95% confidence interval 0.43 to 1.44) with the administration of sofosbuvir-based direct-acting antiviral agents among patients with COVID-19, relative to non-administration of sofosbuvir-based direct-acting antiviral agents.Subgroup analysis with seven trials involving sofosbuvir-daclatasvir revealed no significant mortality benefit (pooled odds ratio = 0.77; 95% confidence interval 0.48 to 1.22).
CONCLUSION: Sofosbuvir-based direct-acting antiviral agents have no protective effects against the development of severe illness in patients with COVID-19 with the current dosing regimen. Whether sofosbuvir-based direct-acting antiviral agents could offer mortality benefits would require further investigations.
METHODS: A case-control study. Cases and controls were patients on second- and first-line ART, respectively. Regression analysis was used to identify factors that were associated with switching to second-line ART. Confidence level was 95% and significance at a p-value <0.05.
RESULTS: 81 cases and 102 controls were included. VLs at six and 9 months were implemented for 8.2% and 2.7%, respectively. Switching predictors were poor adherence (adjusted Hazard Ratio [aHR] = 20.3 (p = 0.013); a first VL >1000 copies/ml (aHR = 20.2), <0.001); opportunistic infections (aHR = 12.9, p = 0.006); male gender (aHR = 5.2, p = 0.003); and lack of adherence counseling (aHR = 3.8 p = 0.024).
CONCLUSION: AVL >1000 copies/ml was a predictor of switching. New local research is underway, with a large number of patients, to assess whether this finding applies to the dolutegravir-based regimens.
METHOD: A Point Prevalence Study (PPS) was conducted in two public urban health facilities in Lagos, Nigeria using a design adapted from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and Global-PPS surveys.
RESULTS: The prevalence of antibiotics use was 80.6% administered mostly parenterally (83.1% of total prescriptions) with concerns with extended surgical antibiotics prophylaxis. The mostly used antibiotics in the secondary hospital were parenteral metronidazole (32.4%), ceftriaxone (27.5%), and amoxicillin + clavulanate (8.2%) while the mostly used in the tertiary hospital were ceftriaxone (25.3%), parenteral metronidazole (19.1%), and amoxicillin + clavulanate (9.3%). There was an appreciable lack of specific functional capacities, policies, and processes to promote appropriate antimicrobial use in both hospitals.
CONCLUSIONS: There is high rate of antibiotics utilization in these facilities with lack of institutional frameworks and processes for ensuring appropriate antibiotic use. The study provides the information needed to improve future antimicrobial use in hospitals and reduce AMR.
AREAS COVERED: This narrative review of the five components of the Pakistan NAP has been undertaken to discuss some of the challenges in implementation of the NAP for AMR in Pakistan including different opinions and views of key stakeholders, combined with suggestions on potential ways to reduce the burden of the AMR.
EXPERT OPINION: Going forward, healthcare authorities should focus on screening and monitoring of all the objectives of the NAP by establishing proper policies as well as promoting antimicrobial stewardship interventions and Infection prevention and control (IPC) practices. Overall, the comprehensive strengthening of the healthcare system is required to adequately implement the NAP, tackle continued inappropriate antimicrobial use and high AMR rates in Pakistan.
METHODS: Retrospective analysis of medical records of patients in the COVID-19 wards of three tertiary care hospitals to assess antibiotic use during the sixth COVID-19 wave.
RESULTS: A total of 284 patients were included, most were male (66.9%), aged 30-50 years (50.7%) with diabetes mellitus the most common comorbidity. The most common symptoms at presentation were cough (47.9%) and arthralgia-myalgia (41.5%). Around 3% were asymptomatic, 34.9% had mild, 30.3% moderate, and 23.6% had severe disease, with 8.1% critical. Chest X-ray abnormalities were seen in 43.3% of patients and 37% had elevated white cell counts, with 35.2% having elevated C-reactive protein levels. Around 91% COVID-19 patients were prescribed antibiotics during their hospital stay, with only a few with proven bacterial co-infections or secondary bacterial infections. Most antibiotics were from the 'Watch' category (90.8%) followed by the 'Reserve' category (4.8%), similar to previous COVID-19 waves.
CONCLUSION: There continued to be excessive antibiotics use among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Pakistan. Urgent measures are needed to address inappropriate prescribing including greater prescribing of Access antibiotics where pertinent.
AREAS COVERED: Procalcitonin (PCT)-guided antibiotic use was discussed in various clinical conditions across initiation, management, and discontinuation stages. Most experts strongly recommended using PCT-driven antibiotic therapy among patients with lower respiratory tract infections, sepsis, and COVID-19. However, additional research is required to understand the optimal use of PCT in patients with organ transplantation and cancer patients with febrile neutropenia. Implementation of the solutions discussed in this review can help improve PCT utilization in guiding AMS in these regions and reducing challenges.
EXPERT OPINION: Experts strongly support the inclusion of PCT in AMS. They believe that PCT in combination with other clinical data to guide antibiotic therapy may result in more personalized and precise targeted antibiotic treatment. The future of PCT in antibiotic treatment is promising and may result in effective utilization of this biomarker.
AREAS COVERED: A need to document current rates of dispensing, their rationale and potential ways forward including antimicrobial stewardship programmes (ASPs). A narrative review was undertaken. The highest rates of antibiotic purchasing were in Eritrea (up to 89.2% of antibiotics dispensed), Ethiopia (up to 87.9%), Nigeria (up to 86.5%), Tanzania (up to 92.3%) and Zambia (up to 100% of pharmacies dispensing antibiotics without a prescription). However, considerable variation was seen with no dispensing in a minority of countries and situations. Key drivers of self-purchasing included high co-payment levels for physician consultations and antibiotic costs, travel costs, convenience of pharmacies, patient requests, limited knowledge of antibiotics and AMR and weak enforcement. ASPs have been introduced in some African countries along with quality targets to reduce inappropriate dispensing, centering on educating pharmacists and patients.
EXPERT OPINION: ASP activities need accelerating among community pharmacies alongside quality targets, with greater monitoring of pharmacists' activities to reduce inappropriate dispensing. Such activities, alongside educating patients and healthcare professionals, should enhance appropriate dispensing of antibiotics and reduce AMR.
METHODS: A systematic search of articles was conducted in scientific databases, with the latest update in May 2021. This paper systematically reviewed the clinical evidence available (randomized controlled trials, compassionate use studies, and case reports) on the use of remdesivir for patients with moderate or severe COVID-19.
RESULTS: A total of eleven studies were included: four studies based on compassionate use of remdesivir, three randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trials, three randomized, open-label, phase III trials, and one case report. Clinical improvement and mortality rates in patients who used remdesivir varied across studies.
CONCLUSION: Given the current evidence, there is insufficient data to confidently recommend the use of remdesivir alone for the treatment of adult hospitalized patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19. However, remdesivir may be considered along with an anti-inflammatory agent in patients with pneumonia, on oxygen support, provided there is close monitoring of clinical and laboratory parameters and adverse events.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: This cross-sectional study was conducted from January to October 2022 using a self-administered questionnaire developed by the authors, having three sections: demographics, knowledge, and perception. The study was validated by research experts and pilot-tested on 30 subjects. The study included medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists from Punjab's government and private medical institutes.
RESULTS: In this study, 382 of 400 participants replied. The mean knowledge score was 9.52 (SD 2.97), showing that participants had adequate knowledge of COVID-19 pharmacological interventions. The knowledge scores were significantly higher of those who treated COVID-19 patients and were from Lahore. Many doctors considered that elderly patients and those with blood disorders were at greater risk of experiencing drug-related problems. Most pharmacists support electronic prescription systems. Many doctors thought the lack of unified treatment guidelines, multiple prescribers, and self-medication were key obstacles in managing COVID-19 patients.
CONCLUSION: Most respondents had adequate knowledge. Older patients with comorbidities are at risk of adverse effects. Self-medication, polypharmacy, and multiple prescriptions can lead to misdiagnosis and complications. Electric prescriptions, team effort, and training programs can decrease these issues.