Displaying publications 21 - 31 of 31 in total

  1. Ganasegeran K, Renganathan P, Rashid A, Al-Dubai SA
    Int J Med Inform, 2017 01;97:145-151.
    PMID: 27919374 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2016.10.013
    BACKGROUND: The dawn of m-Health facilitates new horizons of professional communication through WhatsApp, allowing health professionals to interact fast and efficiently for effective patient management. This preliminary study aimed to investigate perceived benefits, if any, of WhatsApp use across general medical and emergency teams during clinical practice in Malaysia.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a universal sample of 307 health professionals comprising of nurses, medical assistants, medical residents, medical officers and physicians across medical and casualty departments in a Malaysian public hospital. The self-administered questionnaire consisted of items on socio-demographics, WhatsApp usage characteristics and the type of communication events during clinical practice.

    RESULTS: The majority of respondents (68.4%) perceived WhatsApp as beneficial during clinical practice. In multivariate analysis, perceived benefits was significantly higher amongst the clinical management group (aOR=2.6, 95% CI 1.5-4.6, p=0.001), those using WhatsApp for >12months (aOR=1.7, 95% CI 1.0-3.0, p=0.047), those receiving response ≤15min to a new communication (aOR=1.9, 95% CI 1.1-3.2, p=0.017), and frequent information giving events (aOR=2.4, 95% CI 1.2-4.8, p=0.016).

    CONCLUSION: Perceived benefits of WhatsApp use in clinical practice was significantly associated with usage characteristics and type of communication events. This study lays the foundation for quality improvement innovations in patient management delivered through m-Health technology.

  2. Mostafa SA, Mustapha A, Mohammed MA, Ahmad MS, Mahmoud MA
    Int J Med Inform, 2018 04;112:173-184.
    PMID: 29500017 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2018.02.001
    Autonomous agents are being widely used in many systems, such as ambient assisted-living systems, to perform tasks on behalf of humans. However, these systems usually operate in complex environments that entail uncertain, highly dynamic, or irregular workload. In such environments, autonomous agents tend to make decisions that lead to undesirable outcomes. In this paper, we propose a fuzzy-logic-based adjustable autonomy (FLAA) model to manage the autonomy of multi-agent systems that are operating in complex environments. This model aims to facilitate the autonomy management of agents and help them make competent autonomous decisions. The FLAA model employs fuzzy logic to quantitatively measure and distribute autonomy among several agents based on their performance. We implement and test this model in the Automated Elderly Movements Monitoring (AEMM-Care) system, which uses agents to monitor the daily movement activities of elderly users and perform fall detection and prevention tasks in a complex environment. The test results show that the FLAA model improves the accuracy and performance of these agents in detecting and preventing falls.
  3. Adenuga KI, Iahad NA, Miskon S
    Int J Med Inform, 2017 08;104:84-96.
    PMID: 28599820 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2017.05.008
    Telemedicine systems have been considered as a necessary measure to alleviate the shortfall in skilled medical specialists in developing countries. However, the obvious challenge is whether clinicians are willing to use this technological innovation, which has aided medical practice globally. One factor which has received little academic attention is the provision of suitable encouragement for clinicians to adopt telemedicine, in the form of rewards, motivation or incentives. A further consideration for telemedicine usage in developing countries, especially sub-Saharan Africa and Nigeria in particular, are to the severe shortage of available practising clinicians. The researchers therefore explore the need to positively reinforce the adoption of telemedicine amongst clinicians in Nigeria, and also offer a rationale for this using the UTAUT model. Data were collected using a structured paper-based questionnaire, with 252 physicians and nurses from six government hospitals in Ondo state, Nigeria. The study applied SmartPLS 2.0 for analysis to determine the relationship between six variables. Demographic moderating variables, age, gender and profession, were included. The results indicate that performance expectancy (p<0.05), effort expectancy (p<0.05), facilitating condition (p<0.01) and reinforcement factor (p<0.001) have significant effects on clinicians' behavioural intention to use telemedicine systems, as predicted using the extended UTAUT model. Our results showed that the use of telemedicine by clinicians in the Nigerian context is perceived as a dual responsibility which requires suitable reinforcement. In addition, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating condition and reinforcement determinants are influential factors in the use of telemedicine services for remote-patient clinical diagnosis and management by the Nigerian clinicians.
  4. Jaafar NI, Ainin S, Yeong MW
    Int J Med Inform, 2017 08;104:38-44.
    PMID: 28599815 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2017.05.002
    BACKGROUND: The general improvement of socio-economic conditions has resulted in people becoming more educated to make better-informed decisions in health related matters. Individual's perspective on health increases with better understanding of ways to improve lifestyle for better health and living. With the increase in lifestyle related diseases that lead to health problems, there is an increase in the availability of healthcare information. Thus, it is important to identify the factors that influence information seeking behaviour in the area of healthcare and lifestyle. This exploratory study examines the relationship between the factors that affect online health information-seeking behaviour among healthcare product in the capital city of Malaysia.
    METHOD: Survey questionnaire was used to collect empirical data. A survey was conducted among 300 healthcare consumers in three main cities in Malaysia where questionnaires were personally distributed through snowball sampling. A total of 271 questionnaire forms were used in the analysis.
    RESULTS: Health Behaviour of the consumers influences Health Information Seeking Behaviour. And this relationship is strongly affected by Gender whereby the affect is strongly among females compared to males.
    CONCLUSION: The findings indicate that Health Behaviour influences Health Information Seeking Behaviour. Marketers can find out which target segment of population to target when devising information channels for consumers, especially through the Internet. However, message that promotes positive health behaviour to a target audience who already has positive Health Behaviour increase the motivation to Health Information Seeking Behaviour.
  5. Lim HM, Abdullah A, Ng CJ, Teo CH, Valliyappan IG, Abdul Hadi H, et al.
    Int J Med Inform, 2021 Nov;155:104567.
    PMID: 34536808 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2021.104567
    BACKGROUND: COVID-19 telemonitoring applications have been developed and used in primary care to monitor patients quarantined at home. There is a lack of evidence on the utility and usability of telemonitoring applications from end-users' perspective.

    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a COVID-19 symptom monitoring system (CoSMoS) by exploring its utility and usability with end-users.

    METHODS: This was a qualitative study using in-depth interviews. Patients with suspected COVID-19 infection who used CoSMoS Telegram bot to monitor their COVID-19 symptoms and doctors who conducted the telemonitoring via CoSMoS dashboard were recruited. Universal sampling was used in this study. We stopped the recruitment when data saturation was reached. Patients and doctors shared their experiences using CoSMoS, its utility and usability for COVID-19 symptoms monitoring. Data were coded and analysed using thematic analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 11 patients and 4 doctors were recruited into this study. For utility, CoSMoS was useful in providing close monitoring and continuity of care, supporting patients' decision making, ensuring adherence to reporting, and reducing healthcare workers' burden during the pandemic. In terms of usability, patients expressed that CoSMoS was convenient and easy to use. The use of the existing social media application for symptom monitoring was acceptable for the patients. The content in the Telegram bot was easy to understand, although revision was needed to keep the content updated. Doctors preferred to integrate CoSMoS into the electronic medical record.

    CONCLUSION: CoSMoS is feasible and useful to patients and doctors in providing remote monitoring and teleconsultation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The utility and usability evaluation enables the refinement of CoSMoS to be a patient-centred monitoring system.

  6. Kamarulariffin Kamarudin M, Tan Jen Ai C, Lisa Zaharan N, Yahya A
    Int J Med Inform, 2022 Dec;168:104865.
    PMID: 36334465 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2022.104865
    BACKGROUND: A standardised mortality ratio (SMR) is the hospital observed mortality divided by its predicted mortality and has been used as an indicator to monitor hospital performance.

    OBJECTIVES: This study developed a model that predicted 30-day mortality for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and compared the SMR among 41 Malaysian public hospitals using statistical process control charts.

    METHODS & RESULTS: Data from referral centres and specialist hospitals with cardiology services were analysed. Both referral centres and specialist hospitals had comparable mortality, except for Hospitals A and B, which the study considered outliers. Two-thirds of the remaining hospitals had an SMR of above one (SMR 1.05-1.51), but the indices were still within the expected variations.

    CONCLUSION: The SMR coupled with a funnel plot and variable life adjusted display (VLAD) can identify hospitals with potentially higher than expected mortality rates.

  7. Zakaria N, Zakaria N, Alnobani O, AlMalki M, El-Hassan O, Alhefzi MI, et al.
    Int J Med Inform, 2023 Feb;170:104914.
    PMID: 36521421 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2022.104914
    BACKGROUND: During the past two decades, various sectors and industries have undergone digital transformation. Healthcare is poised to make a full transformation in the near future. Although steps have been taken toward creating an infrastructure for digital health in the Middle East, as it stands, digital health is still an emerging field here. The current global health care crisis has underscoredthe need for digitization of the healthcare sector to provide high-value, high-quality care and knowledge generation. With the advent of digital transformation in countries around the globe, there is a rising demand for investment and innovation in health information technology. With the demand for health informatics (HI) graduates in different disciplines (e.g., healthcare professions, information technology, etc.), there is an urgent need to determine and regulate clear career pathways and the core competencies necessary for digital health professional to practice effectively and to allow technology to add value to the healthcare systems. Given the changing landscape of the profession, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are experiencing a rising demand to produce digital health professionals who can meet the needs of all the stakeholders involved, including patients, healthcare professionals, managers, and policymakers. However, despite the number of region-wide initiatives in the form of training programs, there remains a knowledge-practice gap and unclear job roles within the HI community. In recent years, regional digital health workforce initiatives have been put forward, such as the GCC Taskforce on Workforce Development in Digital Healthcare. The taskforce initiated a survey and several workshops to identify and classify HI disciplines according to the needs of the job market and through comparisons with similar efforts developed across the globe, such as the TIGER project and the EU*US eHealth Work project. Digital health implementation has been flourishing in the Middle East for the past 15 years. During this period, while digital health professions have been thriving in the industry to deliver tools and technologies, academic institutions have offered some amount of training and education in digital health; however, the career pathway for digital health professionals is not clear due to mismatch about the qualifications, skills, competencies and experience needed by the healthcare industry.

    OBJECTIVES: Due to this discrepancy between the academic curriculum and the skills needed in the healthcare industry, the objectives of this study are to define the career pathway for eHealth professions and identify the challenges experienced by academic institutions and the industry in describing digital health professionals.

    METHODS: We elicited qualitative data by conducting six focus groups with individuals from different professional backgrounds, including healthcare workers, information managers, computer sciences professionals, and workers in the revenue cycle who participated in a workshop on November 2-3, 2019, in Dubai. All focus group sessions were audio-recorded and transcribed, and participants were de-identified before analysis. An exploratory method was used to identify themes and subthemes. Saturation was reached when similar responses were found during the analysis. In this study, we found that respondents clearly defined eHealth career pathways based on criteria that included qualifications, experience, job scope, and competency. We also explored the challenges that the respondents encountered, including differences in the required skill sets and training and the need to standardize the academic curriculum across the GCC region, to recognize the various career pathways, and to develop local training programs. Additionally, country-specific projects have been initiated, such as the competency-based Digital Health framework, which was developed by the Saudi Commission of Healthcare Specialties (SCFHS) in 2018. Competency-based digital health frameworks generally include relevant job definitions, roles, and recommended competencies. Both the GCC taskforce and the Saudi studies capitalized on previous efforts by professional organizations, including Canada's Digital Health formerly known as (COACH), the U.S. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), and the Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS).

    RESULTS: In this study, we found that respondents defined eHealth career pathways based on different criteria such as: qualifications; various background of health and IT in the HI field; work experiences; job scope and competency. We also further explore the challenges that the respondents encountered which delineates four key aspects such as need of hybrid skills to manage the digital transformation, need of standardization of academic curriculum across GCC, recognition of the career pathways by the industry in order to open up career opportunity and career advancement, and availability of local training programs for up-skilling the current health workforce.

    CONCLUSION: We believe that successful health digital transformation is not limited to technology advancement but requires an adaptive change in: the related competency-based frameworks, the organisation of work and career paths for eHealth professionals, and the development of educational programmes and joint degrees to equip clinicians with understanding of technology, and informaticians with understanding of healthcare. We anticipate that this work will be expanded and adopted by relevant professional and scientific bodies in the GCC region.

  8. Rohani N, Yusof MM
    Int J Med Inform, 2023 Feb;170:104958.
    PMID: 36608630 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2022.104958
    BACKGROUND: Pharmacy information systems (PhIS) can cause medication errors that pharmacists may overlook due to their increased workload and lack of understanding of maintaining information quality. This study seeks to identify factors influencing unintended consequences of PhIS and how they affect the information quality, which can pose a risk to patient safety.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This qualitative, explanatory case study evaluated PhIS in ambulatory pharmacies in a hospital and a clinic. Data were collected through observations, interviews, and document analysis. We applied the socio-technical interactive analysis (ISTA) framework to investigate the socio-technical interactions of pharmacy information systems that lead to unintended consequences. We then adopted the human-organization-process-technology-fit (HOPT-fit) framework to identify their contributing and dominant factors, misfits, and mitigation measures.

    RESULTS: We identified 28 unintended consequences of PhIS, their key contributing factors, and their interrelations with the systems. The primary causes of unintended consequences include system rigidity and complexity, unclear knowledge, understanding, skills, and purpose of using the system, use of hybrid paper and electronic documentation, unclear and confusing transitions, additions and duplication of tasks and roles in the workflow, and time pressure, causing cognitive overload and workarounds. Recommended mitigating mechanisms include human factor principles in system design, data quality improvement for PhIS in terms of effective use of workspace, training, PhIS master data management, and communication by standardizing workarounds.

    CONCLUSION: Threats to information quality emerge in PhIS because of its poor design, a failure to coordinate its functions and clinical tasks, and pharmacists' lack of understanding of the system use. Therefore, safe system design, fostering awareness in maintaining the information quality of PhIS and cultivating its safe use in organizations is essential to ensure patient safety. The proposed evaluation approach facilitates the evaluator to identify complex socio-technical interactions and unintended consequences factors, impact, and mitigation mechanisms.

  9. Abas Mohamed Y, Ee Khoo B, Shahrimie Mohd Asaari M, Ezane Aziz M, Rahiman Ghazali F
    Int J Med Inform, 2024 Nov 04;193:105689.
    PMID: 39522406 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2024.105689
    OBJECTIVE: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is increasingly recognized as a crucial tool in cancer care, with significant potential to enhance diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment planning. However, the holistic integration of XAI across all stages of cancer care remains underexplored. This review addresses this gap by systematically evaluating the role of XAI in these critical areas, identifying key challenges and emerging trends.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Following the PRISMA guidelines, a comprehensive literature search was conducted across Scopus and Web of Science, focusing on publications from January 2020 to May 2024. After rigorous screening and quality assessment, 69 studies were selected for in-depth analysis.

    RESULTS: The review identified critical gaps in the application of XAI within cancer care, notably the exclusion of clinicians in 83% of studies, which raises concerns about real-world applicability and may lead to explanations that are technically sound but clinically irrelevant. Additionally, 87% of studies lacked rigorous evaluation of XAI explanations, compromising their reliability in clinical practice. The dominance of post-hoc visual methods like SHAP, LIME and Grad-CAM reflects a trend toward explanations that may be inherently flawed due to specific input perturbations and simplifying assumptions. The lack of formal evaluation metrics and standardization constrains broader XAI adoption in clinical settings, creating a disconnect between AI development and clinical integration. Moreover, translating XAI insights into actionable clinical decisions remains challenging due to the absence of clear guidelines for integrating these tools into clinical workflows.

    CONCLUSION: This review highlights the need for greater clinician involvement, standardized XAI evaluation metrics, clinician-centric interfaces, context-aware XAI systems, and frameworks for integrating XAI into clinical workflows for informed clinical decision-making and improved outcomes in cancer care.

  10. Lim JY, Ali NM, Rajikan R, Amit N, Hamid HA, Leong HY, et al.
    Int J Med Inform, 2023 Sep;177:105120.
    PMID: 37295139 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2023.105120
    BACKGROUND: A dietary application can assist the caregivers of AAMDs children in auto-calculating the protein intake, hence improving dietary compliance. However, existing dietary application for patients with AAMDs only focus on delivering the nutritional content of food and monitoring the dietary intake but were lacking in other educational components.

    OBJECTIVE: To assess the uses, needs and preferences towards a dietary application among the caregivers of AAMDs patients.

    METHODS: We conducted a mixed-method study comprising focus group discussion (FGD) and a quantitative questionnaire survey among caregivers of patients aged between 6-month-old to 18-year-old with AAMDs who are receiving active treatment, both medical and dietetic treatment in the genetic clinic, Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL).

    RESULTS: A total of 76 and 20 caregivers participated in the survey and FGD respectively. All the caregivers (100%) possessed a smartphone and most of the caregivers (89.5%) had the experience of using smartphone or other technological devices to search for health or medical information. However, majority of the participants were not aware of the existence of any web-based or mobile application related to AAMDs (89.5%). While for the qualitative part, three themes emerged: (1) experience with current source of information; (2) needs for supporting self-management educational contents and needs for technological design application. Most of the caregivers used the nutritional booklet as sources of reference but some of them searched for web-based information. Features perceived by the caregivers included a digital food composition database, sharing diet recall with healthcare providers, self-monitoring diet intake as well as low protein recipes. Besides that, user-friendly and ease to use were also perceived as the important features by the caregivers.

    CONCLUSION: The identified features and needs by the caregivers should be integrated into the design of the apps to promote acceptance and usage.

  11. Keat-Chuan Ng C, Linus-Lojikip S, Mohamed K, Hss AS
    Int J Med Inform, 2023 Sep;177:105162.
    PMID: 37549500 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2023.105162
    BACKGROUND: Dengue is widespread globally, but it is more severe in hyperendemic regions where the virus, its vectors, and its human hosts naturally occur. The problem is particularly acute in cities, where outbreaks affect a large human population living in a wide array of socio-environmental conditions. Controlling outbreaks will rely largely on systematic data collection and analysis approaches to uncover nuances on a city-by-city basis due to the diversity of factors.

    OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study is to consolidate and analyse the dengue case dataset amassed by the e-Dengue web-based information system, developed by the Ministry of Health Malaysia, to improve our epidemiological understanding.

    METHODS: We retrieved data from the e-Dengue system and integrated a total of 18,812 cases from 2012 to 2019 (8 years) with meteorological data, geoinformatics techniques, and socio-environmental observations to identify plausible factors that could have caused dengue outbreaks in Ipoh, a hyperendemic city in Malaysia.

    RESULTS: The rainfall trend characterised by a linearity of R2 > 0.99, termed the "wet-dry steps", may be the unifying factor for triggering dengue outbreaks, though it is still a hypothesis that needs further validation. Successful mapping of the dengue "reservoir" contact zones and spill-over diffusion revealed socio-environmental factors that may be controlled through preventive measures. Age is another factor to consider, as the platelet and white blood cell counts in the "below 5" age group are much greater than in other age groups.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our work demonstrates the novelty of the e-Dengue system, which can identify outbreak factors at high resolution when integrated with non-medical fields. Besides dengue, the techniques and insights laid out in this paper are valuable, at large, for advancing control strategies for other mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, chikungunya, and zika in other hyperendemic cities elsewhere globally.

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