Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 398 in total

  1. Zulkefli NJ, Mariappan V, Vellasamy KM, Chong CW, Thong KL, Ponnampalavanar S, et al.
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1802.
    PMID: 26998408 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1802
    Background. Central intermediary metabolism (CIM) in bacteria is defined as a set of metabolic biochemical reactions within a cell, which is essential for the cell to survive in response to environmental perturbations. The genes associated with CIM are commonly found in both pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. As these genes are involved in vital metabolic processes of bacteria, we explored the efficiency of the genes in genotypic characterization of Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates, compared with the established pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) schemes. Methods. Nine previously sequenced B. pseudomallei isolates from Malaysia were characterized by PFGE, MLST and CIM genes. The isolates were later compared to the other 39 B. pseudomallei strains, retrieved from GenBank using both MLST and sequence analysis of CIM genes. UniFrac and hierachical clustering analyses were performed using the results generated by both MLST and sequence analysis of CIM genes. Results. Genetic relatedness of nine Malaysian B. pseudomallei isolates and the other 39 strains was investigated. The nine Malaysian isolates were subtyped into six PFGE profiles, four MLST profiles and five sequence types based on CIM genes alignment. All methods demonstrated the clonality of OB and CB as well as CMS and THE. However, PFGE showed less than 70% similarity between a pair of morphology variants, OS and OB. In contrast, OS was identical to the soil isolate, MARAN. To have a better understanding of the genetic diversity of B. pseudomallei worldwide, we further aligned the sequences of genes used in MLST and genes associated with CIM for the nine Malaysian isolates and 39 B. pseudomallei strains from NCBI database. Overall, based on the CIM genes, the strains were subtyped into 33 profiles where majority of the strains from Asian countries were clustered together. On the other hand, MLST resolved the isolates into 31 profiles which formed three clusters. Hierarchical clustering using UniFrac distance suggested that the isolates from Australia were genetically distinct from the Asian isolates. Nevertheless, statistical significant differences were detected between isolates from Malaysia, Thailand and Australia. Discussion. Overall, PFGE showed higher discriminative power in clustering the nine Malaysian B. pseudomallei isolates and indicated its suitability for localized epidemiological study. Compared to MLST, CIM genes showed higher resolution in distinguishing those non-related strains and better clustering of strains from different geographical regions. A closer genetic relatedness of Malaysian isolates with all Asian strains in comparison to Australian strains was observed. This finding was supported by UniFrac analysis which resulted in geographical segregation between Australia and the Asian countries.
  2. Yaacob N, Mohamad Ali MS, Salleh AB, Abdul Rahman NA
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1751.
    PMID: 26989608 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1751
    Background. Not all yeast alcohol dehydrogenase 2 (ADH2) are repressed by glucose, as reported in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Pichia stipitis ADH2 is regulated by oxygen instead of glucose, whereas Kluyveromyces marxianus ADH2 is regulated by neither glucose nor ethanol. For this reason, ADH2 regulation of yeasts may be species dependent, leading to a different type of expression and fermentation efficiency. Lachancea fermentati is a highly efficient ethanol producer, fast-growing cells and adapted to fermentation-related stresses such as ethanol and organic acid, but the metabolic information regarding the regulation of glucose and ethanol production is still lacking. Methods. Our investigation started with the stimulation of ADH2 activity from S. cerevisiae and L. fermentati by glucose and ethanol induction in a glucose-repressed medium. The study also embarked on the retrospective analysis of ADH2 genomic and protein level through direct sequencing and sites identification. Based on the sequence generated, we demonstrated ADH2 gene expression highlighting the conserved NAD(P)-binding domain in the context of glucose fermentation and ethanol production. Results. An increase of ADH2 activity was observed in starved L. fermentati (LfeADH2) and S. cerevisiae (SceADH2) in response to 2% (w/v) glucose induction. These suggest that in the presence of glucose, ADH2 activity was activated instead of being repressed. An induction of 0.5% (v/v) ethanol also increased LfeADH2 activity, promoting ethanol resistance, whereas accumulating acetic acid at a later stage of fermentation stimulated ADH2 activity and enhanced glucose consumption rates. The lack in upper stream activating sequence (UAS) and TATA elements hindered the possibility of Adr1 binding to LfeADH2. Transcription factors such as SP1 and RAP1 observed in LfeADH2 sequence have been implicated in the regulation of many genes including ADH2. In glucose fermentation, L. fermentati exhibited a bell-shaped ADH2 expression, showing the highest expression when glucose was depleted and ethanol-acetic acid was increased. Meanwhile, S. cerevisiae showed a constitutive ADH2 expression throughout the fermentation process. Discussion. ADH2 expression in L. fermentati may be subjected to changes in the presence of non-fermentative carbon source. The nucleotide sequence showed that ADH2 transcription could be influenced by other transcription genes of glycolysis oriented due to the lack of specific activation sites for Adr1. Our study suggests that if Adr1 is not capable of promoting LfeADH2 activation, the transcription can be controlled by Rap1 and Sp1 due to their inherent roles. Therefore in future, it is interesting to observe ADH2 gene being highly regulated by these potential transcription factors and functioned as a promoter for yeast under high volume of ethanol and organic acids.
  3. Dashtdar H, Murali MR, Selvaratnam L, Balaji Raghavendran H, Suhaeb AM, Ahmad TS, et al.
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1650.
    PMID: 26966647 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1650
    Chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in the form of pellet culture and encapsulation in alginate beads has been widely used as conventional model for in vitro chondrogenesis. However, comparative characterization between differentiation, hypertrophic markers, cell adhesion molecule and ultrastructural changes during alginate and pellet culture has not been described. Hence, the present study was conducted comparing MSCs cultured in pellet and alginate beads with monolayer culture. qPCR was performed to assess the expression of chondrogenic, hypertrophic, and cell adhesion molecule genes, whereas transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to assess the ultrastructural changes. In addition, immunocytochemistry for Collagen type II and aggrecan and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) analysis were performed. Our results indicate that pellet and alginate bead cultures were necessary for chondrogenic differentiation of MSC. It also indicates that cultures using alginate bead demonstrated significantly higher (p < 0.05) chondrogenic but lower hypertrophic (p < 0.05) gene expressions as compared with pellet cultures. N-cadherin and N-CAM1 expression were up-regulated in second and third weeks of culture and were comparable between the alginate bead and pellet culture groups, respectively. TEM images demonstrated ultrastructural changes resembling cell death in pellet cultures. Our results indicate that using alginate beads, MSCs express higher chondrogenic but lower hypertrophic gene expression. Enhanced production of extracellular matrix and cell adhesion molecules was also observed in this group. These findings suggest that alginate bead culture may serve as a superior chondrogenic model, whereas pellet culture is more appropriate as a hypertrophic model of chondrogenesis.
  4. Velasco C, Woods AT, Marks LE, Cheok AD, Spence C
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1644.
    PMID: 26966646 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1644
    Previous research shows that people systematically match tastes with shapes. Here, we assess the extent to which matched taste and shape stimuli share a common semantic space and whether semantically congruent versus incongruent taste/shape associations can influence the speed with which people respond to both shapes and taste words. In Experiment 1, semantic differentiation was used to assess the semantic space of both taste words and shapes. The results suggest a common semantic space containing two principal components (seemingly, intensity and hedonics) and two principal clusters, one including round shapes and the taste word "sweet," and the other including angular shapes and the taste words "salty," "sour," and "bitter." The former cluster appears more positively-valenced whilst less potent than the latter. In Experiment 2, two speeded classification tasks assessed whether congruent versus incongruent mappings of stimuli and responses (e.g., sweet with round versus sweet with angular) would influence the speed of participants' responding, to both shapes and taste words. The results revealed an overall effect of congruence with congruent trials yielding faster responses than their incongruent counterparts. These results are consistent with previous evidence suggesting a close relation (or crossmodal correspondence) between tastes and shape curvature that may derive from common semantic coding, perhaps along the intensity and hedonic dimensions.
  5. Wong FN, Chua KH, Kuppusamy UR, Wong CM, Lim SK, Tan JA
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1908.
    PMID: 27114872 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1908
    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition associated with progressive loss of kidney function and kidney damage. The two common causes of CKD are diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Other causes of CKD also include polycystic kidney disease, obstructive uropathy and primary glomerulonephritis. The receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) is a multi-ligand cell surface receptor of the immunoglobulin superfamily and it has been associated with kidney disease in both non-diabetic and diabetic patients. Presently, data on the association between RAGE polymorphisms and CKD in the Malaysian population is limited, while numerous studies have reported associations of RAGE polymorphisms with diabetic complications in other populations. The present study aims to explore the possibility of using RAGE polymorphisms as candidate markers of CKD in Malaysian population by using association analysis.
  6. Subramanian P, Jayapalan JJ, Abdul-Rahman PS, Arumugam M, Hashim OH
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2080.
    PMID: 27257555 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2080
    Background. Diurnal rhythms of protein synthesis controlled by the biological clock underlie the rhythmic physiology in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. In this study, we conducted a proteome-wide investigation of rhythmic protein accumulation in D. melanogaster. Materials and Methods. Total protein collected from fly samples harvested at 4 h intervals over the 24 h period were subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, trypsin digestion and MS/MS analysis. Protein spots/clusters were identified with MASCOT search engine and Swiss-Prot database. Expression of proteins was documented as percentage of volume contribution using the Image Master 2D Platinum software. Results. A total of 124 protein spots/clusters were identified using MS/MS analysis. Significant variation in the expression of 88 proteins over the 24-h period was observed. A relatively higher number of proteins was upregulated during the night compared to the daytime. The complexity of temporal regulation of the D. melanogaster proteome was further reflected from functional annotations of the differently expressed proteins, with those that were upregulated at night being restricted to the heat shock proteins and proteins involved in metabolism, muscle activity, protein synthesis/folding/degradation and apoptosis, whilst those that were overexpressed in the daytime were apparently involved in metabolism, muscle activity, ion-channel/cellular transport, protein synthesis/folding/degradation, redox homeostasis, development and transcription. Conclusion. Our data suggests that a wide range of proteins synthesized by the fruit fly, D. melanogaster, is under the regulation of the biological clock.
  7. Chew LL, Chong VC
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2052.
    PMID: 27257540 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2052
    Background. Climate change concurrent with anthropogenic disturbances can initiate serial changes that reverberate up the food chain with repercussions for fisheries. To date, there is no information available concerning the combined effects of global warming and human impacts on tropical marine food webs. While temperate copepods respond differently to warming and environmental stressors, the extent to which tropical copepods can adapt to rising temperature of already warm waters remains unknown. We hypothesize that sea warming and other anthropogenic disturbances over the long term will have the greatest impact on the copepod community in nearshore waters where their effects are accentuated, and therefore vulnerable and resilient species could be identified. Methods. Zooplankton samples were collected during two time periods (1985-86 and 2014-15) interposed by marked anthropogenic disturbances, and at the same five stations located progressively from inshore to offshore in Klang Strait, Malaysia, following the asymmetrical before-after-control-impact (BACI) design. Copepods were identified to species, and results were interpreted by univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (PERMANOVA, PCO) analyses of the computed species abundance and diversity measures. Results. Copepod total abundance was not significantly different among stations but higher after disturbance than before disturbance. However, changes in the abundance of particular species and the community structure between time periods were dramatic. Coastal large-bodied calanoid species (e.g., Acartia spinicauda, Calanopia thompsoni, Pseudodiaptomus bowmani and Tortanus forcipatus) were the most vulnerable group to disturbance. This however favored the opportunistic species (e.g., Oithona simplex, O. attenuata, Hemicyclops sp., Pseudomacrochiron sp. and Microsetella norvegica). Small-bodied copepods (e.g., Paracalanus sp., Parvocalanus crassirostris and Euterpina acutifrons) were unaffected. Centropages tenuiremis was likely an introduced species. There was no significant loss in species richness of copepods despite the dramatic changes in community structure. Discussion. Sea warming and other human-induced effects such as eutrophication, acidification and coastal habitat degradation are likely the main factors that have altered copepod community structure. The large-bodied estuarine and coastal calanoid copepods are surmised to be vulnerable to eutrophication and hypoxia, while both resilient and opportunistic species are largely unaffected by, or adaptable to, degraded coastal environments and observed sea surface temperature (SST) rise. It is forecasted that SST rise with unmitigated anthropogenic impacts will further reduce large-bodied copepod species the favoured food for fish larvae with dire consequences for coastal fish production.
  8. Dieye Y, Mbengue B, Dagamajalu S, Fall MM, Loke MF, Nguer CM, et al.
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1965.
    PMID: 27168977 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1965
    Background. With 214 million cases and 438,000 deaths in 2015, malaria remains one of the deadliest infectious diseases in tropical countries. Several species of the protozoan Plasmodium cause malaria. However, almost all the fatalities are due to Plasmodium falciparum, a species responsible for the severest cases including cerebral malaria. Immune response to Plasmodium falciparum infection is mediated by the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and growth factors whose actions are crucial for the control of the parasites. Following this response, the induction of anti-inflammatory immune mediators downregulates the inflammation thus preventing its adverse effects such as damages to various organs and death. Methods. We performed a retrospective, nonprobability sampling study using clinical data and sera samples from patients, mainly adults, suffering of non-cerebral or cerebral malaria in Dakar, Sénégal. Healthy individuals residing in the same area were included as controls. We measured the serum levels of 29 biomarkers including growth factors, chemokines, inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Results. We found an induction of both pro- and anti-inflammatory immune mediators during malaria. The levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers were higher in the cerebral malaria than in the non-cerebral malaria patients. In contrast, the concentrations of anti-inflammatory cytokines were comparable in these two groups or lower in CM patients. Additionally, four pro-inflammatory biomarkers were significantly increased in the deceased of cerebral malaria compared to the survivors. Regarding organ damage, kidney failure was significantly associated with death in adults suffering of cerebral malaria. Conclusions. Our results suggest that a poorly controlled inflammatory response determines a bad outcome in African adults suffering of cerebral malaria.
  9. Masum AK, Azad MA, Hoque KE, Beh LS, Wanke P, Arslan Ö
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1896.
    PMID: 27168960 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1896
    The aim of this study was to identify the facets influencing job satisfaction and intention to quit of nurses employed in Turkey. Using a non-probability sampling technique, 417 nurses from six large private hospitals were surveyed from March 2014 to June 2014. The nurses' demographic data, their job-related satisfaction and turnover intentions were recorded through a self-administered questionnaire. In this study, descriptive and bivariate analyses were used to explore data, and multivariate analysis was performed using logistic regression. Nurses' job satisfaction was found at a moderate level with 61% of the nurses intended to quit. Nevertheless, nurses reported a high satisfaction level with work environment, supervisor support, and co-workers among the selected nine facets of job satisfaction. They also reported a low satisfaction level with contingent reward, fringe benefits, and pay. The impact of demographic characteristics on job satisfaction and intention to quit was also examined. The study revealed a negative relationship between job satisfaction and intention to quit the existing employment. Moreover, satisfaction with supervisor support was the only facet that significantly explained turnover intent when controlling for gender, age, marital status, education, and experience. The implications for nurse management were also described for increasing nurses' job satisfaction and retention. This study is beneficial for hospital management to ensure proper nursing care that would lead to a better quality healthcare service.
  10. Khalili Samani N, Esa Y, Amin SM, Fatin Mohd Ikhsan N
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1930.
    PMID: 27231645 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1930
    Plotosus canius (Hamilton, 1822) is a significant marine species in Malaysia from nutritional and commercial perspectives. Despite numerous fundamental research on biological characteristics of P. canius, there are various concerns on the level of population differentiation, genomic structure, and the level of genetic variability among their populations due to deficiency of genetic-based studies. Deficiency on basic contexts such as stock identification, phylogenetic relationship and population genetic structure would negatively impact their sustainable conservation. Hence, this study was conducted to characterize the genetic structure of P. canius for the first time through the application of mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) gene, cross amplification of Tandanus tandanus microsatellites, and a total of 117 collected specimens across five selected populations of Malaysia. The experimental results of the mitochondrial analysis revealed that the haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity varied from 0.395-0.771 and 0.033-0.65 respectively. Moreover, the statistical analysis of microsatellites addressed a considerable heterozygote insufficiency in all populations, with average observed heterozygosity (Ho ) value of 0.2168, which was lower than the standard heterozygosity in marine populations (Ho = 0.79). This alongside the high Fis values estimation, high pairwise differentiation among populations and low within population variations are supposed to be associated with small sample size, and inbreeding system. Besides, the significant finding of this study was the sharing of common haplotype KR086940, which reflects a historical genetic connectivity between Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo populations due to the geological history of Southeast Asia during Pleistocene era. Demographic analyses showed that all populations were in an equilibrium state with no significant evidence of population expansion. To put it briefly, the current study has managed to provide an initial genomic database toward understanding of the genetic characterization, phylogenetic, molecular diversification and population structure in P. canius, and should be necessary highlighted for appropriate management and conservation of species. Further studies must be carried out involving more geographical and sampling sites, larger population size per site, and utilization of species specific microsatellites loci.
  11. Mohd Ali N, Boo L, Yeap SK, Ky H, Satharasinghe DA, Liew WC, et al.
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1536.
    PMID: 26788424 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1536
    Decline in the therapeutic potential of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) is often seen with older donors as compared to young. Although hypoxia is known as an approach to improve the therapeutic potential of MSC in term of cell proliferation and differentiation capacity, its effects on MSC from aged donors have not been well studied. To evaluate the influence of hypoxia on different age groups, MSC from young (<30 years) and aged (>60 years) donors were expanded under hypoxic (5% O2) and normal (20% O2) culture conditions. MSC from old donors exhibited a reduction in proliferation rate and differentiation potential together with the accumulation of senescence features compared to that of young donors. However, MSC cultured under hypoxic condition showed enhanced self-renewing and proliferation capacity in both age groups as compared to normal condition. Bioinformatic analysis of the gene ontology (GO) and KEGG pathway under hypoxic culture condition identified hypoxia-inducible miRNAs that were found to target transcriptional activity leading to enhanced cell proliferation, migration as well as decrease in growth arrest and apoptosis through the activation of multiple signaling pathways. Overall, differentially expressed miRNA provided additional information to describe the biological changes of young and aged MSCs expansion under hypoxic culture condition at the molecular level. Based on our findings, the therapeutic potential hierarchy of MSC according to donor's age group and culture conditions can be categorized in the following order: young (hypoxia) > young (normoxia) > old aged (hypoxia) > old aged (normoxia).
  12. Salimi N, Loh KH, Kaur Dhillon S, Chong VC
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e1664.
    PMID: 26925315 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1664
    Background. Fish species may be identified based on their unique otolith shape or contour. Several pattern recognition methods have been proposed to classify fish species through morphological features of the otolith contours. However, there has been no fully-automated species identification model with the accuracy higher than 80%. The purpose of the current study is to develop a fully-automated model, based on the otolith contours, to identify the fish species with the high classification accuracy. Methods. Images of the right sagittal otoliths of 14 fish species from three families namely Sciaenidae, Ariidae, and Engraulidae were used to develop the proposed identification model. Short-time Fourier transform (STFT) was used, for the first time in the area of otolith shape analysis, to extract important features of the otolith contours. Discriminant Analysis (DA), as a classification technique, was used to train and test the model based on the extracted features. Results. Performance of the model was demonstrated using species from three families separately, as well as all species combined. Overall classification accuracy of the model was greater than 90% for all cases. In addition, effects of STFT variables on the performance of the identification model were explored in this study. Conclusions. Short-time Fourier transform could determine important features of the otolith outlines. The fully-automated model proposed in this study (STFT-DA) could predict species of an unknown specimen with acceptable identification accuracy. The model codes can be accessed at http://mybiodiversityontologies.um.edu.my/Otolith/ and https://peerj.com/preprints/1517/. The current model has flexibility to be used for more species and families in future studies.
  13. Zahari Z, Lee CS, Tan SC, Mohamad N, Lee YY, Ismail R
    PeerJ, 2015;3:e839.
    PMID: 25870765 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.839
    Aim. Poor sleep quality due to pain has been reported among opioid-dependent male patients on methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) but objective pain data are lacking. This study aimed to investigate the rate of pain-sensitivity using cold pressor test (CPT) and the relationship between pain-sensitivity and sleep quality in this population.
    Methods. A total of 168 male participants were included into the study. Objective pain-tolerance was evaluated at 0 h and at 24 h after the first CPT. Malay version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the subjective opiate withdrawal scale (SOWS) questionnaires were administered to evaluate the quality of sleep and withdrawal symptoms, respectively.
    Results. The mean age of study participants was 37.22 (SD 6.20) years old. Mean daily methadone dose was 76.64 (SD 37.63) mg/day, mean global PSQI score was 5.47 (SD 2.74) and mean averaged SOWS score was 5.43 (SD 6.91). The averaged pain-tolerance time ranged from 7 to 300 s with a mean time of 32.16 (SE 2.72) s, slightly below the cut-off score of 37.53 s. More specifically, 78.6% (n = 132) of participants were identified as pain-sensitive (averaged pain-tolerance time ≤37.53 s), and 36 (21.4%) participants were pain-tolerant (averaged pain-tolerance time >37.53 s). The pain-sensitive group reported poorer sleep quality with mean (SD) PSQI of 5.78 (2.80) compared with the pain-tolerant group with mean (SD) PSQI of 4.31 (2.18) (p = 0.005). With analysis of covariance, pain-sensitive group was found to have higher global PSQI scores (adjusted mean 5.76, 95% CI 5.29; 6.22) than pain-tolerant participants (adjusted mean 4.42, 95% CI 3.52; 5.32) (p = 0.010).
    Conclusions. Majority of opioid-dependent male patients on methadone treatment are pain-sensitive with CPT. Poor sleep quality is associated with cold pressor pain-sensitivity. Pain and sleep complaints in this male population should not be overlooked.
    Study site: Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) and other MMT clinics (Kota Bharu, Pasir Mas, Pasir Puteh and Bachok), Kelantan, Malaysia
  14. Dickinson L, Noble H, Gardner E, Puad ASA, Zakaria WNFW, Zerega NJC
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e9897.
    PMID: 33005490 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9897
    Limestone karsts of Southeast Asia can harbor high levels of endemism, but are highly fragmented, increasingly threatened, and their biodiversity is often poorly studied. This is true of the Padawan Limestone Area of Sarawak, Malaysia, home to the endemic Artocarpus annulatus, the closest known wild relative of two important and underutilized fruit tree crops, jackfruit (A. heterophyllus) and cempedak (A. integer). Identifying and conserving crop wild relatives is critical for the conservation of crop genetic diversity and breeding. In 2016 and 2017, five A. annulatus populations were located, and leaf material, locality information, and demographic data were collected. Microsatellite markers were used to assess genetic diversity and structure among populations, and to compare levels of genetic diversity to closely related congeneric species. Results indicate no evidence of inbreeding in A. annulatus, and there is no genetic structure among the five populations. However, diversity measures trended lower in seedlings compared to mature trees, suggesting allelic diversity may be under threat in the youngest generation of plants. Also, genetic diversity is lower in A. annulatus compared to closely related congeners. The present study provides a baseline estimate of A. annulatus genetic diversity that can be used for comparison in future studies and to other species in the unique limestone karst ecosystems. Considerations for in situ and ex situ conservation approaches are discussed.
  15. Dorairaj D, Suradi MF, Mansor NS, Osman N
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e9595.
    PMID: 32904129 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9595
    Globally, there has been an increase in the frequency of landslides which is the result of slope failures. The combination of high intensity rainfall and high temperature resulted in the formation of acidic soil which is detrimental to the healthy growth of plants. Proper plant coverage on slopes is a prerequisite to mitigate and rehabilitate the soil. However, not all plant species are able to grow in marginal land. Thus, this study was undertaken to find a suitable slope plant species. We aimed to evaluate the effect of different soil pH on root profiles and growth of three different potential slope plant species namely, Melastoma malabathricum, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Syzygium campanulatum. M. malabathricum showed the highest tolerance to acidic soil as it recorded the highest plant height and photosynthetic rate. The root systems of M. malabathricum, H. rosa-sinensis and S. campanulatum were identified as M, VH- and R-types, respectively. The study proposed M. malabathricum which possessed dense and shallow roots to be planted at the toe or top of the slope while H. rosa-sinensis and S. campanulatum to be planted in the middle of a slope. S. campanulatum consistently recorded high root length and root length density across all three types of soil pH while M. malabathricum showed progressive increase in length as the soil pH increased. The root average diameter and root volume of M. malabathricum outperformed the other two plant species irrespective of soil pH. In terms of biomass, M. malabathricum exhibited the highest root and shoot dry weights followed by S. campanulatum. Thus, we propose M. malabathricum to be planted on slopes as a form of soil rehabilitation. The plant species displayed denser rooting, hence a stronger root anchorage that can hold the soil particles together which will be beneficial for slope stabilization.
  16. Tan HY, Tan SL, Teo SH, Roebuck MM, Frostick SP, Kamarul T
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e8740.
    PMID: 32587790 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.8740
    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) had been reported to be associated with tendinopathy. However, the underlying mechanisms of diabetic tendinopathy still remain largely to be discovered. The purpose of this study was to develop insulin resistance (IR) model on primary human tenocytes (hTeno) culture with tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) treatment to study tenocytes homeostasis as an implication for diabetic tendinopathy.

    Methods: hTenowere isolated from human hamstring tendon. Presence of insulin receptor beta (INSR-β) on normal tendon tissues and the hTeno monolayer culture were analyzed by immunofluorescence staining. The presence of Glucose Transporter Type 1 (GLUT1) and Glucose Transporter Type 4 (GLUT4) on the hTeno monolayer culture were also analyzed by immunofluorescence staining. Primary hTeno were treated with 0.008, 0.08, 0.8 and 8.0 µM of TNF-α, with and without insulin supplement. Outcome measures include 2-[N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl) amino]-2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-NBDG) assay to determine the glucose uptake activity; colourimetric total collagen assay to quantify the total collagen expression levels; COL-I ELISA assay to measure the COL-I expression levels and real-time qPCR to analyze the mRNA gene expressions levels of Scleraxis (SCX), Mohawk (MKX), type I collagen (COL1A1), type III collagen (COL3A1), matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-9 and MMP-13 in hTeno when treated with TNF-α. Apoptosis assay for hTeno induced with TNF-α was conducted using Annexin-V FITC flow cytometry analysis.

    Results: Immunofluorescence imaging showed the presence of INSR-β on the hTeno in the human Achilles tendon tissues and in the hTeno in monolayer culture. GLUT1 and GLUT4 were both positively expressed in the hTeno. TNF-α significantly reduced the insulin-mediated 2-NBDG uptake in all the tested concentrations, especially at 0.008 µM. Total collagen expression levels and COL-I expression levels in hTeno were also significantly reduced in hTeno treated with 0.008 µM of TNF-α. The SCX, MKX and COL1A1 mRNA expression levels were significantly downregulated in all TNF-α treated hTeno, whereas the COL3A1, MMP-9 and MMP-13 were significantly upregulated in the TNF-α treated cells. TNF-α progressively increased the apoptotic cells at 48 and 72 h.

    Conclusion: At 0.008 µM of TNF-α, an IR condition was induced in hTeno, supported with the significant reduction in glucose uptake, as well as significantly reduced total collagen, specifically COL-I expression levels, downregulation of candidate tenogenic markers genes (SCX and MKX), and upregulation of ECM catabolic genes (MMP-9 and MMP-13). Development of novel IR model in hTeno provides an insight on how tendon homeostasis could be affected and can be used as a tool for further discovering the effects on downstream molecular pathways, as the implication for diabetic tendinopathy.

  17. Tan KY, Dutta A, Tan TK, Hari R, Othman RY, Choo SW
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e9733.
    PMID: 32953261 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9733
    Background: Paraburkholderia fungorum (P. fungorum) is a Gram-negative environmental species that has been commonly used as a beneficial microorganism in agriculture as an agent for biocontrol and bioremediation. Its use in agriculture is controversial as many people believe that it could harm human health; however, there is no clear evidence to support.

    Methodology: The pangolin P. fungorum (pangolin Pf) genome has a genomic size of approximately 7.7 Mbps with N50 of 69,666 bps. Our study showed that pangolin Pf is a Paraburkholderia fungorum supported by evidence from the core genome SNP-based phylogenetic analysis and the ANI analysis. Functional analysis has shown that the presence of a considerably large number of genes related to stress response, virulence, disease, and defence. Interestingly, we identified different types of secretion systems in the genome of pangolin Pf, which are highly specialized and responsible for a bacterium's response to its environment and in physiological processes such as survival, adhesion, and adaptation. The pangolin Pf also shared some common virulence genes with the known pathogenic member of the Burkholderiales. These genes play important roles in adhesion, motility, and invasion.

    Conclusion: This study may provide better insights into the functions, secretion systems and virulence of this pangolin-associated bacterial strain. The addition of this genome sequence is also important for future comparative analysis and functional work of P. fungorum.

  18. Siti Sarah CO, Md Shukri N, Mohd Ashari NS, Wong KK
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e9834.
    PMID: 32953271 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9834
    Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a common disease affecting 400 million of the population worldwide. Nasal epithelial cells form a barrier against the invasion of environmental pathogens. These nasal epithelial cells are connected together by tight junction (TJ) proteins including zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), ZO-2 and ZO-3. Impairment of ZO proteins are observed in AR patients whereby dysfunction of ZOs allows allergens to pass the nasal passage into the subepithelium causing AR development. In this review, we discuss ZO proteins and their impairment leading to AR, regulation of their expression by Th1 cytokines (i.e., IL-2, TNF-α and IFN-γ), Th2 cytokines (i.e., IL-4 and IL-13) and histone deacetylases (i.e., HDAC1 and HDAC2). These findings are pivotal for future development of targeted therapies by restoring ZO protein expression and improving nasal epithelial barrier integrity in AR patients.
  19. Lee NSM, Clements GR, Ting ASY, Wong ZH, Yek SH
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e10033.
    PMID: 33062440 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10033
    Background: Human population growth has led to biodiversity declines in tropical cities. While habitat loss and fragmentation have been the main drivers of urban biodiversity loss, man-made interventions to reduce health risks have also emerged as an unintentional threat. For instance, insecticide fogging to control mosquito populations has become the most common method of preventing the expansion of mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue. However, the effectiveness of fogging in killing mosquitoes has been called into question. One concern is the unintended effect of insecticide fogging on non-target invertebrates that are crucial for the maintenance of urban ecosystems. Here, we investigate the impacts of fogging on: (1) target invertebrate taxon (Diptera, including mosquitoes); (2) non-target invertebrate taxa; and (3) the foraging behavior of an invertebrate pollinator taxon (Lepidoptera) within an urban tropical forest.

    Methods: We carried out fogging with Pyrethroid insecticide (Detral 2.5 EC) at 10 different sites in a forest situated in the state of Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. Across the sites, we counted the numbers of knocked-down invertebrates and identified them based on morphology to different taxa. We constructed Bayesian hierarchical Poisson regression models to investigate the effects of fogging on: (1) a target invertebrate taxon (Diptera) 3-h post-fogging; (2) selected non-target invertebrate taxa 3-h post-fogging; and (3) an invertebrate pollinator taxon (Lepidoptera) 24-h post-fogging.

    Results: A total of 1,874 invertebrates from 19 invertebrate orders were knocked down by the fogging treatment across the 10 sites. Furthermore, 72.7% of the invertebrates counted 3-h post-fogging was considered dead. Our regression models showed that given the data and prior information, the probability that fogging had a negative effect on invertebrate taxa 3-h post-fogging was 100%, with reductions to 11% of the pre-fogging count of live individuals for the target invertebrate taxon (Diptera), and between 5% and 58% of the pre-fogging count of live individuals for non-target invertebrate taxa. For the invertebrate pollinator, the probability that fogging had a negative effect 24-h post-fogging was also 100%, with reductions to 53% of the pre-fogging count of live individuals.

    Discussion: Our Bayesian models unequivocally demonstrate that fogging has detrimental effects on one pollinator order and non-target invertebrate orders, especially taxa that have comparatively lower levels of chitinisation. While fogging is effective in killing the target order (Diptera), no mosquitos were found dead in our experiment. In order to maintain urban biodiversity, we recommend that health authorities and the private sector move away from persistent insecticide fogging and to explore alternative measures to control adult mosquito populations.

  20. Abdul Rahman M, Tan ML, Johnson SP, Hollows RJ, Chai WL, Mansell JP, et al.
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e10328.
    PMID: 33240646 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10328
    Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide and accounts for 300,000 new cases yearly. The five-year survival rate is approximately 50% and the major challenges to improving patient prognosis include late presentation, treatment resistance, second primary tumours and the lack of targeted therapies. Therefore, there is a compelling need to develop novel therapeutic strategies. In this study, we have examined the effect of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) on OSCC cell migration, invasion and response to radiation, and investigated the contribution of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in mediating the tumour promoting effects of LPA. Using the TCGA data set, we show that the expression of the lipid phosphate phosphatases (LPP), LPP1 and LPP3, was significantly down-regulated in OSCC tissues. There was no significant difference in the expression of the ENPP2 gene, which encodes for the enzyme autotaxin (ATX) that produces LPA, between OSCCs and control tissues but ENPP2 levels were elevated in a subgroup of OSCCs. To explore the phenotypic effects of LPA, we treated OSCC cell lines with LPA and showed that the lipid enhanced migration and invasion as well as suppressed the response of the cells to irradiation. We also show that LPA increased COX-2 mRNA and protein levels in OSCC cell lines and inhibition of COX-2 activity with the COX-2 inhibitor, NS398, attenuated LPA-induced OSCC cell migration. Collectively, our data show for the first time that COX-2 mediates some of the pro-tumorigenic effects of LPA in OSCC and identifies the ATX-LPP-LPA-COX-2 pathway as a potential therapeutic target for this disease.
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