METHODS: National Obstetric Registry (NOR) data were used to calculate the 10th and 90th birthweight percentiles for each maternal height group by gestational age and neonatal sex. Multiple linear regression models, adjusted for maternal age, weight, parity, gestational age, and neonatal sex, were used to examine the association between neonate birthweight and maternal ethnicity and height. The following main outcome measures were assessed: small for gestational age (<10th percentile), large for gestational age (>90th percentile), and birthweight.
RESULTS: The median height was 155 cm (IQR, 152-159), with mothers of Chinese descent being the tallest (median (IQR): 158 cm (154-162)) and mothers of Orang Asli (Indigenous) descent the shortest (median (IQR): 151 cm (147-155)). The median birthweight was 3000 g (IQR, 2740-3250), with mothers of Malay and Chinese ethnicity and Others having, on average, the heaviest babies, followed by other Bumiputeras (indigenous) mothers, mothers of Indian ethnicity, and lastly, mothers of Orang Asli ethnicity. For infants, maternal age, height, weight, parity, male sex, and gestational age were positively associated with birthweight. Maternal height had a positive association with neonate birthweight (B = 7.08, 95% CI: 6.85-7.31). For ethnicity, compared with neonates of Malay ethnicity, neonates of Chinese, Indian, Orang Asli, and other Bumiputera ethnicities had lower birthweights.
CONCLUSION: Birthweight increases with maternal height among Malaysians of all ethnicities. SGA and LGA cutoffs specific to maternal height may be useful to guide pregnancy management.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of vitamin D supplementation given to infants, or lactating mothers, on vitamin D deficiency, bone density and growth in healthy term breastfed infants.
SEARCH METHODS: We used the standard search strategy of Cochrane Neonatal to 29 May 2020 supplemented by searches of clinical trials databases, conference proceedings, and citations.
SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-RCTs in breastfeeding mother-infant pairs comparing vitamin D supplementation given to infants or lactating mothers compared to placebo or no intervention, or sunlight, or that compare vitamin D supplementation of infants to supplementation of mothers.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors assessed trial eligibility and risk of bias and independently extracted data. We used the GRADE approach to assess the certainty of evidence.
MAIN RESULTS: We included 19 studies with 2837 mother-infant pairs assessing vitamin D given to infants (nine studies), to lactating mothers (eight studies), and to infants versus lactating mothers (six studies). No studies compared vitamin D given to infants versus periods of infant sun exposure. Vitamin D supplementation given to infants: vitamin D at 400 IU/day may increase 25-OH vitamin D levels (MD 22.63 nmol/L, 95% CI 17.05 to 28.21; participants = 334; studies = 6; low-certainty) and may reduce the incidence of vitamin D insufficiency (25-OH vitamin D < 50 nmol/L) (RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.41 to 0.80; participants = 274; studies = 4; low-certainty). However, there was insufficient evidence to determine if vitamin D given to the infant reduces the risk of vitamin D deficiency (25-OH vitamin D < 30 nmol/L) up till six months of age (RR 0.41, 95% CI 0.16 to 1.05; participants = 122; studies = 2), affects bone mineral content (BMC), or the incidence of biochemical or radiological rickets (all very-low certainty). We are uncertain about adverse effects including hypercalcaemia. There were no studies of higher doses of infant vitamin D (> 400 IU/day) compared to placebo. Vitamin D supplementation given to lactating mothers: vitamin D supplementation given to lactating mothers may increase infant 25-OH vitamin D levels (MD 24.60 nmol/L, 95% CI 21.59 to 27.60; participants = 597; studies = 7; low-certainty), may reduce the incidences of vitamin D insufficiency (RR 0.47, 95% CI 0.39 to 0.57; participants = 512; studies = 5; low-certainty), vitamin D deficiency (RR 0.15, 95% CI 0.09 to 0.24; participants = 512; studies = 5; low-certainty) and biochemical rickets (RR 0.06, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.44; participants = 229; studies = 2; low-certainty). The two studies that reported biochemical rickets used maternal dosages of oral D3 60,000 IU/day for 10 days and oral D3 60,000 IU postpartum and at 6, 10, and 14 weeks. However, infant BMC was not reported and there was insufficient evidence to determine if maternal supplementation has an effect on radiological rickets (RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.18 to 3.31; participants = 536; studies = 3; very low-certainty). All studies of maternal supplementation enrolled populations at high risk of vitamin D deficiency. We are uncertain of the effects of maternal supplementation on infant growth and adverse effects including hypercalcaemia. Vitamin D supplementation given to infants compared with supplementation given to lactating mothers: infant vitamin D supplementation compared to lactating mother supplementation may increase infant 25-OH vitamin D levels (MD 14.35 nmol/L, 95% CI 9.64 to 19.06; participants = 269; studies = 4; low-certainty). Infant vitamin D supplementation may reduce the incidence of vitamin D insufficiency (RR 0.61, 95% CI 0.40 to 0.94; participants = 334; studies = 4) and may reduce vitamin D deficiency (RR 0.35, 95% CI 0.17 to 0.72; participants = 334; studies = 4) but the evidence is very uncertain. Infant BMC and radiological rickets were not reported and there was insufficient evidence to determine if maternal supplementation has an effect on infant biochemical rickets. All studies enrolled patient populations at high risk of vitamin D deficiency. Studies compared an infant dose of vitamin D 400 IU/day with varying maternal vitamin D doses from 400 IU/day to > 4000 IU/day. We are uncertain about adverse effects including hypercalcaemia.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: For breastfed infants, vitamin D supplementation 400 IU/day for up to six months increases 25-OH vitamin D levels and reduces vitamin D insufficiency, but there was insufficient evidence to assess its effect on vitamin D deficiency and bone health. For higher-risk infants who are breastfeeding, maternal vitamin D supplementation reduces vitamin D insufficiency and vitamin D deficiency, but there was insufficient evidence to determine an effect on bone health. In populations at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D supplementation of infants led to greater increases in infant 25-OH vitamin D levels, reductions in vitamin D insufficiency and vitamin D deficiency compared to supplementation of lactating mothers. However, the evidence is very uncertain for markers of bone health. Maternal higher dose supplementation (≥ 4000 IU/day) produced similar infant 25-OH vitamin D levels as infant supplementation of 400 IU/day. The certainty of evidence was graded as low to very low for all outcomes.
METHODS: An analysis of observational data was conducted using live, singleton, term births recorded in the Malaysian National Obstetrics Registry between 2010 and 2012. A total of 272,472 live, singleton, term births without congential anomalies were recorded, of which 1,580 (0.59%) had 1 min Apgar scores <4. Descriptive methods and bi- and multi-variable logistic regression were used to identify risk factors associated with recovery (5 min Apgar score ≥7) from 1 min Apgar scores <4.
RESULTS: Less than 1% of births have a 1 min Apgar scores <4. Only 29.4% of neonates with 1 min Apgar scores <4 recover to a 5 min Apgar score ≥7. Among uncomplicated vaginal deliveries, after controlling for other factors, deliveries by a doctor of neonates with a 1 min Apgar score <4 had odds of recovery 2.4 times greater than deliveries of neonates with a 1 min Apgar score <4 by a nurse-midwife. Among deliveries of neonates with a 1 min Apgar score <4 by doctors, after controlling for other factors, planned and unplanned CS was associated with better odds of recovery than uncomplicated vaginal deliveries. Recovery was also associated with maternal obesity, and there was some ethnic variation - in the adjusted analysis indigenous (Orang Asal) Malaysians had lower odds of recovery.
CONCLUSIONS: A 1 min Apgar score <4 is relatively rare, and less than a third recover by five minutes. In those newborns the qualification of the person performing the delivery and the type of delivery are independent predictors of recovery as is maternal BMI and ethnicity. These are associations only, not necessarily causes, and they point to potential areas of research into health systems factors in the labour room, as well as possible biological and cultural factors.
METHODS: Chorionic arteries and veins were isolated from human placenta from normal, gestational diabetes mellitus and type 1 diabetes mellitus pregnancies. Isometric tension recording measured responses to adenosine and the thromboxane A2 analogue U46619 (thromboxane A2 mediates fetoplacental vasoconstriction to adenosine). Adenosine and thromboxane prostanoid receptor protein expression was determined by immunoblotting.
RESULTS: Adenosine elicited contractions in chorionic arteries and veins which were impaired in both gestational diabetes mellitus and type 1 diabetes mellitus. Contractions to potassium chloride were unchanged. Adenosine A2A and A2B receptor protein levels were not different in gestational diabetes mellitus and normal pregnancies. Contractions to U46619 were unaltered in gestational diabetes mellitus arteries and increased in type 1 diabetes mellitus arteries. Overnight storage of vessels restored contractility to adenosine in gestational diabetes mellitus arteries and normalized contraction to U46619 in type 1 diabetes mellitus arteries.
CONCLUSION: These data are consistent with the concept of aberrant adenosine signalling in diabetes; they show for the first time that this involves impaired adenosine contractility of the fetoplacental vasculature.