Methods: The present invitro study was completed in 90 days approved by Riyadh Elm University. Forty premolars were extracted disinfected and decoronated. Mechanochemical preparation was done of canal space using 10k file widening canals sequentially with a 25K file with constant saline irrigation. Canal was dried condensed with gutta percha and sealer. Post space was prepared using peso reamer. Based on canal disinfection samples were divided into four groups. Group-1 MBP+17%EDTA, Group-2 RBP +17%EDTA, Group-3 Curcumin+17%EDTA and Group-4 5.25% NaOCl +17% EDTA. Following disinfection, the canal space of all specimens was washed with 17% EDTA for 120 sec. Post was cemented in canal space and cured. Specimens were placed on Universal testing machine (UTM) for EBS. The type of bond failure was evaluated using stereomicroscope. ANOVA and Tukey multiple comparison test was used to compare means.
Results: Cervical third of Group-3 in which samples were disinfected with CP+17% EDTA displayed the maximum EBS (8.69±1.32 MPa). Whereas, the lowest EBS (3.30±0.54 MPa) was exhibited by the apical third of Group-4, where 5.25% NaOCl +17% EDTA was used as a canal disinfectant. The intragroup comparison demonstrated a declining trend of EBS from cervical to apical third in all investigated groups.
Conclusion: Root canal dentin treated with different PS (MBP, CP, and RBP) demonstrated better EBS than the conventional disinfecting regime (NaOCl +17% EDTA). CP and RBP displayed better EBS than MBP.
Methods: The present study was a mixed-method accomplished during the academic years 2019-20, involving fourth-year students at the College of Medicine in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A self-administered questionnaire was used to seek their first experience and opinion of the FC.
Results: A total of 234 questionnaires were distributed to the students, and 214 students completed the survey (response rate of 91.45%). Out of this total, 68.2 % were males and 31.8% were females. Most of the students agreed 156 (72.9%) that the flipped classroom was more engaging than the traditional lecture, among them 100 (68.5%) males and 56 (82.3) females agreed. Almost ~79% of students liked FC as it enabled them knowing the material in advance, and the class time was spent clarifying the facts and principles with active interaction, as commented during focus group discussion "More chance for discussing with the doctors, and I got the chance to answer" (St. 6).
Conclusion: The results showed that the students like the FC more than the conventional classroom. Suggestions were given by students to improve the active learning sessions within the FC modality.
METHODS: Influenza A virus was identified from respiratory specimens by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR). Phylogenetic analysis of the identified isolates was performed and genotypes were detected.
RESULTS: A total number of 505 throat swabs and nasopharyngeal aspirates were examined by rRT-PCR at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) in which 65(12.87%) were positive for influenza A. The identified isolates were successfully genotyped by phylogenetic analysis. The identified influenza A genotypes were: H1N1 (42), H3N2 (20) and H5N1 (3).
CONCLUSION: The findings indicated that 3 genotypes were circulating in Malaysia during 2011 in which H1N1 was the predominant. RESULTS added new genotype (H5N1) identification record in Malaysia that may be added in data base of WHO and CDC.
METHOD: This study was conducted at three radiology centers in Lahore, namely, the Pakistan Jinnah MRI and Body Scan Centre, the University of Lahore Radiology Centres, and Fatima Memorial Hospital, from September 2021 to August 2022. The CLP patients were divided into four groups based on the location of the cleft: Cleft Lip and Palate Right (CLPR), Cleft Lip and Palate Left (CLPL), Bilateral Cleft (CLPB), and Midline Cleft (CLPM), inside and outside the cleft region. Two-way ANOVA was employed to compare the means of agenesis. Tukey's test was utilized to ascertain where the difference lies. The significance level was set at p ≤ 0.05.
RESULTS: Moreover, a significant number of missing teeth were found inside the cleft. This study observed the CLPL (42.3%) and CLPR (13.6%) types more in number. Maxillary first premolars were found more missing outside the cleft region in CLPL and CLPB types. Although CLPB and CLPM types revealed a pattern of missing teeth, only a few cases were found in this study. Moreover, mean tooth agenesis was highest (4.5 SD.71) in the CLPM group, followed up by CLPB (2.75 SD 2.49), CLPR (1.23 SD 1.27), and CLPL Group (1.15 SD 1.12).
CONCLUSIONS: Unilateral cleft lip and palate patients reported significant agenesis patttern compared to bilateral and median cleft cases.
METHODS: This series of studies involved 696 participants from May 2022 to December 2022. Following scoping review, invited modified e-Delphi experts developed consensus on the components and related items for measuring online learning environments. A panel of content experts and a group of medical students carried out content and response-process validation to determine Content Validity Index (CVI) and Face Validity Index (FVI) respectively. This was followed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis to determine Digi-MEE's factorial structure and internal consistency using SPSS version 26.0 and AMOS 26.0.
RESULTS: Delphi experts agreed upon nine components with 73 items of initial Digi-MEE version. CVI of Digi-MEE 2.0 was more than 0.90. with FVI of Digi-MEE 3.0 of 0.87. Exploratory factor analysis yielded 46 items with 57.18% variance. Confirmatory factor analysis led to the final Digi-MEE version containing 28 items within nine components with acceptable levels of goodness of fit indices. Overall Cronbach alpha of the final Digi-MEE was more than 0.90, and for the nine components ranged between 0.62 and 0.76.
CONCLUSION: Digi-MEE is a promising valid and reliable instrument to evaluate online education environment in medical education. Content, response-process, factorial structure, and internal consistency evidence support the validity of Digi-MEE. Medical schools can use Digi-MEE as an evaluation tool for the continuous quality improvement of online learning environments.
METHODS: The sources for this MAFLD review following PRISMA protocol were PubMed, Google scholar, Scopus and Science Direct. Quality of evidence was assessed by consistent results with previous studies. Assessment of quality was done by Joanna Briggs Institute criteria. Quality of evidence was assessed by GRADE approach tool.
RESULTS: This review included 12 studies, from which five were qualitative and seven quantitative. The later showed poor dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle exhibiting MAFLD which eventually affect their quality of life. Further studies suggested that by introducing healthy lifestyle in MAFLD group using diet and exercise caused reduction in BMI, obesity levels, improved glycemic control and reversal of liver fat content with improved liver enzymes.
CONCLUSION: Subjects with MAFLD experienced poor quality of life. Altering lifestyle by diet and exercise can improve their physical wellbeing.
METHODS: Three months of effective research and review development from March 2022 to June 2022. Design using keywords, a literature search was performed in PubMed, Google scholar and Web of Science databases. A total of 13 articles of 45, fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected, of which two were excluded as these were not in English.
RESULTS: Dental practitioners have good knowledge about green dentistry and positive attitudes towards environment conservation, but implementation in their practice is not adequate. Most common themes of knowledge, attitude and practice assessment in green dentistry are amalgam management, radiographic management, infection control, waste management, water, and electricity management.
CONCLUSION: The absence of adequate literature on eco-friendly practices in dentistry makes it difficult to validate the findings of most of these studies. Dental professionals are familiar with environmentally friendly dental practices and have a positive outlook on their role in environmental protection, but its application in practice is far from adequate.
METHODS: Twleve months duration long randomized controlled trial from January to December 2021 will be carried out at Shaikh Zayed Medical Complex (SZMC), Lahore. A total of 440 patients aged 18 years and older diagnosed with hypertension in the last month with non- adherence to antihypertensive therapy <80% of pills used in the last 30 days and have access to a smartphone will be randomized into either the intervention group (n=220) or the control group (n=220). For the intervention arm, a comprehensive intervention, the "Multi-Aid-Package," consisting of seven items: written, voice, and graphics messages, animated video, educational material, and a 24/7 help service, has been designed. Standard care will be provided to the control group. The primary outcome will be improved adherence to antihypertensive medication, while the secondary outcome will be an alteration in systolic blood pressure (SBP). The analysis will be intention to treat.
CONCLUSION: According to this study, if the multifunctional Multi-Aid-Package proves to be a useful mobile health tool for improving hypertension patients' medication adherence, it will also significantly affect systolic blood pressure. In Pakistan and other comparable low- and middle-income countries LMICs, the Multi-Aid-Package ought to be taken into consideration as a means of enhancing adherence to medications among hypertension patients.
METHODS: We searched PubMed and Scopus for attributes of MP, using terms, "Professionalism," "Medical Students," and "Undergraduate Medical Education". We included English language, original research articles with MP attributes from the perspective of undergraduate medical education, any nationality, race, gender, and age range, as the central topic of the article. Papers published from January 1st 1986 to 29th February 2020 were included.
RESULTS: From 1349 identified articles, finally, 18 were included, authored in 10 countries, collectively contributing to answering the scoping review question. Two themes were identified: (1) Nurturing of MP, 11 (61.11%) out of 18 included articles, highlighted "respect" as the most dominant attribute as it appeared in 6 (54.55%) out of 11 reviews, "communication" 5 (45.45 %) studies and "honesty" and "integrity" 4 (36.36%). (2) Assessment of MP, 7 (38.89%) studies, and majority, 4 (57.14 %) assessed MP using American Board of Internal Medicine's elements of MP, viz, "altruism, accountability, excellence, duty, honor and integrity, respect for others."
CONCLUSIONS: Themes exemplified MP's most discoursed issues. The attributes are frequently used worldwide. MP deliberates as a commitment toward the individual patient, society, and necessitates transforming from its present generic form to more explicit details.
METHODS: This in-vitro study was conducted from April 2024 to September 2024 at Universiti Sains Malaysia and King Faisal University. Graphene oxide (GO) was reduced by dispersing GO in deionized water with sonication, followed by adding sodium hydroxide (NaOH) under vigorous stirring. The suspension obtained was centrifuged, washed, and dried to yield reduced graphene oxide (rGO). For functionalization, rGO was dispersed in ethanol and mixed with methylene blue (MB) solution, followed by stirring and drying to obtain MB-functionalized rGO. The antibacterial and antifungal activities of MB alone and in combination with rGO, with or without laser exposure, were tested using the agar well diffusion method. The paired sample t-test was used to compare the inhibition zones for different treatment groups of E. faecalis and C. albicans.
RESULTS: FTIR analysis confirmed successful functionalization by identifying specific functional groups of rGO and MB. Similarly, Raman spectroscopy indicated that GO-MB had an intermediate level of defects, and SEM analysis confirmed slight morphological changes with MB molecules attached to the rGO surface. Moreover, the antimicrobial test revealed that MB/rGO with laser performed significantly better (p=0.042) than MB/rGO without laser and MB with laser group (p=0.034) against E. faecalis.
CONCLUSIONS: The functionalization of MB with rGO and its application with laser treatment significantly enhanced antimicrobial and antifungal activity, suggesting potential benefits for endodontic treatments and other dental applications.