STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study using data submitted prospectively to the Malaysian National Neonatal Registry (MNNR).
SETTING: 44 Malaysian NICUs.
PARTICIPANTS: All neonates born in 2015- 2020.
RESULTS: EOS was reported in 991 neonates. The annual incidence of EOS increased from 0.46 to 0.49/1000 livebirths over the six years. The most common pathogen was Streptococcus agalactiae or Group B haemolytic streptococcus (GBS) (n=388, 39.2%), followed by Escherichia coli (E. coli) (n=80, 8.1%), Klebsiella spp (n=73, 7.4%), coagulase negative staphylococcus (CONS) (n=73, 7.4%), Pseudomonas spp (n=44, 4.4%) and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (n=34, 3.4%). The incidence of EOS due to GBS increased from 0.17 to 0.22/1000 livebirths. Morbidities and mortality were higher in those with EOS than without EOS. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that Indian ethnic group, chorioamnionitis, gestation≥37weeks, female, spontaneous vaginal delivery, instrumental delivery, and surfactant therapy were significantly associated with increased risk of EOS due to GBS. Four factors were significantly associated with increased risk of non-GBS EOS (outborns, birthweight lt;1000 g, vaginal delivery, and surfactant therapy). Early continuous positive airway pressure was associated with significantly lower risk of EOS.
CONCLUSION: The incidence of EOS showed an increasing trend in Malaysian NICUs. GBS was the most common causative pathogen. Several modifiable risk factors associated with EOS have been identified.
AIM: To compare the skin diseases prompting biopsy before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study of skin diseases was performed; the skin problems were then grouped into major histopathological reactions.
RESULTS: A total of 229 biopsies were performed before the COVID-19 outbreak, whereas only 160 biopsies were done during the pandemic. Before versus during the outbreak, the proportion of major reactions were granulomatous 20.52% vs 21.88%, neoplasms 17.47% vs 20%, psoriasiform 14.85% vs 10%, vesiculobullous 9.61% vs 8.75%, others 10.92% vs 7.50%, interface dermatitis 6.99% vs 10%, vasculopathy 6.99% vs 5.63%, spongiotic 6.55% vs 8.13%, panniculitis 3.49% vs 3.75%, and superficial and deep dermal infiltrate 2.62% vs 4.38%.
CONCLUSION: A decreased total number of patients prompting less biopsies were reported during the COVID-19 outbreak. However, the three largest percentages of major histopathological reactions were still similar, namely granulomatous, neoplasms, and psoriasiform.
METHODS: In this descriptive, retrospective study, we selected all prostate biopsies received by the diagnostic pathology department of a tertiary hospital in Malaysia in the year 2020, from adult patients for analysis. Data on demographics, specimen preparation processes, and final histopathological diagnosis was extracted from the Laboratory Information System (LIS). The cost incurred for each biopsy diagnosed as cancer was calculated with the cost prices referenced from laboratory documentation. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS, version 28.
RESULTS: The total cost for detection of cancer using TR biopsy ranged from RM11.22 - RM271.02 with mean of RM47.53. The standard deviation, s is RM43.45. For TP biopsies, the total cost ranged from RM112.20 - RM349.56 with mean of RM160.85, standard deviation of RM80.37. TR biopsies had a detection rate of 43.2%, while TP biopsies had a 24.2% cancer detection rate. There is a 3.38-fold increase in costs between TR and TP biopsy.
CONCLUSION: The results show a 3.38-fold increase in costs and a reduction in cancer detection rate when comparing TR and TP biopsy. The reason for the reduced detection rate is unascertained in this study.
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the role of IPF% and identify its cut-off value in predicting platelet recovery in dengue patients with thrombocytopenia.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Serial platelet count and IPF results were obtained from fifty-four confirmed dengue patients with platelet count <50x109 /L. Median peak IPF% and number of patients with platelet recovery were determined. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is generated to identify the IPF% cut-off value to predict platelet recovery.
RESULTS: Median peak IPF% among dengue patients was 12.15% with 83.3% of them achieving platelet recovery after reaching the peak IPF%. There was a significant difference between median IPF% on day one of admission with peak IPF% among dengue patients. ROC curve analysis showed IFP% of 10.55% can be used to predict platelet recovery with a sensitivity of 69% and a specificity of 67%.
CONCLUSION: IPF% is a reliable and useful parameter in predicting platelet recovery in dengue patients. This would assist the clinician in managing dengue patients especially those with severe thrombocytopenia without giving unnecessary platelet transfusion.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed through the SCOPUS database and Web of Science (WOS) database for relevant studies between 2014 and 2022. All published articles that are related to sex estimation from different types of bone, methods, landmarks, and sample sources (i.e., photographs, dry bones, and CT images) were included in this review. The main inclusion criteria were studies on (i) sex estimation; (ii) in South-East Asian populations; (iii) between the years 2014 and 2022; and (iv) in English.
RESULTS: The literature search identified 30 potentially relevant studies, of which 15 publications met all the inclusion criteria. From those research, 13 studies were related to the Thai population and two to the Malaysian population. Only one study was based on morphological traits, while the rest were based on a morphometric approach.
CONCLUSION: All studies found that sex estimation is populationspecific. Therefore, further research is recommended to explore more on population-specific sex estimation using different parts of bone.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three hundred and four isolates of E. coli and Klebsiella sp. had been selected via convenient sampling. These isolates were identified using conventional laboratory methods and their antimicrobial susceptibilities were determined using disc diffusion method. Those isolates were then proceeded with ESBL confirmatory test, cloxacillin-containing Muller Hinton confirmatory test, modified double disk synergy test and AmpC disk test.
RESULTS: Out of 304 isolates, 159 isolates were E. coli and 145 were Klebsiella sp. The prevalence of organisms which co-produced AmpC β-lactamase and ESBL enzymes were 3.0%. Besides that, 39 cefoxitin resistant and three cefoxitin susceptible isolates (13.8%) were proven to produce AmpC β-lactamase through AmpC disk test. Through the CLSI confirmatory test, 252 (82.9%) isolates were identified as ESBLs producers and the prevalence increased slightly when cloxacillin-containing Muller Hinton were used. Only three ESBLs positive organisms were positive for modified double disk synergy test.
CONCLUSION: Distinguishing between AmpC β-lactamase and ESBL-producing organisms has epidemiological significance as well as therapeutic importance. Moreover, AmpC β-lactamase and ESBLs co-producing organisms can lead to false negative ESBL confirmatory test. Therefore, knowing the local prevalence can guide the clinician in navigating the treatment.
OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted with the aim of determining the correlation between ANA-IIF titration and pattern for the diagnosis of SARDs.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted whereby the positive ANA-IIF samples from 1st July 2018 until 31st December 2019 and 1st January 2021 until 31st March 2021 were included in this study. The duplicate samples were excluded. ANA-IIF titration and pattern were recorded for all patients. The demographic, clinical, and final diagnosis data were retrieved from each patient's clinical note.
RESULTS: A total of 179 patients were included for analysis. The majority of the patients were female (79.9%) and from Malay ethnicity (66.5%). Sixty-five patients (36.3%) had ANA-IIF positive at 1:80 titration followed by 45 patients (25.1%) positive at titration of equal or more than 1:160. Speckled was the predominant pattern visualised in 90 patients (50.3%) followed by homogeneous in 76 patients (42.5%). Forty-five patients (25.1%) were finally diagnosed with SARDs with 41 of them diagnosed as SLE. ANA titration was significantly associated with the final diagnosis of SARDs at all titres (p<0.001) but the best cut-off was noted at a titre of equal or more than 1:320 with the sensitivity and specificity of 86.7% and 77.6% respectively. The homogeneous pattern was also significantly associated with SARDs (p=0.04). The final diagnosis of SARDs were significantly higher in female (p=0.03) and their age was significantly younger (p<0.001).
CONCLUSION: ANA-IIF titration of equal or more than 1:320 can be used as the best titration for differentiating between SARDs and non-SARDs in a positive ANA sample. Patients with homogeneous pattern were more likely to be diagnosed with SARDs than other ANA-IIF patterns.
CASE REPORT: A 35-year-old lady, post-radioactive iodine therapy for Graves' disease remained euthyroid for a year on oral LT4. Two years later, she was clinically and biochemically hypothyroid despite claiming LT4 compliance. As all laboratory investigations were within the reference range, pseudomalabsorption was suspected and a LT4 absorption test was done. During the test, her free thyroxine increased significantly at 4 hours, reaching a peak of more than 50% from baseline while TSH decreased appropriately from 0 minute to 360 minutes. This was followed by normalisation of TSH with LT4 treatment under direct observation.
DISCUSSION: The LT4 absorption test is a prompt and economical means to rule out true malabsorption, decrease unwarranted subspecialty referrals and validate the weight-adjusted LT4 dose reduction.