Displaying publications 61 - 65 of 65 in total

  1. See WL, Khoo TL, Mohan M, Nimbalkar S, Patil PG
    J Prosthet Dent, 2024 Apr 22.
    PMID: 38653688 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2024.03.021
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Standard surgical and prosthodontic protocols for managing partially dentate patients with implant-supported removable partial dentures (ISRPDs) are lacking.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to determine clinical and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in patients provided with ISRPDs in distal edentulous arches based on different surgical and prosthodontic protocols.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: An electronic and manual literature search was conducted in 3 databases, PubMed/MEDLINE, SCOPUS, and Cochrane Library, for clinical studies on distal extension ISRPDs related to clinical and patient-reported outcomes. Kennedy Class I and II arches described in articles published from January 2000 to December 2023 were included. Clinical parameters regarding implant type, location, loading protocols, and implant survival rate and PROMs including masticatory performance, esthetics, and overall satisfaction were compared. The risk of bias was determined by using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool 2.0 (RoB 2.0).

    RESULTS: An initial total of 103 studies were identified, but only 11 articles were selected after implementing the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Ten studies evaluated PROMs, and 6 studies evaluated clinical outcomes (5 studies evaluated both). The implant survival rate ranged from 91.7% to 100%, with no clear differentiation among the studies with immediate or delayed loading protocols. Most studies described implants positioned in the molar region. In general, patient satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) improved significantly with ISRPDs compared with conventional removable partial dentures (RPDs) or RPDs with healing abutments. Posttreatment clinical outcomes revealed stable peri-implant health with no significant bone loss or prosthetic complications. No specific implant configuration, including implant type and location or attachment system, appeared to be better than another. Ball attachments were the commonly used attachments. Two studies were of high risk and 3 studies of low risk. The remaining 6 studies were judged to have some concerns based on the RoB 2.0 analysis.

    CONCLUSIONS: Providing an ISRPD improved patient satisfaction, OHRQoL, and the clinical outcomes in distal extension situations, with most studies positioning the implants in the molar region. The type of attachment did not significantly affect the outcomes, although ball attachments were the most used attachment in ISRPDs.

  2. Ahmed N, Khalid S, Vohra F, Halim MS, Al-Saleh S, Tulbah HI, et al.
    J Prosthet Dent, 2024 Feb;131(2):187-196.
    PMID: 35277267 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2021.11.035
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The recurrent esthetic dental (RED) proportion has been a benchmark for the rehabilitation of the maxillary anterior teeth of North American patients. While it has been evaluated in other populations, the global application of RED proportions in the rehabilitation of maxillary anterior teeth is unclear.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to examine the existing evidence on dental proportion to evaluate the existence of RED proportions in the esthetic smile in different geographic regions.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: A systematic search was conducted by reviewing different databases. The focused question was "Does RED proportion exist in esthetically pleasing smiles in different populations around the world?" The search included articles with a combination of MeSH keywords based on dental proportion from January 2000 to July 2020. The titles and abstracts were identified by using a search protocol. Full text of the articles was independently evaluated. The systematic review was modified to summarize the relevant data. The general characteristics, outcomes, and quality of studies were reviewed and analyzed systematically.

    RESULTS: Seventeen studies were selected from the reviewed articles. Three studies were conducted in Europe, 10 in South Asia, and 4 in Western Asia. Eleven studies found that the mean perceived ratio of anterior teeth was not constant when progressing distally. Five studies reported that the ratio was constant in a small percentage of their populations, and 1 suggested that the ratio was constant if it remains between 60% and 80%. The central-to-LI and Ca-to-LI proportion values were not constant. Overall, the Ca-to-LI proportion values were higher than the central-to-LI proportions.

    CONCLUSIONS: RED proportions were not found in the successive widths of maxillary anterior teeth among the reviewed data from different geographic regions. RED proportions are not the only standard for restoring esthetic smiles worldwide, and anterior tooth proportions differ among populations based on their race and ethnicity.

  3. Mousa MA, Husein A, El-Anwar MI, Yusoff N, Abdullah JY
    J Prosthet Dent, 2024 Jul 23.
    PMID: 39048390 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2024.07.011
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Studies on the biomechanics of obturators in the currently used designs of Aramany class I defect are lacking. Also, modifications of the designs presently used in unilateral palatal defects are needed to produce a prosthesis with more retention and less stress on the abutments.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of part I of this study was to differentiate among Aramany class I obturators of 4 designs regarding retention and associated stress using numerical and experimental methods.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: Four finite element models and 36 different base obturators were fabricated and divided into 9 acrylic resin bases retained with Adams clasps and 9 linear, 9 tripodal, and 9 fully tripodal design obturators from casts obtained from a scanned skull. After modification, the prostheses were fabricated on the casts obtained from a 3-dimensionally printed cast. The retention was evaluated, and the data were collected and analyzed using a statistical software program (α=.05). The displacement and associated stress in the assorted casts were compared by using 5-N displacing force at 3 points using finite element analysis. The quantitative assessment was made by measuring the displacement and von Mises stress distribution on the prostheses and their supporting structures. The qualitative analysis was done by using a visual color mapping to depict stress location and intensity.

    RESULTS: No significant differences were found between fully tripodal (4.478 ±2.303 MPa) and tripodal obturators (4.478 ±2.286 MPa; P=.153), although fully tripodal showed more resistance to anterior displacement (4.522 ±0.979 and 3.553 ±1.58 MPa for fully tripodal and tripodal designs, respectively; P=.007), and tripodal obturators produced more resistance to middle displacement (5.441 ±1.778 and 2.784 ±0.432 MPa for tripodal and fully tripodal design respectively; P=.001). The fully tripodal obturator showed more retention (3.736 ±1.182 MPa) than the linear one (2.493 ±1.052 MPa; P=.001). The maxillary central incisor was the most stressed abutment, followed by the lateral incisor, while the second molar was the least.

    CONCLUSIONS: Regarding retention, the fully tripodal obturator produces retention comparable with the tripodal and significantly more than the linear. Acrylic resin prostheses retained with Adams clasps may be similar to metal-based prostheses regarding retention and stress distribution on the supporting structures.

  4. Zahari NAH, Farid DAM, Alauddin MS, Said Z, Ghazali MIM, Lee HE, et al.
    J Prosthet Dent, 2024 Aug 14.
    PMID: 39147631 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2024.07.017
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Current 3-dimensionally (3D) printed denture bases have inadequate strength and durability for long-term use, and milled denture bases generate excessive waste. Addressing these limitations is crucial to advancing prosthetic dentistry, ensuring improved patient outcomes and promoting environmental responsibility.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro study was to incorporate microparticles into a commercially available 3D printed denture base resin and compare its mechanical and biological properties with the conventional polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) denture base material.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: Microparticles were collected from milled zirconia blanks and were blended with a 3D printing denture base resin (NextDent Denture 3D+). The optimal zirconia microparticle content (2%) for blending and printed was determined by using a liquid-crystal display (LCD) 3D printer. The printed specimens were then postrinsed and postpolymerized based on the manufacturer's instructions. Mechanical and biological characterization were carried out in terms of flexural strength, fracture toughness, and fungal adhesion. One-way ANOVA was carried out to analyze the results statistically.

    RESULTS: The incorporation of microparticles in the 3D printed denture demonstrated higher mechanical strength (104.77 ±7.60 MPa) compared with conventional heat-polymerized denture base resin (75.15 ±24.41 MPa) (P

  5. Mousa MA, Husein A, El-Anwar MI, Ariffin A, Abdullah JY
    J Prosthet Dent, 2024 Sep 02.
    PMID: 39227212 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2024.07.042
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Evidence regarding stress evaluations of removable obturators with Aramany class I defects is lacking. Whether the stress distribution on Aramany class I prostheses can be improved by modifying the currently used designs is also unclear.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of part II of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution in different designs of Aramany class I obturators using finite element analysis (FEA) and photoelastic stress analysis.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: Four finite element and 8 photoelastic models, including 2 acrylic resin base obturators retained with 2 Adams clasps, 2 linear, 2 tripodal, and 2 fully tripodal design obturators, were used in this study. The frameworks were fabricated on the casts obtained from a modified printed model. Vertical and oblique loads were applied on 2 points (anterior and posterior) of the models. The quantitative measurement was done by measuring the fringe orders and von Mises values to compare the influences of occlusal forces on the obturator components and their supporting structures. The qualitative evaluation was done by visual color mapping to identify the stress concentration.

    RESULTS: In the photoelastic analysis, the anterior abutments of the tripodal showed the highest stress, followed by the fully tripodal obturators, while, in FEA, the anterior abutments of the linear design received the most in both vertical and oblique load. The central incisor received the most stress in photoelastic (3 or more fringe orders) and FEA (687.3 and 150.1 MPa for vertical and oblique loads, respectively), followed by the lateral incisors. Upon posterior loading, the base of the defect of the linear design demonstrated the most stress in photoelastic (3 or more fringes) and FEA (94.3 and 130.5 MPa for vertical and oblique loads, respectively). The acrylic resin base obturator retained with Adams clasps demonstrated the lowest stress distribution in abutments and their supporting bone upon anterior and posterior loads.

    CONCLUSIONS: Upon vertical and oblique load application, the fully tripodal design was comparable with the tripodal in terms of stress distribution. Both designs were better than the linear in response to the same loading. The stress was concentrated at the anterior palatal part of the obturator, the base of the defect, and the junction of the metal and acrylic resin part of the prostheses upon anterior and posterior loading, respectively.

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