Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 134 in total

  1. Prakash BK, Low VL, Tan TK, Vinnie-Siow WY, Lim YA, Morvarid AR, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2018 Aug 29;55(5):1346-1348.
    PMID: 29788335 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy081
    Hepatozoon canis has been widely reported in dogs. Its prevalence in ticks, however, has not been well-established. Here we determine the occurrence of Hepatozoon DNA in the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) (Acari: Ixodidae) sensu lato (s.l.) and domestic dogs from Peninsular Malaysia using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay based on amplification of the 18S ribosomal RNA coding sequence. Our results revealed a relatively low prevalence of H. canis DNA in both R. sanguineus s.l. (0.7%) and dogs (3.33%). This study represents the first report of H. canis DNA in R. sanguineus s.l. in Malaysia, highlighting the risk of this infection in dogs.
  2. Takaoka H, Srisuka W, Saeung A
    J Med Entomol, 2017 09 01;54(5):1213-1223.
    PMID: 28505301 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjx080
    Two new species of black flies, Simulium (Simulium) srisukai and S. (S.) kiewmaepanense, are described from specimens collected in Thailand. Both species are assigned to the Simulium variegatum species-group of the subgenus Simulium (Simulium) Latreille. They are characterized by the darkened female femora and tibiae and six inflated pupal gill filaments, and the darkened female tibiae and six ordinary thread-like pupal gill filaments, respectively. Taxonomic notes are given to separate these new species from 10 related species among the group. These new species represent the third and fourth species of the S. variegatum species-group from Thailand.
  3. Takaoka H, Low VL, Srisuka W, Ya'cob Z, Saeung A
    J Med Entomol, 2018 Oct 25;55(6):1453-1463.
    PMID: 30060220 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy109
    Seven populations of Simulium parahiyangum Takaoka & Sigit (Diptera: Simuliidae), a geographically widespread nominal species of black fly in Southeast Asia, were morphologically and molecularly studied. Three morphoforms based on male and pupal morphological features, and two primary lineages based on the COI gene sequence analysis were recognized. Morphoform 1 (lineage 1) from Sarawak, Malaysia, is identified as S. parahiyangum sensu stricto and morphoform 2 (lineage 2) from Thailand and Vietnam, and morphoform 3 (lineage 1) from Peninsular Malaysia are each regarded as distinct species, although morphoform 3 is partially homosequential for the COI gene with morphoform 1. Morphoforms 2 and 3 are described as Simulium ngaoense sp. nov. and Simulium sazalyi sp. nov., respectively. Overall, S. parahiyangum is not a single geographic generalist but a composite of multiple species.
  4. Chen CD, Chin AC, Lau KW, Low VL, Lee HL, Lee PKY, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2018 10 25;55(6):1651-1655.
    PMID: 30085203 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy130
    The bioefficacy of commercial mosquito coils containing four different active ingredients, namely metofluthrin, d-allethrin, d-trans allethrin, and prallethrin against Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) from 10 states in Malaysia, was evaluated using the glass chamber method. In this study, Ae. albopictus exhibited various knockdown rates (50% knockdown time, KT50), ranging from 2.50 to 5.00 min, 2.50 to 7.00 min, 3.00 to 8.00 min, and 5.00 to 17.00 min for metofluthrin, d-trans allethrin, d-allethrin, and prallethrin, respectively. Overall, all strains of Ae. albopictus were most susceptible to metofluthrin, with mortality rates >80%. On the other hand, mortality rates ranging from 5.0 to 100% were observed from all populations exposed to d-trans allethrin, d-allethrin, and prallethrin. In addition, significant correlations between KT50 of metofluthrin and d-allethrin (r = 0.758, P = 0.011), metofluthrin and prallethrin (r = 0.676, P = 0.032), d-allethrin and d-trans allethrin (r = 0.832, P = 0.003), d-allethrin and prallethrin (r = 0.921, P = 0.000), and d-trans allethrin with prallethrin (r = 0.941, P = 0.000) were detected, suggesting some levels of cross-resistance within the pyrethroid insecticides. This study demonstrated that metofluthrin can induce high insecticidal activity in Ae. albopictus in Malaysia, followed by d-trans allethrin, d-allethrin, and prallethrin.
  5. Kho KL, Tan PE, Tay ST
    J Med Entomol, 2019 02 25;56(2):547-552.
    PMID: 30304529 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy168
    High seropositivity to Rickettsia conorii and Rickettsia felis has been reported in Malaysian indigenous community living in settlements adjacent to forest areas. The current study was conducted to determine the type and distribution of rickettsiae in feeding and questing ticks that were collected from a forest reserve area at Kuala Lompat in Pahang, Malaysia. Using PCR assays targeting citrate synthase (gltA), outer membrane protein A (ompA) and B (ompB) genes, rickettsiae were detected from approximately one-third of 98 ticks (mainly Dermacentor and Haemaphysalis spp.) collected from the forest reserve. BLAST analysis reveals the predominance of Rickettsia sp. RF2125 in both feeding and questing ticks and Rickettsia sp. TCM1 in the questing ticks. Sequences exhibiting close genetic relationship with Rickettsia raoultii, Rickettsia tamurae, Rickettsia heilongjiangensis, and Rickettsia asiatica were also detected from the ticks. This study highlights the diversity of rickettsial species and potential tick vectors which may contribute to the high seropositivity observed among the local communities.
  6. Kho KL, Tay ST
    J Med Entomol, 2019 02 25;56(2):526-532.
    PMID: 30312440 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy169
    Rickettsia felis (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) is an emergent human pathogen that causes febrile illnesses in various parts of the world. This study describes the identification and growth characteristics of a R. felis-like organism (designated as Rickettsia sp. TH2014) cultured from Ctenocephalides orientis fleas in rural Malaysia. In this study, culturing of rickettsiae from filtered triturated flea lysates was performed in Aedes albopictus C6/36 cells. Cytopathic effects were observed from one of the samples 4 d post-inoculation. Electron microscopy revealed actively replicating intracytosolic coccobacillary organisms in the rickettsia-infected cells. Sequence analysis of amplified citrate synthase (gltA) gene fragment shows complete match of the rickettsia with Rickettsia sp. Rf31 in Southeast Asia, and 'Candidatus Rickettsia senegalensis' strain PU01-02 in Africa. The whole-genome sequence of Rickettsia sp. TH2014 was determined and assembled. The estimated genome size and guanine + cytosine content of the rickettsia are 1.37 Mb and 32.9%, respectively. The high values of average nucleotide identity and tetra-nucleotide signature correlation index obtained from pairwise genome comparison study suggest the identification of the rickettsia as R. felis. The whole-genome single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis demonstrates close genetic relatedness of the rickettsia with R. felis and Rickettsia asemboensis. However, based on sequence analyses of rickettsial genes (16S rDNA, gltA, ompB, and sca4), Rickettsia sp. TH2014 is found to be distinct from R. felis and R. asemboensis. The sequence analyses reveal that Rickettsia sp. TH2014 is highly similar to 'Ca. Rickettsia senegalensis' detected in fleas from Africa, Asia, and North America. Further investigation to provide insights on pathogenic potential and transmission dynamics of the rickettsia is warranted.
  7. Khoo JJ, Ishak SN, Lim FS, Mohd-Taib FS, Khor CS, Loong SK, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2018 10 25;55(6):1642-1647.
    PMID: 30137379 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy122
    The Borrelia genus consists of spirochete bacteria known to cause Lyme disease (LD) and relapsing fever in humans. Borrelia pathogens are commonly transmitted via arthropod vectors such as ticks, mites, or lice. Here, we report the molecular screening of LD group Borrelia sp. from ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) collected from rodents trapped in recreational forests and a semiurban residential area in the Selangor state in Malaysia. Of 156 adult ticks surveyed, 72 ticks were determined as positive for Borrelia sp. by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). All Borrelia PCR-positive ticks belonged to the Ixodes granulatus Supino species. Borrelia sp. was not detected in other tick species examined, including Dermacentor sp. and Amblyomma sp. ticks. Thirteen Borrelia PCR-positive tick samples were selected for further sequence analyses. Phylogenetic analyses of partial flaB gene sequences revealed that the Borrelia sp. were closely related to the LD group borreliae, Borrelia yangtzensis; a novel Borrelia genospecies reported in East Asian countries including Japan, Taiwan, and China. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Borrelia sp. related to Borrelia yangtzensis detected in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. The zoonotic potential of the Borrelia sp. reported here merits further investigation, as it may explain the previously reported serological evidence for borrelial infections in Malaysia.
  8. Takaoka H, Srisuka W, Low VL, Saeung A
    J Med Entomol, 2019 01 08;56(1):86-94.
    PMID: 30398648 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy178
    Simulium undecimum sp. nov. is described from Thailand. This new species is assigned to the Simulium multistriatum species-group, one of the 20 species-groups of the subgenus Simulium in the Oriental Region. It is characterized by the female cibarium with minute processes, male ventral plate with a narrow body having two vertical rows of distinct teeth on the posterior surface and without setae on the anterior and lateral surfaces, pupal gill with eight short filaments decreasing in length from dorsal to ventral, and divergent at an angle of around 90 degrees when viewed laterally, spine-combs only on abdominal segments 7 and 8, and cocoon wall-pocket shaped with anterolateral windows. Taxonomic notes to separate this new species from related species in Thailand and other countries are given. This new species is the 11th nominal member of this species-group recorded in Thailand. An analysis of the COI gene sequences shows that it is most closely related with S. malayense Takaoka & Davies (cytoform A) from Thailand but they are distantly separated by 3.01-8.87%.
  9. Takaoka H, Srisuka W, Low VL, Saeung A
    J Med Entomol, 2019 02 25;56(2):408-415.
    PMID: 30398654 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy180
    A man-biting black fly species so far regarded as Simulium rufibasis Brunetti in Thailand was morphologically analyzed. It was found to be almost indistinguishable in the female from S. rufibasis sensu stricto but distinguishable in the male by the slender fore basitarsus and abdominal segments 2, 6, and 7 each with a pair of shiny dorsolateral patches, and in the pupa by the absence of spine-combs on abdominal segment 7 and terminal hooks on segment 9. It is described as a new species, Simulium tenebrosum. Taxonomic notes are given to separate it from all 11 known species of the S. rufibasis subgroup of the Simulium (Simulium) tuberosum species-group. An analysis of the COI gene sequences shows that this new species is distantly separated from the closely related species.
  10. Haziqah-Rashid A, Chen CD, Lau KW, Low VL, Sofian-Azirun M, Suana IW, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2019 02 25;56(2):514-518.
    PMID: 30462258 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjy208
    This study was conducted to monitor the susceptibility status of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) larvae in the Sunda Islands of Indonesia against various organophosphates and organochlorines. Larval bioassay was performed in accordance with the World Health Organization standard protocol. Field-collected and reference strains of Ae. aegypti larvae were tested against diagnostic doses of eight larvicides belonging to organophosphates and organochlorines, namely bromophos (0.050 mg/liter), chlopyrifos (0.002 mg/liter), fenitrothion (0.020 mg/liter), fenthion (0.025 mg/liter), malathion (0.125 mg/liter), temephos (0.012 mg/liter), DDT (0.012 mg/liter), and dieldrin (0.025 mg/liter). Mortality rates of larvae were recorded at 24-h posttreatment. This study showed that Ae. aegypti larvae from Padang, Samarinda, Manggarai Barat, and South Central Timor were susceptible to both fenitrothion and dieldrin (mortality rates ≥ 98%). About 6 out of 10 field strains of Ae. aegypti larvae were resistant (<80% mortality rates) against fenthion, whereas Ae. aegypti larvae from Kuningan, Samarinda, Sumba, and South Central Timor exhibited some degrees of resistance (mortality rates 80-98%). All field-collected Ae. aegypti larvae were resistant against diagnostic doses of chlorpyrifos, malathion, temephos, and DDT with mortality rates ranging from 0 to 74.67%. Continued insecticide susceptibility studies are essential to identify the efficacy of insecticides for an improved dengue vector control and to delay the development of insecticide resistance.
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