Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 398 in total

  1. Drinkwater R, Williamson J, Clare EL, Chung AYC, Rossiter SJ, Slade E
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11897.
    PMID: 34447624 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11897
    Invertebrate-derived DNA (iDNA) sampling in biodiversity surveys is becoming increasingly widespread, with most terrestrial studies relying on DNA derived from the gut contents of blood-feeding invertebrates, such as leeches and mosquitoes. Dung beetles (superfamily Scarabaeoidea) primarily feed on the faecal matter of terrestrial vertebrates and offer several potential benefits over blood-feeding invertebrates as samplers of vertebrate DNA. Importantly, these beetles can be easily captured in large numbers using simple, inexpensive baited traps, are globally distributed, and occur in a wide range of habitats. To build on the few existing studies demonstrating the potential of dung beetles as sources of mammalian DNA, we subjected the large-bodied, Bornean dung beetle (Catharsius renaudpauliani) to a controlled feeding experiment. We analysed DNA from gut contents at different times after feeding using qPCR techniques. Here, we first describe the window of DNA persistence within a dung beetle digestive tract. We found that the ability to successfully amplify cattle DNA decayed over relatively short time periods, with DNA copy number decreasing by two orders of magnitude in just 6 h. In addition, we sampled communities of dung beetles from a lowland tropical rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia, in order to test whether it is possible to identify vertebrate sequences from dung beetle iDNA. We sequenced both the gut contents from large dung beetle species, as well as whole communities of smaller beetles. We successfully identified six mammalian species from our samples, including the bearded pig (Sus barbatus) and the sambar deer (Rusa unicolor)-both vulnerable species on the IUCN red list. Our results represent the first use of dung beetle iDNA to sample Southeast Asian vertebrate fauna, and highlight the potential for dung beetle iDNA to be used in future biodiversity monitoring surveys.
  2. Harun S, Afiqah-Aleng N, Karim MB, Altaf Ul Amin M, Kanaya S, Mohamed-Hussein ZA
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11876.
    PMID: 34430080 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11876
    Background: Glucosinolates (GSLs) are plant secondary metabolites that contain nitrogen-containing compounds. They are important in the plant defense system and known to provide protection against cancer in humans. Currently, increasing the amount of data generated from various omics technologies serves as a hotspot for new gene discovery. However, sometimes sequence similarity searching approach is not sufficiently effective to find these genes; hence, we adapted a network clustering approach to search for potential GSLs genes from the Arabidopsis thaliana co-expression dataset.

    Methods: We used known GSL genes to construct a comprehensive GSL co-expression network. This network was analyzed with the DPClusOST algorithm using a density of 0.5. 0.6. 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9. Generating clusters were evaluated using Fisher's exact test to identify GSL gene co-expression clusters. A significance score (SScore) was calculated for each gene based on the generated p-value of Fisher's exact test. SScore was used to perform a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) study to classify possible GSL genes using the ROCR package. ROCR was used in determining the AUC that measured the suitable density value of the cluster for further analysis. Finally, pathway enrichment analysis was conducted using ClueGO to identify significant pathways associated with the GSL clusters.

    Results: The density value of 0.8 showed the highest area under the curve (AUC) leading to the selection of thirteen potential GSL genes from the top six significant clusters that include IMDH3, MVP1, T19K24.17, MRSA2, SIR, ASP4, MTO1, At1g21440, HMT3, At3g47420, PS1, SAL1, and At3g14220. A total of Four potential genes (MTO1, SIR, SAL1, and IMDH3) were identified from the pathway enrichment analysis on the significant clusters. These genes are directly related to GSL-associated pathways such as sulfur metabolism and valine, leucine, and isoleucine biosynthesis. This approach demonstrates the ability of the network clustering approach in identifying potential GSL genes which cannot be found from the standard similarity search.

  3. Abdul Rahim AF, Norhayati MN, Zainudin AM
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11291.
    PMID: 34123581 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11291
    Background: Brown rice is a whole-grain food that is often assumed to have a lower glycemic index compared to white rice. A few studies have objectively confirmed the effect of a brown-rice diet on glycemic control and metabolic parameters compared to a white-rice diet. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of brown rice on improving glycemic control and metabolic parameters in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. The researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled clinical trials.

    Methods: PRISMA guidelines were used as the basis of this systematic review. Relevant studies were identified by searching the following databases: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE (PubMed), as well as Epistemonikos for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled clinical trials published not later than January 2021 involving adults with prediabetes and diabetes mellitus who were consuming brown rice compared to those consuming white rice. The primary outcomes measured were glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels. The secondary outcomes were body weight, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels, LDL and HDL-cholesterol levels. The mean differences (MDs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) between brown and white-rice-diet groups were calculated using a random-effects model.

    Results: Seven trials involving 417 adults with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes were included in this study. Brown-rice diet did not improve the glycemic control because it had no effect on the HbA1c level (p = 0.15) and the FBG level (p = 0.95) compared to white-rice diet. Brown-rice diet reduced body weight (p 

  4. Lim SJ, Oslan SN
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11315.
    PMID: 34046253 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11315
    Background: -amylases catalyze the endo-hydrolysis of -1,4-D-glycosidic bonds in starch into smaller moieties. While industrial processes are usually performed at harsh conditions, -amylases from mainly the bacteria, fungi and yeasts are preferred for their stabilities (thermal, pH and oxidative) and specificities (substrate and product). Microbial -amylases can be purified and characterized for industrial applications. While exploring novel enzymes with these properties in the nature is time-costly, the advancements in protein engineering techniques including rational design, directed evolution and others have privileged their modifications to exhibit industrially ideal traits. However, the commentary on the strategies and preferably mutated residues are lacking, hindering the design of new mutants especially for enhanced substrate specificity and oxidative stability. Thus, our review ensures wider accessibility of the previously reported experimental findings to facilitate the future engineering work.

    Survey methodology and objectives: A traditional review approach was taken to focus on the engineering of microbial -amylases to enhance industrially favoured characteristics. The action mechanisms of - and -amylases were compared to avoid any bias in the research background. This review aimed to discuss the advances in modifying microbial -amylases via protein engineering to achieve longer half-life in high temperature, improved resistance (acidic, alkaline and oxidative) and enhanced specificities (substrate and product). Captivating results were discussed in depth, including the extended half-life at 100C, pH 3.5 and 10, 1.8 M hydrogen peroxide as well as enhanced substrate (65.3%) and product (42.4%) specificities. These shed light to the future microbial -amylase engineering in achieving paramount biochemical traits ameliorations to apt in the industries.

    Conclusions: Microbial -amylases can be tailored for specific industrial applications through protein engineering (rational design and directed evolution). While the critical mutation points are dependent on respective enzymes, formation of disulfide bridge between cysteine residues after mutations is crucial for elevated thermostability. Amino acids conversion to basic residues was reported for enhanced acidic resistance while hydrophobic interaction resulted from mutated hydrophobic residues in carbohydrate-binding module or surface-binding sites is pivotal for improved substrate specificity. Substitution of oxidation-prone methionine residues with non-polar residues increases the enzyme oxidative stability. Hence, this review provides conceptual advances for the future microbial -amylases designs to exhibit industrially significant characteristics. However, more attention is needed to enhance substrate specificity and oxidative stability since they are least reported.

  5. Wan Ghazali WS, Wan Zainudin WMKB, Yahya NK, Mohamed Ismail A, Wong KK
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11468.
    PMID: 34055491 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11468
    Background: Gouty arthritis is a disease of global burden in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes arthritis. Gouty arthritis or medications used for its treatment may lead to uric acid-associated complications such as upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) and renal impairment.

    Methods: In this cross-sectional study with retrospective record review, 403 established gouty arthritis patients were recruited to determine the incidence of UGIB and associated factors among gout patients who were on regular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

    Results: The mean age of the 403 gouty arthritis patients was 55.7 years old and the majority (n = 359/403; 89.1%) were male. The incidence of UGIB among gouty arthritis patients who were on NSAIDs was 7.2% (n = 29/403). Older age (p < 0.001), diclofenac medication (p = 0.003), pantoprazole medication (p = 0.003), end-stage renal failure (ESRF) (p = 0.007), smoking (p = 0.035), hypertension (p = 0.042) and creatinine (p = 0.045) were significant risk factors for UGIB among the gouty arthritis patients in univariable analysis. Older age (p = 0.001) and diclofenac medication (p < 0.001) remained significant risk factors for UGIB among the gouty arthritis patients in multivariable analysis.

    Conclusions: Age and diclofenac were significantly associated with UGIB among patients with gouty arthritis on regular NSAIDs, indicating that these factors increased the risks of developing UGIB in gout patients. Hence, these high-risk groups of gouty arthritis patients should be routinely monitored to avoid the potential onset of UGIB. Our data also suggest that diclofenac should be prescribed for the shortest duration possible to minimize the risk of developing UGIB in gout patients.

  6. Ahmad A, Tahir Ul Qamar M, Shoukat A, Aslam MM, Tariq M, Hakiman M, et al.
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11464.
    PMID: 34113490 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11464
    Background: Chamomile is an important herb being used widely for medicinal purposes. Its multitherapeutic, cosmetic, and nutritional values have been established through years of traditional and scientific use and research. Increased use of medicinal plants necessitates rational use as well as sustainable production of such genetic resources. Plant in vitro micro-propagation poses unique opportunities for sustainable production of medicinal herbs, their regrowth and conservation. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of different explants, plant growth regulators (PGRs) combinations and media type on callogenesis, in vitro regeneration and cell suspension of six chamomile genotypes to enhance its sustainable production.

    Methods: The shoot, lateral sprout, and leaf derived explants of six chamomile genotypes including Isfahan, Shiraz, Kazeron, Goral, Sharokashari and Presso were used for direct and indirect regeneration. For indirect regeneration various doses of NAA and kinetin were used to induce calli which were cultured on MS media containing PGRs for direct and indirect regeneration. Later, cell suspension was established and morphological characterization of CrO3 stained cells was carried out using microscopy.

    Results and Discussion: Our findings revealed that the highest callus percentage and callus volume were observed from lateral sprouts and shoots of genotype Isfahan on MS medium containing 1 mg/L NAA and 1 mg/L kinetin. The in vitro regeneration was found to be genotype dependent while 77% and 77.5% was the highest percentage for indirect and direct regeneration, respectively. Additionally, the maximum shoot number (two shoots/explant) and shoot length (2.22 cm) were also observed in Isfahan genotype. Cell suspension culture showed the highest fresh weight (18.59 g) and dry weight (1.707 g) with 0.75 g inoculum of the callus derived from lateral sprouts cultured on MS medium. Microscopy of CrO3 stained cells was carried on each 3rd day for 27 days that revealed larger and spongier cells in the early days as compared to final days when the cell number was greater but cell size was smaller.

    Conclusion: The callogenesis, organogenesis, and cell suspension culture of chamomile may be genotype dependent. Hence, optimization of media ingredients and culture conditions is of utmost importance for devising tissue culture based conservation strategy of any chamomile genotype and secondary metabolite production.

  7. Yee CS, Okomoda VT, Hashim F, Waiho K, Sheikh Abdullah SR, Alamanjo C, et al.
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11217.
    PMID: 33981498 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11217
    This study investigated the effect of co-culturing microalgae with a floc-forming bacterium. Of the six microalgae isolated from a biofloc sample, only Thalassiosira weissflogii, Chlamydomonas sp. and Chlorella vulgaris were propagated successfully in Conway medium. Hence, these species were selected for the experiment comparing microalgae axenic culture and co-culture with the floc-forming bacterium, Bacillus infantis. Results obtained showed that the co-culture had higher microalgae biomass compared to the axenic culture. A similar trend was also observed concerning the lipid content of the microalgae-bacterium co-cultures. The cell number of B. infantis co-cultured with T. weissflogii increased during the exponential stage until the sixth day, but the other microalgae species experienced a significant early reduction in cell density of the bacteria at the exponential stage. This study represents the first attempt at co-culturing microalgae with B. infantis, a floc-forming bacterium, and observed increased biomass growth and lipid accumulation compared to the axenic culture.
  8. Chong ZX, Yeap SK, Ho WY
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11165.
    PMID: 33976969 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11165
    Transfection is a modern and powerful method used to insert foreign nucleic acids into eukaryotic cells. The ability to modify host cells' genetic content enables the broad application of this process in studying normal cellular processes, disease molecular mechanism and gene therapeutic effect. In this review, we summarized and compared the findings from various reported literature on the characteristics, strengths, and limitations of various transfection methods, type of transfected nucleic acids, transfection controls and approaches to assess transfection efficiency. With the vast choices of approaches available, we hope that this review will help researchers, especially those new to the field, in their decision making over the transfection protocol or strategy appropriate for their experimental aims.
  9. Sahabuddin FNA, Jamaludin NI, Amir NH, Shaharudin S
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11731.
    PMID: 34268014 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11731
    Background: A range of non-contact injuries such as anterior cruciate ligament tear, and patellofemoral pain syndrome are caused by disordered knee joint loading from excessive dynamic knee valgus (DKV). Previous systematic reviews showed that DKV could be modified through the influence of hip strength and ankle range of motion. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review was to examine the effects of exercise intervention which involved either top-down or bottom-up kinetic chains on minimizing DKV in male and female adults and adolescents, with and without existing knee pain.

    Methodology: Electronic searches were conducted in SAGE, Science Direct, SCOPUS, and Pubmed. The search strategy consisted of medical subject headings and free-text search keywords, synonyms and variations of 'exercise intervention,' 'knee alignment,' 'dynamic knee valgus', 'knee abduction' that were merged via the Boolean operator 'AND' and 'OR'. The search was conducted on full-text journals that documented the impact of the exercise intervention program involving either the bottom-up or top-down DKV mechanism on the knee kinematics. Furthermore, exercise intervention in this review should last at least one week which included two or three sessions per week. This review also considered both men and women of all ages with a healthy or symptomatic knee problem. The risk of bias of the included studies was assessed by Cochrane risk assessment tool. The protocol of this review was registered at PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42021219121).

    Results: Ten studies with a total of 423 participants (male = 22.7%, female = 77.3%; adults = 249, adolescents = 123; pre-adolescent = 51) met the inclusion criteria of this review. Seven studies showed the significant effects of the exercise intervention program (range from two weeks to ten weeks) on reducing DKV. The exercise training in these seven studies focused on muscle groups directly attached to the knee joint such as hamstrings and gastrocnemius. The remaining three studies did not show significant improvement in DKV after the exercise intervention (range between eight weeks to twelve weeks) probably because they focused on trunk and back muscles instead of muscles crossing the knee joint.

    Conclusion: Exercises targeting specific knee-joint muscles, either from top-down or bottom-up kinetic chain, are likely to reduce DKV formation. These results may assist athletes and coaches to develop effective exercise program that could minimize DKV and ultimately prevent lower limb injuries.

  10. Wong YL, Ramanathan A, Yuen KM, Mustafa WMW, Abraham MT, Tay KK, et al.
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11548.
    PMID: 34178453 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11548
    Background: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) has increased in incidence from 1990 to 2017, especially in South and Southeast Asia. It is often diagnosed at an advanced stage with a poor prognosis. Therefore, early detection of OSCC is essential to improve the prognosis of OSCC. This study aims to identify the differentially expressed serum proteins as potential biomarkers for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC).

    Methods: Comparative proteomics profiling of serum samples from OSCC patients, oral potentially malignant disorder (OPMD) patients, and healthy individuals were performed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) (n = 60) and bioinformatics analysis. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (n = 120) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) (n = 70) were used to confirm our findings.

    Results: The 2-DE analysis revealed that 20 differentially expressed proteins were detected in OPMD and OSCC (p 

  11. Puah SM, Goh KL, Ng HK, Chua KH
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11518.
    PMID: 34178444 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11518
    Background: Resistance to clarithromycin and levofloxacin in Helicobacter pylori which resulted in treatment failures has become a major challenge for physicians worldwide. The resistance is mainly mediated by mutations in a specific domain of the 23S rRNA, gyrA and gyrB genes for clarithromycin and levofloxacin respectively. Hence in this study, we aimed to investigate the current status of H. pylori resistance in our hospital to these two antibiotics based on the molecular approach.

    Materials and Methods: Gastric biopsy samples were obtained from treatment-naïve patients. Bacterial genomic DNA was extracted using a commercial kit and continued with DNA amplification using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers. The PCR amplicons were subjected to sequencing on 23S rRNA gene targeting nucleotide positions at 2,146, 2,147, 2,186 and amino acids at gyrA positions 87 and 91 and gyrB positions 436, 438, 481, 484 to investigate the possible mutations or polymorphisms of genes that lead to clarithromycin and levofloxacin resistance respectively.

    Results: Sixty-one urease-positive gastric biopsy samples were studied. The findings revealed the primary resistance rates to clarithromycin was 14.8% and to levofloxacin was 3.3% in our current scenario based on detection of reported resistance-related mutations of A2147G and D91N in 23S rRNA and gyrA genes, respectively. Interestingly, we found a high rate of silent mutations of the gyrA codon 87Asn (32.8%, 20/61) and two polymorphisms of the gyrB D481E (16.4%, 10/61) and R484K (21.3%, 13/61). The role of these polymorphisms in gyrB remained to be elucidated whether the levels of levofloxacin resistance are related to the position/amino acid.

    Conclusion: The primary resistance rate of H. pylori to clarithromycin has increased compared to the previous report in Malaysia. Therefore, molecular screening could aid and is important for the selection of antibiotics for H. pylori eradication therapies.

  12. Choong EJ, Varathan KD
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11382.
    PMID: 34221705 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11382
    The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a well-known personality test that assigns a personality type to a user by using four traits dichotomies. For many years, people have used MBTI as an instrument to develop self-awareness and to guide their personal decisions. Previous researches have good successes in predicting Extraversion-Introversion (E/I), Sensing-Intuition (S/N) and Thinking-Feeling (T/F) dichotomies from textual data but struggled to do so with Judging-Perceiving (J/P) dichotomy. J/P dichotomy in MBTI is a non-separable part of MBTI that have significant inference on human behavior, perception and decision towards their surroundings. It is an assessment on how someone interacts with the world when making decision. This research was set out to evaluate the performance of the individual features and classifiers for J/P dichotomy in personality computing. At the end, data leakage was found in dataset originating from the Personality Forum Café, which was used in recent researches. The results obtained from the previous research on this dataset were suggested to be overly optimistic. Using the same settings, this research managed to outperform previous researches. Five machine learning algorithms were compared, and LightGBM model was recommended for the task of predicting J/P dichotomy in MBTI personality computing.
  13. Bonfantine KL, Trevathan-Tackett SM, Matthews TG, Neckovic A, Gan HM
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11576.
    PMID: 34249491 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11576
    High throughput sequencing is improving the efficiency of monitoring diatoms, which inhabit and support aquatic ecosystems across the globe. In this study, we explored the potential of a standard V4 515F-806RB primer pair in recovering diatom plastid 16S rRNA sequences. We used PhytoREF to classify the 16S reads from our freshwater biofilm field sampling from three stream segments across two streams in south-eastern Australia and retrieved diatom community data from other, publicly deposited, Australian 16S amplicon datasets. When these diatom operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were traced using the default RDPII and NCBI databases, 68% were characterized as uncultured cyanobacteria. We analysed the 16S rRNA sequences from 72 stream biofilm samples, separated the chloroplast OTUs, and classified them using the PhytoREF database. After filtering the reads attributed to Bacillariophyta (relative abundance >1%), 71 diatom OTUs comprising more than 90% of the diatom reads in each stream biofilm sample were identified. Beta-diversity analyses demonstrated significantly different diatom assemblages and discrimination among river segments. To further test the approach, the diatom OTUs from our biofilm sampling were used as reference sequences to identify diatom reads from other Australian 16S rRNA datasets in the NCBI-SRA database. Across the three selected public datasets, 67 of our 71 diatom OTUs were detected in other Australian ecosystems. Our results show that diatom plastid 16S rRNA genes are readily amplified with existing 515F-806RB primer sets. Therefore, the volume of existing 16S rRNA amplicon datasets initially generated for microbial community profiling can also be used to detect, characterize, and map diatom distribution to inform phylogeny and ecological health assessments, and can be extended into a range of ecological and industrial applications. To our knowledge, this study represents the first attempt to classify freshwater samples using this approach and the first application of PhytoREF in Australia.
  14. Madrim MF, Ja'afar MH, Hod R
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e12014.
    PMID: 34466292 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.12014
    Background: The prevalence of chronic kidney disease is increasing globally, ranking 27th as the cause of death in the 1990s, rising to 18th in 2010 and 10th in 2019. Non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and hypertension have been identified as the common contributing factors, while there is also evidence linking environmental pollutants, especially cadmium, to kidney disease. This study aimed at investigating the level of urinary cadmium and its relationship to albuminuria as an early indicator of kidney problems in the Kepong community.

    Methods: Respondents were surveyed as part of several health-related programs organized by the Kepong District Health Office involving local communities in and around the district from April 2019 to December 2019. Urinalysis of two urine samples was carried out using a Mission reagent strip and an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) test to detect the presence and level of urinary cadmium.

    Results: A total of 240 respondents were enrolled from April 2019 to December 2019. Urinalysis of two urine samples was carried out using a Mission reagent strip and an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) test to detect the level of urinary cadmium. The respondents' average age was 41-year-old (±13.23). Among them, 49.6% were male, 85.0% Malay, 5.8% Chinese and 8.3% Indian. 55.0% had background of tertiary, 39.6% secondary and 5.4% primary level of education. 52.1% were categorized in B40, 34.6% in M40 and 13.3% in T20 based on monthly household income category. 26.7% were hypertensive, 6.7% diabetic, 4.2% had dyslipidemia, 51.7% had urinary cadmium above the alert level, and 27.1% had albuminuria.

    Discussion: Risk factors for albuminuria that have been identified are age with adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 3.53 (1.41-8.83; p 

  15. Saw SH, Tan JL, Chan XY, Chan KG, Ngeow YF
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2484.
    PMID: 27688977 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2484
    BACKGROUND: Meningitis is a major cause of mortality in tuberculosis (TB). It is not clear what factors promote central nervous system invasion and pathology but it has been reported that certain strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) might have genetic traits associated with neurotropism.

    METHODS: In this study, we generated whole genome sequences of eight clinical strains of Mtb that were isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients presenting with tuberculous meningitis (TBM) in Malaysia, and compared them to the genomes of H37Rv and other respiratory Mtb genomes either downloaded from public databases or extracted from local sputum isolates. We aimed to find genomic features that might be distinctly different between CSF-derived and respiratory Mtb.

    RESULTS: Genome-wide comparisons revealed rearrangements (translocations, inversions, insertions and deletions) and non-synonymous SNPs in our CSF-derived strains that were not observed in the respiratory Mtb genomes used for comparison. These rearranged segments were rich in genes for PE (proline-glutamate)/PPE (proline-proline-glutamate), transcriptional and membrane proteins. Similarly, most of the ns SNPs common in CSF strains were noted in genes encoding PE/PPE proteins. Protein globularity differences were observed among mycobacteria from CSF and respiratory sources and in proteins previously reported to be associated with TB meningitis. Transcription factors and other transcription regulators featured prominently in these proteins. Homologs of proteins associated with Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis and Neisseria meningitidis virulence were identified in neuropathogenic as well as respiratory mycobacterial spp. examined in this study.

    DISCUSSION: The occurrence of in silico genetic differences in CSF-derived but not respiratory Mtb suggests their possible involvement in the pathogenesis of TBM. However, overall findings in this comparative analysis support the postulation that TB meningeal infection is more likely to be related to the expression of multiple virulence factors on interaction with host defences than to CNS tropism associated with specific genetic traits.

  16. Tan MS, Tan JW, Chang SW, Yap HJ, Abdul Kareem S, Zain RB
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2482.
    PMID: 27688975 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2482
    The potential of genetic programming (GP) on various fields has been attained in recent years. In bio-medical field, many researches in GP are focused on the recognition of cancerous cells and also on gene expression profiling data. In this research, the aim is to study the performance of GP on the survival prediction of a small sample size of oral cancer prognosis dataset, which is the first study in the field of oral cancer prognosis.
  17. Atroosh WM, Al-Mekhlafi HM, Al-Jasari A, Sady H, Dawaki SS, Elyana FN, et al.
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2191.
    PMID: 27478699 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2191
    Introduction. Despite the efforts of the malaria control programme, malaria morbidity is still a common health problem in Yemen, with 60% of the population at risk. Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for 99% of malaria cases. The emergence in Yemen of parasite resistance to chloroquine (CQ) prompted the adoption of artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) in 2009, which involves the use of artesunate plus sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (AS + SP). However, CQ was retained as the drug of choice for vivax malaria. To assess the impact of the change in the malaria treatment policy five years after its introduction, the present study investigated the mutations in the CQ resistance transporter (pfcrt) and multidrug resistance 1 (pfmdr1) genes. Method. A molecular investigation of 10 codons of pfcrt (72-76, 220, 271, 326, 356, and 371) and five codons of pfmdr1 (86, 184, 1034, 1042, and 1246) was conducted on P. falciparum isolates from districts with the highest malaria endemicity in the Hodeidah and Al-Mahwit governorates in Tehama region, Yemen. A total of 86 positive cases of falciparum monoinfection were investigated for the presence of mutations related to CQ and other antimalarials using a PCR-RFLP assay. Results. There was a wide prevalence of pfcrt gene mutations with the pfcrt 76T CQ resistance marker being predominant (97.7%). The prevalence of other pfcrt mutations varied from high (75E: 88%) to moderate (74I: 79.1%, 220S: 69.8%, 271E and 371I: 53.5%) or low (326S: 36%, 72S: 10.5%). Mutated pfcrt 72-76 amino acids haplotypes were highly prevalent (98.8%). Among these, the CVIET classic, old-world African/Southeast Asian haplotype was the most predominant, and was mostly found in the isolates from the Khamis Bani Saad district of Al-Mahwit (93.1%) and the AdDahi district of Hodeidah (88.9%). However, it was only found in 26.3% of the isolates from the Bajil district of Hodeidah. Surprisingly, the SVMNT new-world South American haplotype was exclusively detected in 9.3% of the isolates from the Bajil district of Hodeidah. Mutations at Y184F of pfmdr1 were found in all isolates (100%) from all districts. The mutation for codons 1034C and 86Y were found only in the isolates from the AdDahi and Khamis Bani Saad districts. Overall, the AdDahi and Khamis Bani Saad districts were similar in terms of carrying most of the mutations in the pfcrt and pfmdr1 genes, while there was a lower prevalence of mutation in the isolates from the Bajil district. Conclusion. The high prevalence of mutations in pfcrt 5 years after the official cessation of CQ use against P. falciparum suggests that there is sustained CQ pressure on P. falciparum isolates in the study area. Moreover, the low prevalence of mutations in the pfmdr1 gene could be a good indicator of the high susceptibility of P. falciparum isolates to antimalarials other than CQ. A new strategy to ensure the complete nationwide withdrawal of CQ from the private drug market is recommended.
  18. Teo A, Guest JR, Neo ML, Vicentuan K, Todd PA
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2180.
    PMID: 27478697 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2180
    Most studies of coral reproductive biology to date have focused on oocyte numbers and sizes. Only one (ex situ) study has enumerated sperm numbers, even though these data have multiple potential applications. We quantified total coral sperm and eggs per gamete bundle collected from six species in situ during a synchronous spawning event in Singapore. Egg-sperm bundles were captured midwater as they floated towards the surface after being released by the colony. For each sample, a semi-transparent soft plastic bottle was squeezed and released to create a small suction force that was used to 'catch' the bundles. This technique provided several advantages over traditional methods, including low cost, ease of use, no diving prior to the night of collection needed, and the ability to target specific areas of the colony. The six species sampled were Echinophyllia aspera, Favites abdita, F. chinensis, Merulina ampliata, M. scabricula and Platygyra pini. The mean number of sperm packaged within one egg-sperm bundle ranged from 2.04 × 10(6) to 1.93 × 10(7). The mean number of eggs per egg-sperm bundle ranged from 26.67 (SE ± 3.27) to 85.33 (SE ± 17.79). These data are critical for fertilisation success models, but the collection technique described could also be applied to studies requiring in situ spawning data at the polyp level.
  19. Kong KW, Abdul Aziz A, Razali N, Aminuddin N, Mat Junit S
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2379.
    PMID: 27635343 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2379
    Barringtonia racemosa is a medicinal plant belonging to the Lecythidaceae family. The water extract of B. racemosa leaf (BLE) has been shown to be rich in polyphenols. Despite the diverse medicinal properties of B. racemosa, information on its major biological effects and the underlying molecular mechanisms are still lacking.
  20. Jayash SN, Hashim NM, Misran M, Baharuddin NA
    PeerJ, 2016;4:e2229.
    PMID: 27635307 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2229
    The receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B (RANK)/RANK ligand/osteoprotegerin (OPG) system plays a critical role in bone remodelling by regulating osteoclast formation and activity. OPG has been used systemically in the treatment of bone diseases. In searching for more effective and safer treatment for bone diseases, we investigated newly formulated OPG-chitosan complexes, which is prepared as a local application for its osteogenic potential to remediate bone defects.
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